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Re: Brain fog answers, birth control
joegrane Views: 1,139
Published: 8 y
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Re: Brain fog answers, birth control

You might do better to spread the Mg doses throughout the day rather than just before bed.

The body needs the trace mineral molybdenum (Mo) to convert potentially problematic sulfites (with an I ) to potentially helpful sulfate (with an A ). Mo is also involved in breakdown of a toxin from yeast--acetaldehyde. So Mo might be a something to investigate. You'll probably need to purchase Mo online or at a specialty vitamin shop rather than the local pharmacy.

Are you sensitive to things containing sulfites --dried fruit, sulfites in some wines, etc?

Again, I'm not so concerned about the DHEA itself due to the normal levels of other related hormones. I'd investigate the -S portion, liver sulfation and its link to substances that tend to amp us up. I hope I explained that sufficiently.

Is the combo before bed helpful? Melatonin can also be helpful at that time of day.

Have you tried GABA during the day to see if it helps you to calm down a bit?

GABA along with the related amino acid, glutamine, have been quite nice for a friend who has a long history of anxiety and PTSD. So has pregnenolone and related hormones; however, her hormone panel reported almost everything low or lo-norm. That is not your situation.

I would not expect one adrenal *cortex* glandular capsule per day to cause an increase in anxiety or to greatly lessen it. Again, I assume you don't have lots of chemical sensitivities.

There are a few digestive enzymes that contain DPP-IV for helping people to deal with gluten, soy and casein. I think Houston makes one.

I'd focus on those things that can have a calming effect--Mg, GABA/glutamine, sulfate support-- before trying to ramp up hormones, mitochondria, catecholamines.


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