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Re: Fart breath/tonsil stones
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Re: Fart breath/tonsil stones

I somehow stumbled upon this site..this posting in particular n it caught my interest, as I once struggled with this same issue. And once I discovered that I could actually kind of dig around my tonsils n see them in hiding, although not every time, I became obsessed at looking for them in order to get them out so I wouldn't be in total paranoia n fear of people possibly being able to smell them during our communication. This "hobby" kind of consumed me n i remember thinking, retrospectively, during that time, that since I had actually discovered them n began to physically manipulate them to get them out, rather than leaving them alone (BC prior, I had no idea they were a thing n just wondered what the smell or slight sensation was when I'd swallow) the rate of how often id get them seemed to triple in frequency; it was almost as if, the more I'd obsess over them n look for them, the more they were "mass producing" lol. But to start closing this up, I'll say that there is hope n you can get rid of the problem, in one step and you'll completely be eliminated of this "social life killer" PERMANENTLY n never deal with toilet bowl shit breath ever again. So everything you're doing on your own there, at home, to eliminate them may certainly have brought you temporary satisfaction or oh good, I can kiss my boyfriend tonight, without being completely paranoid of sudden tonsil stone peeking thru, just enough to emanate a "mystery" smell of dead ass protruding through my mouth during intimacy...but everything you're doing at home, can only be a short lived n the stones will re-occur. I went to an ear nose throat specialist n had my tonisils removed. No it didn't hurt or was it even a big deal, medically concerning n the procedure was done over 10 years ago n I've not had one problem occur Post surgery n no I don't have a single regret over gettIng them removed. I'm not sure what would've or could've occurred that I'd be here today saying, oh man, I wish I never would've gotten my tonsils removed, I'd rather have ass growing out of tonsils like they used to than to deal with .....whatever it could be...Get them removed, especially if u have insurance n if u don't, 'maybe u can work out a monthly payment plan with the facility u have in mind (I'd call as many possible till I get a YES) BC if you're currently obsessed with them as I once was, this solution is a quick, pain free, permanent solution (I actually did read that a re-occurance was a possibility but I'm pretty sure that only pertains to those of us who are part alien sub species or something else so bizarre about us


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