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Re: Immune deficiency and IVIG
BrightSideOfLife Views: 4,106
Published: 10 y
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Re: Immune deficiency and IVIG

The Antibiotics and Essential oils might of seemed like a good idea at the time but depending upon which ones you took, could have a devastating effect on your digestive health and could of been what created or at least contributed to your current problems.

The bacteria that are/were embedded in your colon, many of which came from your mother at birth and in your early life regulate your immune function, stimulating and retarding the immune system function, stimulating anti body production as well as maintaining the digestive health, which is a complex topic. Drastically change the bacteria and severe immune dysfunction can result.

People take EO and do not consider the consequences! They are strong in their effects and can go through biofilms and destroy the resident bacteria that are embedded in you colon wall and regulate your core immune system function. Destroy the residents and any of the bacteria passing through your colon can take up residence in the space left free and these could be pathogenic or at least, not helpful to your bodies and immune system function. Antibiotics , not much needs to be said about that medication, it is causing people major problems, changing people's digestive function.

I think that you might have to try and rebuild your colonic bacteria and attempt to make it more health so that it can regulate your immune system effective once more. That is very tough to do because the residence of your colon will no give up their homes easily.

Things that might help in the short term are fermented foods. This is fairly cheap and easy to do. Sauerkraut, yoghurt, keefir etc etc. Eat as much as you consume. Bacteria tend to reproduce so once you have a starter they can continue to make new batches. However you do occasionally need to start fresh because of the risk of bacteriophages which are viruses which attack bacteria and can change them and their function.

See if you can get your immune system function improved enough that you can stop the Antibiotics ASAP. Then you can attempt to fix the problems but it will be time consuming and you will need to monitor your immune system function while you do it. Obviously you cannot just stop antibiotics if you are at risk of life threatening infections but they are having consequences which are not helping your situation and you need to try and get off them as soon as you can. The problem is that to change your colon, you have to eliminate so many food sources to do it. Doing that could negatively affect your immune function which was supported by what you were consuming. As I said, I do not expect it to be easy or quick.

Eating prebiotic foods might be helpful when you consume any fermented foods. Strong probiotic capsules might be needed such as VSL#3 or any of the other ones which are available.

I suggest that you look at the GAPS diet and SCD diets to do this. GAPS is largely based upon SCD. ATM starting either is probably not a good idea but you probably will need them later.


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