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Re: Cystic Acne, Dry Eyes, and Chronic Fatigue. Please Help.
grizz Views: 5,332
Published: 10 y
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Re: Cystic Acne, Dry Eyes, and Chronic Fatigue. Please Help.

I agree with White Shark about doctors, Antibiotics and more. White Shark is a valuable contributor to the Curezone.

However I have a somewhat different outlook on Acne and your problems. A MAJOR cause of skin Acne is city water treated with toxins of fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals. I suggest ASAP to start drinking only distilled or mineral water. Distillers for any size family are available at Amazon.Com. If you haven't already done so, stop drinking anything that is sugary such as soda pop, alcoholic beverages.

>>dry eyes, and chronic fatigue are the worst of my symptoms, but I also experience mild rosacea, hyper-pigmentation, oily skin, dark circles under my eyes, digestive problems (e.g. diarrhea at least once or twice a week), brain fog, difficult concentrating, low-grade depression, social anxiety, bad breath, and skin that almost appears yellow sometimes<<

Many of your symptoms are typically caused by severe Iodine deficiency. For optimal health, every cell in our body requires iodine. Unfortunately, the toxins we live in of bromide, fluoride & chlorine have replaced Iodine in our cells, and in our thyroid which depends on Iodine to function. We live in a sea of these toxins.

See this website for more information on supplementing with iodine:

Also see our iodine testimonials for how many of your problems that have been cured with iodine:

Iodine with required co-supplements will detox your body and replace vital iodine into your cells. You can get a Urine Loading Test to see just how deficient you are:
See "Testing for Iodine"

You very likely have Candida from all of those Antibiotics you took. See this:
Candida Cured Forever with Vitamin D3 by CandidaWars
Doctors explain why this works so well

We cannot possibly treat all the diseases that result from Vitamin D3 deficiency”
“ There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world, and it's an epidemic of such depth and seriousness that it makes the H1N1 swine flu epidemic look like a case of the sniffles by comparison. Vitamin D deficiency is not only alarmingly widespread, it's also a root cause of many other serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease.”
Take 10,000 IU Daily of Vitamin D3 Geltabs. After 3 months, test your D3 blood level to be between 70 & 80 ng/ml ( at home blood test) Then adjust iodine dosage up or down to get 70 to 80 ng/ml. Each 1,000 IU change in dosage results in 10 ng/ml change in the blood test.

A tell tale sign of Candida is a white tongue or white patches in your mouth.

Candida Research Report:

So bottom line, lets see how you do with D3 and Iodine supplements. I'm certain it will clear up many, if not all of your symptoms.



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