I am sorry for your suffering, but unfortunately, it was self-inflicted, or inflicted by your parents.
I don't have a very good news for you, only some good news.
Good news is: it is curable or controllable.
Bad news: it is going to take time, effort, dedication, knowledge, reading, learning, understanding and a lot of discipline.
I will just give you a few words so you can do your own research and your own reading :
Liver Flush ;
Rotation-Elimination Diet ;
Fecal Transplant ;
- emotional healing ;
sulfites ;
nitrates ;
nitrites ;
sorbates ;
benzoates ;
citrates ;
- acetates ;
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) ;
Andreas Moritz ;
Blood Type Diet ;
- low histamines diet ;
- Low FODMAPS diet ;
Read this thread:
The biggest mistake of your life was going to doctors and taking prescription medications.
That mistake will add years to the healing process.
Acne may have started with your parents taking you to doctors when you were baby, with
Antibiotics , medications, vaccines, poor diet or it may have started with your mother being vaccinated or using
Antibiotics , hormonal contraception, steroids, poor diet,
Antibiotics in diet, hormones in diet or other toxins before you were born.
That is the cause of acne. It is self inflicted.
People pay for vaccines, antibiotics, prescriptions, hormones, steroids, poor food, poor water ... and in turn that causes health problems to them or to their kids or to their grandchildren.
That is why I call it self-inflicted.
Self-inflicted out of ignorance.
Use of antibiotics, birth control and other prescription medications and toxins across generations causes acne.
Poor diet from your side just makes it worse.
Antibiotics in meat and diet make it worse.
Sugar in diet makes it worse.
Antibiotics you took during the last 10 years have only destroyed that little left of your good microbiota, your intestinal health and your liver health.
Your healing tasks now are:
- heal your liver
- heal your intestines
- heal your microbiota
- ignore treating your skin, any topical treatment will only extend total healing time
Now, it will take time because you neglected to do it for more than 10 years.
If you have a car, you drive that car, you use inappropriate fuel, inappropriate oil, inappropriate tires, and you keep neglecting red lights telling you that engine oil is low, steering oil is low, cooling liquid is low , engine is overheating etc ...
It does not really matter if you took that car every single day to car wash, car polish and if your car shines from outside. ... the fact is, once that car stops, and it is going to stop running very soon, it is going to cost a lot to fix it and it is going to take a lot of time.
And, all that could have been prevented by using appropriate fuel, appropriate oil, adding oil, changing oil, changing filters and adding cooling liquid at the right time.
- correct diet is equivalent of using appropriate fuel, appropriate engine oil and appropriate tires, appropriate spare parts
Liver Flush is equivalent of changing oil and changing oil filter regularly on your car engine ;
Fecal Transplant is equivalent of replacing worn out parts of your engine, changing register belt, changing filters, changing liquids ...
As you neglected to do it for so many years, now it is going to take a very long time to fix everything.
Every month and every year of neglecting your engine needs adds weeks or month to the healing process.
That link you gave is good, but that is not enough for you.
You will also need
Liver Flushes and fecal transplants on top of perfect anti candida diet.
Read and learn: