That white worm could be a pin worm. The females can get that big and they have pointy tails. They go systemic like ascari. I've been treating a systemic infection of three different types of worms since September. The pin worms have been the hardest to kill.I tried every type of herb and med. The only things that actually helped were Papaya seed smoothies with 1/2 a papaya scoop out seeds and all. The greener the better.1 tablespoon coconut oil and a fruit juice with carrot juice in it. Take on an empty stomach and stay near the toilet for a few hours. This paralyzes them and lots come out. Ive seen the most success with Albendazole 400 mg twice a day. I'm on day 10. 4 more days to go and I am feeling no movement and am now not passing anything. Lots of die off and passing of worms. If I had it to do again I would just start with something to paralyze them so they don't spread and this med. I'm crossing my fingers that this is a turning point for me. Its a long uncomfortable road. Keep fighting.