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Re: Bloated on Fruitarian diet..why?
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Re: Bloated on Fruitarian diet..why?

I've heard of this occuring quite frequently when folk switch to an all fruit diet. I have a close friend who has struggled with bowel health with fruits on 80/10/10 - yet are still persisting.

It could be unaddressed candida overgrowth in the bowels that you never really noticed with your previous diet that is now very pleased to being fed a lot of high GI carbs and fructose?

Or it could be parasites that equally are enjoying the new nutrient dense feasts?

Bowel flora imbalances? Have you tried probiotics?

I had the same issue when i was majority fruits you mono-mealing - it still happened. I gave up the diet in the end.

I'm doing a parasite cleanse currently - i won't go into detail but it's a horrendous journey when you actually SEE what has been stealing your nutrition and causing bowel problems. Not saying you are definately dealing with parasites too but it's certainly foolish to discard the possibility like i have for ...ohhhh a good 10 years as the notion just simply disgusted me.

parasites soon teach us to get 'real' about life! hahaa..
and ignorance of parasites, unfortunately doesn't = bliss.

But certainly flow the easier route of probiotics to perhaps see if that helps, it's highly likely they could.

Good luck!


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