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Re: The REAL half-life of DMSA
powertool4 Views: 6,826
Published: 14 y
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Re: The REAL half-life of DMSA

First off, if you can't see that many Andy CULTer's followers are religious fanatics just like Apple boys or any other person with undying loyalty to something they think "makes perfect sense", then I'm sorry to say you're one of those people.

People believe and die for their beliefs because they truly believe that they are right. No idiot straps a bomb to their chest unless their perception of their reality was that there was a real living God that will bless them for doing that deed. That being said, people who believe Cutler to be the ultimate truth and his protocol to be perfect believe so because they BELIEVE he is right. I don't question their belief. I question people who develop loyalty, belief and/or faith for a certain set of rituals, ideas or concepts and decides to submit completely to it without accepting that things and people change. That Cutler could be wrong or Christianity could be wrong, that newer technologies, newer trials and errors and experiences could prove what was thought to be TRUTH to be in fact erroneous.

The difference between you and me in seems, is not our beliefs in what is right but our attitude and reasoning in how to approach new information even if it means absolute change and upheaval of the current system. I have to say it's not surprising. The human being is trained and hardwired to do so. If you spent the past 30 years researching something and dedicating your entire LIFE to it, living and breathing said materials (can be applied to religion or any subject that affects your worldview) and someone came out with new research that completely destroyed your life's work and your reality, most people deny it or attack it as a defense mechanism against change and disturbance of their current reality and life as they know.

I'm sorry that at some point you read Cutler's work and it worked for you and that you decided to submit to him and his work or protocol and let your mind's antivirus down but I don't think that way. The Cutler method could work for me 100% but I'll say this, if he comes out with a new claim that I didn't agree with I would speak up and acknowledge what is the truth.

If you really want to argue reasoning and correct way of thinking, I suggest you study the trivium and really get into the history and methods of how the human brain's reasoning works and how the #1 mistake people make is to follow this procedure : a) gather information b) make conclusions c) finalize conclusion and end research.

When the correct way is a) gather information and concepts b) make conclusions while removing contradictions c) rhetoric. REPEAT. d) gather information e) Make NEW conclusions, remove contradictions. REPEAT.

Attachment to one set of rules or beliefs is never a good approach to learning my friend.


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