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Re: Tooth And Gum Restore Formula Dr Christopher
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Re: Tooth And Gum Restore Formula Dr Christopher

note I could no longer edit my first post due to some new rule and I see I forgot to post the link to one of the places that sell a fomula the same or very similar to Dr Schulze as far as ingredients here is that link[search]=tooth&s[title]=Y&s[short_desc]=Y&s[full_desc]=Y&s[sku]=Y&s[match]=all&s[cid]=0

Also stop all dairy products. I just yesterday reread in the book "eat to live" by Dr Joel Furhman referring the china study etc that countries that eat more dairy lose more bone and have more osteoporosis and hip fractures

The author says "For instance, American women drink 30-32 times as much cow's milk as the New Guineans, yet suffer 47 times as many broken hips. A multi-country analysis of hip fracture  incident and dairy products consumption found that milk consumption has a high statistical association with high fates of hip fracture."

It is not that milk and dairy product cause osteoporosis (bone loss) but they certainly do not protect against getting it. it is complex and involves other factors such as dietary acid =alkaline balance (meats and dairy and most foods make one too acidic while produce and sprouts alkalize so more raw fruits and veggies and less meat and cheese or better yet become a vegan or substitute plant meats, beans, and vegan chess and plant milks (plant milk does not negatively affect one like animal milks (try almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, oat milk, coconut milk (and powdered milk available at Indian markets), and hemp milk or if a raw foodist make raw almond milk.

In addition osteoporosis is affected by trace minerals, plant phytochemical. exercise, exposure to sunlight, and more.

You need to understand negative and positive balance of calcium consumption.

Let's say you take 1000 mg of calcium a about a third gets absorbed..
so if you absorb about 300 mg, the remaining 700 mg gets discarded with your stool.  If in that same 24 hour period, you excreted 350 mg of calcium in your urine.

This would put you in a negative calcium balance as you absorbed 300 but you excreted 350 mg in your urine leaving you 50 mg short. this gets taken from your bone and eventually leads to bone loss as the bones are our major storage site of calcium (teeth are too).

A positive calcium balance means more calcium is absorbed than excreted.

Studies show osteoporosis (and I would assume tooth bone loss is part of that) is not linked to low calcium but to various nutritional factors that cause excessive calcium excretion in the urine which is the primary cause of bone loss.

Some of the factors that induce calcium loss in the urine are as follows" animal protein, salt, caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, nicotine, aluminum containing antacids, vitamin a supplements. and drugs such as antibiotics, steroids and thyroid hormone, so reduce all of these to try to maintain bone.

Also include plant sources of calcium like dark leafy greens.

Published data connects clearly urinary excretion of calcium with animal protein but NOT with vegetable protein so vegan, vegan, vegan products and hopefully lifestyle (as far as vegan cheeeses. I like vegan gourmet cheese Monterey jack sold at whole foods and rice and soy parmesan "cheese")

I became a vegan 18 months ago trying to reverse my diabetews (my last 4 aics had rtested normally)  and though I loved animal foods, I did not find it near as difficult as I thought to go vegan as there are so many wonderful foods one can eat. I also recommend a minimum of 50% raw foods (which includes raw nuts/seeds and nut milks and their milks and butter, evoo (olive oil) etc see the hacres.copm site what is the hallelujah diet for a list of what foods are considered raw and while there read the many testimonies of an 85% raw vegan whole food diet.

In additon, animal protein intake leads to a heavy acid load in the blood which sets off a chain reaction where calcium is removed from bones and excreted in the urine to help neutralize the acid. The higher amounts of protein contribute to calcium loss with its effect on teeth and bones and the average American gets 3 times too much protein in their diet and the average vegetarian gets twice as much protein as they need.  We may know that we need less protein than we are taught and new findings show it can be as little as 5% of our calories. A whole food veganb diet can nearly never be defiicent in protein. Some veggies contain as much as 50% protein.

We can take more calcium in supplements and it helps a little but does not fix it..we needs to reduce the other bad stuff including vitamin a supplementation and salt/sugar etc to also stem the loss of our calcium in the urine.

Eskimos consume over 2000 mg of calcium a day from all the soft fish bones they consume but have the highest hip fracture rates in the world because they consume so much protein from the fish.

All the above info came from the book eat to live chapter 4 and more is found there.

Fuhrman recommends fruits and veggies as the best help for the bones and says to consume green veggies.. beans, tofu, sesame seeds, and even oranges as containing lots of usable calcium.  Dark leafy greens are our best sources.

Many green veggies have calcium absorption rates of 50% compared to 32% from milk and unlike milk do not excrete near as much which leads to calcium positive balance not negative like animals products do.

Both Schulze and Christopher whose formulas are in the above posts always tried to get their patients on a vegan or near vegan diet and neither used milk/dairy (Christopher occasionally allowed a little organic cottage cheese and clean chicken or fish no more than once time a week), and used the mucusless diet while Schulze preached straight vegan and for the ill 100% raw so these healign of the gums may have not been in a vacuum, but some like the story Dr Christopher told of the lady who was going to lose all herteeth were as that is all she knew wen she happened to stop in that lecture accidientally and just heard that part right when she needed it (see site- then type  legacy of courage into the search for chriostopher's biograpy for more on this story  and many other miracle healings he had. amazing reading! the story about the lady may also be found by typing tooth or gums into his search engine there.

I would also start taking 1-2 tbs of raw (spectrum, braggs Eden brands) apple cider vinegar in water 3 times a day. These are brands that contain the other and are found at health food stores and health food sections of the supermarket.  raw honey can be added if desired.

This helps not only alkalize the body but it causes the calcium to go to the bones and not the joints and blood.  The book on arthritis by Dr Jarvis who started the vinegar craze with his Vermont folk medicine book has a book on arthritis sold on amazon which is very interesting.  He speaks of how when cows (he treated both cows and people being a allopathic doctor and a vet who came back to Vermont to study its 200 year old folk history) that were slaughtered showed differences verifying that it does this.

The cows who had been given vinegar over their rations daily had bones that were hard for butchers to cut and easy to cut through arteries and flesh that was tender indicating that their calcium went to bones (and teeth) were it was supposed to and did into settle in the arteries and the joint hardening our bodies and turning them more to stone so to speak...the vinegar keeps the flesh soft and the joints limber.

On the other hand the cows not fed the apple cider vinegar had soft bones that butchers found easy to cut but tough to cut through joints, flesh and arteries indicating the calcium was not going where it was supposed to and it seems this means the blood was too acidy and thus the body leeched calcium to neutralize it as mentioned above.

So do add your vinegar (and never use vinegar in plastic bottles as the acid in the jar causes the plastic to leech into the vinegar). In the body it turns things alkaline not acidic though.  I would not put pasteurized vinegar in my body as I have read it is unsafe though Jarvis did sometimes use the Heinz brand in his test but if you can spring a bit extra and get the braggs or other brands as the raw vinegar is very health giving

So make or buy both tooth and gum formulas and use as directed, stop eating animal foods especially dairy or cut to a maximum of 10% and work towards getting rid of that eventually, use vegan/veggie substitutes for meat, cheese, sour cream, ice cream, milk, etc and eliminate/rarely use  eggs. Consider going vegan, whole food and a high percentage of raw foods. Also take the vinegar drink 3 times a day (this will make arthritis go away but it will return if one stops the vinegar), get rid of the things that leech calcium into the urine like salt, sugar, vitamin A supplements, smoking, caffeine etc. Add lots of green leafy veggies, green smoothies (mix greens of all kind with fruit, water and ice and sweeten if desired with a natural sweetener like raw agave nectar, real maple syrup, raw honey, date sugar, barley malt etc. also green juices and green veggies and the things mentioned above like sesame seeds, oranges etc. (note alternate these greens for your green smoothies/green juices do not use the same every day as could make you sick

Some of the greens are kale, collard greens, carrot, beet, turnip, daikon and radish green leafy tops, watercress, parsley, romaine, spinach, Swiss chard, celery, broccoli, bok choy, any Asian market green or safe wild green like plantain grow in lawns and parks everywhere), dandelion greens, cleavers, purselane, lamb's quarter. strawberry or daisy leaves, mint, etc

Put these into a juicer or blender or vitamix with any fruit you like (apple, grapes, mango, kiwi-strawberry, pear, watermelon, banana, pineapple etc) blend with or without ice and natural sweetener..a study showed even if the people ade no other diet chance but adding one quart of green smoothie a day, they lost weight and had health improvements.

I hope this gives you some direction and hope in trying to reverse your condition.

If all else fails then add the complete save your life program by Dr Richard Schulze to this. (you can email me for more info if you get to that point).




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