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Tooth And Gum Restore Formula Dr Schulze how to make it
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Tooth And Gum Restore Formula Dr Schulze how to make it

Tooth & Gum Oil
For receding, rotting gums and teeth, diseased dental bone


10 oz Echinacea Tincture
¼ cup Tea tree oil
4 oz Bayberry tincture
2 oz Oak Gall (or 3x oak bark) tincture
2 tbs Cayenne tincture
2.5 dropperfuls Peppermint oil
2.5 dropperfuls Clove oil

Shake well before use. Note: Dropperful = ½ way up the dropper. Use organic ingredients.

Apply directly to gums, or swish around the mouth with water (dropperful into 1 ounce of water). Twice a day at least.

The formulator of this formula, Dr. Richard Schulze , says "The Echinacea tincture deadens the pain immediately – when you get it down into your gum line. It also is a surface disinfectant and stimulates your immune system to start working against bacteria that is down in there. The bayberry is one of the stronger astringents, so it will take that gum tissue and literally tighten it right up in front of your eyes. . . . " Oak is also an astringent. "Oh yes, peppermint is a very strong disinfectant, and it’s a very strong circulatory stimulant. Dr. Christopher even listed it next to cayenne in his School of Natural Healing under circulation stimulants. Peppermint also reduces inflammation, so it’s a great one for curing dental diseases."

"For receding, infected or rotting gums, diseased dental bone, teeth in danger of removal – use this formula . . ."

From an interview with S a m B i s e r.

sb: Now let’s go to gum problems. You just helped a friend of mine cure an incurable gum condition. Let’s explain what happened and what you did, so readers could get identical cures themselves.

Schulze: Certainly. Your friend was scheduled to have all his upper teeth removed immediately.

For him, it was dangerous, because he was a diabetic and prone to uncontrolled bleeding. He took Vitamin C for his gums, but it was useless. His teeth wobbled up and down, and blood dripped down his throat from the infected gums.

His lifelong dentist was so afraid of a blood clot going to the brain, he sent the patient to a second dentist. He said he couldn’t live with himself if something went wrong, i.e. death.

You told me about the problem, and I sent by overnight express a mixture I made up. I instructed your friend to put 90 drops into a water pik, to drive the solution deep into the gums. Within a day, the gums were 50% better. Within a week, 90% cured. Gums firm, pain gone. His dentist was baffled – because your friend didn’t tell about the herbs; he just told the dentist that he had "prayed".

"I’ve never seen anybody go longer than 2 or 3 days with the dental formula and not have their gum bleeding stop."

Usage suggestions: The formula is strong but can be applied directly to the gums. You can take a small sip and swish it around in your mouth. Most people prefer to put a dropperful (35 drops) into an ounce of water and use as a mouth wash or put about 8 to 12 drops on a wet tooth brush and brush their teeth. Do not rinse your mouth!

Dr. Schulze suggests:

"Put it in a water pik. A water pik is the greatest way to introduce herbal extracts into your teeth and gums.

Buy a water pik, fill it with distilled water, put two, four, six, or even eight dropperfuls of this tooth and gum mixture into the water pik. Start it off on the low setting, but then work over weeks to raise it to its highest setting. Do this twice a day. Anybody who has bleeding gums: do this for two days, and your gums will stop bleeding."

Important note: Also, when you’re done, rinse about 10 seconds of clear water through the water pik, because the tea tree and peppermint oils will burn out all the gaskets in the machine.

No one else will tell you that – because they have no practical experience with herbs. If you don’t rinse it out in two weeks, you won’t have an $80 machine anymore, because it’s all leaking and falling apart. That’s because these oils disintegrate rubber – and the gaskets in the machine are rubber.

Personally, I dip a kid’s (small and soft) toothbrush into it and massage the gums at least once a day. Lately, I’ve taken to apply this tinc to cancer sores and the likes, and the result is amazing!! If you don’t want to make your own (oak gall can’t be bought, it has to be wildcrafted, for example) check out my recipe pages, where I list what I sell…. I usually have enough to give up at least one or two bottles….. although it is precious, as galls are so hard to find these days…. Don’t freak, the ingredients and hence the final product is quite expensive… worth its weight in gold tho….


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