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Bartholin's Gland Abscess Hell Experience
hatsoff22 Views: 21,976
Published: 16 y
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Bartholin's Gland Abscess Hell Experience

Hi I'm 16 and have already had 2 of these terrible abscesses and I think I'm on the verge of getting another one. But I'm not quite sure, these abscesses have made me quite paranoid.With the first one I had no clue what it was until the pain was completly unbearable and I had to go to the emergency room in the middle of night. The doctor said he'd have to make a small incision. It may have been small but the pain was huge. The anestesia obviously didn't work which made That the most definitly the worst pain I have ever experienced in my entire LIFE so far. He then gave me a stich and told me to come back in 3 days. Well they prescribed me plenty of Antibiotics and Tylenol 3 for pain. I thought this was over. But one month later another bartholin abscess appeared and I thought to myself no this can't be happening again. And this one felt completly different from the first one. But of course,it was there and I went to the Emergency room again. They told me to go to the gyno and prescribed me Antibiotics (Clindamycin) in a very high dose and told me to take sitz baths. With the Antibiotics the abscess went away on it own. Now 1 month later I think I'm getting again but I'm not entirely sure. I refuse to go under the knife once again (way too traumitizing)my mom says I being a real chicken about all this but she hasn't gone through it so I have now looked to homeopathics methods and sitz baths.I just bought Silicea 30C at my local vitamin shop for about 8 bucks lets see if it works.And for all of you going through this I know the pain you're in I'm a 3 month long veteran to the Bartholin devil!!


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