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Compassionate & Humane Treatments Vs Brutality & Cruelty Treatments For The Mentally-illed Ones
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Compassionate & Humane Treatments Vs Brutality & Cruelty Treatments For The Mentally-illed Ones

"I disagree. Research and you will find that most people with a mental illness was locked away."

"You may be right, nevertheless, locking such persons away, well, most of the times may just worsen their conditons for the very fact that most of such mentally-illed people might actually have experienced extreme cases of oppression, interpersonal pressures, high stress and sometimes abuses by the other persons before they actually come to develop such mental disorders."

"Next, the surroundings of a limited confined space / environment, which in many cases may just represent some form of oppressions to such people, and well, I don't think that such confined surroundings are, in any way actually conducive to the improvement of the mental conditions of such people, especially when such people are actually locked away for a long period of time, for that may actually constitute another form of extreme oppressions to such people."

"And that's why psychotherapy and other interactive / interpersonal / emotional and communications supports are important for the mental health care of such people."

Well, I have something more to add about these quotations excerpted from the prior posts.

Actually as a part-time social worker, working along with other associates and dealing mainly with the in-patients of the government-funded psychiatric / mental wards and those of the special-care nursing homes, mainly by giving them our voluntary counselling therapies, one very common scenario that me and the other associates of social workers have observed so far, and yet pervasively concealed from the others, is actually the physical abuses, maltreatments and sometimes deliberate tortures etc inflicted by the related operatives-in-charge of such psychiatric facilities onto the mentally-retarded, senile and demented psychiatric in-patients of such medical facilities, which almost invariably go entirely unreported and grossly kept off the records. And most of the times, the victims involved may include those old senile people with impaired hearings, poor visions, severe cognitive problems, parkinson's disease, alzheimers, senile dementia etc. And whenever we come across such scenarios, we would try our best to stop such physical abuses, maltreatments and deliberate tortures from happening.

For your further information, for the psychiatrists and other medical personnel-charge of these medical facilities such as what we have observed so far, they would simply tend to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear on such physical abuses, mistreatments and sometimes deliberate tortures etc which happen in their very presences.

In such a connection, all these scenarios above simply remind me of certain past events, issues and scenarios about the supposedly right and correct way in which the mentally-illed patients should be treated in order to serve their best curative and health care interests in line with the very basic humanitarian grounds.

As such, please consider the following two websites included below :

Next, what I wish to say is that, along with everything that has been revealed and established in the distant past, I firmly believe that mentally-illed patients by right should be treated with greater amounts of cares, compassions, kindness, considerations and patience which are in turn geared towards the very practical purposes of the gradual step-by-step improvements of their mental conditions and recoveries of their sanities.

In this regard, brutalities, cruelties, violences, maltreatments, physical abuses, tortures and any other harsh treatments, along with all those intentional, deliberate and purposeful mockings, jeerings, ridicules, derisions, disparagings, scornfulness, sarcasms, insults, humiliations and other hurtful things which are inflicted by the others onto the mentally-illed persons, well, all these malicious acts, such as what the medical histories have undoubtedly revealed, they are in fact far more detrimental and damaging to the mentally-illed persons than the very mental disorders that these pathetic persons themselves are having at the same time.

Well, by right the society should have adopted very much more tolerant, considerate and compassionate approaches towards the ones troubled with mental disorders. This is simply for the fact that treating such mentally-illed people harshly instead of compassionately, that would only serve to make things worse for such people and at the same time, I am in the in the opinion that for those persons choosing to behave like 'bullies', who are actually so unconscionable / conscienless enough to the extent that they would actually bring themselves to purposefully do hurtful things to the mentally-illed ones, the society and community as a whole should feel ashamed of such very malicious acts of theirs.

In addition, there may be certain psychiatric in-patients who tend to behave and respond violently and aggressively to the others. And as social workers, as well as some of the psychiatrists that we work with, we simply understand that they are behaving so substantially, if not totally out of their own free will owing to the overwhelming psychotic influnces of the mental disorders that 'force' them to behave so. However, this is barely and hardly a valid ground for these mentally-illed people to be alienated and denied of any compassions and right treatments that they deserve from the psychiatrists and other related personnel. For your information, whenever we come across such patients, we would always try our best to calm them down at first, and then do our best to get their personal trusts and confidence so that we could go about influencing them in positive and sensible ways later on.

In a nutshell, mentally-illed people, despite the fact that they are mentally-abnormal compared to the perfectly healthy individuals, they are after all human beings just like anyone else. And as such, they would naturally deserve the basic human rights, due respects, cares, compassions and patiences they need from the others for the gradual and step-by-step improvements of their mental conditions , and it is beyond any doubts that such a principle is at least justified on humanitarian grounds.

In this regard, for the brutalities, cruelties, maltreatments, phsycial abuses, deliberate humiliations, derisions, ridicules, disparagings and other purposeful malicious acts administered, or rather inflicted deliberately upon the mentally-illed ones, the society and community as a whole should, by obligations of humanities, put a stop on such heinous, sinister, outrageous atrocities and monstrosities which have been victimizing the mentally-illed ones over the centuries pervasively, ubiquitously, and yet almost totally concealedly.

So, God help us !


Follow-up (With BBC Videos) : - Care Homes : CCTV 'could be considered', Secret filming by BBC Panorama shows some residents being taunted, roughly handled and one being slapped etc. (please refer to the relevant video clips) - Care Homes : The known and the unknown


Whilst certainly and naturally, anyone would generally, objectively and reasonably agree and believe that the real-life cases of deliberate abuses as pointed out above is obviously and merely a small and tiny tip of the whole big iceberg of the topic elaborated in this and the prior post above.


as excerpted from:

(Please refer to post # 32)



Other Key Points To Ponder Over - - Issues on Secret Filmings (In Any Forms) In Relation to the BBC Videoed Documentary Above - Follow-up : Other Ugly Truths About Cost-cutting Policy of The Public Psychiatric Medical Facility  - Follow-up from the preceding article above - Antipsychotics & Neuroleptics - Striking a Fine Balance for Such Double-edge Swords -Follow-up from the preceding 2 articles above - Extrapyramidal Symptoms - Various forms of abnormal body movements - Official Information In Relation to the prior 3 posts above - More Related BBC Videos

How would you react to the hard evidences that would incriminate the ones deliberately brutalizing, maltreating and physically abusing mentally-ill people ?





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