Kirilian Photo Comaprison of different Metals in Orgonite.
By setting up the Rodin Coil as a PEMF device we can direct the desired frequencies and voltage thru body tissue and bone to a sub par organ or system using much less input energy (compared to conventional PEMF devices). Thus increasing the output of ATP production and increasing the viability of the cell(s) in their normal actions
Thank you for the comments. I bought one at : before I had read your comments about it. Then once I read your comments, I called them. Very nice people. It turns out they are distributors for Don's zapper. So it is the same as his Terminator, they said they just called it a different name. They have been doing business with Don for over 8 years. So all's a happy family there.
Now about the zapper, IT's WONDERFUL. In less than three days I experienced a notable reduction of the candida symptoms! What a relief! I've been battling this for years. I also had an interesting experience. I accidentally drank some carrot juice before noticing that it had gone bad. I spit out what I could, but had already swallowed some. Within minutes my stomach ached, and I felt like I was going to throw up. Then I went and placed the zapper on my stomach, and within minutes all the nausea was gone and I was fine.
These are remarkable tools!!
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