I don't know if this is a scam or not. But I am often surprised at how many people who like to talk about making and using and distributing orgonite have read next to nothing about Wilhelm Reich and know very little about any of his original theories. most people don't even know that the word “orgone” as the word orgasm as its root word
I have always been highly suspicious of using aluminum in any kind of energy device. I did not know that Wilhelm had conducted experiments and determined that it was dangerous. What the hell? Why would somebody advise people to use aluminum knowing full well that Reich had forbidden it? Either that or Croft simply hasn't done his homework and yet insists he is some kind of an expert
Anyway I hope all of this orgonite that people have gifted around the world is doing some good. I know the vast majority of those people have done this with the best of intentions. So let's just hope those intentions override any of the negative forces here