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Re: Whipple's disease
Carty3 Views: 2,981
Published: 8 y
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Re: Whipple's disease

The treatment nowadays are mostly 3rd generation cephalosporins or mycin type ones because the bacteria is an actinomycete. The problem is doctors don't believe me and it's extremely difficult to diagnose. I've had a duodenal tissue biopsy which didn't reveal the bacteria because it has spread to other areas of my body which the gi doctor told me that it may or may not show for Whipple's disease because of that fact. So now I have to wait to be seen by an infectious diseases doctor on Dec. 18th in regards to it. None of these doctors are used to dealing with it they claim it's rare when really it's not it's commonly found in soil and in unclean sewage water, silos, corn mills, air conditioning units, and closed stables. Farmers are the ones that usually get the disease.


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