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Re: Whipple's disease
Carty3 Views: 3,172
Published: 8 y
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Re: Whipple's disease

Um I've been doing the pine needle oil right now along with amoxicillin, and Bactrim ds 3 times a day but I don't think the Antibiotics are working at all as the bacteria becomes resistant to most of the older generation ones. Sorry to hear about your husband glad he's doing better. I also take baking soda with acv and lemon and I also take hydroxychloroquine as well. I'm hoping the pine needle oil will cure me. I was also taking black seed oil which worked for a little bit then seemed like the bacteria became resistant to that too. This bacteria is no joke and can act like a fungus, and protozoa all in one and hides itself inside macrophages in our bodies so the immune system doesn't detect it and it damages our CD4 cells and it's destroyed most of the nerves throughout my body. Hence why it spread to my brain and nervous system.


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