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Re: Whipple's disease
Carty3 Views: 3,261
Published: 8 y
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Re: Whipple's disease

It's a bacteria that is usually orally ingested from food or some kind of contaminant in my case it was deer antler velvet spray which came from New Zealand. It gets into your system through your small intestine and causes severe gi issues and bloated belly and prevents your body from absorbing the proper minerals and nutrients from the food we eat. It then can spread to other areas of your body and vital organs as well as your nervous system and brain. It has caused me serious cognitive deficits and autonomic nervous system dysfunction and hypothalmic dysfunction. Basically it causes organic decomposition of whatever it comes into contact with. They are just finding out now that this bacteria may be what's causing alzheimer's disease and the cancer explosion were dealing with right now. It's an actinobacteria. They did autopsies on alzheimer disease patients and found this bacteria in high amounts in the brain causing the disease.


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