Well, I am in the middle of a 60 day juice fast - watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and decided to give it go. Anyway, on Saturday night (day 34) I had some bad lower back pain over my kidney region as I was getting ready for bed, that night I could not sleep at all (which is very unusual) and I was also a little nauseous. The next day (Sunday) the cramps came and went throughout the day, at some points they were quite severe, varying from mild period pain to like labor pains radiating down the back of my thighs. I've had an ultrasound of my kidneys and apparently don't have any stones so I thought perhaps my bowel is releasing some gunk. So, I took some grapefruit fiber (about 1 tablespoon). On Monday, the same aches/cramps were coming and going and again I took 1 tablespoon of grapefruit to help sweep it out and also some magnesium. Today, Tuesday, in the morning I had to "go" and low and behold, wow some weird stuff came out that looks like the mucoid plaque pictures, very olive green and rubbery. The cramping pain is gone today and I think my body was trying to expel this stuff. I've taken the gf fiber on and off for years (as I'm allergic to psyllium) and have never passed anything like this before. Anyway, now I'm feeling great and haven't had any cramps since this bm this morning.