Blog: Has it Really Been That Long... Since my Last Blog :)
by exposure

29 Days... Strep Throat & Time Off

Strep Throat while fasting - small food and medicine and rest

Date:   12/10/2022 2:00:15 AM   ( 26 mon ) ... viewed 277 times

It's Saturday the 10th of December, 2022 - tail end of the Year of The Tiger - and nearly a month into my spring/summer fast I have got a bacterial strep infection.  I was sneezing a lot with no other symptoms or congestion for weeks, even before I went away to the country and on retreat I had that going on - just these big sneezes and it didn't turn into anything else or seem like anything - then when I came home from retreat and did all that volunteer work for the 7 day music festival, really burning the candle at both ends and too busy with other work and stresses on at the same time I got pink eye in one eye and it was a pretty strong case of it - I used ointment and its taken a long time to clear up, its much better than it was but I still have a puffy eye with strong scabs that haven't healed yet, like the infection is mostly dried up now but maybe ot completely and then it blossomed into a really painful strep throat a few days ago & with that I felt the need to take a little food and go to the gp and get antibiotics, something I normally won't go for unless I really feel I need them - but I had diagnosed this one correctly and it totally is a strep bacterial thing and the antibiotics are clearing it up rapidly so I'm glad I did because I needed to - no way I'd want that getting worse and dragging on it was awfully painful for a few days and much less today, just having a rest in bed day today which I haven't been able to have till now with so much constant work on.  

Anyway - it was so sore I took a small amount of endone 3 x - after nearly a month of not touching it, I just took 3 mls one night then 2 mls and another 3 hours later the 2nd night - I don't want to use it for the wrong reasons again, boredom, recreation, emotional things - it helped me sleep through a burning strep throat and showed me some things.  Old patterns of mind and emotion that I revisited and I got new perspective and consciousness observing these having had a big break from them - it does take vigilance not to fall back - instant gratification is a poor substitute for the real hard won thing though.  I can see that more clearly than ever.  Bandages are good when your sick or fighting a war - they have their time and place.  Keep them there. 

I am going to eat a little - the doctor gave me strong antibiotics and an even stronger anti-inflammatory drug to take for 2 weeks to help calm down the inflamed fascia causing me the plantar fasciatis issues in my feet - he was a really great gp and very informative and helpful and he showed me a lot of respect that I myself understood things and had correctly diagnosed myself and had some basic medical knowledge.  it was a nice visit - he explained anyway that the anti-inflam medication would give the fascia a chance to calm down and heal itself so I feel like he gave me a good path forward to clearing that problem up that has been a chronic one for several or even 6 months now - been a hard year this one with physical stuff... still I can see and feel I'm getting progress now, stronger, fitter and will keep going - the weather has been very all over the place, we got that excellent but sudden hot day of 33 when I did the full yoga again and worked with the wonderful heat then it went back to 11 and no way to do that, my body took 3 or 4 days to recover from the full yoga while deep in a fast and it changed my whole body even that one session - tightening up everything and making me feel sore but great sore in a good way - that's gone now and if I wasn't sick and we had a warm day I'd be ready for the next one - anyway, that will come soon - so first I have to rest a bit and kick this infection/cold thing and then go back to full liquid milk/water fast when I'm recovered.  Not eating much just something small like one wheetabix with milk and bit of brown sugar when I take the morning medication so it doesn't upset my stomach as both those things esp the anti-infla can be really hard on an empty stomach 

then later in the day a few tablespoons of rice and little tuna or duck or whatever it is - also was slowly sucking on some dutch liquorice and bit of chocolate because my throat was so sore and herbal teas etc... 

much better today I think tomorrow I'll be good again or mostly and maybe able to hve band practice... anyway, just a sick 3 days and staying in my room and bed getting rest and watching Shantaram - well I ran out of episodes I might have another nap then make a coffee later and water and have a soak and just keep resting really.  

Looking forward to kicking this infection - not sure how I got it or why or if it has anything to do with the fast, it does seem to me that the sneezing was there weeks ago and when I didn't get enough rest and take things slow enough on top of the really intense temperature swings in Melbourne - it probably tipped my immune into the red zone where whatever it was that was already there in my system was able to get a hold - anyway, such is life - most times when I fast I don't get sick but it has happened before that I've got a nasty cold or something that has interefered for a bit with my fast - luckily this one isn't severe and is short lived so I should be able to carry on and keep fasting right through into jan and push a bit past all this next week when I've kicked this.  Think a little soup or bit of rice and etc - what I'm doing right now is the way to go in the interim. Not drinking as many drinks when I eat a little like this - still would think I'm on a very restricted calorie sort of fast and that the detoxing is still going on just not as intensly.  Not sure why but the little food made my sore throat feel a lot better it had a very soothing effect maybe the creation of saliva, the salt and things in it - taking a couple 500 mg vitamin c pills each day as of yesterday also because my friend Chris thought I needed them when the scabs around my eye weren't healing very fast.  

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