Blog: Raw Milk: The Whole Truth
by chef jem

The High Standards of The Raw Milk Institute

A three-pronged approach for the production of safe raw milk

Date:   9/24/2020 6:42:48 PM   ( 5 y ) ... viewed 1601 times

April 24, 2024 - Raw Milk Institute - Annual Report -[15]

March 29, 2024 - Raw Milk is NOT Correlate with Increased Illnesses -

"In a new analysis published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, it was found that there is NO trend of increasing raw milk illnesses associated with increased raw milk legalization.

FATAL foodborne illnesses are dominated by fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, and PASTEURIZED dairy. If government agencies were really concerned with targeting foods that cause the most illnesses, they would be banning CANTALOUPE! This all underscores the fact that there is NO such thing as a perfectly safe food, yet only raw milk is demonized.

We will post a more detailed look at this important new paper on our website in the coming weeks. For now, you can check out the paper here":

March 21, 2024 - "Children Who Drink Raw Milk Have Less Allergies"[14)

February 5, 2024 - Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance[13]

January 17, 2024 - Health Benefits -

"Raw Milk Reduces Respiratory Infections and Fevers"[12]

November 21, 2023 - "Lissa set out on a mission to legalize raw milk in Albuquerque"![11]

October 19, 2023 - "a new generation of open-minded PhD researchers, many of whom are women" -

"...The 20th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) Symposium was held on September 6-8 2023. This was the 12th year that I have attended the IMGC Symposium. For the last several years, the Raw Milk Institute has been an official Bronze Level Sponsor of the conference. These conferences have taken me all over the world, including Cork Ireland, Quebec Canada, Aarhus Demark (twice), Sydney Australia, and UC Davis in California several times. I am nearly always the only farmer in the room filled with dairy processing scientists, PhD students, dairy science professors and university professors, and other milk researchers.

Over 12 years, I have made some great friends and created some important collaborations and alliances. I am approached by PhDs, especially after I speak at the microphone after a particularly engaging presentation that begs questions. They say things like, 'Keep on asking those great questions!' I am the only one that can ask those questions because everyone else would potentially lose their NIH or industry grants if they dared to asked those kinds of questions.

Time and interest are ushering in a new generation of open-minded PhD researchers, many of whom are women. They all want to talk about raw milk and its bioactive elements. Raw milk is truly a miracle of nature. Being an event sponsor has allowed greater access to insider information about all things milk. Below are my main takeaways from three intensive days of meetings, interactions, meals and dinner parties, and presentations in Cork Ireland at the University of Cork. ..."[10]

August 16, 2023 - "THRIVING with Raw Milk Webinar: FREE Video Seminar":

June 10, 2023 - They Are Advancing the Cause of Safe Raw Milk! -

Back in 2011 before the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) was formed, there were no universal standards for safe raw milk production. Nonetheless, consumer demand for raw milk was expanding, as people learned about the health benefits of raw milk as well as the negative effects of pasteurization.

RAWMI was created to advance the cause of safe raw milk, thereby helping to ensure that both farmers and families could thrive with low-risk raw milk.

Since its inception, RAWMI has paved a path forward and studies have shown that the RAWMI Method really works. When farmers are well-trained and aim for high standards, they can produce high quality raw milk that nourishes their communities while sustaining their farms. Animal welfare and soil health are improved with grass-based farming, too!

RAWMI continues to make a big impact. For example, in the last year alone we have:

Trained over 150 farmers, legislators, university professors, and consumers on raw milk benefits and risk management

LISTED seven farms in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, and Vermont, who we mentored through the process of developing individualized Risk Assessment and Management Plans (RAMP) for managing the health and hygiene of their unique farms

Provided one-on-one mentoring in the production of low-risk raw milk to over 40 additional farms in Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Oregon, Minnesota, New York, Kansas, Virginia, Illinois, Iowa, Tennessee, Alaska, North Dakota, Indiana, Utah, Missouri, California, Michigan, Montana, Texas, Idaho, Vermont, Washington, Oregon, Ontario Canada, British Columbia Canada, Dorset England, Beirut Lebanon, and Telengana India

Amassed hundreds of raw milk test data from RAWMI LISTED farms which can be used to further raw milk research

Worked towards increased legal access to raw milk in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Canada (and raw milk sales are now legal in Iowa!)

Published 10+ articles on raw milk benefits, farms, and risk management strategies in both online and printed publications

Developed on-farm lab training materials and provided $600 on-farm lab sponsorships to 12 family farms

It's the support of people like you that makes our work possible.

Today we're asking you to join us by donating to help us continue this important work. Will you help RAWMI work for the nourishment of humanity and the sustainability of family farms? We are a 501c3 non-profit organization, and you can help to support your farmer and your own access to raw milk with your donation. Please join us.

With your support, we will continue to make lasting change through training farmers in how to produce low-risk raw milk and advocating towards increased legalization of low-risk raw milk.

Please help us by making a gift to Raw Milk Institute today.[9]

May 9, 2023 - The Raw Milk Institute was awarded a 4th grant for $50k from the Regenerative Agriculture Foundation -

The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) is on a mission to improve the safety and quality of raw milk and raw milk products through farmer training, rigorous raw milk standards, raw milk research, and improving consumer education.

In 2022, RAWMI was awarded a 4th grant for $50k from the Regenerative Agriculture Foundation (RAF) to further our work. RAWMI matches an economic benefit of stewardship of pastures and soils to high value raw dairy products for consumers. Safe raw milk from pastured cows can sustain the farm financially while the grazing improves the soils.[8]

May 4, 2023 - "The Biggest Question of Modern Times With Regards to Society Becoming More and More Sterile"! -

Re: "Rapid Chilling ... Pathogen ... in Raw Milk"
From: Mark McAfee ...
To: chef ...
Date: Wed May 3, 2023

Dear Chef,

You ask the biggest question of modern times with regards to society becoming more and more sterile.

There is an entire movement of people that agree with you.

Studies show that even breast milk may contain low levels of pathogens yet the nursing child does not get sick while their immune system becomes more robust with antibodies to those pathogens.

Sarah explained this very well (in the following). As raw milk producers we must produce our milk in such a way to not rigger illnesses in the most weak and vulnerable. That means no pathogens at any detectable levels while retaining the full biodiversity of bacteria found naturally in raw milk. This diversity increases immunity but does not trigger illness.

However, it is well established that exposure to a diversity of bacteria and that may include pathogens does increase the immune status of the human condition.

In fact those that followed Dr Aajonus Vonderplanitz believe this. ... He believed that by consuming low levels of pathogens you would become immune to them.

This is part of natures blueprint but packed with liability. So we don't go there.

Great discussion. But we do not advocate for offering raw milk with any pathogen to the consuming public because we don't know the immune status of the general public and it could very well trigger illness.

We don't want illness in anyone.

Hope this helps.

Mark McAfee
Chairman RAWMI

On May 3, 2023, at 4:41 AM, Sarah wrote:

Hi Chef,
You have posed a very good question about whether exposure to very low amounts of pathogens may actually be beneficial. I don't have a rock-solid answer for you in terms of anything that I can corroborate with a scientific study. I certainly would not tell anyone to purposely ingest pathogens in any amount.

In general, though, exposure to bacteria over time seems to lead to stronger immune systems and more robust health. One way this is shown is in looking at the immune systems and overall health of kids who grow up on farms as compared to kids who grow up in a relatively sterile/low-bacteria environment. Those who grow up in environments where they are regularly exposed to greater amounts of bacteria tend to have better immune systems and more robust health.

Farmers who are selling milk to the public, though, are providing milk to people who may very well have poor immune systems, be recovering from cancer/chemo, etc. That makes it even more important that the milk they produce be produced hygienically and in a way that will result in low bacteria counts overall.

We've had some farmers who are producing to-be-pasteurized milk say something like, "our bulk tank milk must be fine because my family drinks it all the time with no problems," but we remind them that just because the farm family can drink the milk without getting sick does not mean that the wider population can drink it without problems.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need more information.

Sarah Smith
Vice President and Board Secretary
Raw Milk Institute

> On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 7:05 PM Chef Jem wrote:
> Greetings!
> Inspired by this article to ask you the following:
> Is it possible that "In the rare case when pathogens are present in
> well-produced raw milk" that if "the pathogen load" is not "high enough
> to produce illness" that there may be some kind of a "homeopathic
> benefit" from consuming the low level pathogen load? .........
> Looking forward to hearing from you! And I would like to post your reply
> (along with this article) at my Raw Milk Blog (viewed 2,334,753 times):

> Cheers!
> ~chef

May 2, 2023 - Rapid Chilling of Raw Milk Lowers Pathogen Risks and Improves Shelf-Life -
Sarah Smith

Raw Milk Farmers, Raw Milk Safety

"For raw milk production, risk management and customer satisfaction go hand-in-hand. Many of the strategies that result in low-risk raw milk also work well to keep customers happy with delicious, long-lasting milk. Rapid chilling is one such strategy that lowers the risk of pathogens while also improving the flavor and shelf-life of raw milk."[7]

November 14, 2022 - A 10' Raw Milk Testing Demonstration Video:

May 18, 2022 - "Safe raw milk from pastured cows can sustain the farm financially while the grazing improves the soils."

"The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) is on a mission to improve the safety and quality of raw milk and raw milk products through farmer training, rigorous raw milk standards, raw milk research, and improving consumer education.

In 2021, RAWMI was awarded a 3rd grant for $50k from the Regenerative Agriculture Foundation (RAF) to further our work. RAWMI matches an economic benefit of stewardship of pastures and soils to high value raw dairy products for consumers. Safe raw milk from pastured cows can sustain the farm financially while the grazing improves the soils.

With the 3rd grant from RAF, RAWMI was able to accomplish much towards the overall goal of universal access to safe raw milk. With the unique continuing challenges of 2021, RAWMI was able to carry on with making progress through the latest methods and models for training and outreach.

Over the last year, RAWMI:[6]

April 8, 2022 - "On-Farm Lab Testing for Raw Milk Farmers"[5]

March 16, 2022 - "The most up-to-date peer-reviewed research" .........

shows there is an extremely: "Low Risk of Pathogens in Intentionally-Produced Raw Milk"[4]

December 4, 2020 - Starting a Farm as Grandparents -

"Like many other raw milk farmers, Shelley and Matt Harding didn’t start out intending to farm. Shelley has worked as an electrician, cosmetologist, and more recently as an educator for medical coding. Matt has a background in criminal justice and construction, and is currently a machinist for the railroad.

Their kids were grown, and Shelley and Matt were settling into their role as grandparents. Yet something was missing. Shelley and Matt found themselves re-connecting with old dreams of having a small farm. So, they purchased some farm land where they could expand their garden and raise more chickens.

But it wasn’t enough, especially for Matt. He had fond memories of having a nurse cow and raising calves as a hobby during his teens and again in his twenties. He recalled a certain peacefulness from spending time with his cattle. Now, decades later, Matt knew he wanted to have a cow again. But Shelley…

Shelley didn’t even *like* milk. The taste and smell turned her off, and she’d had lactose intolerance symptoms for almost 20 years. Anytime she drank milk or milk products, she’d end up with abdominal cramping. Even still, Shelley knew how much it meant to Matt to have a cow again, so in the Spring of 2020 the Hardings brought home Miss Daisy, a pregnant Holstein heifer.

The Habit of Excellence -
Shelley is a detail-oriented kinda person. She naturally wants to do everything with excellence, and farming would be no different. If they were gonna have a cow and milk her, they were gonna do it right and do it well. Matt built a custom milking barn, and Shelley went to work on learning the ins-and-outs of safe raw milk.

With free mentoring from the Raw Milk Institute, the Hardings learned how to optimize their milking barn set-up, udder preparation, milking methods, bottling, and cleaning. They converted their basement into a milk bottling room, and worked hard to get the all of the details right.

No More Lactose Intolerance or Allergies -
But the milk… that was a big surprise for Shelley. Miss Daisy’s raw milk didn’t smell or taste bad to Shelley like store-bought milk had. And Shelley didn’t have lactose intolerance symptoms with raw milk, either!

Since she started drinking raw milk daily, Shelley no longer has gastrointestinal problems, and her seasonal allergies went away, too. No more allergy medications and no more sinus headaches. Raw milk helped their granddaughter overcome her allergies, too. The Harding’s experience aligns with scientific studies which have found that raw milk consumption is specifically associated with reduced rates of allergies.

Next Steps -
Shelley and Matt’s S&M Farm is the newest dairy to be LISTED by the Raw Milk Institute. They pride themselves on providing healthy, low-risk milk to a few families in Kansas. Although Miss Daisy is their only cow for now, Shelley and Matt are already thinking about growing their dairy and building an on-farm lab for milk bacterial testing. The Raw Milk Institute welcomes S&M Farm to our community!"[3]

November 25, 2020 - "President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when traveling abroad by ship, insisted that Walker-Gordon (raw) milk and cream be available, on board, for the trip."[2]

September 24, 2020 -

"...In 2011-12, RAWMI brought together a diverse international group with the purpose of establishing standards for safe raw milk. This group included medical doctors and epidemiologists, nutritional consultants, veterinarians, food safety scientists, raw milk farmers, and raw milk consumers. This collaborative group developed the Raw Milk Institute Common Standards, which were initially released in 2012.

The RAWMI Common Standards describe a three-pronged approach for the production of safe raw milk which consists of:

Farmer training and mentoring

Risk Analysis and Management Plan (RAMP) for the unique conditions on each individual farm

Stringent yet achievable bacterial test standards for coliforms and Standard Plate Count (SPC)

The Common Standards Work!
Since their release in 2012, the RAWMI Common Standards have become a foundational part of low-risk raw milk production across North America. When farmers are well-trained, use careful production practices as laid out in their individual RAMP, and perform ongoing bacterial testing of their milk, they can produce raw milk that is ultra-low-risk.

Researchers from Canada and Europe have studied the safety of raw milk intended for direct human consumption, and have specifically considered milk from farms who implement the RAWMI Common Standards. They have found that carefully produced raw milk is a low-risk food which is fundamentally different from pre-pasteurized milk. The implementation of the RAWMI Common Standards has led to a significant reduction in raw milk-related illnesses and outbreaks. ..."[1]


















safe raw milk, coliforms, Standard Plate Count, pathogens, immune system, antibodies, biodiversity of bacteria, immunity, immune status, pathogen load, raw milk production, Lactose Intolerance

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