Blog: Raw Milk: The Whole Truth
by chef jem

The Science Behind Raw Milk

Raw milk isn’t high risk at all but is actually very low risk, with proven health benefits.

Date:   5/3/2019 12:09:30 AM   ( 6 y ) ... viewed 1858 times

February 10, 2020 -

There is a growing body of evidence that raw milk is a low-risk food when it is produced carefully and intentionally. Previous papers, such as “Recent Trends in Unpasteurized Fluid Milk Outbreaks, Legalization, and Consumption in the United States,” have shown that the rate of raw milk related outbreaks is decreasing, meanwhile the consumption of raw milk is increasing.

In a new paper published in the January 2020 Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, Cat Berge and Ton Baars have investigated the use of intentional raw milk production and testing practices in the USA, Canada, and Germany. Berge and Baars compared test data from raw milk intended for pasteurization to test data from the Raw Milk Institute, the German Vorzugsmilch system, and the British Columbia Herdshare Association. The test data show that raw milk being intentionally produced for human consumption is fundamentally different from pre-pasteurized milk that is taken from bulk tanks. It was concluded that "raw milk can be produced with a high level of hygiene and safety.”

This paper provides further proof that, with farmer training, careful production practices, and ongoing testing, low-risk raw milk is achievable! This is great news, since raw milk has been shown to have protective effects against asthma, allergies, eczema, respiratory infections, ear infections, and fevers.


December 28, 2019 - More Good News About "The Science" From the Raw Milk Institute! -

"A recent meta-analysis[6] of eight studies has concluded that raw milk consumption in early life (<1-5 years of age) protects against asthma, hay fever, and allergies. This study was published in the November 2019 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. The protective effect on asthma was even demonstrated in kids who were not living on farms, which demonstrates that the positive effect is independent of other farm exposures."

May 3, 2019 -

(Mark) McAfee believes there’s a breakdown in understanding among scientists, most of whom will argue that breastfeeding is incredibly important for infants, yet fail to make the connection that breast milk is raw milk. After breastfeeding ends, the next logical step, he says, is to continue drinking raw milk.

At least 16 peer-reviewed studies have detailed the benefits of drinking raw milk, yet still include a disclaimer at the end that the scientists can’t recommend drinking it because of the risks. RAWMI was created for this purpose, McAfee says, to show that raw milk isn’t high risk at all but is actually very low risk, with proven health benefits. Among them is alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in raw milk, that’s known to be anti-inflammatory.

“[I]ntestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), a potent endogenous anti-inflammatory enzyme, is directly stimulated by various components of milk (e.g., casein, calcium, lactose and even fat),” researchers wrote in Medical Hypotheses, “… and detoxifies pro-inflammatory microbial components … making them unable to trigger inflammatory responses and generate chronic low-grade inflammation leading to insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, Type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity, known risk factors for CVD [cardiovascular disease].

Milk alkaline phosphatase is present in raw milk and dairy products but deactivated by pasteurization. “If confirmed, this "alkaline phosphatase" hypothesis will highlight the protective effects of milk alkaline phosphatase and promote the consumption of (microbiologically safe) raw milk and dairy products,” the researchers concluded.

Other research has found children who drink raw milk have a lower risk of developing allergies and asthma. And, early human studies suggested raw milk was superior to pasteurized milk in protecting against infection, diarrhea, rickets, tooth decay and tuberculosis.

Raw milk also contains protective components that aren’t found in pasteurized milk, including antibodies and beneficial bacteria that help to kill pathogens in the milk, as well as compounds that prevent pathogen absorption across the intestinal wall. There are a variety of immune-strengthening components in raw milk as well, including lymphocytes, immunoglobulins and growth factors.[1]

A comment was posted at the Mercola site. Also - there were about five footnotes indicated within the article at the Mercola site however the footnotes themselves were not found there. This blog-writer left a message for Dr. Mercola about that.

December 2, 2019 - More Science (Epidemiological Studies) and a Great History! -

"The secret to a healthy life starts with milk. That’s according to Bruce German, Ph.D., director of the Foods for Health Institute at University of California-Davis, who shares an insightful look at the history of milk and how it has sustained life for generations."

Comment posted at YouTube:

A truly great presentation! Is there any possibility of sharing a transcript of this? .........[4]

"In this video, Dr. Bruce German, one of the top milk researchers in the world, gives a compelling summary of the benefits of milk from ancient times to now.
Humanity's 10,000-year beneficial history with milk was with raw milk, and humans even developed a gene that allows digestion of milk. Milk is a 'complete, comprehensive diet' and epidemiological studies have shown that consumption of milk is associated with lower rates of death from heart disease, stroke, cancers, and diabetes.

(The "Problem" With Milk is of Modern Times) -
Modern pasteurized milk has become one of the foremost allergenic foods. However, (pasture-fed) raw milk has the huge advantage of containing a variety of living bacteria which facilitate production of lactase enzyme in the intestines; many people who have problems digesting pasteurized milk can consume raw milk with no problems.

Compared to pasteurized milk, raw (pasture-fed) milk contains significantly more vitamins and minerals, in addition to beneficial enzymes and probiotics. Raw milk has provided humanity with superb health benefits for at least 10,000 years!"[5]

September 26, 2019 - Science on Dairy -

"Dairy products and the French paradox: Could alkaline phosphatases play a role?"[2]

Referenced in:
"Raw butter is an exceptionally nutritious food. For instance, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is found in the butter fat membrane that covers fat globules. ALP decreases inflammation in the body; it is associated with good health and less chronic illness, such as cardiovascular disease and Type-2 diabetes. Raw milk has 4% butter fat, but raw butter contains 86% fat and thus it is very high in alkaline phosphatase. ALP enzyme is destroyed by pasteurization. Americans are being denied access to raw butter which is a very powerful anti-inflammatory food, meanwhile we are suffering from more chronic illness!"[3]




[3] In: "RAWMI Ripple - September 2019" - by subscription email from: Raw Milk Institute.


[5] In subscription-based email from "Raw Milk Institute."



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