Blog: Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

"Fifty Billion Dollar Reward Offered"

Send this little blurb to "your" Governor and tell him that if he wants the Big Money Reward, all he has to do is prove that: (1) a distinct "Covid 19 Virus" exists, has been identified, and is in evidence in the general population; and (2) the aforementioned "Covid 19 Virus" causes a definable and unique disease apart from the Common Cold caused by other corona virus strains.

Date:   7/19/2020 9:16:50 AM   ( 4 y ) ... viewed 1738 times

August 9, 2023 - Another FOI Revelation! -

"President Joe Biden's administration concedes that there is no scientific evidence to support an apparent recommendation to receive as many as six COVID-19 booster shots in a year.

After Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, a Biden appointee, wrote in a social media post on Nov. 29, 2022, that people should get vaccinated “if it’s been over 2 months since your last dose,” the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents supporting the statements.
The watchdog organization then sued after the administration didn't comply with timelines laid out in the law.

FGI asked for, among other documents: "Any scientific support relied on by Secretary Becerra when approving or issuing the tweet recommending that all Americans receive a booster shot every two months" and 'any study, synopsis, or similar statement or document of scientific, academic, or government research on whether a bi-monthly booster shot will effectively prevent the transmission or susceptibility to COVID-19 and known active variants as of November 2022.'

It also asked for internal communications regarding Mr. Becerra's statements.
In a new response, the government said it had no evidence to support Mr. Becerra's recommendation.

'The department reviewed 1,263 pages of potentially responsive records captured in the agency’s search for this FOIA request. After a careful review of these records, I determined the 1,263 pages were not relevant to your request,' Alesia Williams, an official in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), told FGI.

'The lack of a single of a single record supporting Secretary Becerra’s bold public health recommendation for six COVID boosters a year is a startling development,' Pete McGinnis, a spokesman for FGI, said in a statement.

'It is tremendously irresponsible for the government’s chief health official to fire off tweets recommending frequent injections of a new vaccine booster apparently based on no academic or scientific support,' Mr. McGinnis added.

'How can the public be assured that the agency is ‘following the science’ on other important public health matters when it demonstrates such clear disregard for basic scientific integrity standards on an issue as important as COVID vaccine shots?'

The group noted that Mr. Becerra, a lawyer by training, lacks a background in health. Doctors typically lead that department.

Booster Recommendations
As newer COVID-19 variants have emerged, the vaccines have performed increasingly worse. Federal officials inside HHS first cleared booster shots in 2021 due to the flagging effectiveness, and have since authorized and recommended additional shots.
In the spring of 2023, regulators had authorized, without clinical trial data, newly formulated versions of the vaccines aimed at Omicron subvariants. Federal officials had said that people should get a booster if more than two months had elapsed since their most recent shot. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said most people should only receive one additional shot, but that certain groups could receive more.

In another statement promoting vaccination, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed that a single shot would protect people from COVID-19 for an entire year. There's no evidence supporting that claim.

Mr. Becerra said the day after the initial post: 'An updated COVID vaccine can help protect you from the worst outcomes of COVID. If it’s been over 2 months since your last dose, make a plan to get one now.'

He later wrote: 'Time to get your updated COVID vaccine if 1) You haven’t gotten the updated vaccine yet & had the primary series or original booster 2+ months ago 2) It’s been 3+ months since you’ve had COVID If you have a big event in 2+ weeks, it’s a good time to go.'

FGI said the differing messages were causing confusion and made it appear as if Mr. Becerra was, at least at one point, recommending up to six shots in a year.
HHS has declined to comment on the suit.

'The clear message from across the Administration is: Don’t wait,' an HHS spokesperson previously told The Epoch Times, after being asked about Mr. Becerra's statements. 'Get your free COVID-19 vaccine. It’s safe and effective. People can go to to find free and easily available vaccines in their community.'

New Vaccines Coming
The updated slate of vaccines isn't working well, prompting plans to implement new formulations that, for the first time, won't include components of the Wuhan virus strain.

The updated shots are expected to be rolled out in the fall.

The CDC's new director, Dr. Mandy Cohen, said recently that the agency is poised to recommend annual shots.

'We anticipate that COVID will become similar to flu shots, where it is going to be you get your annual flu shot and you get your annual COVID shot,' Dr. Cohen said.
The CDC didn't respond to a request for comment.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chairman of the U.S. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and other members asked the CDC (pdf in original article) for information on the planned recommendation, noting that it would "mark a significant change in federal policy and guidance regarding COVID-19 vaccines and the way in which they are utilized.”[11]

Welcome to vaccine planet. -

“'Vaccine science isn’t up for debate.' That’s a desperate, pathetic statement you will read in the USA today. We already read in Time Magazine, Robert F Kennedy Jr. Is Dead Wrong About Vaccines. Those who sell and promote vaccines are desperate as vaccine skepticism goes mainstream now that Kennedy is running for president. And millions see that the cat is out of the bag about Covid vaccines, which are by far the most vicious assault on humanity in history. It’s outright murder and genocide. Covid vaccines are weapons of mass murder, and the biggest idiots in the medical press can only say vaccine science isn’t up for debate.

Welcome to vaccine planet. Vaccines are safe and effective, virologists are intelligent, honest scientists, health officials are reasonable guys, and we can trust the FDA, the CDC, and the World Health Organization with our lives. Vaccines are the religion of the modern age, more widespread than any other religion.
However, over fifty percent of Americans do not trust anything said in the media. Seventy-four percent think America is going in the wrong direction. I wonder if anyone would ever do a poll asking do you think vaccines are safe and effective. It would not matter if 90% of people were against vaccines. The mainstream paradigm would continue to insist on them.

The vaccine story is long and tedious, and I wrote a book about it 20 years ago entitled The Terror of Pediatric Medicine. But today, we will unpack just one part of the sordid story. A vaccine story and debate in front of the German Supreme Court where the virologists lost. The best the mainstream can do to continue its terrible medical and pharmaceutical terrorism is completely ignore this and any story confronting the vaccine narrative.

Vaccinationists do not listen to anyone but themselves. The most graphic scene of non-listening I have ever heard is seen in this video of Senator Mitch McConnell being shouted down by a Kentucky crowd as they yelled at him to “retire.” We live in a world that champions non-listening, and of course, not one vaccinationist listened to the German Supreme Court. We will talk about that below. Before focusing on the non-existent measles, I have important vaccine news to report.

Murdering Babies and Causing Autism is Easy for Pediatricians -
I did not write, 20 years ago, my book The Terror of Pediatric Medicine for nothing, yet nothing has stopped the vaccinationists! This subject is enormous in its implications, and today Steve Kirsh’s post indicates two verifiable anecdotes that yield mathematical proof that vaccines cause SIDS and autism. Pediatricians make money killing babies and causing autism with their vaccines, but of course, they will insist vaccines are safe even though they know they are not. What does that say about our civilization when those who are supposed to be the best among us are murderers and cause the excruciating agony of autism? At this point, only the aliens in the UFOs they are talking so much about in Washington can save us from ourselves.

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s group reported about a new study that finds developed countries requiring the most vaccine doses for infants have higher childhood mortality rates, contradicting assumptions that more vaccines equate to lower deaths. The data suggest that the unintended consequences of the intense childhood vaccine program may increase all-cause mortality in children. Meaning the more you vaccinate children, the more they die. Aren’t vaccines the most wonderful thing in the world?

And getting back to Steve Kirsh, he also reports that the VAERS (the governments own official vaccine damage reporting system) data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated one person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans). He says it takes about 30 seconds to do a VAERS query that shows the COVID vaccines are deadly. The shape of the “onset curve” makes this apparent. An estimated 676,000 Americans have been killed. Don’t you think Time Magazine should vote the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna as Men of the Year? Or should they be put on the top of the FBI’s most wanted list? Of course, this means that the government does not even listen to itself!

The Measles Scam – Why Would We Trust Virologists for Anything? -
Long considered the world’s most contagious disease, measles is making an unwanted comeback. But how is that possible if a fair and honest appraisal by a high court could find no good evidence that the measles virus exists? Of course, we assume it exists, but does it exist? Something is happening, but should we trust our friendly virologists’ explanations? Can virologists prove the existence of a measles virus? Can your doctor, or is it just a convenient paradigm to sell vaccines?

'Before introducing a measles jab in 1963, the disease infected millions worldwide and killed an estimated 2.6 million people yearly, primarily children under five. Vaccination proved to be a game-changer; as access to doses rose, the prevalence of the infection dropped, and some countries, including the U.K., even succeeded in eliminating measles.' That is the definitive belief, but I don’t believe a word of it, for health officials have proven through these three Covid years to be a bunch of lying, deceiving low lifers.

Significantly few children have died over the last 60 years, yet unvaccinated people under age 18 were banned from public places in Rockland County, New York. Measles had ceased to be a deadly disease before the vaccine was introduced. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) creates the conditions for hysteria regarding viruses and the vaccines used to prevent them. “The headlines today might make you think that measles is as deadly as Ebola. That is absurd,” writes Brownstein.

Deaths from Measles were already flat-lining during the 15 years preceding the vaccine’s introduction. An outbreak of measles occurred in a high school with a documented vaccination level of 98 percent. Nineteen (70 percent) of the cases were students who had histories of measles vaccination at 12 months of age or older and are therefore considered vaccine failures.

Indeed, in 2019, before Covid hit, 86 percent of all children under one had received a first dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday, according to the WHO. But by 2021, this had fallen to 81 percent – the lowest number since 2008. However, as we can see, vaccine programs successfully target the young and their mothers.

Does a Virus Cause Measles?
In November 2011, biologist Stefan Lanka bravely challenged the scientific community to offer real empirical and definitive proof that the measles virus actually exists. He was so confident that belief in the existence of this virus – a widespread and entrenched belief taken for granted – was without foundation that he offered a prize of 100,000 euros to anyone who could provide laboratory proof of identification and a measurement of the diameter of the virus.

Someone took him up on the challenge and eventually lost the case. It was the only time in modern history that Measles has been put to anything close to objective scrutiny. The final decision was in 2016. Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed, through careful examination of all the evidence available, that the measles virus does not exist, vindicating those who have said that no study has ever proven the existence of the virus. The CDC will not comment on the German Supreme Court’s findings. The entire medical establishment has ignored the ruling as if it never happened.

Most people and doctors believe it to be a virus, and they have been doing that for as long as we have been alive, but just believing and saying it is a virus does not make it one. And just because they have a vaccine (MMR) for Measles does not make it a virus either. People who get the vaccine can still come down with the disease. So what is it?

There is more chance of dying from the MMR vaccine than from Measles. You would think that tens of thousands must be infected and dying from measles with all the hysteria in the news. No one has died from Measles so far, and no one needs to if proper care is given. The last person that died from Measles in the United States died in 2015, and yet New Yorkers were faced with jail time for skipping the Measles vaccine.

New York City declared a public health emergency a few years ago in response to the measles outbreak in ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn and ordered mandatory vaccinations for residents in four zip codes. Those who refused were threatened with having to pay a thousand-dollar fine. It is better to pay than get the vaccine because the chance of your child dying is more significant than the disease itself. However, up to 10 percent of the 695 confirmed measles cases in the current outbreak occurred in people who received one or two doses of the vaccine, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MMR is a dangerous vaccine that does not work too well.

A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found 415 deaths from the MMR (or MMRV) vaccine since 1989. In other words, approximately 13 U.S. children die per year from the measles vaccine. And keep in mind that experts think only 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are reported. And there are other harmful effects of the measles vaccine. A seizure occurs five times more often in vaccination from measles than from measles infection. Febrile seizures can increase the risk of epilepsy. Other dangers of the MMR vaccine include coma, lowered consciousness, permanent brain damage, and autism.

More than 1,000 students and staff members at two Los Angeles universities were quarantined on campus or sent home in one of the most sweeping efforts yet by public health authorities to contain the spread of measles in the U.S., where cases have reached a 25-year high but still no deaths reported making us wonder what all the fuss is about. The flu is supposed to kill many people, but we do not see mandatory vaccine programs and quarantines for influenza outbreaks.

An excellent reference to help us put Measles into context comes from Dr. David Brownstein, who tells us to recall the Brady Bunch from T.V., who all became infected. Marcia Brady stated, 'If you have to get sick, sure can’t beat the measles.'

Brownstein wrote, 'I do not recall newspaper headlines blaring about the Bradys serious illness. I don’t think the health department was on the episode investigating how the Brady’s became ill. Furthermore, I don’t remember Congress investigating why all the Bradys became ill. Nor do I have any memory of state legislatures trying to take parental rights away because the Bradys developed measles. Here’s what I remember about the Brady’s measles show: That was in a different era when measles was considered a rite of passage for nearly all children. In fact, children who naturally developed measles and recovered had lifetime immunity from future measles infections. Additionally, girls who recovered from measles would pass on immunity to their babies which would protect their children at the most vulnerable time in their lives.'

Measles had ceased to be a deadly disease before the vaccine was introduced. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) creates the conditions for hysteria when it comes to viruses and the vaccines used to prevent them. 'The headlines today might make you think that measles is as deadly as Ebola. That is absurd,' writes Brownstein.
As the measles outbreak that started at Disneyland in 2015 grew to at least 70 cases, medical experts expressed concern about the five patients who contracted measles despite being fully vaccinated. So if a virus does not cause Measles, what is it?

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P) - Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine[12]*

August 24, 2022 - No Record of an Isolated Covid-19 Virus! -

"FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (208 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever"[10]

May 10, 2022 - The painfully slow & severely consequential unraveling of the truth of "Covid" -

"Several top Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, including Commissioner Robert Califf, admitted that Americans will now have to accept COVID-19 as another respiratory virus, comparing it to influenza."[9]

October 30, 2020 - Healthy Ways Newsletter -

Devoted to "Covid-19" truth![8]


IMO - the articles in the (above mentioned) newsletter underscores why "your" Governor (and everyone else) will not be able to collect "the Big Money Reward"!

October 21, 2020 - "Pure Baloney?" -

Among the "Letters" to Wise Traditions -

To prove the germ theory, you say that a microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms; that the microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in a pure culture; that the microorganism grown in pure culture should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism; and that the microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated (now diseased) experimental host and identified as identical to the original specific causative agent.

If all four conditions are met, one has proven the infectious cause for a specific set of symptoms.

This is pure baloney! I did an ex­periment two years ago with another coronavirus that affects pigs. We first infected immortalized chicken cells and proved that the virus kills them, then subsequently infected chickens and turkeys with the virus. They had clinical signs and we proved that they were also shedding the virus in several ways. One was through immuno-fluo­rescent staining of the intestinal tissues, using real-time PCR that detects the virus in cloacal and tracheal swabs. We also used an antibody test that detected antibodies for the virus in their serum and we sequenced isolated RNA in the swabs and compared it to the virus we infected them with. We published our data in Emerging Infectious Diseases after eight months of peer review. This is a normal method of studying a virus so we weren’t the first to do this type of experiment. To deny it or ignore it is simply false and an insult to scientists who study infectious diseases.

Internet Comment -

Answer from Tom Cowan: Unfortu­nately, virologists do not follow the common-sense Koch’s postulates (or in the case of viruses, Rivers’ postulates) today because even if they do properly isolate the virus (which they rarely do), they cannot get these properly isolated viruses grown in a pure culture to cause disease when introduced into a host. So what they do is create “virulent” viruses by culturing them on starving cells and adding very toxic antibiot­ics (which kills the cells but not the “virus”). These are not pure cultures. When this antibiotic-laden culture is introduced into new cells—in the case of your experiment, immortalized chicken cells (probably taken from a tumor)—the cells die; they die because they are starved and poisoned.

In your experiment, did you isolate and purify the virus according to the 1973 Pasteur Institute isolation and pu­rification consensus guidelines (see vi­ Were they cultured without antibiotics? When you infected chickens and turkeys with the cultured virus, what were the “clinical signs”? Were they mild or fatal? Did you determine whether these clinical signs were caused by the virus or by the antibiotics (or the injection method)?

The next step should have been to isolate the virus properly, using the 1973 Pasteur Institute guidelines, from the chickens and turkeys and see wheth­er they caused disease when introduced into healthy chickens and turkeys. Instead you “proved” that the animals were “shedding the virus” through PCR and antibody tests—neither of which detects any virus, only genetic material and antibodies. As you say, “This is the normal method of studying a virus.” Indeed, this is the way virolo­gists “study” viruses today, but it is a fraudulent method and never properly detects virus or shows that they cause disease. They do this because they can­not prove that viruses are infectious by properly isolating then and them using the common-sense Rivers’ postulates.

As for today’s coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the most important papers on the subject all say they didn’t isolate or purify the novel coronavirus. In their July 2020 guidelines on PCR, the CDC states on page 39 that “no virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.” It is hard to imagine doing a PCR test or knowing what the killing effect could be from a virus that has never been isolated.[7]

August 19, 2020 - Priceless -

"... An adhesion contract is a contract which is, on the face of it, improper and defective under our law, but allowed under their foreign law--- and which can be enforced under Roman Civil Law (Municipal Law)--- so long as the victim does not recognize it for what it is and does not object.

This includes unconscionable contracts like Birth Certifications, implied contracts like Voter Registrations, 'mandatory' enrollments like Social Security, licensing scams like Marriage Licenses, and debt assumption scams like mortgages.

The Roman Civil Law utilized by the Municipal United States Government is radically different from our law. For starters, it assumes guilt instead of innocence and allows undisclosed and implied contracts. It functions under the Maxim of Law which says, 'Let him who will be deceived, be deceived.'

We have had a recent (and startling) public example of this with the charges brought against State of Washington Governor Jay Inslee for the damages his proclamations about Covid 19, wearing of face masks, etc., have caused. His reply? He could not be prosecuted for damages related to his proclamations because he never enforced them.

He issued his proclamations fully knowing that to Joe Average, his proclamations appeared to have the force of law--- but according to him, people obeyed his proclamations to their own detriment. And on their own responsibility. 'Let him who will be deceived, be deceived.'

Thousands of Washington businesses shut down 'voluntarily' in answer to his hot air, and millions of Washingtonians have suffered because they obeyed his directives, but he claims that it's not his fault that they were deceived about the limits of his authority.

They didn't stand up and tell him to stuff it, they didn't keep their doors open, a police sergeant didn't stand behind them and tie on their face masks, so it's their own fault they suffered---- according to 'Governor' Jay Inslee."[6]

August 7, 2020 - "Un-MASKing Faucism (Medical Tyranny)" -

Unmasked? It's Your Right! - Dr. Rima -[4]

You do not have to mask anywhere in the US - IF you assert your rights properly.
Two days ago I was verbally assaulted for invoking the American with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation to NOT wear a mask if I felt that doing so would undermine my health (physical, mental, emotional) in an Office Depot store. I left the store when my German Shepherd Service Animal, Timber, became agitated by the level of aggression we were meeting.

Today, Office Depot responded. With an apology.

The most powerful three words free people can utter are, “Don’t You Dare!”.

Two days ago, while awaiting the delivery of our ADVANCE Sanitary Masking Directive cards, I courteously advised the staff of the Tucson Office Depot store (El Con Shopping Mall) to not dare abridge my rights under the ADA to shop unmasked. They dared and I was not permitted to remain in the store without a fabric of some sort over my face.

They were clearly breaking both State and Federal law. I cited in vain the protection of the ADA which requires unquestioning accommodation to disabilities.

But to prevent my loyal and very protective dog from attacking my aggressive verbal (and legal) assailants, I chose to depart, go home and write a very clear, and very indignant email to the CEO of Office Depot. And then I told the world about it.[5]

And waited. Not long, though.

This morning, a call from Mr. Antelmo Pablo, General Manager, and an email from the same person (see below) apologized for the behavior of the staff, confirmed his corporation’s acknowledgement of my legal right to shop unmasked if I felt masking would undermine my health and told me that all staff were trained to understand and support that.

I suggested that the staff needed better training since two staff members were in accord with incorrect information since they acted together to bar me from the store since I was not masking. He agreed.

I asked him to provide me with a written response so that I could, in the spirit of fairness, allow the nearly 300,000 people on our mailing list and the many visitors to to see that agreement.

That letter is reproduced in full (at here site [4]).

Here’s the point: if you do not like submitting to “Faucism”’, medical tyranny, if you feel that covering your face with a mask of some sort will endanger or weaken your mental, physical or emotional health, then you DO have the right to refuse and must be accommodated, under the ADA. (link at here site)

Now, I am sure it would have been much easier if the Advance Sanitary Masking Directive (ASMD) cards had come BEFORE I left for the store, but they didn’t. They were at my door when I got home, however. The purpose of my trip to Office Depot, after all, was to buy a whole lot of envelopes so we could send both the ASMD card and the Advance Vaccine Directive (AVD) cards to the many, many people who have ordered them because we knew the ASMD cards were arriving.

If you want the science on whether masking is effective or safe for most people, (hint: NO and NO), check it out (link plus the rest of her article at her site [4]).

July 29, 2020 - Regarding Mandatory Mask Wearing -

July 19 2020 - By Anna Von Reitz -

Remember I told you --months ago-- about two very important and truly scientific bits of information?

First, that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now?

That's 5% in 50 years, versus 8% total since 250,000 BC? Ya think we have a problem here, Houston?

You are starving for oxygen on a daily basis, and now you are putting on masks and further depleting your ability to breathe. Brilliant.

Second, the idiots in charge of the military created a monster vaccine and deployed it through the military during the second Iraq War. It was a vaccination that has caused the victims to develop "super coagulation syndrome" Also known as "thick blood disease".

A whole generation of second-round Iraqi Vets are battling this disease and being forced to take Warfarin -- rat poison -- to thin their blood enough to survive.

And there's something even more troubling bubbling to the surface: their families are developing the same symptoms.

Well, here you go, an official explanation of Coagulation Disease by a doctor. If you won't believe me, believe him.[1]

"Doctor Reveals the Corona Effect -- Claims COVID is Blood Coagulation" -- published July 16, 2020, on the Freedom Articles, by Makia Freeman.

Remember that the US Surgeon General doesn't condone the use of masks?

There's a reason for that. He knows they don't work. Masks only make things worse.

Thank you, Jerome Adams, for being the only responsible adult in the room.

So, let's cut to the chase. There is a real problem -- reduced atmospheric oxygen. That's a problem for all life on Earth.

That problem is being made worse-- quickly --- by pollution of the oceans, deforestation, and broadcast microwave technology.

And there is also Coagulation Disease, brought to you by the Frankensteins being allowed to experiment on our military personnel.

But there is no distinctive "Covid 19" virus in evidence and no proof of any viral "Covid 19 Disease", either. None.

This is all bushwah based on nothing but the Common Cold Virus we've all lived with for centuries.

We are so confident of that, that The United States of America is offering a fifty billion dollar reward to anyone who can prove otherwise.

What we have going on here is a "live exercise" being foisted off on all of us by the out-of-control WHO and UN organizations who have no granted authority from our government whatsoever.

Listen and weep and then get up off your rumps and kick some.[2]

Quote: "Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board's annual 2019 report and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005—which 194/or 196 countries signed off on—which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors."

Send this little blurb to "your" Governor and tell him that if he wants the Big Money Reward, all he has to do is prove that: (1) a distinct "Covid 19 Virus" exists, has been identified, and is in evidence in the general population; and (2) the aforementioned "Covid 19 Virus" causes a definable and unique disease apart from the Common Cold caused by other corona virus strains.

And otherwise, failing that test, he needs to shut up and get his State of State back to normal ASAP. No mask mandates. No nonsense. Either that, or face criminal charges for promoting a Public Hoax costing Americans millions of jobs
and hundreds of billions of dollars.

Send it to "your" Congressmen and the news media and the members of all the Bar Associations and the United Nations Secretary General and the Pope and all "Municipal Government Contractors" and all the other Guilty Parties responsible. ...[3]




If this link doesn't work, go to "Newsbreak 81: CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic 'Training and Simulation' under WHO" on YouTube.












atmospheric oxygen, microwave transmission, vaccine, super coagulation syndrome, thick blood disease, Coagulation Disease, Corona Effect, Blood Coagulation, live exercise, live training, simulation exercise, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, Covid 19, unconscionable contract, adhesion contract, Measles


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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Kidney Stones Remedy
Hulda Clark Cleanses