Blog: My Enchanted Garden Onion
by Chef JeM

The Greater "Onion"

5G and "Electromagnetic Disruptions and Their Negative Health Effects"

Date:   3/2/2019 4:26:38 AM   ( 6 y ) ... viewed 1640 times

March 1st, 2019 -

The following quote is from an article that was pointed to by Dr. Tom Cowan of whom I have blogged a number of times at "Chef-doctor Jemichel" here at CureZone. -

... Many researchers, such as Dr. Konig, from Munich University, have shown a correlation between Schumann Resonance and brain rhythms. Alpha states are the brainwave frequency at which thinking and creativity are associated. Alpha brainwaves are associated with overall mental and body/mind coordination, alertness, and learning. These are core human functions, which may eventually express problematically as discordant psychological states (as a possible consequence to the increased disturbance to the "Schumann Resonance" field that surrounds the planet).

The good news is that as long as the properties of the earth’s electromagnetic cavity, which holds the Schumann Resonance remain the same, we will remain in harmony with the Schumann Resonance and with the earth. The Schumann Resonance also helps the human biological system to become synchronized with the daily rhythmic cycles of the earth and melatonin production. According to Dr. Cherry’s research, as we disrupt the Schumann Resonance, including raising the potential frequency above 7.83 Hz through a variety of ways, we decrease melatonin secretion, which decreases our ability to be in harmony with the earth’s daily rhythmic cycles. Specifically, when there is an alteration, such as changes in S-GMA activity, ill effects follow such as altered blood pressure; reproductive, immune system, cardiac and neurological problems; mental disorders, depression, and suicide; increase hospital admissions, accidents, and sudden death; as well as other stress-related conditions.

These electromagnetic disruptions and their negative health effects are not new, but 5G is one hundred times more potent in moving in that direction and will likely result in an increase in cancer, heart disease, depression, and other diseases. We already see epidemics in all these areas, as well as in type-2 diabetes. In There Is a Cure for Diabetes, this form of electromagnetic RF/MW radiation caused type-2 diabetes is well documented.

The awareness of the Schumann Resonance helps us to see the real cosmic interconnectedness of all of us humans, animals, plants, the planet earth, and the sun and moon.

EMF and EMFR reduce melatonin secretion in animals and people.

Once we understand that, it helps us examine at least one mechanism for why, indeed, we are seeing so many health problems.

Melatonin is a vital natural neuro-hormone that regulates the daily circadian rhythm in mammals.

Melatonin is the most potent known antioxidant; it has also been shown to protect against various forms of cancer.

The pineal gland’s production of melatonin rises at night, and the melatonin is carried by the circulation system throughout the body, passing through the cell membrane and scavenging free radicals in the cell in order to protect the DNA.

Melatonin also has many other vital functions involving the assistance of the immune system to maintain its immunocompetence, and it regulates sleep activity including aspects of REM sleep and sleep efficiency.

Reduced melatonin production causes many serious biological effects in humans and other mammals, including chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, DNA damage leading to cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases, and mortality.

Melatonin reduction is also associated with arthritis, depression, and suicide, seasonally affective disorder (SAD), miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

Multiple independent studies have found that electromagnetic fields reduced melatonin in animals and human beings.

The scientific evidence includes correlations with altered geomagnetic activity reducing human melatonin, through the Schumann Resonance signal effect. The level of evidence exceeds requirements for a causal link, strongly suggesting that melatonin production caused by electromagnetic fields and radiation exposure contributes significantly to the allocation of many adverse health effect rates. ...[1]

Also see: "High-frequency 5G Interferes with Oxygen Molecules We Breath."[2]





5G, Electromagnetic Disruptions, Schumann Resonance, brain rhythms, Alpha states, brainwave frequency, thinking and creativity, Alpha brainwaves, mental coordination, body mind coordination, alertness, learning, melatonin production, blood pressure; reproductive, immune system, cardiac, neurological, mental disorders, depression, suicide, accidents, sudden death

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