Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

Have You Got "The Magnesium Miracle!"?

"...all of the functions of magnesium, why everyone needs more magnesium ..."

Date:   11/1/2017 10:40:10 PM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 3383 times

October 16, 2020 -

"According to the Department of Agriculture, more than half of all Americans do not meet the daily recommended intake of magnesium due to modern agricultural practices that strip nutrients from our soil. Environmental factors, such as stress, depression, and anxiety, deplete your body of magnesium. In reality, this is a most conservative estimate.

With an overabundance of refined grains, processed foods, and sugars, the modern diet contains very little magnesium. Even the magnesium inside whole grains and fresh vegetables have been declining steadily in recent years because of the depletion of minerals in our soils, making magnesium supplementation necessary for most people."[67]*

June 26, 2020 - "A lot of people die from magnesium deficiencies, many more than from the coronavirus." -

"Ten years ago, Dr. Mark Hymen wrote, 'I find it very funny that more doctors are not clued into the benefits of magnesium because we use it all the time in conventional medicine. But we never stop to think about why or how important it is to our general health or why it helps our bodies function better.'

Mainstream attitudes toward supplements try to dumb us down, like a recent New York Times essay. Too few regular doctors prescribe magnesium. Too few psychologists and psychiatrists prescribe magnesium. A lot of people die from magnesium deficiencies, many more than from the coronavirus. As the only living author of two books on magnesium, I am in a position to make such a statement. The last thing our present generation of health officials wants to count is death from a lack of magnesium. Engine blocks seize without oil. It’s the same with human physiology, it seizes without enough magnesium in the cells, and the heart certainly goes into cardiac arrest if magnesium levels drop in the blood.

Magnesium is so essential for our health, especially now in times of high stress (stress increases the biological need for more magnesium) ..."[66]


This Blog-writer is presently taking a couple forms of magnesium. Firstly in food form (nutritional yeast) then in liquid form (in a DIY mix of Milk of Magnesia with seltzer). Also in capsule form (Magnesium L-Threonate)

January 28, 2020 -

"... Dr. Raul Vergini says, 'Magnesium chloride has a unique healing power on acute viral and bacterial diseases. It cured polio and diphtheria and that was the main subject of my magnesium book. A few grams of magnesium chloride every few hours will clear nearly all acute illnesses, which can be beaten in a few hours. I have seen a lot of flu cases healed in 24-48 hours with 3 grams of magnesium chloride taken every 6-8 hours.'”[63]

Also - Magnesium Chloride Reviews and Testimonials -

“I want to say how thankful I am to have learned about magnesium and how much it has helped me. I have ankylosing spondilitus, degenerative disc disease, have 4 vertebrae fused together naturally from no discs and calcification of the tendons as well, like hacksaw blades in my back. I am a 59 yr. old disabled electrician.

“I had been prescribed drugs like Enbrel injections and as many pain pills as I could consume. I hated it and quit them ALL. It was not easy. This condition causes muscle splinting. My back muscles were always hard as a rock and NEVER let go, from my neck and shoulders to my tailbone, spasms too of course.

“Transdermal Magnesium oil caused my muscles to relax for the first time in 30 yrs. I had been to physical therapists who tried everything in their book and nothing worked, they had to stop as my legs were going numb from their protocol. They never did use magnesium oil. ...

“Thank you so much for increasing my quality of life and helping me get off the drugs. I am also using Nascent Iodine and taking Selenium and Vit. D3. I also have a baking soda and magnesium drink before bed and when I wake up, I think it is helping my energy levels as well.

"I am currently feeling better than I did 15 yrs. ago. Thank you again Dr. Sircus for sharing this VITAL information. You have saved my life.
- Wayne D.[64]

February 3, 2020 - Magnesium and Glutathione -

"... Magnesium deficiencies cause glutathione depletion and production of glutathione is also dependent on magnesium. Glutathione synthetase requires-glutamyl cysteine, glycine, ATP, and magnesium ions to form glutathione. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion and this is vital since glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury. ..."[65]*

November 26, 2019 - "An inverse relationship between cancer prevalence and the magnesium content of water and of soil"

"...Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt, the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. In the rural fellah, it was practically nonexistent. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5-3 g in these cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries.[Note in original artcle]

An inverse relationship between cancer prevalence and the magnesium content of water and of soil is reported in studies, starting more than 50 years ago. A Russian report showed that stomach cancer is four times more common in the Ukraine where the magnesium content of soil and drinking water is low, than it is in Armenia where the magnesium content is more than twice as high. A more recent morphologic and statistical analysis of neoplastic deaths in two Polish communities disclosed a nearly three-fold higher death rate in the community with Mg-poor soil than in the one with Mg-rich soil.[62]

September 9, 2019 - Two Different Magnesium Tests & Two different Kinds of Magnesium Products -

"Being instructed to achieve magnesium saturation to counter magnesium deficiency is VERY NEW and a mostly unrecognized approach in allopathic medicine and functional doctors aren't far behind. When magnesium is finally recommended, many are given the wrong forms. Most people cannot get enough magnesium to overcome their deficiency and the magnesium drain from drugs, stress and poor diet. If you do try to take saturation amounts of most magnesium products you can get the laxative effect long before your symptoms clear. ..."[61]

December 22, 2018 - Magnesium is a mineral used by every organ in your body, ...

... especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys.
If you suffer from unexplained fatigue or weakness, abnormal heart rhythms or even muscle spasms and eye twitches, low levels of magnesium could (certainly) be to blame.

Most magnesium is stored in your bones and organs, where it is used for many biological functions. Yet, it's quite possible to be deficient and not know it, which is why magnesium deficiency has been dubbed the "invisible deficiency."
~ Carolyn Dean MD ND - The Doctor of the Future® -

April 15, 2019 - Subacute or Chronic Magnesium Deficiency is Difficult to Diagnose -

"... The existence of subacute or chronic magnesium deficiency is difficult to diagnose. Because the tissues damaged by magnesium depletion are those of the cardiovascular, renal and the neuromuscular systems, early damage is not readily detectable. It is postulated that long-term suboptimal intakes of magnesium may participate in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases of these systems."[57]

March 2, 2019 - "Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis." -

By: Ginney

Dr. Dean requests that everyone print up the scientific review “Subclinical Magnesium Deficiency”[54] for your doctors, friends, and family because magnesium deficiency has been declared a Public Health Crisis and taking magnesium saves lives.

Subclinical Mg Def & Heart -

In the abstract of the paper, the research team makes these comments:

Because serum magnesium does not reflect intracellular magnesium, the latter making up more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed. Furthermore, because of chronic diseases, medications, decreases in food crop magnesium contents, and the availability of refined and processed foods, the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency. Certain individuals will need to supplement with magnesium in order to prevent suboptimal magnesium deficiency, especially if trying to obtain an optimal magnesium status to prevent chronic disease. Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease, costs nations around the world an incalculable amount of health care costs and suffering, and should be a considered a public health crisis. That an easy, cost-effective strategy exists to prevent and treat subclinical magnesium deficiency should provide an urgent call to action.

This is the best paper to print out and take to your doctors if you want them to learn why you are taking ReMag.
It’s also the best paper to show your friends and family to alert them to the crisis in medicine that has made magnesium deficiency a public health crisis. This paper talks about heart disease, but there are 65 diseases that Dr. Dean has identified that may truly be magnesium deficiency but are being treated by drugs and not ReMag.

Additional Resources:

Get a free chapter of The Magnesium Miracle: [55]

February 4, 2019 - RDA of Magnesium -

"... 80% of Americans get less than the stingy RDA of magnesium making them deficient. And 100 years ago we could get 500mg of magnesium in our diet and now we are lucky if we get 200mg."[53]

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September 10, 2018 - Magnesium in biology -

Magnesium is an essential element in biological systems. ... It is an essential mineral nutrient (i.e., element) for life and is present in every cell type in every organism. For example, ATP ... the main source of energy in cells, must bind to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP. As such, magnesium plays a role in the stability of all polyphosphate compounds in the cells, including those associated with the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Over 300 enzymes[41] require the presence of magnesium ions for their catalytic action, including all enzymes utilizing or synthesizing ATP, or those that use other nucleotides to synthesize DNA and RNA.[40]

April 15, 2019 - Comment Posted at a Leading Magnesium Article on the Weston A. Price Foundation's Site -

Thank you very much Katherine for the magnificent presentation!

Apparently magnesium deficiency has been “formally identified” as a public health crisis only as of May 2017[i] even though the core problem of depleted minerals in our agricultural soils dates back probably close to one hundred years as of now. Given the “warning … from the 74th Congress, 2nd session, Senate document number 264, of 1936” I’d like to think that most every individual reading this presentation realizes that we can’t look to “government” for a resolution regarding the state of our soils. According to the original intent of our Organic Laws the external (and truly foreign) governments have no Lawful business concerning the people’s soil. According to our original Organic Laws our soil is the proprietary basis for the people’s self-government. This quintessential yet suppressed knowledge must be fully realized by the people once again so that we can reclaim our original Lawful jurisdiction and thereby be fully empowered to respond to the “crisis” of which magnesium may only be what is becoming most obvious.

Our original Lawful land and soil-based jurisdiction empowers us to revoke the charters extended to any and all incorporated entities that have caused injury to the people and/or bar their operations on our home lands. The personal use of any “Magnesium Therapy” may bring some relief to the discomfort of individuals (which of course is a good thing) however just doing that does not solve the figurative and literal root cause. The problem with our depleted soils needs our response. To fully address that problem we have to consider all the powers that are truly of, by, and for the people; powers that were either lawfully delegated externally or usurped and subsequently have been severely abused and now (finally) realized to be greatly to the people’s demise.[]

[i] According to Carolyn Dean MD ND:

January 20, 2019 -

"Since 1940 there has been a tremendous decline in the micronutrient density of foods. ...
The loss of magnesium during food refining/processing is significant ...
One review paper concluded: ‘Magnesium deficiency in plants is becoming an increasingly severe
problem with the development of industry and agriculture and the increase in human population’.
Processed foods, fat, refined flour and sugars are all devoid of magnesium, and thus our Western diet predisposes us to magnesium deficiency."[51]

Comment: I was recently thinking of this "tremendous decline" spanning over the last century as it was first observed in the 1920s when the European farmers sought Rudolf Steiner for answers. In thinking of the decline plus the extensive loss of nutrients during "food refining/processing" it left me wondering how can people stay alive on just a small fraction of the nutrition that our ancestors have thrived on for so many thousands of years. I'm really amazed as to what keeps people going to the extent that people survive. In light of it all I definitely understand the need for good supplementation like Dr. Carolyn Dean suggest as well as several other doctors of nutrition however animals, plants and soil all need good nutrition as well.

Actually this "decline" goes back farther: "Within agricultural chemistry, Justus von Liebig in Germany and James F.W. Johnston in Britain both provided powerful critiques of the loss of soil nutrients in the early to mid-nineteenth century due to capitalist agriculture, singling out for criticism British high farming. This extended to the robbing, in effect, of the soil of some countries by others."[52]

August 21, 2018 - 3 Nails in the Magnesium Deficiency Coffin - By: Carolyn Dean MD ND - The Doctor of the Future® -

"Three Medscape articles in a row caught my eye. I could write a blog on each one but collectively they emphasize the continued failure of modern medicine to recognize the horrendous epidemic of magnesium deficiency. All three articles put the final nail in the coffin for me that modern medicine is never going to recognize this condition. Allopathic doctors will continue to treat magnesium deficiency symptoms with drugs and make people more ill.

1. “New Definition Means Almost Half the World’s Adult Population Now Hypertensive.”

2. Epidemic of Atrial Fibrillation

3. Calcification Valve Deterioration After Heart Valve Surgery

1. I’ve blogged about “A Nation of Hypertensives” being diagnosed because the definition of high BP was lowered in 2017. Now half the world’s adult population has been relegated to the same bucket. Countless studies that I document in my Magnesium Miracle book beg to differ and name magnesium deficiency as the main cause of essential hypertension.

2. The epidemic of AFib is truly scary. Cardiologists are suggesting that up to 20% of seniors will develop AFib. I have a huge section in The Magnesium Miracle about AFib and provide studies and case histories of people who have overcome their AFib. This merely means that their AFib was really just magnesium deficiency and by saturating with magnesium, they overcame their misdiagnosis.

In this article, the experts are challenged by the emergence of AFib in long distance runners citing an incidence of AFib up to 7 times higher in heavy exercisers. Of course they don’t rise to the challenge and equate sweat mineral loss with the occurrence of arrhythmia. However, athletes themselves are making the connection.

3. The third article is about the high incidence of calcification in surgically replaced valves. That immediately should make you think of a magnesium-deficient patient who can’t keep calcium in solution and the calcium precipitates in and around the wounded and scarred valve. The article cites death and repeat surgeries as a result of this calcification. Another nail in this coffin is the statement, “Our study findings also add to the evidence that patients with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are at high risk of faster deterioration of the bioprosthetic valve.” HA, I say, what is the biggest cause of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome? Magnesium Deficiency!

Since your doctors are not going to make these connections and put you, your friends, and your family members on countless medications instead of recommending magnesium, it’s up to you to spread the word. And of course that word is ReMag.

Learn about magnesium, and much more, by subscribing to my health tips by email. You can subscribe here:[38]

There are several reasons why I have this particular blog and why I keep adding to it. My father was diagnosed with hypertension, had two heart surgeries, was prescribed Coumadin that I researched about ten years ago and realized it was not truly healthy option (to which he said he'd be on it temporarily however he also didn't want to go against doctors orders). The heart surgeries were suppose to increase his quality of life. That is highly questionable! What is unquestionable is that the medication reduced is quality of life.

Another reason for this blog is my little girl niece had heart surgery as an infant and then a couple years later had a second heart surgery to replace valve (or shunt or whatever it was the doctors installed the first time). She never recovered for the second procedure and died as a little girl (I think she was less than five years old).

There are several additional reasons like these regarding untimely deaths in my family that have some relationship with doctor interventions however these two can be most attributed to magnesium (Mg) deficiency.

I am convinced that I have a Mg deficiency and am now taking a Mg supplement.

August 7, 2018 - The vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency and most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed -

Abstract - "Because serum magnesium does not reflect intracellular magnesium, the latter making up more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed. Furthermore, because of chronic diseases, medications, decreases in food crop magnesium contents, and the availability of refined and processed foods, the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency. Certain individuals will need to supplement with magnesium in order to prevent subclinical magnesium deficiency, especially if trying to obtain an optimal magnesium status to prevent chronic disease. Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease, costs nations around the world an incalculable amount of health care costs and suffering, and should be a considered a public health crisis."[37]

July 31, 2018 - "Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective - Up to 50 percent of US population is magnesium deficient"

A review published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found Vitamin D can't be metabolized without sufficient magnesium levels, meaning Vitamin D remains stored and inactive for as many as 50 percent of Americans.

"People are taking Vitamin D supplements but don't realize how it gets metabolized. Without magnesium, Vitamin D is not really useful or safe," says study co-author Mohammed S. Razzaque, MBBS, PhD, a professor of pathology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Razzaque explains that consumption of Vitamin D supplements can increase a person's calcium and phosphate levels even if they remain Vitamin D deficient. The problem is people may suffer from vascular calcification if their magnesium levels aren't high enough to prevent the complication.

Patients with optimum magnesium levels require less Vitamin D supplementation to achieve sufficient Vitamin D levels. Magnesium also reduces osteoporosis, helping to mitigate the risk of bone fracture that can be attributed to low levels of Vitamin D, Razzaque noted.

Deficiency in either of these nutrients is reported to be associated with various disorders, including skeletal deformities, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome.

While the recommended daily allowance for magnesium is 420 mg for males and 320 mg for females, the standard diet in the United States contains only about 50 percent of that amount. As much as half of the total population is estimated to be consuming a magnesium-deficient diet.

Researchers say the magnesium consumption from natural foods has decreased in the past few decades, owing to industrialized agriculture and changes in dietary habits. Magnesium status is low in populations who consume processed foods that are high in refined grains, fat, phosphate, and sugar.

"By consuming an optimal amount of magnesium, one may be able to lower the risks of Vitamin D deficiency, and reduce the dependency on Vitamin D supplements," says Razzaque. ... [36]

August 22, 2018 - Here is a breakdown on the various types of magnesium and what they can do for you. -

"Magnesium oxide It’s the cheapest but only 4% absorbed. The rest goes through the intestines like a laxative. Good for constipation but not likely going to give you enough magnesium for therapeutic treatment of health conditions or to build up magnesium stores. If you take it and have several BM’s a day, you will lose nutrients including magnesium.

The rest of the magnesium products are rated on whether they have laxative effects or not. There are no real absorption studies on all the magnesium except magnesium oxide.

Magnesium Compounds -
Magnesium glycinate: Less laxative
Magnesium malate: Two studies show its beneficial for fibromyalgia pain
Magnesium aspartate: Not recommended by Dr. Russell Blaylock because it can break down into the poisonous aspartame artificial sweetener.
Magnesium glutamate: Not recommended by Dr. Russell Blaylock because it can break down into the poisonous MSG.
* Magnesium bisglycinate with SRT: Less laxative
* Magnesium citrate powder (Natural Calm): dissolved in water it can be sipped throughout the day making it less laxative

Magnesium Chelates -
They claim to be better absorbed and less laxative but they are only magnesium compounds with an attached amino acid. It’s said that chelating mimics what plants do to minerals but plants chelate picometer-size minerals to begin with, not the much larger sized compounds in these products.

Food-Based Magnesium -
It’s said these are products are less laxative because they are supposedly smaller sized like plant minerals, but I personally get the laxative effect from them so I know they are not 100% absorbed. I recommend Grown by Nature if people want this form of magnesium.

Magnesium Oil -
Magnesium chloride supersaturated in distilled water makes an oily substance that you can put on your skin to relieve any sort of muscle or joint injury. But it’s also well absorbed and helps body-wide magnesium deficiency symptoms.

Magnesium Bath Salts -
1-2 cups of Epsom Salts, Magnesium chloride flakes or Natural Calm Sports. Baths are a great non-laxative way to obtain some of your magnesium requirements.

Pico Ionic Magnesium: ReMag (disclosure: this is my product) -
100% absorbed at the cellular level. No laxative effect.

The (asterisk marked) magnesiums are my standard recommendations.

The dosage of magnesium is at least the RDA of 400 mg and sometimes double or triple that amount. Start with the RDA, splitting your doses up through the day and increase if you symptoms are not alleviated. See my book for the 100 factors that alert you to magnesium deficiency or google my name and 100 factors.[39]

I've had "Magnesium citrate powder (Natural Calm)" and am able to take 1 5/8 teaspoon per dose at least 2x/day without a noticeable laxative effect. I've had "Magnesium Bath Salts - Epsom Salts". I've tried one bottle of "Pico Ionic Magnesium: ReMag" and now in the process of ordering a second bottle that I'd like to increase the dosage on, plus a bottle of the Mg lotion.

May 20, 2018 - Benzo Addiction -

"... Magnesium is necessary for the function of 700-800 different enzyme systems in the body. It can help detox medications and heavy metals, relax muscles, calm nerves, help you sleep at night and give you energy during the day. All these functions can help you overcome symptoms of a benzo addiction especially if magnesium deficiency is the reason you began the drug in the first place."[33]

September 16, 2018 -

"... Magnesium deficiency is a sign of diabetes and osteoporosis is related to magnesium deficiency. So, it’s no wonder that 2/3 of women with type 2 diabetes mellitus have low bone mass and osteopenia. So-called smart doctors with decades of experience in clinical research say that 'T2DM increases a person’s likelihood of osteoporotic fracture, boosting the risk by up to 30%, but the mechanism involved remains unclear.'

Did you catch that '…the mechanism involved remains unclear.' LISTEN TO ME! The mechanism is MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY.

Below is an edited excerpt on magnesium deficiency and osteoporosis from Chapter 11 of The Magnesium Miracle (2017).


(a.) A 2014 meta-analysis confirmed the association between Serum Magnesium levels and postmenopausal osteoporosis. Seven studies involving 1,349 postmenopausal women were identified. Overall, postmenopausal osteoporotic women had lower serum levels of magnesium than the healthy controls.

(b.) With drug companies funding most of the osteoporosis research, there are no large clinical trials investigating the magnesium connection in bone production and there probably never will be. As long as people are given false hope that there is some magic bullet in the pharmaceutical pipeline that will 'cure' osteoporosis, or any other chronic disease, they will ignore the underlying diet- and nutrient-related reasons for their health problems.

(c.) Reports that Fosamax causes jawbone deterioration is evidence that this osteoporosis drug, and likely all bisphosphonates, cause brittle bones. This side effect of jawbone deterioration has dentists refusing to place dental implants in women who are on Fosamax.

(d.) Fosamax works by destroying osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone as it ages. These cells also sculpt the bone as new bone forms, shaping it into a strong and stable matrix. Fosamax prevents bone from breaking down—but the drug companies did not reckon with the necessary bone-remodeling function of the osteoclast. Without osteoclasts bones have no blueprint to follow and calcium is deposited helter-skelter. X-rays of bones under the influence of Fosamax may appear dense at a glance, but when you look closely, without the remodeling capacity of osteoclasts, the bones’ internal structure is in complete disarray. These bones are brittle and they break more easily.

(e.) Instead of cozying up to Fosamax, doctors should read a 2013 study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry showing that magnesium has a direct influence on increasing the formation of osteoclasts. Investigators acknowledged that magnesium deficiency occurs frequently and leads to loss of bone mass, abnormal bone growth and skeletal weakness. But they wanted to determine how this occurs. Using an animal model, they found that magnesium deficiency inhibited the activity of osteoclasts – which is the mechanism of action of Fosamax. They concluded that altered osteoclast numbers and activity may contribute to the bone changes that are seen in magnesium-deficient patients.

The unfortunate consequence of this study about bones deteriorating in diabetes is that diabetics will be offered high dose calcium and Fosamax, instead of magnesium, to 'save their bones!'

Once again doctors come up against evidence of magnesium deficiency in diabetes and make a complete U turn away from prescribing magnesium. But you can see it and you know it makes sense and it’s up to you to take care of your own bones! You can read my ReMyte/ReCalcia book for more.

Learn about magnesium, and much more, by subscribing to my health tips by email. You can subscribe here:

Carolyn Dean MD ND
The Doctor of the Future®[42]

Paragraph (d.) is especially interesting to me at this time as the "blueprint" relates to a separate reading (on a transdisciplinary framework for evolution) with reference to "nature's algorithms".[43]

June 21, 2018 - Happy Solstice Today!

Here's a testimonial that (IMO) speaks volumes about the difference between the modern day medical paradigm and the body's innate ability to self-heal:

"It is not difficult to research and find out that the body is much better at maintaining itself than modern medicine could ever hope for. I've seen documentaries of doctors confounded and confused by those who are cured, and those who aren't. I've seen the Dalai Llama say that it's actually very simple. He just looks into people's eyes and could tell how their body's chemistry was off. He offers herbs (for quick change), then a diet. It works on people whom our Modern Medicine gave up on and deemed 'terminal.'

It's all about lifestyle – avoiding the toxins our society tries to feed us, exercise, good rest, and a healthy environment. Supplements are an important part of that. They give the body a chance to heal itself. The body's self-healing is much better than doctors could ever hope to be, and this has been admitted by many doctors.

I have tried all kinds of supplements. Always knew there was one thing my body was missing, badly. It is magnesium. ..."

November 12, 2018 - Are We Wrong About Fevers?[46]

An interesting brief article to rethink what a body's "normal" temperature is.

May 14, 2018 - Got Relief From Muscle Cramps? -

Dr. Carolyn Dean writes:
Muscle cramps are one of the most common signs of magnesium deficiency.
And, if your body is already low in magnesium and you expose it to strenuous activities, you can really start to realize what magnesium deficiency feels like.

When muscles are engaged in the rapid-fire contraction and relaxation of physical exercise, if there is too much calcium (the initiator of contractions) and too little magnesium (the initiator of relaxation), muscle cramps and a buildup of lactic acid can result.

Here is a customer who decided to saturate his body with all of the Total Body ReSet formulas in order to make it more capable of handling the stress and strain that his lifestyle brings.


Without the Total Body ReSet, there is no way I could do Over The Road truck driving. It is giving my body what it needs.

I'm actually making progress on what I thought was Fibromyalgia. I also had an accident 5 years ago, pain in legs, pain in lower back. Started using a kettlebell for exercise, which puts great stress on that part of the body, along with the physical stress of truck driving. I'm making progress that I failed to make in 5 years. The Total Body ReSet is part of it. Definitely.

My calves would always harden up when walking. It's due to lack of magnesium. I'm going through a lot of ReMag but I'm making progress. I keep at it. The magnesium is slowly taking its place in my muscles after a lifetime of a body filled with calcium. I even ran three marathons that way. I'm sort of working from the ground up here but it's working!

–Ron Pyle


While ReMag is the main formula responsible for Ron's more relaxed muscles, the other Total Body ReSet formulas are working together to support the remineralization of his body, affecting long term recovery so he can enjoy a body less prone to cramps and injuries.

May 8, 2018 - Dr. Carolyn Dean writes:
How does one graduate from being a calm person in control of their nervous system to an anxious, fearful individual?

Anxiety is a normal attribute of the biological brain designed to keep us alert in order to stay alive. If a predator comes toward us, then we have to be on our guard, but if our anxiety seemingly has no trigger and reaches an uncomfortable level, we have to find out why.

Magnesium manages fear. Stressful events lead to a gradual, but chronic, decrease in magnesium reserves. The resulting magnesium deficiency can set off a downward spiral of symptoms like low energy, weakness, uneasiness and irritability.

So, join me on this FREE webinar where my co-host Ginney and I will show you the connection between magnesium deficiency and anxiety.

You'll discover that:

Allopathic Medicine cannot say what causes Anxiety
Anxiety does not just come out of the blue. There are 25 triggers for Anxiety that are caused by magnesium deficiency.
By eliminating magnesium deficiency, you should be able to eliminate most forms of anxiety.
The meaning behind anxiety symptoms can be explained by examining internal conflicts.
At the end of the webinar we'll give out a special offer. It's the perfect companion to the information I'll be sharing in the webinar, so be sure to attend or you'll miss out.

The presentation will be about 40 minutes, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session where you can ask me questions by typing them into the chat box or emailing them to

If you want to get the facts on anxiety, then don't miss this webinar. Make sure you tune in this Thursday, May 10th at 3pm ET / 12pm PT to hear this important information that you won't find anywhere else.[30]

April 14, 2018 -

"... Magnesium plays many important roles in the structure and the function of the human body. The adult human body contains about 25 grams of magnesium. Over 60% of all the magnesium in the body is found in the skeleton, about 27% is found in muscle, 6% to 7% is found in other cells, and less than 1% is found outside of cells.

WOW – why does the body require so much darned magnesium? Well, it turns out that magnesium is not only producing necessary enzymes and working in the mitochondria to make ATP but magnesium is also necessary for protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. The ribosomes are the cellular organelles where proteins are synthesized. Magnesium 'activates' the amino acids involved and allows the mRNA to attach to the ribosomes. Magnesium is also found in the nucleus of the cell and is essential for the stability of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA. If DNA and RNA structure do not remain stable you may have mutations in the codes and produce incorrect peptides (or) none at all during protein synthesis. Energy for the production of proteins must come from ATP as well. Without magnesium available in many areas of the cell, protein synthesis cannot occur.

Okay- so magnesium is super critical! BUT – how do you know if you have enough magnesium in your body to perform all the essential functions for human health? One way to be certain (that) your levels of magnesium are well within the normal range is to get a magnesium RBC red blood cell (RBC) essential mineral test. If you are in a part of the US or the world when you can take this action for yourself, please do so! Just visit and complete the online registration, order the test, and visit a local lab to have the procedure completed."[29]

May 14, 2018 - "... Hypomagnesaemia is Rather Common, ...

in particular, in hospitalized patients. Moreover, as the intake of refined foods increases—as appears to be the case in developed countries—magnesium deficiency will most likely evolve into a more common disorder. Nonetheless, total serum magnesium is rarely measured in clinical practice. ..."[32]

July 23, 2018 - Food Sources of Magnesium -

"... Magnesium is found in chlorophyll-rich green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, honey, molasses, dates, and nuts, especially almonds, cashews, and brazil nuts. Fish and sea kelp are also good sources."[35]

Just be sure to prepare the grains and nuts according to the wise traditional ways by at least pre-soaking. Sprouting will add additional nutritional value. Last but not east culturing or fermenting these items can make them all the more easier to digest. This is the master key in the "wise traditions" the people made there food digestible.

February 4, 2018 - Important Abstract! -

Because serum magnesium does not reflect intracellular magnesium, the latter making up more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed.[22] Furthermore, because of chronic diseases, medications, decreases in food crop magnesium contents[20], and the availability of refined and processed foods[21], the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency. Certain individuals will need to supplement with magnesium in order to prevent suboptimal magnesium deficiency, especially if trying to obtain an optimal magnesium status to prevent chronic disease. Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease, costs nations around the world an incalculable amount of healthcare costs and suffering, and should be considered a public health crisis. That an easy, cost-effective strategy exists to prevent and treat subclinical magnesium deficiency should provide an urgent call to action.[19]

January 5, 2018 - Some search results re: The RBC Magnesium Test -

Magnesium RBC Blood Test | Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND

May 31, 2014 - So, I bit the bullet about a year ago and have been promoting the Magnesium RBC test in my 2014 updated Magnesium Miracle book as the second best test to determine levels. However, it's been an uphill battle for many reasons. Magnesium RBC tests for the magnesium levels in a population that is 80% ...
Why Test for Magnesium? | Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND

Oct 20, 2015 - And, even if your test looks good but you still have magnesium deficiency symptoms, go by how you feel, not the test. For more on ReMag and testing and where to order your own Magnesium RBC test without a doctor's prescription download my free eBook Invisible Minerals Part I. Carolyn Dean MD ND.
Gauging Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms | Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND

Jun 8, 2010 - You can use your Magnesium RBC test to gauge how much magnesium your body requires. You can repeat this test every 3 months to make sure you are building up your magnesium stores. Unlike most drugs, as your body becomes saturated with magnesium, you will need less, not more, to sustain your ...

January 8, 2018 -

Dr. Carolyn Dean writes:

"...when I wrote the first version of Invisible Minerals: Part II – Multiple Minerals about ReMyte, I found 6 minerals involved with thyroid hormone production. Now the total is up to 9 and there may be more. That why, besides ReMyte (which contains 12 minerals including 9 for the thyroid) I recommend that everyone take sea salt in their drinking water to get the wee bits of 72 minerals that the sea and the earth provide. (Sea Salt: ¼ tsp in every pint of drinking water.)

... All this information is in the free ReMyte Book at RnA ReSet in the FAQ section where it is called Invisible Minerals Part II. You may be like me when you see a list of things that nutrients can do and you just think 'prove it.' But what I know about ReMyte is that the enhanced absorption of picometer minerals (due to their size) makes them truly functional and therapeutic. Whereas dirt minerals may be 4-20% absorbed, picometer minerals reach 100% absorption. ..."[15]

April 12, 2018 -

In 2001-2002 91% of females ages 14-18 had inadequate Magnesium intake from food compared to estimated average requirements.[27] That figure decreased to 89% for 2005-2006.[28]

November 21, 2018 - Why Doctors Fear Magnesium -

"It doesn’t seem rationale, but doctors are afraid of magnesium because they really don’t know anything about it. In med school we were told over and over again that if we came upon some treatment that we didn’t learn in our medical training, that it just wasn’t valid. Incredibly that goes for all the nutrients that we know the body needs as building blocks.

That fact became very real to me this month when I got roped into a panel discussion on a mainstream ESPN radio show. The panel was very diverse – a male model turned yogi, a rap artist, a psychologist and a couple of medical doctors. The discussion was about insomnia with a focus on children. I was about 7th on the list and by the time they got to me, the solutions ranged from letting an infant cry themselves to sleep to what drugs to use, especially if a child was hyped up because he was on ADHD meds!

I immediately said that I had the solution for both kids and adults – magnesium. I couldn’t help but say that kids on ADHD meds often ended up on antidepressants and most, if not all, the young people involved in suicides and homicides were on these drugs.

That statement was a big red flag to the doctors, who don’t want to be held accountable for their prescribing practices. So, when I said that taking magnesium could be as simple as putting a child in an Epsom salts bath – a male doctor asked me what was the science behind my advice. I told him about the 1,000+ studies by Drs. Burton and Bella Altura. Then a woman doctor announced that if the child swallowed the bath water they could have diarrhea.

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud – at which point I was cut off by the host. It was more of an Oh My! laugh and not a Ha Ha Laugh. As in ‘Oh my goodness gracious’ how could a doctor be so _____. You fill in the blank!

The doctor probably immediately Googled Epsom salts and found that taken orally in high doses the salts could be laxative and she quickly sought to discredit my advice. But I still was perplexed by this lack of commonsense and lack of openness to non-drug solutions.

It finally came to me when I was reading a story about a 3rd year medical student learning about magnesium sulfate used in obstetrics for women with eclampsia (headaches, seizures, fluid retention, and high blood pressure). On the ward a mistake was made on the rate of delivery of the MgSO4 and the patient rapidly received 40,000mg of magnesium. (Note, one tsp of ReMag contains 300mg, so this dose was equivalent to almost 3 bottles of ReMag swallowed at once.) That amount of magnesium threw off her electrolyte balance catastrophically and she died – likely of an arrhythmia.

I realize that is what doctors learn about magnesium – the negative effects of too much. They are not in med school to learn about nutrients or how to keep people healthy. The medical mandate is to diagnose disease and treat disease symptoms with drugs. Unfortunately drug side effects are mounting as are nutrient deficiencies and doctors don’t know how to turn back the clock on their failed education.

But your education can proceed uninterrupted. Simply go to my educational website Dr. Carolyn Dean Live and download all my free books and listen to my radio show archives.

Learn about magnesium, and much more, by subscribing to my health tips by email. You can subscribe here:

Carolyn Dean MD ND"[49]

January 5, 2018 - Why Pico-Ionic Minerals?

“Science Speaks Out -
Seventeen years ago researchers found out that

* Minerals enter through ion channels
* Gateways for entering minerals are 400-500 picketers in diameter.

What is more exciting … the single magnesium ion is only 70-86 picometers ..."[14]

Just in a moment ago in the newest edition -

Here's a testimonial we just received yesterday from a customer who is delighted with the changes that ReMyte has affected in her.



This product is wonderful for the lungs as well. Clears mucous, and inflammation.

My mother is also naturally improving, and feels the full benefits from the Total Body ReSet bundle, as well as my child. Both had lung problems until we all started the Formulas. Thank you Dr. Dean!

I really can't express my full gratitude, in this short, complimentary review of my honest testimony, without going into detailed, lengthy explanations.

However, THANK YOU, infinitely.



While ReMyte doesn't get nearly as much attention as ReMag, it is still an important daily formula to ensure your body has all the electrolytes it requires for your organs to function properly and to support your natural healing functions.

When I created ReMyte, I focused on the 9 minerals required by the thyroid for its proper structure and function. The 12 minerals in total also support the immune system and all the other organs of the body including the lungs!

I've posted this with my mother in mind as she has a lung condition that probably needs some nutritional support.

December 20, 2017 - Retrieving Sleeping Function After 25 Years of Insomnia! -

"There is a reason why I've called ReMag 'the relaxation mineral'. Without magnesium, muscles can't relax. And melatonin (the sleep regulating hormone) is disturbed when you are magnesium deficient.

Here is a testimonial from a customer who was able to retrieve his sleeping function thanks to ReMag!
Truly a Magnesium Miracle

I started taking ReMag in 2014 after 25 years of muscle problems and resulting insomnia. After 21 doctors failed to diagnose or help my problem in any material way, I suspected magnesium deficiency although not one of the doctors did a magnesium test or even uttered the word magnesium as a cause of muscle problems. OTC supplements gave a small effect and so I purchased the ReMag and within a week or two I was sleeping soundly for the first time in 25 years.

So, consider this a '25 Star' rating. I have given some of my ReMag bottles to friends and they still use it. One is a person with cerebral palsy and she finds it helps her muscles and spasms.

Not only does it help to calm and relax you, but ReMag is the only form of magnesium that won't cause the laxative effect that sends you running to the bathroom too often.


Dr. Carolyn Dean"

I'm amazed that anyone can function when they have such extended insomnia as this! I'd like to see this guy's Human Design as I suspect he must be an energy type.

November 28, 2017 - Today's Wellness Tip From the Future...with Dr. Carolyn Dean - A Nation of Hypertensives! -

Guess what? According to the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology half of the US population has hypertension because of their new BP guidelines. Who set the guidelines? Doctors that recommend BP meds, that's who. The three doctors listed on the "2017 Guideline for High Blood Pressure in Adults" all have citations in the literature for treating hypertension with medications.

These three, as far as I can determine, without input from public health doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths, integrative medicine doctors, or preventive medicine specialists, declared that a BP reading of 130/80 rather than 140/90 is the new cut off point for hypertension. Lord Sufferin' Cats! Holding your breath, tensing your body, or having to wait impatiently for a half hour for your doctor to see you, will give anyone a systolic BP of 130! I can't believe that doctors would be so cavalier to accept these guidelines.

Such a dramatic power play will mean MORE windfall profits for pharmaceutical companies and MORE drug side effects for beleaguered patients.

The FDA won't let me tell people to take magnesium for their high blood pressure but a team of drug prescribing doctors can declare that MIILLIONS of people have a disease that requires drug treatment!

Nearly half of the U.S. adult population is now saddled with a high blood pressure diagnosis, which is something that settles in the mind as a conflict and can be even more damaging than a minor elevation in blood pressure. The greatest increase in BP victims is in younger people. High blood pressure will triple among men under age 45, and double among women under 45.

So, how did this happen? I think it's because doctors see that what they are doing to treat BP isn't working. Instead of studying alternatives to drugs, in their misguided "wisdom" they decided they should just start giving drugs earlier to younger patients and for blood pressures that used to be normal! They blame the patient! Such arrogance.
Here's a very common story from clients and customers and which I'll hear even more with this new edict. Jack (aged 40-70) goes to his doctor for his annual checkup, but he's been under tremendous stress. The doctor finds that his blood pressure is a little high (because stress causes magnesium deficiency and tightens blood vessels). It's been high in the past so the doctor says it's time to go on a diuretic drug. When he comes back next month, Jack's pressure is higher. The doctor doesn't know why, but it's because Jack's magnesium is driven even lower by the diuretic. His doctor is convinced he's "caught" Jack's blood pressure just in time and has to get more aggressive. The doctor puts Jack on two more antihypertensive drugs. A month later, seemingly out of the blue, but because of lower levels of magnesium, his cholesterol levels are elevated and so is his blood sugar. The doctor, according to "recipe medicine" puts Jack on a statin drug and a diabetic drug. Both those drugs are known to drain the body of more magnesium. And so the story goes, as more and more magnesium is lost, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency escalate into full blown heart failure. But the worst failure is doctors not understanding that they are causing magnesium deficiency heart disease. And that's why doctors don't think heart disease can be cured – because with their drugs, they expose patients to heart failure!

All doctors have to do is read the literature about magnesium deficiency. A review paper by Fox, et al, in 2001 described the reasons why magnesium deficiency is mistaken for hypertension.

Magnesium deficiency causes a dysregulation of the sodium-magnesium exchange, resulting in higher intracellular sodium and thus higher blood pressure.

A relatively low magnesium level creates an intracellular imbalance between calcium and magnesium, which results in increased spasms in the smooth muscle of arteries and therefore increased blood pressure.
Magnesium deficiency causes insulin resistance, which in turn causes hyperinsulinemia, resulting in hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

At the risk of beating a dead and magnesium-deficient horse, I'll comment on a Medscape video interview about the 2017 guidelines with two Cardiologists at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Firstly, what is remotely scientific about declaring several million people hypertensive without any individual testing or physical and nutritional assessment? Also, in the interview transcript, this quote was at the top of the session, "The day where the physician does everything is long past. We're just too busy."

Too busy screening, writing prescriptions, ordering tests and surgeries, and keeping track of test results BUT not spending enough time with their patients. If doctors simply took the time to "be" with their patients they would find invaluable information about why they develop disease conditions. As it stands, doctors will just keep putting drug band aids on symptoms and never get to the real cause. Because physicians are just too busy to treat patients individually they have succumbed to recipe medicine using guidelines cooked up by practice management specialists. I'm so glad I moved onto research before I was forced to do 7-minute appointments in HMO clinics.

The 2017 guidelines do give lip service to lifestyle intervention, which they "hope" doctors will administer and "hope" patients will follow. For one thing, hope is never a good strategy! Also, lifestyle counseling is just not going to happen because you can't do any sort of intake or counseling in 7 minutes! Even more problematic is that there are no insurance codes for lifestyle counseling! The AMA actually "owns" medical insurance codes and there is no Nutrition subspeciality, so there are no codes. Read "Breaking The Health Care Codes" 2006. No codes, no insurance, no payment, nothing will change in the way BP is managed.

One of the AHA doctors on the video brags that she's big on lifestyle counseling, which to her means telling patients to throw away their salt shaker!! Sheesh. Google my name and sea salt and find out the lie that medicine keeps promoting about sodium chloride that has people avoiding all salt. To get the complete story, read The Salt Fix. Dr. James DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist, who blasts the low-salt myth, proving that sea salt actually may be a solution to our nation's chronic diseases. I'd add ReMag and say the two together can achieve miracles.

Yes, fellow guinea pigs, what could possibly go wrong with 1 Million sheeple pretending to be doctors as they blindly implement drug industry disease guidelines and use drugs to "prevent" disease![31]

Carolyn Dean MD ND
The Doctor of the Future®

My father was diagnosed with hypertension possibly around 1975 and probably before age fifty. I was just starting to get into nutrition as a possible career and had absolutely no knowledge of the magnesium deficiency connection with hypertension or about the widespread state of magnesium deficiencies. I am so utterly convinced that having the right kind of knowledge can change the course of a life! I think my father's unresolved hypertension and especially the overall impact of (what I am reasonably certain was) his magnesium deficiency was a significant factor in his decision to cross-over from the miseries of his earthly existence. What Dr. Dean has presented on magnesium makes tremendous sense to me. What do you think?

I find this very "interesting": "The AMA actually 'owns' medical insurance codes and there is no Nutrition subspeciality, so there are no codes. Read 'Breaking The Health Care Codes' 2006. No codes, no insurance, no payment, nothing will change in the way BP is managed."

I need to look into "Breaking The Health Care Codes"[4].

November 24, 2017 - PURPLE FRIDAY

Last year we boycotted Black Friday - mostly because of the name. Today we still aren't jumping on the discount bandwagon because most product prices are set artificially high just so companies can discount them. We'd rather invite you to our own PURPLE FRIDAY to help share our holiday glee and excitement about having an awesome 2017 and envisioning a spectacular 2018.

Today, instead of reading through dozens and dozens of sales emails that are basically just companies unloading their overstocked merchandize, invest in YOUR HEALTH by consuming some of the knowledge I've shared based on my 40 years of experience with natural remedies, minerals and nutrition.

Here is your PURPLE FRIDAY playlist so that you don't have to waste your time going to health websites run by Big Pharma and confusing you with conflicting information:

Watch: Dr. Dean's Webinar Series on YouTube

Listen: Live with Dr. Carolyn Dean radio show archives

Read: Dr. Carolyn Dean – Doctor Of The Future® blog

Read: Free e-books by Dr. Dean

And by not allowing yourself to be pressured into buying what they want you to buy, you'll have money left over to spend on the very best gift of all – a healthy body. You can find all the ingredients for that in the Completement Formulas:

Aloha, and happy PURPLE FRIDAY!

Dr. Carolyn Dean

November 8, 2017 -

Scurvy - The Disease? by Carolyn Dean MD ND

I went out of town this weekend and spent some time with some lovely women one of whom is an eighty-year-old matriarch of a large family boasting 13 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. ... Her only issue in life is a diagnosis of the ‘disease’ of atrial fibrillation which looms over her and steals her joy. Three years ago her a-fib was so bad she had a cardioversion which didn’t take followed several weeks later by another one that did take. After the ‘successful’ procedure she was prescribed the typical regime of statins and other heart rhythm drugs including flecainide, a fluoride drug that binds magnesium and exacerbates a magnesium deficiency condition.

Of course, I had to jump right in and tell her about ReMag and what she might be able to do to protect her health and recover some of her energy and was she ever interested! BUT, in all of her enthusiasm for what might be possible – feeling better, settling the a-fib issue, and getting off the drugs – she was still stuck in the medical paradigm of disease, decay, and decline. Somewhere along the way she got convinced that a-fib is a disease – not just a magnesium deficiency – and just couldn’t quite grasp that she didn’t have to live the rest of her life with a disease. Instead, she could solve her magnesium deficiency.

As we were talking about all this a metaphor popped into my head and I said, “What if you had scurvy and you went to the doctor and they told you that you had a disease? And then they put you on a drug to remove some of the symptoms but it didn’t work – and how could it work? Because scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency – not a disease!”

And, all of the sudden, just like that – the lights went ON and she got it! She understood that she didn’t have a ‘disease’ she just had a mineral deficiency and the relief flooded her face. Soon after we returned to the place we were staying and I made her a glass of sea salted water with some ReMag in it and did the same the days following. Now she is on the way home with my partially full bottle of ReMag and a pending order waiting to ship to her this week!

Somewhere along the line we’ve gotten our X’s and O’s mixed up and made diseases out of nutritional deficiencies. One of these days, mostly due to the work of Dr. Carolyn Dean and other dedicated advocates, we will know heart rhythm issues for the symptoms they are – indicators of magnesium and mineral deficiencies – however long-standing and complicated they may have become.
Dr. Carolyn Dean has been educating the public on the dangers of modern medicine for over 20 years and her weekly radio show has become the GO-TO health information show for HOW-TO manage health, vitality, and well-being using picometer minerals and essential nutrients to avoid those dangers – drugs and surgeries being primary among the things to avoid![3]

July 27, 2019 -

"A well-known magnesium expert, Mildred Seelig, M.D., wrote a fascinating paper with Andrea Rosanoff, Ph.D., showing that magnesium acts by the same mechanisms as statin drugs to lower cholesterol."[60]

November 1, 2017 - Dr. Christiane Northrup -

"Your body can only stay healthy and disease-free if you give it the right building blocks. While Dr. Northrup always advocates for eating a healthy diet, it’s the sad truth that our soil has been depleted, so even the best organic foods no longer provide us with all of the nutrients we need. Dr. Northrup's guest, Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. is both a physician and a naturopath, and an expert on how to give your body the minerals and nutrients it needs to reach an optimal state. She has written over 35 books, including The Magnesium Miracle which she recently updated. Join in for an enlightening discussion about all of the functions of magnesium, why everyone needs more magnesium, and how you can get it in it’s most absorbable form."[1]

November 3, 2017 - The War on Calcification -

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail is the prevailing medical model in the treatment of heart disease. In spite of proof to the contrary, medicine still believes that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease. Now they are using the Coronary Calcium Score to “motivate” people into taking statin drugs as the treatment for excessive calcium in the coronary arteries that gets attached to cholesterol. But statins don’t remove calcification. Even worse, they deplete magnesium, which causes more calcium to build up. It’s quite mind boggling to me that medicine has lost its commonsense and its moral compass as it clings to drugs as the only treatment for disease.

Medicine says the Coronary Calcium screening tool is “non invasive.” BUT it’s an X-ray. I must have missed the memo that says radiation is harmless. The Scan also leads to much more invasive testing if your score is high and there can definitely be side effects from sticking wires up your groin and into your heart during cardiac catherization.

Calcification is big news now but doctors are at a loss because they have no drugs to treat it and they won’t look at magnesium as the obvious solution.

Who’s getting calcified? It’s seems that everyone is at risk with our high intake of dietary calcium, our poorly absorbed calcium supplements, magnesium deficiency, and high doses of Vitamin D, which all encourage soft tissue calcification. Below is a PARTIAL LIST of calcification conditions that add up to a tremendous amount of chronic disease in the population.

Heart disease – atheroma, atherosclerosis, aortic valve stenosis, calcium build up in carotids, coronary arteries, renal arteries – any arteries in the body. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women; about 25% of all deaths amounting to 610,000 people die of it in the U.S. every year.

Calcinosis – Deposition of calcium in the lung, kidneys, blood vessels, and stomach.
Calcific tendenitis in the rotator cuff
Gall stones
Kidney stones
DCIS – breast tissue calcification misidentified as precancer
Fibromyalgia muscle spasms and calcification
Bladder tissue and urethral calcification
Magnesium deficiency and all associated symptoms

Aging. Dr. Pierre Delbet observed, almost a century ago, that with age, the body’s tissues have three times more calcium than magnesium, and he concluded that magnesium deficiency plays a role in senility.

Each of these conditions is treated with a host of drugs that don’t cure the problem but only suppress the symptoms. I can only hope that the misuse of drugs to treat magnesium deficiency will eventually be addressed in the same manner as the misuse of Fentanyl – arrest and incarceration of drug company executives who abuse their positions as providers of “health care.”

What more can I say? I think I’ve proven over and over again that magnesium deficiency and calcium excess are killing people. Yet we are so locked into a drugs and surgery medical model that few people believe me. They say it’s too simple a solution; they’ve tried magnesium before and it doesn’t work; they have tried everything; they’ve been to all the doctors; I must be lying because I say there is hope for chronic disease. It’s quite sad that people feel so sick, hopeless, and bitter about their health when there is so much that could be done if insurance paid for alternatives and nutrition was promoted. Until that happy day occurs I will continue to promote the basic building blocks in my Completement Formulas that support the structure and function of the body in a way that keeps us happy and healthy.


Carolyn Dean MD ND

The Doctor of the Future®[2]

June 30, 2019 - Carolyn Dean MD ND - Radio Show -

"What Your Muscle Cramps [including your heart] May Be Telling You" – [59]

December 3, 2017 - Magnesium for elderly parents -

The human body's ability to absorb magnesium declines with age, so elderly people who do not eat an adequate diet and those who use prescription drugs that deplete the body's magnesium are at risk. This is a perfect job for ReMag.

Here's a wonderful testimonial from a customer who got her mother to experience The Magnesium Miracle.


Wanted to send in a good news story. My step-mom who is 77 started ReMag 4 weeks ago and is just at 1 tsp/day. However, even at that low dose the results have been remarkable!

Her muscle weakness disappeared in just 5 days and she says she has muscle tone back. She has stopped using her cane.

She is very optimistic now after all the changes she has had in such a short period of time.



Elderly people in the United States represent an emerging high-risk group for nutritional deficiencies but because they seem to have an even stronger constitution than their offspring they seem to respond very quickly as you observed with Dee's mother. A magnesium deficit in the elderly can occur due to inadequate nutrient intakes, multiple drug use, altered gastrointestinal function and/or frequent urination. Magnesium has been targeted as a risk factor for elderly people and has been implicated in the aging process.

If you want to make sure your parents don't succumb to the risk factors of magnesium deficiency, give them the most highly absorbed, non-laxative form of magnesium in ReMag. You can even start with ReMag Lotion, which will not only hydrate dry skin but give the whole body a good supply of magnesium. We call ReMag Lotion the Ultimate Stocking Stuffer!

You can find it here:


Dr. Carolyn Dean[5]

My work background includes in-home elder care and even though I'm not really intending to return to that (at least not like I did before) I still appreciate the improvements in health that can be had with anyone and especially the elderly who may become more susceptible to mishaps, injuries and complications from unexpected impacts.

December 9, 2017 - safe strategies to relieve stress and anxiety. -

Prolonged stress can create anxiety. Anxiety can also be created when fear is present – fears stemming from predictable or unpredictable situations, which may be real or imaginary. Although anxiety is a terrifying experience it is, unless taken to the extreme, not dangerous.. It is a common human emotion. Anxiety is part and parcel of our everyday life. Anxiety is about worries, concerns, nervousness, and stress. In fact, to feel anxious occasionally is fine because it prepares us to be ready for actual challenges. But if it interferes with our daily work and normal life, then it is disruptive. Anxiety disorder is very common and it affects millions all over the world. The good news is that anxiety is not a sign of madness or insanity. Anxiety can attack any person regardless of age, status and social standing. It can become so severe that it can virtually interfere with sleep, appetite, concentration and deprives people of leading normal lives.

And, of course, the solution to anxiety is magnesium!

Here's an outline of the different topics covered and the time stamp for each topic. Just click the headings to listen to the whole hour or advance to your topic of interest.


Hour 1 – download[6]

0:38: Ginney: Intro

3:37: Dr. Carolyn: Intro

7:25: Ginney and Dr. Carolyn: Comments on generalizations and pronouncements about nutrients on the Internet; Great Support Tool: Future Health Now Encyclopedia[7]

13:50: Mail Bag: Question on Prostatitis

22:08: Chat: Claire: Can someone using lithium for bipolar as well as use ReMag

23:10: Chat: A friend tried ReMag and his arrhythmia changed, he said for the worse.

25:29: Chat: EJ: What is the Sovereign Silver dosage.

26:56: Chat: SuperDougie: is feeling the strong healing energy of the show today.

27:16: Chat: Claire: Give your friend my AFib book. You have to learn about all the triggers for AFib. It's not just a matter of using ReMag as if it's drug.

27:25: Chat: Marv: Thank you, Dr. Carolyn.

27:43: Dr. Carolyn: Ginney's blog: Magnesium and Mineral Supplementation: Relief from Stress and Anxiety[8]

36:18: Dr. Carolyn: Comments on customers with anxiety.

37:31: Dr. Carolyn: Phone call to Customer Service from Dr. Princetta:

Dr. Princetta asked if you would repeat your thoughts about sea salt on your show tonight. In particular, he mentioned that he is seeing many elderly patients in care centers having tremendous health issues because they don't eat any salt. (The caretakers think it will give them high blood pressure.) He was talking about this notion that "salt is bad for you" and how this conditioning goes far and wide in the health care industry.

38:41: Dr. Carolyn: Facebook Comment on Pink Himalayan Salt:

I have been using your products and your staff could not be nicer. I admire Dr. Dean but I do need clarification on something and that is Pink Himalayan salt. I have yet to meet any doctor, including my brilliant brother who is a medical doctor and who has AFib, who recommends adding it to one's daily diet. He insists the minerals are so small (tiny) in their amount and as to make this a bad choice to add to one's diet. So does my cardiologist. So does my internist. They approve of magnesium but the case for salt is a thumbs down.

39:56: Dr. Carolyn: "Google" Sea Salt Health Benefits.

40:24: Dr. Carolyn: The Salt Fix, Book by a PhD Pharmacist: Dr. James DiNicolantoni, a respected cardiovascular research scientist, doctor of pharmacy at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, and the associate editor of British Medical Journal's Open Heart. He is the author or coauthor of approximately 200 publications in medical literature.

The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong--and How Eating More Might Save Your Life[9]

42:20: Dr. Carolyn: Also read my Blog: Dealing with Edema[10]

42:52: Dr. Carolyn: Comment on constipation and dehydration

44:52: Phone: Shannon. Age 45. Teeth grinding at night. Taking ReMag and slow release Jigsaw and Magnesium Oil and can't get rid of teeth grinding. Since age 10. Knots in the jaw muscles. TMJ problem also, jaw clicking. Doesn't sleep well and face hurts.

48:21: Dr. Carolyn: Discusses Total Biology of Clenching Teeth Issues and created an Ah Ha moment for Shannon.

52:54: Chat: Eva: Dr. Mercola's Newsletter Today has pro sea salt article.

53:09: Chat: Sharon: Mercola sells Pink Himalayan salt.

53:31: Ginney: Comments on Pink Himalayan Salt from Pakistan; Real Salt from the United States

54:04: Dr. Carolyn: Comments on switching up salts. Don't stay with the same salt all the time.

55:01: Dr. Carolyn: New ReAline will have all the B Vitamins.


Hour 2 – click to download

0:40: Ginney and Dr. Carolyn: Intro

3:51: Dr. Carolyn: Comments on her Blog: A Nation of Hypertensives[11]

17:14: Phone: Debbie. We need to get people more educated and taking responsibility for their health. Taking the ReMag – having trouble taking enough. Afraid she is urinating out the minerals. Teeth getting worse. On products 6 month. Doing the whole Total Body ReSet, added the Prescript Assist.

33:34: Phone: Sue. On TBR for 4-5 weeks. A week into it difficulty falling and staying asleep. Stopped everything but the ReMag and ReStructure and sleep returned. Energy levels were great. What would have charged her up? Is she having die off or detox?

45:18: Chat: Beth. Father having diarrhea with the ReMag, can he use it with psyllium?

47:01: Dr. Carolyn: We have had so many people experiencing yeast die off on the products because their immune system is activated. It's really quite amazing.

48:57: Chat: Margaret: Bill went on another yeast detox end of Nov. still some red flaky skin on his face. Alternating the anti-yeast herbals may have made it worse.

51:24: Ginney and Dr. Carolyn: Sovereign Silver as an anti-fungal. Could be a backup plan for the other anti-fungals.

52:42: Chat: Moira: I've been having anxiety attacks and fight or flight 10am-4pm. Worse after lunch. Dr. Carolyn: According to the 24-hour Chinese Chi Cycles the heart is activated from 11am-1pm.

55:40: Phone: Kaomae. Following Dr. Dean since 2010 and because of a testimony got into the products and for years lots of major stuff was hitting her. Decided to really give the products one consistent year. Then in August, feeling better and didn't know why. Now getting really better and her doctor asked her why. She suddenly realized it was the completement Formulas.


Watch for an email from Ginney to find out what the topic of Monday's show will be. Be sure not to miss this one because the show will not be live again until January 8, 2018. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

To listen live, just go to on Mondays between 4-6pm PT / 7-9pm ET. The show will start playing in your web browser.

Have questions about how the RnA ReSet formulas can enhance YOUR already-healthy body?

If you'd like your questions answered on air, send them to

If you'd like to call in and ask your questions LIVE on the air, call 602-666-6027

We hope you'll join us Monday night!


RnA ReSet Customer Service

P.S.: Even when the show is not live, you can enjoy the hundreds of hours of archives at where each show is posted with the topics listed for you to search.

November 1, 2018 - More From Dr. Carolyn on Salt -

"...It’s quite narrow-minded to think that salt only influences blood pressure. First of all, our ancestors did not use sodium, they used natural salt/sea salt, which carries 72 minerals. Table salt is only one mineral, sodium chloride. Our cells absolutely require minerals. We are not getting them in our drinking water anymore – it’s chlorinated, fluoridated and filtered and devoid of minerals.

If we don’t have minerals in our cells, our cells dehydrate and don’t accept water. The water collects in extracellular tissue causing edema and fill up our blood vessels causing high blood pressure. The treatment is not to take diuretics and limit fluid intake; the treatment is to drink sea-salted water and to take magnesium and multiple minerals. The people who do this eliminate their edema and their high blood pressure. Their cells become hydrated and cellular processes become perfected and the organs work properly."[]

December 16, 2017 - “Taking a drug in your childhood ... hypnotizes you into thinking that anything wrong with your body can be fixed with another drug” -

A 2008 paper titled “America’s First Amphetamine Epidemic 1929–1971”[13] reported that the use of speed peaked around 1969 and has the same incidence as today. Only today, instead of keeping a nation of tired and overweight patients awake and losing weight, candy-flavored amphetamine released by the FDA in Jan 2016 is being fed to our children.

The story takes a darker turn when you realize that “mother’s little helper” (the nickname for speed), was likely responsible for burnt out adrenals and one probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Did the people in the 60’s who were prescribed speed pass on some part of their adrenal weakness to their offspring? I recall telling many grandparents in my family practice that they were healthier then their grandchildren.

Children today are given amphetamines so that they will not act up in class. But they are also eating 150 lbs of sugar a year; ingesting food additives and preservatives in their fast food diet; living in their Chip Bodies on their cell phones messaging friends instead of talking to them in person.

Taking a drug in your childhood also hypnotizes you into thinking that anything wrong with your body can be fixed with another drug.

Not only is magnesium burnt up by drugs, too much sugar in the diet, and the EMF stress of always being connected to wifi, but magnesium is necessary to make real energy in the body. The Krebs Cycle, which makes ATP energy requires magnesium in 6 of the 8 steps.

Because ReMag is a true energy source, we encourage parents to use ReMag Lotion on their kids and also to give them a truly healthy food at least once a day with ReStructure protein powder. And maybe tease them a bit about being in their Chip Body so they become aware of what’s happening to them. They are like fish in wifi waters and don’t even know it.


Carolyn Dean MD ND

The Doctor of the Future®[12]

June 1, 2018 - Re: the "Protein Powder" mentioned in the above post -

I attempted to send the following message to Dr. Carolyn Dean (at two different email locations) that resulted in my message bouncing back with a report that it appeared to be "Spam". I'm choosing to post this here:

Subject Re: "... protein shake?"
From Chef-Doctor Jemichel
To Dr. Carolyn Dean at RnA ReSet
Date 06/01/2018 18:03

I went to your site[i] for more information however didn't find all I need to know. Started searching elsewhere and found the following:
"...where does the powder come from? In the case of whey, it’s often a waste product of cheese making ... protein powder from grassfed animals you’re likely getting ‘grain-fed waste’. Let’s also consider the process that makes the whey into a powder ...
– this process be it whey or egg white often utilizes extremely high heat (like higher than cooking). This ‘hot air’ denatures the protein to an extent that may increase its carcinogenic load. ... Some of these powders even come with some bonus MSG!! ..." [ii]

Also the following items raise additional questions: Pea Protein,
Rice Bran and Germ,
Natural Vanilla Flavor.
Have these questions/concerns been addressed in writing and posted where I may be able to review them? I'm interested in reading all about it!

Thank You!
~chef -
"The Chef-Doctor" at LinkedIn.
"Chef-Doctor Jemichel" Blog:
[i] _ke=Y2hlZkB0aGVzZXRydXRocy5jb20%3D&utm_campaign=Looking%20for%20a%20delicious%20and%20satisfying%20protein%20shake%3F%20%28MazwM8%29&utm_medium=email&utm_sour

[ii] -

November 20, 2018 - More About Whey Protein Powder with RnA ReSet -

I inquired: Nov 20, 9:33 AM EST

Thank you very much for all that everyone at RnA-Reset contributes to supporting people's health and also for all the invitations for feedback, comments, inquires, etc!

I got to experience the "ReStructure Protein Powder". I made note with the intention to give feedback and a suggestion.

My food, dietary, nutrition and (therefore) the whole spectrum orientation of "Chef-to-'Chef-doctor'" is based on the "wise traditions" that have been gleaned from the findings of Weston A. Price as represented and presented by the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Traditionally whey has most always been consumed raw in all the various forms of raw dairy products. The raw state of whey includes all the enzymes naturally occurring in whey. I believe these enzymes are missing in the ReStructure Protein Powder. Is that correct? .........

If so I would highly recommend having enzymes added and ideally to match all the enzymes naturally occurring in whey. Is that possible? .........

On 11/20/2018 06:50, Meghan ... (RnA ReSet) wrote:


Meghan here! So wonderful to connect with you again!

We understand completely, We don’t over process our whey - there is
some lactose milk sugar remaining (about 1/10th of one tsp, or .625mg
in each serving of ReStructure).

Current labeling laws say that a food with 0.5 grams of sugar can be
listed as having zero sugar, which means we are only a “hair” away
from having zero lactose milk sugar. By comparison, one cup of milk
contains 12,000-13,000 milligrams of lactose, which is 20,000 times
the amount in ReStructure. The infinitesimal amount of lactose in
ReStructure does not trigger lactose intolerance, which is created
when you don’t have enough lactase enzymes to break down a large
quantity of milk sugar.

Lactose intolerance occurs when the amount of lactose milk sugars you
ingest overwhelms the ability of your lactase enzymes to break down
the milk sugar. Undigested milk sugar becomes food for intestinal
bacteria and yeast causing symptoms of abdominal pain, gas, bloating,
and diarrhea. It’s actually a good idea to have a little lactose in
your diet to keep your lactase enzymes active.

Otherwise, if you have zero lactose in your diet, your lactase enzymes
wither away, and, if you are exposed to a small amount of lactose, you
can have a more severe reaction. Along those lines, I recommend that
you strive for 80 percent compliance with your yeast-free diet,
meaning that you have a “get out of jail free card” that allows
you to have that smidgeon of lactose that’s found in ReStructure –
even if you take two or more servings a day.

SOOO-- I believe it does still have the enzymes as it should being Dr.
Dean has similar views and as she says, does not over process it so
that the amazing benefits of whey are still available with taking the

BUT-- thank you so much for adding this bit of insight, I have passed
this on to Dr. Dean as well to see if she may have anything to add.

Deepest regards,

Meghan ...
RnA ReSet Customer Support

In reply:
I'll possibly be quoting you at one of my 16 CureZone Blogs: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth".

There's one other aspect that I believe may need some consideration. The whey powder might possibly need additional fat for easier digestion.

Happy Thanksgiving to you - one and all!



January 14, 2018 - The Doctor to Doctor Hour -

In 2018, we are introducing a new feature on the first show of every month, The Doctor to Doctor Hour. In this segment, Dr. Carolyn Dean will be joined by powerful, passionate, and committed doctors who bring much light and information to the natural health community with their approach to wellness, diet, exercise, and supplementation.

In our first segment, Dr. Dean was joined by Dr. Stephen Hotze, the founder, and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Katy, Texas. In his most recent book, Hypothyroidism, Health & Happiness, Dr. Hotze reveals how commonly hypothyroidism is overlooked, misdiagnosed, and mistreated in women and men, and gives you the information you need to prepare yourself to obtain help.[16]

January 27, 2018 - Restless Legs and Heart Disease By: Carolyn Dean MD ND; The Doctor of the Future®

The journal Neurology published a paper called “Prospective Study of Restless Legs Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Women.”[58] This study proves to me that magnesium deficiency is one of the major causes of restless leg syndrome. Why? Because I’ve seen countless people eliminate their symptoms of RLS when they take ReMag and when people have magnesium deficiency they are at risk for CV disease. The highest amounts of magnesium in the body are in the heart so if there is magnesium deficiency, the heart is at risk. The association between restless legs and CV disease places the blame on magnesium deficiency as the shared cause.

RLS is said to be a sleep and a neurological sensory disorder, which tells me nothing about its cause. In fact, medicine has no idea what causes RLS or how to treat it. This latest study just makes people with RLS more anxious because they have been told there is no cure for RLS and now they are told it increases their risk of heart disease.

RLS symptoms occur at rest, lying, or sitting and include creeping, crawling, tingling, pulling, twitching, tearing, aching, throbbing, prickling, or grabbing sensations in the calves. The result is an uncontrollable urge to relieve the uncomfortable sensation by moving the legs.

Some research shows that people with RLS may suffer from iron deficiency. However, Professor Nordlander who came up with this theory admits that only about 15% of the RLS clinical population appears to have peripheral iron deficiency (serum ferritin < 50 mcg/l). Yet, 20-50mcg/l is said to be the optimal level for ferritin and indicates you don’t have iron overload and taking iron could increase iron toxicity in the body.

Professor Nordlander won’t drop his theory and says there can exist an iron deficiency in the tissues in spite of normal serum iron. At his insistence, researchers are investigating low iron levels in the brain! Unfortunately you can cause more problems by taking unnecessary iron. People do have to be careful self-medicating with iron. Investigators are also looking at dopamine because drugs that stimulate dopamine production may help the symptoms of RLS. And, of course, they are investigating the role genes play in RLS.

Nowhere in mainstream literature do I see magnesium being studied in the diagnosis and treatment of RLS. Yet, every day we hear stories of people who take ReMag and say their RLS symptoms disappear – which means they were suffering from magnesium deficiency. It just makes sense to investigate magnesium deficiency as a cause of RLS before taking iron or dopamine drugs or just giving up and blaming your genes.[17]

This blog-writer Immediately thought of his mother with the above "Today's Wellness Tip" as she had years of RLS and then in the last year apparently suffered a heart attack! He just sent the above "tip" to her and really hope she is willing to consider it.

What Dr. Carolyn says regarding "Nowhere in mainstream literature do I see magnesium being studied in the diagnosis and treatment of RLS" appears to me to be evident enough when stumbling upon a "Symptom Checker"[18] with only two search results for "Restless legs and Heart symptoms" and neither indicating anything about magnesium.

June 24, 2019 - Continuing with RLS -

Did you know that insufficient magnesium and the relative excess of calcium may cause sustained muscle contraction in any muscle group in the body? From head to toe, the muscle groups that you rely on [including your heart] are compromised when insufficient magnesium is present.

Now add the complication that many medical personnel are not educated to diagnose magnesium deficiency but rather rely on drugs and devices to correct the problem.

A perfect example is leg cramps, common among many athletes and individuals age 45+.

Leg cramps are just one of 65 different health conditions that are related to magnesium deficiency. Tonight on our internet based radio show, we'll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about What Your Muscle Cramps May Be Telling You along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the 'conflict' in the 'conflict basis' of disease and much more!! sure join us this evening for another wonderful, information-packed broadcast. If you yourself are unable to make the show, you have the option to email Dr. Dean and have your question or comment included in our MailBag Segment that is featured in Hour Two. Remember, the valuable information, suggestions, and insights about your health choices can always be discussed with your doctor, should you choose to do so.

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE Radio Broadcast
Every Monday on
4PM Pacific 7PM Eastern
Use the following link to calculate the time in your area:

How to Participate in the Show:
1) If you have a question for Dr. Dean:
email your question prior to the show to

2) If you'd like to speak directly to Dr. Dean during the show:
phone 602-666-6027 skype

February 10, 2018 - Dr. Dean’s Doctor-to-Doctor Series – Episode 2 – Total Biology -

Hour One – right click to download - 2018-02-05–1600—Live-With-Dr-Carolyn-Dean[23]
Hour Two – right click to download - 2018-02-05–1700—Live-With-Dr-Carolyn-Dean[23]

In January 2018 we introduced a new feature in our two-hour radio show: The Doctor to Doctor Hour. ...

February is heart month and so for this segment, we wanted to focus on the heart and particularly the emotional heart! Tonight on the Doctor to Doctor Episode 2, Dr. Dean is being joined by Dr. David Holt of TurnPoint Health[24], a private consultancy Dr. Holt manages to help folks identify the conflict basis for their disease, pain, or trauma by using heart-centered practices to heal emotional conflicts. Dr. Holt’s approach is simple:

Find the stressors that caused your mind-brain-body to react with these symptoms that modern medicine calls “disease”. Discovering these events helps to release the stress. Sometimes the stressors get compounded because of the diagnosis itself or thoughts and beliefs about the meaning of having such a condition.

Clear the stressors. This may be accomplished with a variety of modalities that Dr. Holt has a demonstrated proficiency in using collaboratively with his clients.

Similar to our own Dr. Dean, Dr. Holt has his own life story behind the work he is doing and his journey to master the non-physical principals he uses to assist the physical body. We will also hear about that journey from Dr. Holt on tonight’s show and will also talk with callers from our radio audience.

So, join us tonight on our internet based radio show, as we talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean and Dr. David Holt for Episode #2 of Doctor to Doctor Series along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions.

I found the first hour recorded interview with Carolyn Dean to be a good introduction to Dr. Holt and his approach to supporting his clients on their healing journey.

Dr. Holt at about 20:33 into the first hour says: "Sometimes you can be general" in the approach to identifying the stressor. "You'll want to keep things simple". These were two replies with a specific caller on the line and now with whom I realize were very pertinent replies for this particular individual!

At about 21:08 he stated a kind of principal: "I'm sick today because I didn't finish something yesterday" with "yesterday" being any past time. From a mind clearing perceptive what needs to be finished is an incomplete communication including any instance of non communication when communication was needed but was not possible at the time. Part of the nature of a "shock conflict" is that the shock can be so intense it often leaves the individual speechless. And with this speechlessmess there is also isolation.

(All of the following times are re: Dr. Holt) -
21:30 "Look at when the 'accident' happened."
21:40 "We don't have accidents out of the blue. Generally they happen after we've sort of popping out of the stress."
21:59 "Examine the underlying stress leading up to that 'accident'. You can dig a little - journal about it and what lead up to the 'accident'.
In what way is your life affected by the condition?
How does it make you feel?

22:22 "All disease does one of two things. It either opens a function too much or it closes a function too much."
22:29 "In what way is your life affected?"
22:45 "There's going to be earlier episodes".

30:57 "Go back in time, close your eyes and talk about the experience till there is no "emotional" charge. Look into it to allow a change in the way you look at it."

Carolyn "Child abuse has layers and layers of emotions."
Dr. Dean mentioned the book: "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die".

36:50 (Dr. Holt) "If you have a biological problem then it doesn't matter how much therapy you have done. The subconscious mind is still feeding information into the autonomic. You still have blind spots."
37:37 "Get into vibrational alignment with what you are asking for and where you feel the healing, where you feel health. Shift you vibration and let it find you."

February 17, 2018 -

"...Studies also show that deficiencies in iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese and other minerals can result in mental symptoms.

Magnesium is used in hundreds of brain enzymes. Low levels of magnesium are related to many neurological conditions, such as aggressive behavior, dementia and schizophrenia. Magnesium is found mainly in seeds, nuts, legumes, dark leafy vegetables and whole grains if it is not lost during processing."[25]

September 23, 2018 - More On "the Enzymes" with Magnesium! -

"At a biochemical level, more than 325 enzymes are Mg dependent, many of which are nervous system enzymes, thus reflecting the important role potentially played by Mg in CNS (central nervous system) physiological and pathological function (Eby and Eby, 2006)."[44]

I've been researching magnesium for the better part of this past year and the above quote underscores my certainty that a few members of my family had suffered extensively for many years largely because of magnesium deficiency. Maybe you know people in your family who are suffering because of nutritional deficiencies including Mg. The fact that I have been a student of nutrition for over forty years and only relatively recently have come to realize the prominent importance of magnesium in the body tells me that these findings need to be better known among the people. Hence my inspiration to write this article here.

It is now 12 years since the published findings of "Eby and Eby, 2006" and I am just learning of this today. 12 years ago when my father was still alive (and it was before he had his second heart surgery) this information and of course his willingness to take a Mg supplement (like that from RnARset) possibly could have changed the course of the remaining years of his life. Knowing about these findings even earlier would have been all the better as he had been diagnosed as hypertensive and suffering from anxiety as of about forty years ago. My sister had her own history similar to that of my father and she was a nurse! Another even younger sister might also be considered in this picture. Certainly an uncle suffering from severe schizophrenia would qualify as most probably Mg defieicnt. His mother, my grandmother, was another "candidate".

Dr. Carolyn Dean frequently refers to the fact that medical doctors generally do not concern themselves with the possibility of magnesium deficiency as long as they have a cabinet-full of pharmaceuticals and/or a prescription pad for every pill manufactured for all the diagnosable conditions under the sun! A number of us agree that today's medical training isn't better in regards to nutritional deficiency and how extensive this is in many of the conditions diagnosed by doctors. As far as I know medical training may never get better as long as Western medicine continues to be as drug dependent as it now is. I am utterly convinced that we have to look elsewhere for the answers.

IMO - Dr. Carolyn Dean is a good source for the kind of nutritional education that is desperately needed by so many people now. Another good source is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride who developed the GAPS diet and is possibly the leading authority on "Gut & Psychology Syndrome". She made an outstanding presentation at a recent Wise Traditions Conference (produced by the Weston A. Price Foundation) that I intend to give a report on soon.

February 23, 2018 - If you practice yoga, especially hot yoga, you need to know how that affects the mineral levels in your body.

Intense physical exertion depletes magnesium. If you're exercising, you're sweating out magnesium that must be replaced. Plus, there is evidence that even a slight magnesium deficit can worsen any negative effects of strenuous exercise.

Magnesium is the master mineral. 80% of the thousands of interactions in the body require magnesium and it helps direct water into cells in areas where it's needed most.

Magnesium is absolutely required for normal muscle and nerve function. When you have too little, your muscles cramp and twitch and you become very fatigued. It helps muscles relax, nourishes connective tissues and balances the nervous system—all essential for maintaining flexibility.

I was a guest on The Yoga Talk Show with host Lucas Rockwood. He was amazed when I told him the facts about magnesium. We discussed how important magnesium is for yoga practitioners, why magnesium deficiency is so common, and how to stay magnesium sufficient to get the most out of your yoga practice.

So, prepare yourself a bottle of sea-salted water with ReMag and ReMyte and tune in to Episode 295: Magnesium: Top Mineral for Yoga Students to hear the whole story.[26]

November 16, 2018 - Magnesia - from which comes Magnesium -

magnesia (n.)
late 14c., in alchemy, "one of the two main ingredients of the philosopher's stone," from Medieval Latin magnesia, from Greek (he) Magnesia (lithos) "the lodestone," literally "(the) Magnesian (stone)," a mineral said to have been brought from Magnesia, the region in Thessaly, which is said to be named for the native people name Magnetes, which is of unknown origin.

The ancient word, in this sense, has evolved into magnet. But in ancient times the same word, magnes, was used of lodestone as well as of a mineral commonly used in bleaching glass (modern pyrolusite, or manganese dioxide).

In the Middle Ages there was some attempt to distinguish lodestone as magnes (masc.) and pyrolusite as magnesia (fem.). Meanwhile, in 18c., a white powder (magnesium carbonate) used as a cosmetic and toothpaste was sold in Rome as magnesia alba ("white magnesia").

It was from this last, in 1808, that Davy isolated magnesium. He wanted to call it magnium, to stay as far as possible from the confused word magnesia, but the name was adopted in the form magnesium. Meanwhile from 16c. the other name of pyrolusite had been corrupted to manganese, and when, in 1774, a new element was isolated from it, it came to be called manganese.

Magnesia in its main modern sense of "magnesium oxide" (1755) is perhaps an independent formation from Modern Latin magnes carneus "flesh-magnet" (c. 1550), so called because it adheres strongly to the lips.[47]

magnesium (n.)
silvery-white metallic element, 1808, coined by English chemist Sir Humphrey Davy from the white alkaline earth magnesia (q.v.), in which it was found. With metallic element ending -ium.[48]

The initial inspiration for researching the above began with Magnetism as the 15th Gift in the Gene Keys.

I'd like to know more how "The ancient word, (magnesia) ... has evolved into magnet."

December 17, 2018 - Possibly Most Everything That You'd Want To Know About - Magnesium Wasting Disease -
By: Dr. Sircus -

Dr. Herbert C. Mansmann Jr. was a magnesium researcher who found an answer to his diabetic neuropathy treating it with approximately 20 grams of magnesium a day. One of the reasons he needed such high doses was that he had extensive magnesium wasting disease. He has passed on but has left us with a legacy of extensive magnesium research. He tells us:

Many people already know that when you take diuretics (Water Pills) you need to take a potassium supplement since potassium is lost through the urine. This is also true for Mg. There are certain medications and lifestyle behaviors that can cause excessive Mg loss in the urine. If you are on any of these medications or display any of the lifestyle behaviors you will need to take a Mg supplement to accommodate the loss and prevent hypomagnesemia. There are also specific diseases that can cause Mg loss in the urine and are listed below.

Drugs -

Aminoglycoside Antibiotics

amikacin sulfate (Amikin)
Learn a system of medicine that is safe, simple and affordable! Discover Dr Sircus Natural Allopathic Medicine »

gentamicin sulfate (Cidomicin, Garamycin, Gentamicin sulfate, ADD-Vantage, Jenamicin)

neomycin sulfate (Mycifradin, Neo-fradin, Neosulf, Neo-Tabs)

streptomycin sulfate

tobramycin sulfate (Nebcin)

Cisplantin (Platamine, Platinol, Platinol AQ)

Pentamidine isethionate (NebuPent, Pentacarinat, Pentam 300, Pneumopent)

Foscarnet sodium (Foscavir)


Furosemide (Lasix, Apo-Furosemide, Myrosemide, NovoSemide, Urex, Urex-M, Uritol)

Butmetanide (Bumex, Burinex)

Chlorthalidone (Apo-Chlorthalidone, Hygroton, Novo-Thalidone, Thalitone, Uridon)

ethacrynate sodium (Sodium Edecrin)

hydrochlorothiazide (Apo-Hydro, Aquazide-H, Dichlotride, Diuchlor H, Esidrix, Ezide, Hydro-D, Dydro-Diuril, Mictrin, Codema, Novo-Hydrazide, Oretic, Urozide)

indapamide (Lozide, Lozol, Natrilix)

metolazone (Diulo, Mykrox, Zaroxolyn)

torsemide (Demadex)

urea carbamide (Ureaphil)

acetazolamide (Diamox, Acetazolam, Dazamide, AK-Zol)

mannitol (Osmitrol)

Macrolide Anti-Infectives

azithromycin (Zithromax)

clarithromycin (Biaxin)

dirithromycin (Dynabac)

erythromycin (E-Mycin, Erybid, EES, Erythrocin)

tacrolimus (Prograf)

Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmun, Sandimmune)

Potassium phosphate

Calcium Supplements
Vitamin D Supplements.

Other Causes -

Diabetic Ketoacidosis



Refeeding after starvation

Alcohol (Acute ingestion and/or due to transitory hypoparathyroidism




Renal Tubular Acidosis

Bartters syndrome

Gitelmans syndrome



Burn Patients

Patients receiving sodium rich IV fluids


Citrate preservative in blood products

Congenital Magnesium Losing Nephropathy

Urea Osmotic Diuresis.

Healthy kidneys are able to limit urinary excretion of magnesium to compensate for low dietary intake. However, excessive loss of magnesium in urine can be a side effect of some medications and can also occur in cases of poorly-controlled diabetes and alcohol abuse

The kidneys play a major role in magnesium homeostasis and in the maintenance of plasma magnesium concentration. Approximately 80% of plasma magnesium is ultrafiltrable. Under normal circumstances, approximately 95% of filtered magnesium is reabsorbed by various parts of the nephron. The plasma magnesium concentration is kept within narrow limits. Extracellular magnesium is in equilibrium with that in the bone, kidneys, intestine, and other soft tissues.

Elimination of magnesium is predominantly renal; the threshold for urinary excretion nears the reference range of serum concentration. Thus, when serum levels are greater than 2.5 mEq/L, magnesium excretion dramatically increases. Conversely, the kidney retains a strong capacity to reabsorb magnesium, and the main site for reabsorption is the thick ascending loop of Henle.

Chronic metabolic acidosis results in renal magnesium wasting, whereas chronic metabolic alkalosis is known to exert the reverse effects. Chronic metabolic acidosis decreases renal TRPM6 expression in DCT, increased magnesium excretion, and decreased serum magnesium concentration, whereas chronic metabolic alkalosis results in the exact opposite effects.

In contrast to other ions, magnesium is treated differently in 2 major respects: (1) no hormonal modulation of urinary magnesium excretion occurs and (2) bone, the principal reservoir of magnesium, does not readily exchange with circulating magnesium in the extracellular fluid space. This inability to mobilize magnesium stores means that in states of negative magnesium balance, initial losses come from the extracellular space; equilibrium with bone stores does not begin for several weeks.

Because urine can be seen as a purified derivative of the blood made by the kidneys it is something we need to pay attention to in medicine for it tells us quite a bit of what is going on in the body. The kidneys are constantly dumping an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defense agents. With constant urination comes a problem few clinicians look on, the problem of nutrient loss through the kidneys.

In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A.H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound but that "it is now recognized that urine contains thousands of compounds, and as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized."

Among the urine constituents mentioned by Dr. Free’s:

Alanine, total ….. 38 mg/day

Arginine, total ….. 32 mg/day

Ascorbic acid ….. 30 mg/day

Allantoin ….. 12 mg/day

Amino acids, total ….. 2.1 g/day

Bicarbonate ….. 140 mg/day

Biotin ….. 35 mg/day

Calcium ….. 23 mg/day

Creatinine ….. 1.4 mg/day

Cystine ….. 120 mg/day

Dopamine ….. 0.40 mg/day

Epinephrine ….. 0.01 mg/day

Folic acid ….. 4 mg/day

Glucose ….. 100 mg/day

Glutamic acid ….. 308 mg/day

Glycine ….. 455 mg/day

Inositol ….. 14 mg/day

Iodine ….. 0.25 mg/day

Iron ….. 0.5 mg/day

Lysine, total ….. 56 mg/day

Magnesium ….. 100 mg/day

Manganese ….. 0.5 mg/day

Methionine, total ….. 10 mg/day

Nitrogen, total ….. 15 g/day

Ornithine ….. 10 mg/day

Pantothenic acid ….. 3 mg/day

Phenylalanine ….. 21 mg/day

Phosphorus, organic ….. 9 mg/day

Potassium ….. 2.5 mg/day

Proteins, total ….. 5 mg/day

Riboflavin ….. 0.9 mg/day

Tryptophan, total ….. 28 mg/day

Tyrosine, total ….. 50 mg/day

Urea ….. 24.5 mg/day

Vitamin B6 ….. 100 mg/day

Vitamin B12 ….. 0.03 mg/day

Zinc ….. 1.4 mg/day

It’s difficult for most people to understand why our bodies excrete elements that are so obviously valuable to human health and well-being. As blood moves through the circulatory system, it flows through the kidneys at a rate of about 1200 ml of blood per minute. Inside the kidneys, the blood is continuously filtered through a huge system of minute tubules called nephron which sift out excess water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salts, and hundreds of other elements including vital antibodies, urea and uric acid.

Magnesium is well excreted by the kidneys and so long as the kidneys are functioning well, then magnesium does not accumulate in the blood.

Dr. Sarah Myhill

The kidneys excrete a portion of urine as a way of removing certain key elements in your blood that are simply not needed at a specific point in time. For instance, you’ve just been out jogging. You come home and have one or two big glasses of water to drink. Now at this point you’ve probably taken in more water than your body actually needs. But not to worry — your kidneys will balance the amount of water delivered into your bloodstream by your copious water drinking and through the urine will excrete whatever amount of water from the blood that isn’t needed at the time.

Even water, which is a life-sustaining element the body cannot do without is excreted by the body. There are times when there’s too much water in our systems and we need to dump some. It’s a physiological fact that in order for us to function normally, the amounts or concentrations of every element in our blood must be carefully and strictly controlled and this is done by the kidneys. Too much water in the blood is fatal. Too much salt in the blood is deadly. As wonderful a nutrient as vitamin C is, too high a concentration of it or any nutrient could kill you. This is why the kidneys excrete valuable elements from the body — too much of any good thing isn’t good for your health.

Our kidneys aren’t doing damage to our bodies by getting rid of particular excess nutrients; they’re just simply excreting the precise amount not presently needed by our bodies at a given time. That’s what happens when everything is going normally. What happens to such a delicate mechanism as the kidney’s filtering system when the kidneys themselves move in the direction of pathology? One great problem is magnesium wasting disease. This is when the kidneys dump something that is not being replaced. Primary renal disorders cause hypomagnesemia by decreased tubular reabsorption of magnesium by the damaged kidneys. This condition occurs in the diuretic phase of acute tubular necrosis, postobstructive diuresis, and renal tubular acidosis.

Bartter’s Syndrome is a kidney problem whereby electrolytes, including magnesium, are lost in the urine. Effectively these patients have a magnesium wasting disorder and clinically this is what I see in many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. It seems that however much magnesium they take they cannot correct their red cell magnesium levels unless they have regular injections or nebulizer and sometimes even this does not work.

Fluoride (in vitamins or water) interferes with magnesium metabolism in the body according to Dr. John R. Marier, of the Division of Biological Sciences at the Canadian National Research Council, Ottawa, in a paper published in The Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society, vol. 76, 1980, pages 82-102. This is significant because fluoride toxicity is increased when magnesium levels are low. Magnesium deficiency is widespread in the U.S., especially among children and teenagers, reaching the 99th percentile among young women.

The total body magnesium level of an average adult is 25 g or 1000 mmol. Approximately 60% is present in bone, 20% in muscle, and 20% in soft tissue and the liver. Approximately 99% of the total body magnesium is intracellular, with only 1% in the extracellular space; 80% of plasma magnesium is ionized or complexed to filterable ions (eg, oxalate, phosphate, citrate) and is available for glomerular filtration, while 20% is protein-bound. Normal plasma magnesium concentration is 1.7-2.1 mg/dL (0.7-0.9 mmol or 1.4-1.7 mEq/L).

Expansion of the extracellular fluid volume increases

the excretion of calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

Fatal hypermagnesemia has resulted from the administration of enemas containing magnesium to patients with renal failure. Hypermagnesemia is rarely observed in individuals with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) that is within reference range. In patients with acute renal failure and hypermagnesemia, levels usually remain less than 4 mEq/L.[50]

(His footnotes are at his site.)





[4] "Breaking The Health Care Codes" - PART 1 of 2:

[5] In email from RnA ReSet.














Article link from: "Make Heart Month Magnesium Month!":

[20] I appreciate the inclusion of at least a mention of this particular agricultural factor and there is much more to the "decreases" than just magnesium.

[21] The "refined and processed foods" (AKA "foods of commerce") were identified by Dr. Weston A. Price (in his "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" - documenting his medical anthropological tours in the 30's) as the most active factor in the demise of health among the nations.

[22] Consequentially your doctor will most likely not be able to tell you that you are magnesium deficient.





[27] "Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; and Cleveland, Linda. 2005. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2001-2002: Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food Compared to Dietary Reference Intakes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service" - September 2005; See: Table A11. "Magnesium (mg): Usual Intakes from Food, 2001-2002, Compared to Estimated Average Requirements" - Page 24.

[28] "Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; Ahuja, Jaspreet; Rhodes, Donna; and LaComb, Randy. 2009. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005-2006: Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service."




[32] "Magnesium basics":
(See "Conclusion")


[34] "Ronald - South Dakota" - a customer of Dr. Carolyn Dean. Dr. Dean went on to say: "Like Ronald says, the body maintains itself if you supply it with the key building blocks that it requires. Those building blocks are: magnesium, electrolytes, B-vitamins, well-balanced macronutrient supplementation, prebiotics for healthy gut bacteria, and something to support healthy cell replication."

[35] "Minerals: Building Blocks of the Body" - By: Simone Gabbay - a holistic nutritionist in Toronto, Canada, and the author of three books based on the Edgar Cayce health material. Visit her website:






[41] "Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of 700-800 enzyme systems in the body" - Dr. Carolyn Dean.

Independently verified in part by this Blog's author on April 14, 2019 with the following quote:
"Currently, enzymatic databases list over 600 enzymes for which Mg2+ serves as cofactor and an additional 200 in which Mg2+ may act as activator.":
Review - "Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes: Focusing on the Processes of Insulin Secretion and Signaling":

However this "Review" (cited immediately above here) has one reference: "De Baaij, J.H.; Hoenderop, J.G.; Bindels, R.J. Magnesium in man: Implications for health and disease. Physiol. Rev. 2015, 95, 1–46. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]" that only mentions "over 600 enzymatic reactions" without reference to the "additional 200 in which Mg2+ may act as activator."



[43] "The Interconnected Universe - Conceptual Foundations of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory" -

[44] "Magnesium in the Central Nervous System"; Chapter 19 - Mg and stress: page 252.:

"This book, containing chapters written by some of the foremost experts in the field of magnesium research, brings together the latest in experimental and clinical magnesium research as it relates to the central nervous system. It offers a complete and updated view of magnesium’s involvement in central nervous system function and in so doing, brings together two main pillars of contemporary neuroscience research, namely providing an explanation for the molecular mechanisms involved in brain function, and emphasizing the connections between the molecular changes and behaviour.

It is the untiring efforts of those magnesium researchers who have dedicated their lives to unravelling the mysteries of magnesium’s role in biological systems that has inspired the collation of this volume of work."
Robert Vink Mihai Nechifor:







[51] "Subclinical magnesium deficiency: a principal driver of cardiovascular disease and a public health crisis":






[57] The Requirement of Magnesium by the Normal Adult: Summary and Analysis of Published Data", Mildred S. Seelig, M.D., M.P.H. -
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 14, Issue 6, June 1964, Pages 342–390:


[59] "insufficient magnesium and the relative excess of calcium may cause sustained muscle contraction in any muscle group in the body? From head to toe, the muscle groups that you rely on [including your heart] are compromised when insufficient magnesium is present." -
"What Your Muscle Cramps May Be Telling You" – Carolyn Dean MD ND - Radio Show Archive:

[60] "Comparison of mechanism and functional effects of magnesium and statin pharmaceuticals.":

[61] In subscription email with subject line: "Magnesium Testing - Determining Nutritional Deficiencies"
From: "Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE Radio Show":








magnesium, Christiane Northrup, Carolyn Dean, depleted soil, Calcification, Fibromyalgia, Kidney stones, tendenitis, Gall stones, Hypoparathyroidism, Heart disease, atherosclerosis, Coronary Calcium, stress, anxiety, Restless Leg, refined foods, processed foods, foods of commerce, hot yoga, benzo addiction, enzymes, magnesia, whey, health, subclinical, leg cramps, aortic, ankylosing spondilitus, Glutathione

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