Blog: Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

A Covenant with Self and Source

Everyone is obligated to "speak for himself." If one does not proclaim his own position, no other being in the universe, including God, can do it for him.

Date:   3/22/2017 4:12:09 AM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 1678 times


by Lightbringer

I. Basis of Independence and Sovereignty.

A. Real Law.

All of manifest existence is expression of the laws of being. The "laws of being" might be defined as the inherent laws by which creation subsists and functions. A thing and the laws by which it functions are two aspects of a single reality.

B. Spiritual Nature.

Each of us has an intrinsic, inviolate, immediate, imminent obligation to function in accordance with the laws of our own being. Both we, and the laws by which we exist, emerge from, and have a co-extensive and inseparable union with, our ultimate Source. The laws of our existence and the Source of us can be called our "spiritual nature." "Spiritual" means inner, non-material, and unfathomable. The Spirit is the invisible essence of being, feeling, and life.

C. Covenant with Self and Source.

It should be self-evident that because we are inseparably one with, and cannot be divorced or detached from, our spiritual nature, we have an innate contract, or "covenant," with what we actually are and the laws of our being. Our mere existence is simultaneously an obligation to obey, be devoted to, maximize our compliance with, and live in unity / harmony with, the laws of our own existence. What this amounts to in practice acknowledging one of the most central and important aspects of man's being: free will. To live by this foundational truth means everyone must think for himself, listen to himself, respect and trust himself, desire to know and realize ever more of his true self,1 and recognize that his supreme authority is his own conscience. Emerson was correct when he wrote, "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind," because it is the mind that thinks, evaluates, selects, rejects, believes, adopts priorities, and decides what is true, real, and right, and in general makes free-will choices concerning all that one does.

The word "God" is a commonly used term for the ineffable Source of everything. Although God is unfathomable and non-conceptualizable, that does not prevent countless people from claiming to have superior or even exclusive right to speak for or represent God vis-á-vis others. Thus man's history is an endless litany of conflicts, wars, and implacable enmities between man and man based upon the spiritual and intellectual error of thinking / believing that one has the true God or the only way to God and the other does not.

Since God is not only the Source of man's existence but of the laws by which that existence subsists and functions, our contract / covenant with our existence is ultimately a contract with God. Since we exist and function as an expression of God's laws we are obligated to abide by those laws. God's side of the contract is that God's nature and laws are self-existing and dependable, "the same yesterday, today, and forever," and we may therefore rely on God always to "keep his word," i.e. God's side of the contract / covenant. This contract / covenant is innate, supreme, and inviolate, and results in dire consequences to those who attempt to violate or abrogate it. This fact does not prevent man from endlessly trying to do so, to his detriment.

D. Basis of Human Suffering.

Man's attempt to ignore, supersede, or abrogate the laws of his own existence and be happy and successful as a result is a free-will choice to deny, lie to, deceive, and hide from one's true self, and think one will be better for the folly. The World System is actualization of the human folly of thinking that man can create, through the workings of his own ego or abstract mind, alternative laws, separate artificial realities – systems of thought, living, interrelating, religion, and government – that are different than and at odds with the laws of man's being. Hence we have congresses, legislatures, parliaments, etc., with "lawmakers" presuming to make laws and impose them on others instead of discovering the laws of existence and liberating man by establishing life in ever fuller, deeper, unity / harmony therewith.

E. Contractual Penalties of Violating Covenant with God.

When man forsakes the laws of his being and subscribes to the invented, contrived "laws" of men, man betrays himself, God's law, and God Himself. Is it possible to think that this will not result in suffering, unhappiness, frustration, dis-ease, discord, and disaster? To function in ways which are hopelessly in conflict with the laws of existence is not only suicide, but also supreme stupidity. As Schiller wrote: "Against stupidity the very gods themselves rail in vain." It occurs because the human mind can be deceived and tricked, and often thinks it knows or possesses what it does not. In addition, many people are lazy and the powers that would enslave man are past masters at the game. A fundamental aspect of this phenomenon is that people endlessly deny and abnegate their free will and there is no shortage of other men and beings happy to capitalize on the default.

II. Lawful Establishment of Rights.

A. Basis of Rights.

The foundational right, the basis of all rights, is the right of self-ownership. This right inheres in and derives from one's existence. Right of self-ownership is an aspect of being. That which exists has a right to be. As an eternal, uncreated, spiritual being, man possesses free-will autonomy. Since no man is the creation, province, or property of anyone else, he is a sovereign with innate right, duty, privilege, and obligation to utilize his free will for the protection, well-being, and furthering of his own life. The drive for self-preservation is inherent in life, and understanding that core reality makes sense of the world.

People can argue all day concerning God, whether God created man, or man created himself, or man is in a sub-par state as a result of genetic engineering of the gods,2 but it is self-evident that:

Because man exists and lives he is an expression of, and innately one with, existence and life; and,

No one is the creation of other men, including all would-be "rulers" or their concocted institutions called "governments."

B. Forfeiture of Rights.

The only way you can be presumed in law to be devoid of power to assert and enjoy your innate, unalienable rights is by other people acting against you on the basis of a presumption of your having knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily surrendered such power to exercise those rights. One forfeits his capacity to assert and enjoy his unalienable rights (the system freely admits that no one ever loses his unalienable rights – only the power to exercise them) whenever he becomes a "citizen." People become citizens because they think they are bettered thereby, contractually surrendering rights to obtain the "benefits" of "citizenship." There is hell to pay for falling for this ruse. It is swallowing poisonous bait with a hook in it. "Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly, and I will have you for dinner." To accept benefits is to incur the corresponding contractual obligations. Whenever one accepts a government "benefit" one forsakes the reality and refuge of his being and contracts to be subject to the laws, rules, regulations, dictates, mandates, and policies of those operating and behind government.

People fail to understand that not only is this not a gain, but is an outright loss whereby one has relinquished his capacity to claim his rights at all. What are then called "rights" are defined by the government which "protects" them. Such "rights" are necessarily privileges since a government can deal only with what it creates, defines, and owns. Surrendering freedom to gain the alleged protection of a government is to become a slave, commercial / legal chattel property, of those in a position to direct the government, which owns not only the citizen but his property and progeny as well. In short, to become a citizen of any government other than one's own is to forfeit right to self-ownership and self-determination and become a slave of other men.

To declare oneself to be a citizen (slave) of an artificial corporate entity called "government" is simply a variation on the timeless theme of abnegating one's free will and projecting one's centrality away from the core of one's being. It is akin to the biblical story of Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of porridge, forfeiting freedom and rights for a transient meal of stolen and poisonous pottage. To claim rights because one is a citizen is to notice the world that one is an artificial person created and owned by others and that one is authorized to identify with and use said abstract construct of the mind defined and owned by other men as one's legal status. One is then automatically "guilty until proven innocent." Proving oneself innocent in such a context is then impossible, since one has already confessed to having abandoned claim to self-ownership (being a slave), having committed fraud (by using government property, its invented abstract and contrived status, as one's own), and being insane (claiming to be an imaginary entity, i.e. citizen, created by other men).

The universal and necessary consequence of this mistake is suffering, resulting in the situation described in Thoreau's celebrated quote: "The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation." Stress is loss of control of one's life. Being subject to, i.e. a slave of, a government is loss of control of one's life, however much any illusion to the contrary might be promulgated to disguise the truth. "The Lord (State) giveth, the Lord (State) taketh away." Or as Jefferson phrased the matter: "The government that can do things for people can do things to them." This two-edged sword is the inherent nature of all governments, and indeed all organizations and associations man devises.

C. High-Sounding Makeshift.

Some "patriots" attempt to secure freedom and rights on a sound foundation by withdrawing from the corporate, de facto United States (a "democracy"), in private, international, commercial, military venue and jurisdiction, and going to that which is prior to the "bifurcation," the split, which occurred when Congress and the various State Legislatures formed the commercial "US" with intent to create a private, corporate government that would supersede, i.e. obtain "inherent superiority" over, the USA. The deeper and prior venue and jurisdiction to which the patriots attempt to revert is the "de jure" United States of America (a "republic") under the original USA Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and "intent of the Founding Fathers." This "original and exclusive jurisdiction" is considered dependable and lawful vis-á-vis the de facto US because the legislators who formed the de facto US sat under authority of the USA and had no authority to create a corporation that would claim to possess greater rights and powers than the forum that allowed them to pass any laws or sit in session at all.

D. Calamitous Constitutional Covenants.

From the point of view of existence, spiritual truth, and the inherent laws of being, the above "patriot" approach is false, fraudulent, and suicidal. What "patriots" often call "original and exclusive jurisdiction" is merely another venue, jurisdiction, and set of laws created by and for the Powers That Be. To expose and withdraw from one fraud (the de facto US), while seeking refuge and solid ground in a deeper, prior, more fundamental fraud (USA), is not a true solution. It is "jumping from the frying pan into the fire." It is officially decreeing that one has still failed to claim and stand on his own ground and is standing on someone else's ground whereby such a man has turned his back on his own sovereignty, freedom, rights, and actual reality. To be a "citizen" of the US, USA, or any other government, is far worse than the mere futility of the drunk looking for his keys where they cannot be found. It is to assent to one's own enslavement. This is naturally opposite to what the patriots think is true and wish to achieve.

Genuine "original and exclusive jurisdiction" abides in the centrality of one's free-will nature, anchored in one's eternal spiritual self and the laws / Source thereof. To claim that fundamental sovereignty or reality inheres in and derives from documents (e.g. the Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, etc.) written by men in their respective capacities of being representatives of governments (which, in the case of the Corporation, were the "States," which are corporations of the English Crown) is to subscribe to, stand and rely on, fictional creations which are not only imaginary but are fraudulent and do not belong to oneself. If one proclaims union and binding contractual nexus with, together with parity with and right to use as one's property or source of standing, capacity, rights, privileges, or immunities, the fictional creation of others (Constitution, USA, etc.), one is declaring oneself to be subject to fictitious entities created and owned by other men designed and enforced for nefarious and deceitful purposes, i.e. rulership of some men over others through a "respectable" medium.3 One cannot secure his rights and freedom by standing on imaginary ground that does not belong to oneself and is outside of one's genuine existence. One's reality, and the source of one's power and abundance, is within oneself, not "out there" in abstract creations devised by other men. Adulthood and freedom mean throwing away your tin cup. Or, as Emerson wrote in Self Reliance:

"But now we are a mob. Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men."

E. Necessity for Commitment and Alignment.

The solution to man's predicament is to re-affirm one's eternal and absolute allegiance to, become anchored and dwell in, the laws of one's being and Source, thereby simultaneously renouncing the concocted "laws" of men and openly proclaiming one's contract / covenant with, and exclusive allegiance to, real law. Men's "laws" are not law; they are rules of rulership: control, management, enslavement, plunder, and exploitation. All human governments are expressions of Roman Civil Law and cannot be otherwise. The sole premise of Roman Civil Law is: "The will of the ruler has the force of law." "Force" = legalized violence. "Rulers" do not conjure up laws to benefit either God or the victims upon whom they invent and impose their "laws." Such laws are manufactured to create rules which subjugated people, for whatever reason, think they must obey. People seem to think that playing the role of being the "Ruled" ("governed") in the game of "Rulers and Ruled" ("government") is necessary and inescapable. The rules of all governments are owned and enforced by the creators thereof, and are therefore one-sided and subject to change without notice by the inventors (the cause) according to their whim and what they can get away with (what the market will bear). This false game of some ruling others must be scrapped if man is ever to grow up to spiritual adulthood, be happy and free, and live in a sound and harmonious society of equally autonomous free-will beings. Everyone is entitled to live his life in its full dignity, freedom, and sovereignty. Who is to say otherwise?4

F. Sincerity Essential.

It is clear that one's commitment to the eternal covenant between oneself and one's being / Source must be genuine. If not, whom is one trying to fool? The Bible phrases the matter very well: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For that which a man soweth, that shall he also reap." This is merely to say that God's laws are eternally valid, consistent, inviolate, and violating them results in inexorable and exact consequences. There is no deceiving or escaping real law. Where in the universe can one go to escape oneself, i.e. the laws by which one subsists and functions?

G. Requirement for Open Notice to the World.

One's commitment / allegiance to the laws of one's being and Source must be properly noticed to and acknowledged by man's systems of law and government. One cannot presume that other people are mind readers. Everyone is obligated to "speak for himself." If one does not proclaim his own position, no other being in the universe, including God, can do it for him. This is the supreme blessing and responsibility of free will. The unimaginable benefit of being an immortal free-will spiritual being is that one is a sovereign co-creator with God and can create his own experiences and destiny. The other side of the coin is that default on use of free will results in a vacuum that is usurped by other beings and entities for their benefit and the detriment of the defaulting party.

H. Nature of Proper Notice.

One must proclaim openly, correctly, and officially to the world, before God and man, one's position as a being with right and obligation to hold to the exclusive covenant between oneself and the laws / Source of one's being, which is in truth "original and exclusive jurisdiction." Contractual recognition of this foundational position by civil-law governments, through registration in their system of records, makes independence and freedom legally possible. In such freedom one has both the supreme privilege and inherent obligation to be the steward of one's life and manage it to the best of one's ability, in unity / harmony with universal ethical and existential law, i.e. "real law." The principles of real law are simple:

Your right to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness is absolute unless, and to the extent that, you trespass against someone else's similar rights, in which case you forfeit your rights and freedom to the degree necessary to compensate the one you wronged for the harm you caused. This right / obligation is a double-edged sword structured in cause / effect existence, whether or not it is recognized and codified by any government or whether or not one "gets caught."

Inasmuch as all interactions are contract, when you relate to others, keep the terms and conditions of whatever contracts you form. Inasmuch as all law is contract, "to obey the law" merely means to keep your word and do not attempt to abrogate the equal-exchange principle of ethical and existential law.

I. Exclusive Capacity and Obligation to Notice.

Because you are the only being with sovereign right and responsibility to be steward of your own life, i.e. to exercise your free will for your own welfare, progress, and betterment, you have absolute right to assert self-ownership and lawful, exclusive title to all property you honorably acquire. Who can truly claim that you do not? Who can in fact hold a greater right to you and yours than you do? This innate right includes being the sole possessor of supreme stewardship over whatever land you purchase or otherwise honestly obtain. While clearly the ultimate owner of the Earth is the Earth and its Source, we do inhabit this planet with innumerable other people and thereby possess the right to be recognized before our fellow man as the supreme steward ("lawful owner") of the honorably acquired land on which we live and with which we interact for our own survival and welfare. If someone claims a superior right, the burden of proof falls on him to show that he holds a lawful claim that is greater than yours.

J. Nature of Proper Notice.

Proclaiming your eternal covenant / contract with the laws / Source of yourself must be done according to the essentials of contract law to be recognized by others. This means to proclaim formally:

The identity and capacity of the parties to the contract, i.e. yourself and your Source. Who and what are you? A valid contract can be formed only between parties capable of contracting, i.e. competent, free-will adults of "sound mind." The key word in this equation is "capacity." The fundamental ground / right to contract is a function of man's free will and sovereign spiritual nature, which is inaccessible to and untouchable by anyone but oneself. The "First Amendment" proclaims this inviolate ground as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...." The reason this passage is so special, and something no judge usually touches, is that it is the basis upon which the Powers That Be have established themselves and cannot proclaim the basis of their own functioning to be invalid. The point is to "go thou and do likewise!"

The contract / covenant is established as valid because it is founded on the free, lawful, and binding consent of both parties, with mutual good faith, full disclosure of all terms and conditions, identified valuable consideration exchanged, lawful object, and freedom from duress, menace, fraud, malice, undue influence, mistake, or fraud.

The valuable consideration pledged by you is the sum total of your life to what it ultimately is. The valuable consideration pledged by your Source is total support and protection of its own nature and eternal laws of being. "God approaches man as man approaches God." The more we live in unity / harmony with the laws of our being the more those laws support, protect, enrich, and further us. This contract is thus to pledge oneself to one's ultimate welfare, which should not be a difficult choice.

The lawful object is the intent of both parties to be in mutual unity / harmony with each other and fulfill the terms and conditions of the covenant. Man's covenant with God is sublime: "Our side of the deal is to ask God for what we want; God's side is to give it to us." How can anything be better than that?

K. Character and Uniqueness of Notice.

This formal proclamation of one's solemn Covenant (contract) with one's Source is a "pledge of allegiance" of oneself to one's Self, of one's individual nature to one's universal, unbounded, uncreated spiritual existence, declared and bound by conscience, conviction, and creed. The action will be different for, and must be done by, every man for and by himself. Only each man knows what such an act means to him and is entitled to perform it. No one knows the inner subjective state of another, nor has any right to speak for it. "Why don't you speak for yourself, John [Alden]?" In short, this is a free-will universe.

The word "creed" is crucial in this equation. It announces that one's position is well thought-out, serious, and intended to be grounded and consistent. It implies a solemn, life commitment that is not a transient belief or ungrounded whim that might be one thing one day and something else the next.

L. Consequences of Proper Notice.

If you have properly established your rights, independence, freedom, and sovereignty by contracting with a government so that the government has agreed and certified that your applicable law is your contract / covenant with your existence and not any contract with or laws of any external government, you have fulfilled the essentials of universal contract law. You have exercised your fundamental right to decide with whom you will contract and what the nature of that contract will be. Everyone has an innate right and duty to decide, proclaim, and establish with whom he is contractually bound – reality (God) or government (substitute). If you fail to decide correctly or do not properly notice the world, the government wins by default. Their position is on the table and yours is not. If, however, you form a contract with a government in which you and the government recognize that you are under supreme contract with your own existence and not the government, they have contractually ratified a mutual agreement that they have no jurisdiction over you. They are neither party to your covenant with your own existence nor authorized to impair that contract or proclaim that you are under any contract with them that authorizes them to assert any power over you.

Dealing with governments and their courts and judges today is so frustrating because their tribunals are private commercial courts of general equity in which the ultimate and inaccessible grounds of an opinion is "the conscience of the court." This means the judge decides based upon his "conscience," which is inaccessibly his own (as is yours) and not a domain upon which you can make any demands (other than perhaps to request that he issue a "conclusion of law and finding of facts").

Governments exist and function on a number of "presumptions of law." One of the presumptions under which the ruling system operates is that they are under no obligation to disclose the presumptions under which they function. Another one of their presumptions is that they have presumed to possess "immunity" for all actions done in an "official" capacity. This is one reason a judge can do anything he wishes from the bench and none of those experiencing the consequences has any basis to hold him accountable for misdeeds or violation of rights. Unless one has properly established one's jurisdiction, venue, and applicable law in a manner that a government officially must notice, their position is the only one at issue. No judge can speak for you, affirm your rights, or proclaim your principles or applicable law, even if he wished to do so. That is exclusively your right and responsibility.

M. Consequences of Failure to Notice.

Failure to announce your applicable law means that insofar as your would-be rulers are concerned you have no applicable law other than theirs. In today's world a "stateless person" is the worst of all positions. One is then without a home or rights, presumed to be at best in a "state of nature," and at worst an enemy or pirate. In either case one is treated by the world powers as fair game. Failure to notice the world and establish one's position properly to / in / with the systems of existing world power means, for all practical purposes (uses of legalized force, deadly violence), that one's position is not affirmed and those in governments have no other law to apply to you but their own systems of legalized power, privilege, plunder, and enslavement, all functioning under your unrebutted presumption that you assent to their position. "He who stands for nothing will fall for anything." You lose by default since there is no position at issue other than theirs. The fundamental maxim of universal commercial law becomes crucially operative: "A matter must be expressed to be resolved."

III. How to Establish Rights.

A. Necessity for Correct Action.

Thus far we have discussed real rights, the necessity of affirming them before God and man, and the consequences of failing to do so. Merely to know the "what" and "why" of one's rights does not change one's standing in law. One must know "how" to establish them.

B. Duplicate Success.

In order to know what course of action will be effective to establish our rights, sovereignty, freedom, and independence it is well to observe the legal state of the world and study what the so-called Elite have done to establish themselves. This will enable us to emulate what they have done for our own defense and benefit.

C. The Corporation Sole.

The Ruling Elite have established themselves in the world in a manner that enables them to actualize their rights, privileges, immunities, activities, and objectives. The vehicle by which they function is a unique construct of law called a "corporation sole." A corporation sole is an incorporation of oneself, a self-incorporation. This differs from normal corporations, which are "corporations aggregate" involving an incorporation of numerous persons who occupy various designated offices in the resulting organization.

The point of the articles of incorporation of any corporation, either sole or aggregate, is to define and establish what the corporation is and what it is authorized to do. When the Powers That Be created their corporations sole they tailored them to their particular world-views and what they wished to do. They "wrote their own ticket." Why not? They are free-will sovereign spiritual beings with right of self-determination and this is what they decided for themselves. If they do it and we do not, whose fault is that? If we default on defining and establishing our own position and agree to be subject to what they have established for themselves, are they to blame for our default and folly? Only a sovereign can proclaim his own sovereignty. The catch-22 is that most people do not realize that they are sovereigns and obligated to utilize their own sovereignty and it is not the duty of any other sovereign to inform them of the fact, but unless someone thus informs people they do not realize and actualize their sovereignty and live as stupefied slaves. If everyone realized that he was sovereign, and was therefore his own government and path to God, governments and religions would be out of business. There would be no one to rule or "save."

When we create our own Corporation Sole it is out of ourselves, by our own authority and sovereignty, within our own venue and jurisdiction, and under our own applicable law. It is correctly observed that a corporation, at least a normal corporation aggregate involving multiple officers, is an artificial person, operating under "limited-liability,"5 allowed to be created and operated under the authority of the power in the jurisdiction of which the corporation exists as a privilege. Thus, in order to have an ordinary corporation one must secure permission of the government. Such a corporation exists within and at the courtesy of the owners of the body of law within which the corporation exists and functions. This is especially true inasmuch as "limited liability" is entirely a construct of law, invented and sustained by government. Such a corporation must therefore comply with all applicable government laws and regulations in its formation and operation.

It is crucial to understand that a Corporation Sole which we create and define emerges from our own sovereignty – our own being, essence, and life. As such, our Corporation Sole is not a government-granted privilege, but a self-exercised right. We are not then beholden to the state for using a statutory privilege granted by them, since the resulting Corporation Sole is created out of our sovereignty, not theirs. King Louis XIV of France correctly stated, "L'etat c'est moi" (I am the State). As the then-current successor King holding office in the French Crown Corporation Sole, the entire French Government was his possession. We exist, have spiritual autonomy and free will, every bit as much as King Louis XIV. As such, we have not only absolute right, but also lawful obligation, to provide open notice defining what our rights and powers are if we desire to exercise them and have them recognized and accepted in the world. A corporation sole is an unlimited-liability entity (absolute right / responsibility), not a limited liability construct of the civil law.

Via the "Instrument of Acknowledgment" ("Disciplines") of our Corporation Sole we define and provide open notice to the world as to what our own rights, privileges, powers, immunities, applicable law, venue, and jurisdiction are. Just as pertains in the case of any corporation, the Disciplines of our Corporation Sole establish what we, as the holders of office of our corporation, are and are authorized to do. This enables us to define, and notice the legal systems of the world, who and what we are as well as to what law, venue, and jurisdiction we are subject, the rights, privileges, and immunities to which we are entitled, the supremacy of our law and tribunals vs. theirs, etc.

When the civil state files and records our Corporation Sole within its system they have contractually agreed to what we declare in our filing, i.e. in the foundational document / contract defining what our organization is. They have ratified a contract between two sovereigns6 and placed their own law, venue, jurisdiction, and administrative machinery at the service of upholding our independence and autonomy. This contract is entered into knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily by both parties and fulfills all the requirements under universal contract law to be adjudicated as a binding contract.

We create our Corporation Sole voluntarily, by our own free will, without being coerced to do so. We voluntarily present our Corporation for filing and recording by them, in their own system. No one coerces them to file and record what we present; they do so, and thereby ratify a contract with us, of their own volition. Once having done so, however, they are bound by the contract they have signed and sealed. If they fail to place their legal machinery at the service of upholding the terms and conditions of the contract (which we devise), they confess to breach of contract and therefore to acting illegally.

D. Coherence from Diversity.

The problem of the overwhelming majority of the world's population is that they have handed their lives over to other men proclaiming themselves to be "rulers" or "leaders," whose purpose is to dominate and exploit mankind with impunity. The proof of this is in the absence of full disclosure, mutual meeting of the minds, good faith, and therefore no genuine agreement, i.e. no bona fide, enforceable contract. Organized religions function on the premise that the High Priests of the organization have some special access to, and right to speak for, God, so that if you want to know truth, or contact or have the blessings of the divine, obtain salvation, etc., you must go through them. While it is obvious that associating with a truly God-realized man can be transformational and enlightening, the unbounded awe and reverence characterizing such a personage precludes his adopting such a constricting pettiness as saying, "In this unbounded and unfathomable infinity I am the only way." This is akin to saying, "I have exclusive claim on, and am the only path to, the sky."

It is not be surprising that men exist with the chutzpah and hubris to try to get anyone to fall for their having some exclusive claim on God. It might well be regarded as astonishing, however, that billions of people actually subscribe to his assertions. In any case it is a grave error to believe that one's being, autonomy, and Source is not within oneself but outside oneself, and can be accessed only by subscribing to the rituals, dogma, scriptures, and usurpation of one's life and soul by other men.

Equally nefarious and preposterous as the exclusiveness and divisiveness of organized religions is the mendacity of governments. Instead of "God" and "truth," the government head of the Three-Headed Monster7 that has devoured the world claims to possess monopoly on law and right to define, create, administer, and enforce it. What is law? Why is law considered to be law? What is the source of law? Where does law reside? Who or what is the author and source of law? Who possesses final and absolute knowledge of what law and its origin are? Who possesses right to decide and enforce law superior to other people? How can anyone asserting such claims substantiate them?

The above questions are resolved by understanding the following:

The source and nature of law are as unfathomable and unknowable as the Source of life and consciousness, for the same reason: the manifest cannot cognize or apprehend the source that begets it, its unmanifest origin and cause.

Because every being is unique in time, space, perspective, and configuration at every instant, everyone's conception of and attitude towards law will always be exclusively his own at each moment.

Inasmuch as each man and woman is the unit of consciousness, experience, and free will, and will necessarily perceive and understand issues of law in his / her unique terms, everyone possesses the right to cognize and apply law only with respect to himself and not for others. Everyone has equal right (and duty) to define his own applicable law.

The resulting "conflict of laws" is resolved by self-regulating processes, both with respect to man's relationship to existence and to other people.

Concerning man's relationship to reality, the laws of being unfailingly and precisely inflict the penalties and punishments for violating existential law on the offending party. If one murders he will be murdered ("He who lives by the sword dies by the sword"). If one steals he will be stolen from ("What is obtained by force is wrested away by force"). If one who has not yet learned to fly jumps off a high building he will fall to the ground with commensurate natural law damages.

As for interactions with other people, when each defines his own applicable law the process is equally self-regulating. Whatever rights, privileges, and immunities anyone grants himself are presumed to be the equal right of all others. If one wrongfully claims that his law authorizes him to transgress against others he is thereby noticing the world that others possess equal right to behave that way against him. If one claims that it is acceptable for him to kill others, he is stating that it is acceptable for other people to kill him. If he proclaims a double standard that he possesses rights not equally available to all other men, he is proclaiming that others have an equal right to act by a double standard towards him.

Perhaps as universally true a statement as one can make is that it is the nature of life to grow, develop, achieve, evolve, and seek fulfillment. Life goes spontaneously towards fields of greater happiness and shuns harm, impediment, suffering, and destruction. It is easy to generalize that if someone does not desire to be defrauded, enslaved, plundered, interfered with, or destroyed, he must refrain from committing such actions against others or he is authorizing them to behave in identical fashion to him. In addition, it should be obvious (but apparently is not) that cause / effect natural law also visits on an offender, with or without human intervention, the consequences of his folly. This built-in "equality under the law" is the basis of morality and understanding that for one's own well being it is necessary to be non-harmful, respectful, honest, and helpful towards others. Comprehending that one receives back what he puts out is the foundation of sanity, self-preservation, law, justice, open-ended prosperity, and peace. The Golden Rule expressed in terms of law is: "That which you do unto others shall be done unto you." The equal-exchange principle of the universe is applicable in both moral and natural law. One reaps what he sows. To transgress against others is to damage oneself. Likewise, as per the old Chinese proverb: "He who helps others helps himself."

E. Contracts Between Corporations.

Not only are all governments corporations, i.e. artificial persons, they are at root and origin corporations sole and networks of contracts and treaties between corporations sole. In order to contract with a State you must create your own corporate entity to have an artificial person of your own to contract with the corporate agencies and aspects of governments. Parity must exist. One corporation (artificial person) must contract with another. If you fail to incorporate yourself in your own domain they will incorporate a symbolic representation of you in their domain, trick you into identifying with being that representation, and deal with you through the artificial person (all capital-letter name) as their creation and property.8 By incorporating yourself in your own jurisdiction by the authority of your spiritual sovereignty, you formally proclaim and establish on the record:

Who and what you are;

Your applicable law;

Your eternal allegiance to and obligation to comply with the innate contract / covenant with your being / Source as the basis of the venue, jurisdiction, and law to which you are exclusively subject.

By so doing they contractually agree that you are not within their jurisdiction or subject to their law (i.e. what you legally are not) and that your standing / capacity and applicable law is the Ecclesiastical Law of your Spiritual Society (i.e. what you are in law).

The result of a Secretary of State filing a non-statutory, spiritual (which they interpret as "religious" but we know the difference) Corporation Sole is legal, lawful, and contractually established freedom. You have a contract, with their recognition, recording, and seal on it to substantiate your independence and sovereignty whenever you have to deal with them. Corporations sole have been established in the world and the Law of Nations for over 700 years (if not 1000 years longer than that), and is what existing Powers such as Kings and the Pope have done. With a "corporation sole" you wear two hats: one real (the physical you) and one artificial (your office). Your abstract hat relates to their abstract hat in accordance with a contract which establishes that you and your hat are not within or subject to their domain and you are a free, sovereign, independent State, co-existing in the world with them in such capacity. The point is to wear your hat, not theirs.

F. Perpetuity of a Corporation Sole.

Because corporations are artificial persons, abstract inventions of the mind, they have a plastic immortality. They cannot be found in nature, like a dog or a sunflower, and do not die natural deaths. This is why the title of a corporation sole must include the phrase: "[Name of incorporator] and his Successors..." Such self-incorporation can last forever, independently own property in perpetuity, and accumulate wealth without any powers to tax it away so long as there is a successor in office to take the place of the previous office holder in case of death, incapacity, resignation, or other departure from office. Every king or queen of a nation, the US president and all governors, is the holder of office of the institution's Corporation Sole, just as each Pope is the existing "Successor in Office" of the Vatican Corporation Sole, as are most "public officials" in the United States. A Corporation Sole enables an organization to exist with continuity in case an existing office-holder dies (or otherwise no longer holds office, such as by losing an election). A new man then wears the same hat, e.g. "King," "President," or "Governor."

G. Exclusivity of Law, Venue, and Jurisdiction.

Inasmuch as "man cannot serve two masters," or travel two different roads at the same time, one cannot simultaneously be subject to one's own applicable law and the rules created and owned by other men. One cannot be subject to both jurisdictions at the same time as they are two different and separate bodies of law which will demand totally opposite things of one's being, time, energy, resources, faculties, and life, creating a built-in conflict. No matter can be adjudicated or enforced until the issue of jurisdiction is resolved or there is no basis to know what court is authorized to hear the dispute.

The law cannot compel anyone to:

Violate the terms of a valid, binding contract;

Commit an act which is legally impossible (such as violating the law, committing suicide, acting in an insane or immoral manner, etc.); or,

Enter into a contract against one's consent.

No system of law can validly compel you to abrogate or violate the terms of your Covenant because to do so would be to compel you to abrogate your contract with God and enter into contract with them to forfeit your rights, lose your property, proclaim to be an artificial person created and owned by them, and be a slave. For a system to compel unlawful and insane acts is to openly and notoriously abandon all credibiltiy and legitimacy and proclaim itself to be overtly and willfully criminal. In such case the system would be officially announcing that the "law of necessity" (suspension of law for war or some other "emergency") is in force and effect meaning that you are fully authorized to reject and defend yourself against their aggression by any means you can, including violence. The men who would rule others must do so by deceit, treachery, and trickery in order to operate. They function on the unrebutted presumption that you knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily agree to be subject to their law. Full disclosure would render their game impossible, as no one would play if they understood the truth of the interaction. Operating on undisclosed presumptions of law they nevertheless act against everyone in accordance with the axiom, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

An old English court case confirms the principle of prohibition against compulsion to inflict damage or injury upon oneself by violating one's contract with God:

"A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him from whose punishments they cannot protect us." Robin vs. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109 (1772).

In other words, since no legislature can prevent the consequences of our actions from returning to us in accordance with the workings of natural law, no legislature can abrogate our right to maintain allegiance to that which is necessary for us to obey to avoid experiencing adverse natural law consequences for our deeds.

Sir William Blackstone, the celebrated English jurist whose Commentaries on the Laws of England was used for more than a century as the foundation of all legal education in Great Britain and the United States, stated concerning this issue:

"This law of nature, being coeval with mankind and dictated by God Himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately from this original."

As example of the power and recognized inviolability of a corporation sole one can observe the actions of the legal system of a government in dealing with a Catholic Bishop. Every Bishop is a Corporation Sole under the Pope, and subject only to Catholic Ecclesiastical Law. No Bishop is touchable by civil-law jurisdictions regardless of what he does. Whatever his offense, it is understood that the Church will deal with him and not any secular government.

IV. Strategy and Tactics.

A. Conflict of Laws.

Since all law is contract, to ask what law you are subject to is to ask what contracts exist to which you are bound. A conflict of laws / jurisdictions / venues is a conflict of contracts. If you have a contract with a government recognizing your autonomy, independence, applicable law, and standing / capacity as a "free, independent, sovereign State in Fact" under exclusive contract with your eternal covenant / contract with your being / Source, you are officially recognized by them as not one of their citizens / subjects / slaves.9 A State can tax or regulate only that which the State owns, and it can own only what it creates. What States create is franchises to which people become franchisees, i.e. individual corporate entities owned by the State with which someone who is a citizen or subject of the government has identified and proclaimed to be subject ("subject to the jurisdiction thereof," as the 14th Amendment phrases the matter). All such people enter through a portal above which is posted: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

If the authorities of a civil-law government have contractually agreed that your law, venue, and jurisdiction are supreme concerning any matter involving you, and prevail in any alleged dispute with them, for them to press a complaint against you requires them to petition your domain and tribunals. Since, as per the ancient maxim of law, "A sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without his consent," if your tribunals and law (i.e. you) decline to hear and entertain the complaint, they are devoid of authority to hear the matter in their forum. In this conflict of laws you automatically win. Your own law, venue, and jurisdiction are supreme and prevail in any conflict of laws / venue / jurisdiction / contract with them or their system in any of its aspects. Since they have established their monopoly and exclusivity on their own law, venue, and jurisdiction rendering all of those who are subject thereto devoid of alternative places to go for remedy, recourse, or redress of grievances, why not function in the same manner? After all, "Turn-about's fair play!"

Remember the cardinal maxim: "Contract makes the law." All law is contract. Once the contract is sealed, they cannot legally deny or abrogate either their contract with you or your contract / covenant with the laws of your being / Source (your own conscience). To do so constitutes violating their law, your law, God's law, and contract law. What else is there to violate?

B. Freedom and Full Disclosure.

Anyone is as free to dissolve the bonds he has formed via contractual association with others, after paying off any debts and obligations he might owe, as he is entitled to enter into any agreement in the first place. Concerning any alleged "agreement" with governments, nothing is owed by those who wish to disentangle themselves from the "political bands that have connected them with another" because no true agreement, i.e. bona fide contract, ever exists in the first place. No civil-law government ever has honorable motives that will stand the light of day due to the concealment of material fact in contract, fraudulent concealment, undue influence, duress, malice, mistake, no genuinely free consent, no true mutual meeting of the minds, etc. Every government is an organized power game of some men dominating others. "All's fair in love and war," and all politics is war by the government against the people. Anything goes. There are no rules except "seize and hold power by any means possible, no matter how." Those who "govern" others operate on the basis that the "end justifies the means." The problem is that the ends are illegitimate, consisting of the "authority" to exercise power, plunder, and privilege (which are always fraudulent), and the means (deadly physical force implemented on grounds that cannot withstand the ethical and existential light of day) are always destructive, corrosive, and disintegrating.

A State begins with the hubris of someone thinking: "I want to rule others." Acting on such rebellious impossibility is overreaching, illicit abrogation of the free-will autonomy of others, which is fundamental error at inception. It initiates an ever-spiraling grinding into certain destruction of "ruler," "ruled," and their mutual civilization. As Lao-tzu phrased the matter: "Most men who miss after almost winning, should have known the end from the beginning.".10 Likewise, as Burke astutely observes: "freedom and not servitude is the cure of anarchy."

It is impossible for a government to exist with open disclosure or such disclosure would reveal the fraudulent nature of the organization and no one would subscribe to it. No government ever has, or ever can, provide full disclosure of all the rights, privileges, and immunities surrendered by people contracting to be "citizens." Who would voluntarily consent to become the property of an organized slavery / plunder / exploitation institution?

C. Interacting With the Legal System.

It is one thing to have clear understanding of one's rights, standing, and capacity, and even possess a contract with the system with mutual acknowledgment of your position. It is also necessary to know how to proceed if / when one runs afoul of civil law governments. Before elucidating concrete options, one needs to know and completely accept the validity of the rights that have been legally established via filing of one's Corporation Sole, so one can unshakably assert and stand on them.

D. Elucidation of Rights.

Express rights filed, registered, recorded, certified, signed, and sealed by the Secretary of State of a State of the United States, contractually establish independence and sovereignty. The legally recognized autonomy constitutes lawful grounds to define and institute all the additional rights one wishes, as is the right of any free, independent, sovereign State.

Perhaps the most difficult, and certainly most important, aspect of this equation is to understand and know absolutely that one is a free, autonomous, self-determining spiritual being with right / duty to utilize one's free will to govern one's life and fashion one's destiny. The attitude that we are victims, or helpless, or unworthy, or must be dependent or governed, has been so deeply, extensively, and pervasively ingrained in man for so long that washing our being clean of such falsehoods is extremely difficult. It can be challenging to discard the slave mentality that you must "respect authority" and realize that the only authority that matters is the authority of your own existence, compliance with which is a function exclusively of your own conscience, judgment, and free will. No one but you is responsible for your life, nor can anyone but you live it for you. This is eternally true whether any governments exist or not. Those who would rule you need you to abnegate your authority and "respect" theirs. Life does not sanction such misuse of free will.

Know your ground and stand on it. It is an eternal truism that "he who does not assert his rights has none." It is likewise an ancient maxim of law: "He who stands on his own rights injures no one." You are sovereign, so act like a sovereign!

Once the correct attitude exists, the rest is practical application. Having filed the corporation sole paperwork, we now have unlimited additional rights, such as the autonomous rights to:

Create and issue our own corporations sole.

Issue identifications or travel permits of any kind, including diplomatic passports.

Establish our own "resident agent" to receive service of process from any foreign powers (any government or jurisdiction other than our own).

Require that if any complainant seeks remedy, recourse, or redress of grievance against us that the matter is heard and decided in our own jurisdiction, by our own tribunals.

Establish our own monetary, economic, and banking system.

The crucial point to recognize is that if we do not do it ourselves, or by virtue of our own initiative, it will not be done. We are the only ones with right / capacity to effectuate these rights. No one else anywhere can assert them for us. Whatever others might do is by their own authority and for their benefit, not ours.

E. Unlimited Contractual Opportunities.

The opportunities for prosperity and happiness from correctly establishing a corporation sole are open-ended. For instance, any kind of company, confederation, association, community, or alliance can be voluntarily formed by and between you and others of like mind. To unite with others is not only joyous but a synergy in which the "whole is greater than the sum of the parts."

F. Free Society.

Your Spiritual Society can (and should) be an assemblage of voluntary associations between free people, with the existential end consisting of realizing unity / harmony with each other and all existence, in the Spirit. "Birds of feather flock together." Since the larger point is to create a sound, harmonious, peaceful, and free society, all those of like mind, who understand that rights and freedom are preserved by usefulness and deference to others and not harming one's fellow man, would be welcome since they will enrich and add to the spiritual community, not diminish it. Obviously the matter must be one of individual choice and contractual agreement, voluntarily adopted because people clearly realize that doing so is eminently to their advantage.

G. Some long-established maxims of law11 are apt:

Adjuvari quippe nos, non-decipi, beneficio oportet. For we ought to be helped by a benefit, not destroyed by it. Dig. 13. 6, 17. 3; Broom, Max 392.

Commercium jure gentium commune case debets et non-in monopolium et privatum paucorum quaestum convertendum. Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of a few. 3 Inst. 181, in marg.

Cupla est immiscere se rei ad se non-pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you. Dig. 50, 17, 36; 2 Inst. 208.

Cum in corpore dissentitur apparet nullam esse acceptionem. When there is a disagreement in the substance, it appears that there is no acceptance. 12 Allen 44.

Extra territorium just dicenti non-paretur impune. One who exercises jurisdiction out of his territory cannot be obeyed with impunity. 10 Co. 77; Dig. 2. 1. 20; Story, Confl. Laws § 539; Broom, Max. 100, 101.

[Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. False in one thing, false in everything. Black's Law Dictionary. -ed.]

Fictio cedit veritati, fictio juris non-est ubi veritas. Fiction yields to truth; where the truth appears, there can be no fiction of law. 11 Co. 51.

Fictio legis inique operatur aliquei damnum vel injuria. Fiction of law is wrongful if it works loss or injury to any one. 2 Co. 35; 3 id. 36; Bilb. 223; Broom, Max. 129.

Fides servanda. Good faith must be observed. 1 Metc. Mass. 551; 23 id.; 521.

Fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 240.

Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never dwell together. Wing. Max. 680.

In favorem vitae, libertatis, et innocentiae monia proescumuntur. In favor of life, liberty, and innocence, all things are to be presumed. Lofft. 125.

In rebus manifestis errat qui auctoritates legum allegat; quia perspicua vera non-sunt probanda. He errs who alleges the authorities of law in things manifest, because obvious truths need not be proved. 5 Co. 67.

Iniquum est ingenuis hominibus non-esse liberam rerum suarum alienationem. It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property. Co. Litt. 223.

Intentio caeca mala. A hidden intention is bad. 2 Bulstr. 179.

Invito beneficium non-datur. No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent. Dig. 50. 17. 69; Broom, Max. 699 n. (But if he does not dissent, he will, in many cases, be considered as assenting. See assent.)

Judici officium suum excedenti non-paretur. To a judge who exceeds his office (or jurisdiction) no obedience is due. Jenk. Cent. 139. (Ultra vires acts or orders are nugatory and need not be honored.)

Jus est norma recti; et quicquid est contra normam recti est injuria. The law is the rule of right; and whatever is contrary to the rule of right is an injury. 3 Bulstr. 313.

Justitia non-novit patrem nec matrem, solum veritatem spectat jusitia. Justice knows neither father nor mother; justice looks to truth alone. 1 Bulstr. 199.

La ley favour la vie d'un home. The law favors a man's life. Year B. Hen. VI. 51.

Legem enim contractus dat. The contract makes the law. 22 Wend. 215, 233.

Lex est norma recti. Law is a rule of right.

Lex sempter dabit remedium. The law will always give a remedy. Bax. Abr. Actions in general (B); Branch Princ.; Broom, Max. 192; 12 A. & E. 268; 7 Q.B. 451; 5 Rawle 89.

Mentiri est contra mentem ire. To lie is to go against the mind. 3 Bulstr. 260.

Neminem laedit qui jure suo utitur. He who stands on his own rights injures no one. 41 La. Ann. 194; 48 id. 1389.

Nemo est supra leges. No one is above the law. Lofft. 142.

Nemo tenetur armare adversarium contra se. No one is bound to arm his adversary against himself. Wing. Max. 665.

Nemo tenetur edere instrumenta contra se. No man is bound to produce writings against himself. Bell, Dict.

Nemo tentur seipsum prodere. No one is bound to accuse himself. Wing. Max. 486; 14 M. & W. 286; 107 Mass. 181.

Nihil consensui tam contrarium est quam visatque metus. Nothing is so contrary to consent as force and fear. Dig. 50. 17. 116; Broom, Max 278, n.

Nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum. Nothing against reason is lawful. Co. Litt. 97.

Nullus jus alienum forisfacere potest. No man can forfeit another's right. Fleta, 1. 1, c. 28, §11.

Nullus videtur dolo facere qui suo jure utitur. No man is to be esteemed a wrongdoer who avails himself of his legal right. Dig. 50. 17. 55; Broom, Max 130; 14 Wend. 399, 492. See [1898] Ch. 1.

Once a fraud, always a fraud. 13 Vin. Abr. 530.

Perspicua vera non-sunt probanda. Plain truths need not be proved. Co. Litt. 16.

Pirata est hostis humani generis. A pirate is an enemy of the human race. 3 Inst. 113.

Potentia debet sequi justitiam, non-antecedere. Power ought to follow, not to precede, justice. 3 Bulstr. 199.

Quae ab initio non-valent, ex post facto convalescere non-possunt. Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act. Trayner, Max. 482.

Quae ad unum finem locuta sunt, non-debent ad alium detorqueri. Words spoken to one end ought not to be perverted to another. 4 Rep. 14; 4 Co. 14.

Qui destruit medium, destruit finem. He who destroys the means destroys the end. 11 Co. Shep. Touch. 342; Co. Litt. 161 a.

Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam. He who uses his legal rights harms no one. 8 Gray 424. See Broom, Max 379.

Quidquid est contra normam recti est injuria. Whatever is against the rule of right is wrong. 3 Bulstr. 313.

Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vel fraudem petatur, malum et injustum efficitur. What is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and unjust. 3 Co. 78.

Quod initio non-valet, tractu temporis non-valid. A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time. 1 S. & R. 58.

Quod initio vitiosum est non-potest tractu temporis convalescere. Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178.

Quod mem est sine me auferri non-potest. What is mine cannot be taken away without my consent. Jenk. Cent. 251.

Quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit, vocatur just gentium. That which natural reason has established among all men is called the law of nations. Dig. 1. 1. 9; Inst. 1. 2. 1; 1 Bla. Com. 43.

Quodcunque aliquis ob tetulam corporis sui fecerit jure id fecisse videtur. Whatever one does in defense of himself, he is considered to have done legally. 2 Inst. 590.

Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit. Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty. Dig. 50, 17, 67.

Rights never die.

H. Why Freedom?

Of all of the quotes that have endured over time in praise of freedom, some of the most sublime must certainly be those attributed to God in Friendship With God12 by Neale Donald Walsch:

"Love is that which is free, for freedom is the essence of what God is, and love is God, expressed." Page 156.

"...freedom is the essence of love. When you love someone, you grant them total freedom to be who they are, for this is the greatest gift you could give them, and love always gives the greatest gift." Page 170.

"Masters give themselves the freedom to make any choice they wish – and give those they love the same freedom. Freedom is the basic concept and construct of life everywhere, because freedom is the basic nature of God. All systems which reduce, restrict, impinge upon, or eliminate freedom in any way are systems which work against life itself.

"Freedom is not the goal of the human soul, but its very nature. By nature the soul is free. Lack of freedom is, therefore, a violation of the very nature of the soul. In truly enlightened societies, freedom is not recognized as a right, but as a fact. It is something that is, rather than something that is given." Page 185.

"No one, and nothing, is limited in God's kingdom. And love knows nothing but freedom. Nor does the soul. Nor does God. And these words are all interchangeable. Love. Freedom. Soul. God. All carry aspects of the other. All are the other." Page 186.

" cannot end a relationship, but can only alter it. You always have a relationship with everyone. The question is not whether you have a relationship, but what kind of relationship do you have? Your answer to this question will affect your life forever – and, indeed, could truly change the world." Page 187.


1 What man seeks is realization of the existence and life he already is. One's true self is "the way, the truth, and the life." The reality and source of oneself is within oneself, not outside it. As a Zen master once stated: "If you don't find it in yourself where are you going to go to find it?" The way of most of the world is like an old joke about a drunk on his hands and knees on the sidewalk at midnight looking for his car keys. A passer-by asks the drunk what he is doing. The drunk responds, "I'm looking for my car keys." "Hmm," responds the onlooker, "is this where you lost them?" "No," responds the drunk, "I lost them over there, but there's more light here."

2 There would appear to be a great deal of arguing going on, since at last count there are over 200,000 religions in the world. That is great many organizations soliciting or demanding exclusive allegiance to which they are not entitled.

3 "Constitutions," and hence "citizens," are as much inventions of the mind as novels. If one claimed to be a character in a work of fiction, such as The Count of Monte Christo, Batman, or Sam Spade, men in white suits would probably haul him away in a rubber-lined van. Yet countless people claim they are "citizens" with "constitutional rights." This is to claim that one is an abstract entity deriving rights from a work of fiction.

4 No burden of proof resides with someone who asserts that every man has the equal right to be free and self-determining. The burden of proof necessarily falls on anyone who asserts a contrary position, such as advocating an institution that structurally exists and operates according to the express intent to allow some men to deny to others the universal rights that are the inherent birthright of all people. If someone comes up to you on the street and says, "I have the right to tax, regulate, and govern you," you would probably say, "Get lost" From what authority does some alleged king, queen, pope, public official, or other stranger obtain such a right? If he asserts such authority, are you not entitled to ask him the basis upon which he acts against you? If he continues to act against you while failing to provide the basis of his authority, is he not admitting to trespass and aggression?

5 The concept of "limited liability" is fraudulent in nature and essence. No such situation exists in either reality or genuine commercial law, in which everyone is self-responsible with unlimited rights to assert and defend his just position. Reality knows only "unlimited liability," which establishes simultaneously unlimited credibility per the fundamental maxim of commercial law: "Sacrifice is the measure of credibility."

6 Notice to the agent is notice to the principal, whereby forming a contract with a Secretary of State binds the principal on whose behalf he functions as agent.

7 The third head of the Moloch is the money / banking monopoly. In this scheme a "borrower" (whether a man or a government) executes a promissory note of indebtedness to the bank, pledging or hypothecating labor and property to back the note. The bank then deposits the note, which is a negotiable instrument, as money on the bank's books and draws a check on the account and "lends" it to the "borrower." Such a client is thereby lent his own money at interest, at no cost, expense, or risk to the bank.

8 No corporate / commercial tribunal, i.e. "court," can deal with real people, only with their name. To have a name on which the court has a claim, the system will alter your name into something that may sound like your name (see "idem sonens," Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition), but is legally a corporation created and owned by the corporate state. If your name is "John Paul Jones" the government might establish a corporate entity owned by the government entitled: "JOHN PAUL JONES" and act towards you as if you had knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily identified with being their corporation that was "similar" to your name. It is one thing to see through this deceit and notice all interested parties that you are not "JOHN PAUL JONES" but your true name is "John Paul Jones," but in the end this will not extricate you from their clutches because you have not first established your sovereign capacity to make the assertion. A slave might affirm his rights and true name all day, but what power does the claim have against the slave's owner unless the slave and owner have a mutually agreed-upon, binding contract in which the capacity, and therefore standing, of the slave (now no longer a slave) is established and mutually recognized by both parties?

9 Personally, contracts which they have signed and sealed with me consenting and certifying that I am free are basically the only kinds of contracts with the legal system this author is interested in having.

10 The magnitude of the folly begins to be comprehended when the game of "rulers and ruled" is realized as being hopelessly wrong and futile at inception. The ethical wrong and existentially false nature of the game has not prevented humanity from playing it for thousands of years. The result is endlessly repeating cycles of initiating and building up civilizations that decline and disintegrate in suffering and destruction because they were foredoomed at inception. "Power corrupts" because power is inherently corrupt. Power is exercise of force over others without allowable reciprocity. This is an unequal playing field – stacking the deck. It is privilege, which is unlawful and fraudulent because the laws of existence grant no one such special rights. "All are equal under the law" means that all beings, by their very existence, are equally subject to the universal laws by which they exist, including possessing free will and being subject to the equal-exchange principle of ethical and existential law. Since the nature of power is to use it to accumulate more power, the process is a one-way street to disintegration and destruction. Tyranny is not self-correcting. Once begun, no checks and balances exist to stop the downward-spiraling vicious cycle except the inexorable consequences of the process. The drain, distortion, damage, and destruction wrought by the parasite (ruler) against the host (ruled) increases until mutual collapse occurs. Frustration and suffering characterize the situation throughout, and increase as the depth and pervasiveness of the plunder and enslavement progressively deplete the people of wealth, rights, freedom, and autonomy. Most people, being complacent and adaptable, "go along to get along," and, like a frog in a tank of water in which the temperature is progressively increased, realize the hopelessness of their desperate plight only when it is too late to extricate themselves. People who revere truth and moral principles for their own sake, and cherish freedom, understand Proudhon's characterization of life under governments:

"To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-ridden, regulated, penned up, indoctrinated, preached at, checked, appraised, seized, censured, commanded, by beings who have neither title, nor knowledge, nor virtue. To be governed is to have every operation, every transaction, every movement, noted, registered, counted, rated, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, refused, authorized, endorsed, admonished, prevented, reformed, redressed, corrected."

11 See Bouvier's Law Dictionary.

12 Walsch, Neale Donald, Friendship With God: an Uncommon Dialogue, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1999.

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May 5, 2017 -

"When it comes to man-made laws, Contract Law is at the top. Why? Because contract is what makes the law. Without contract there is no law because law is a form of contract. In other words, without an agreement between two or more parties, there is no contract and therefore the law cannot be enforced."[1]

I intend to review the "Spiritual Corporation Sole" in light of "contract law".

June 20, 2017 - From "The Online Etymology Dictionary":

human (n.)
"a human being," 1530s, from human (adj.). Its Old English equivalent, guma, survives only in disguise in bridegroom.

human (adj.)
mid-15c., humain, humaigne, "human," from Old French humain, umain (adj.) "of or belonging to man" (12c.), from Latin humanus "of man, human," also "humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized." This is in part from PIE *(dh)ghomon-, literally "earthling, earthly being," as opposed to the gods (from root *dhghem- "earth"), but there is no settled explanation of the sound changes involved. Compare Hebrew adam "man," from adamah "ground." Cognate with Old Lithuanian žmuo (accusative žmuni) "man, male person."

Human interest is from 1824. Human rights attested by 1680s; human being by 1690s. Human relations is from 1916; human resources attested by 1907, American English, apparently originally among social Christians and based on natural resources.[2]

I find several interesting points in the above. Firstly is a distinguishment between Man and human. I first became "alerted" to this about a day ago in terms of law and the idea that Man is what God created whereas human is what Man created. Another point is: "human resources attested by 1907". I find the timing of this most interesting.



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