Blog: Psyche & Health
by Chef JeM

"The Fantastic and The Irrational"

All part of life in a Biverse!

Date:   6/19/2015 12:48:15 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1525 times

This blog began with an introduction to the "new medicine" that is based on the findings of Dr. Hamer (who was somewhat compelled to name the new medicine: "German New Medicine"). I've encountered others who had expressed strong resistance to this and consequently rejected the possibility of considering the validity of German New Medicine, based on their misinformation that they had found circulating online. My experience in this regards inspired me to do some independent thinking. Subsequently and in dialogues with Dr. Chris Lowthert (DC) we "coined" the phrase "Psyche & Health", a phrase that I am free to use on my own, hence this blog!

Thinking in terms of "Psyche & Health" has allowed me to present my own perspectives and refer to the perspectives of others as well. I'm inspired now to refer to the teachings of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov with this "Thought for the day" titled:
"Worlds, physical and spiritual - we have organs for living in both"

"... Why do children love fairy tales so much? And why do most adults take refuge as soon as they can in strange universes, in the fantastic and the irrational? ..."[1]

Although this Omraam quote (and the rest of it at the following linked site) does not directly refer to the psyche I believe it is inferred. Especially when you think about "the fantastic and the irrational - strange universes".

23 hours later ~
My dear friend forwarded me a set of art pics that I'm inspired to refer to here:

The forward included modern day artistic renderings of what I readily refer to as "the fantastic" and of "strange universes". This speaks to me of the most fundamental dual nature of each human individual who has both an outer world objective reality as well as an inner subjective world experience and that this dual nature underscores something that Human Design has said all along. We don't actually live in a "uni-verse". We live in a "biverse"[2]. It's within this context of living in a biverse that we can begin to approach the realm of the psyche and it's impact in our lives and the extent which the ancient law of "As within so without" holds sway in life.



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