The Fire of God - Part 9
** some 300 years ago Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection - came to learn how to live the practice of the presence of God in life... You can too! **
Date: 9/5/2014 11:25:38 AM ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1540 times Brother Lawrence : Author
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection served as a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in Paris. Christians commonly remember him for the intimacy he expressed concerning his relationship to God!
Born: Born Nicolas Herman 1611, Hériménil, France
Died: February 12, 1691, Paris, France
Books: The Practice of the Presence of God, The Kitchen Saint and the Heritage of Islam
He entered the French Armed Forces; was captured; then later was discharged with a leg wound - which pained him the remainder of his 80 year life...
At a young age he decide to serve God, at first went out into the desert but realized that a solitary existence is not good for a young Christian - therefore was not beneficial for him..
He then joined Carmelite Order near Paris...
Life within such a group would be based upon the Firm Rock of Jesus Christ rather than the shifting sands of temporary, individual devotions...
Plus there was within the group the ability to edify and exhort one another; and providing protection amongst themselves from the changeableness of their individual whims...
{ Yes, whims are a major problem for much of the population of the world! }
Thus here is the pathway he used:
The means of acquiring God's Presence:
> First part of the acquiring the presence of God is to find a totally new life; which can only be received by accepting the Salvation offered through the Shed blood of Christ!
> Second is to faithfully practice God's presence. This must be done gently, humbly, and lovingly, without giving way to anxiety or other problems...
> Next, the soul's eyes must be kept upon God alone. Especially with all of the things going on in the outside world!
{ There are many small worlds which can take out time }
> Much time and effort is needed to perfect this practice, therefore one must not be discouraged by failures...
> This habit is difficult to form in a person's life; it is a source of Divine pleasure once it is learned!
> First the heart - which is the first to live and dominates all the other parts of the body - should be first and last to Love God!
Luke 10:27
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
…26 And He said to him, "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?"
28 And He said to him, "You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE."…
The heart is the beginning and end of our over all spiritual and bodily actions generally speaking, for everything that we may do in our earthly lives... It is therefore the heart whose attention we must carefully focus upon God!
> In the beginning of this practice it is not wrong to offer short phrases as:
- " Lord I am all yours "
- " Dear God of Love I need you in my heart "
- " dear God I love you with all my heart and soul "
- " Dear Lord use me according to your perfect Will "
Remember to keep your mind from wandering or returning to the worldly things.. { This is difficult }
Hold your total attention upon God as much as possible by exercising your will to remain in His Holy presence always...
Then come to understand that the practice of the presence of God strengthens us in hope. Then our hope increases as our Faith penetrates God's secrets through practice of our Holy Exercise...
Your soul will discover in God a beauty infinitely greater not only than that of our bodies which we have upon this earth, but even that of the Holy Angels.
Our hope actually increases and grows stronger with the amount of good that is expects to enjoy - which retains and sustains it!
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