What the truth is or not Part 1
** Full Definition of TRUTH
1 a archaic : fidelity, constancy
b : sincerity in action, character, and utterance
2 a (1) : the state of being the case : fact (2) : the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b : a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true
Date: 3/28/2014 1:02:07 PM ( 11 y ) ... viewed 9240 times There are only two states of existence:
Either it is:
- The Absolute Truth or
- else it is Counterfeit and a Falsehood
Everything exist in one of these forms, type or condition!
You can define in some degree; anything based upon either it's True form or from it's Counterfeit or untrue form!
** There are cases where people have mixed some truth with other non truths and crete what is called as a gray zone. This is not a complete universal truth and there falls into a partical or non truth catagory! This is often used to confuse people or to gain some support through a false or exaerated satistics form!
This is very common today in advertising, political statements, and with physico - religious - social pressure groups! Who will do anything to get their way; which is a lie and thus an invalid argument or a n outright falsehood!
Most of this is based upon self centered views, greed, and or just pure evil!
Thus the reason to konw the difference!
Because once you come to understand:
- the truth about anything; then your knowledge base is expanded and your understanding is enhanced toward your betterment!
This is what we {you} should all want and try to obtain, in this earthly existence!
First is a positive definition which fits all cases:
- The Truth is never a lie or counterfiet...
- The Truth will always be {it never changes}...
- The Truth will lead toward a more complete understanding...
- The Truth is and comes from Almighty God!
Remember that only the truth is ever counterfeited, because no one ever counterfeits false - worthless things!
- You can either learn how and when to recognize the Absolute Truth or else you will be duped and taken advantage of! Because with out the moral factor which is the ability to seek, konw and use the Truth; your soul will be lost in the Eternity that follows!
Bak with more truth to help you live a better existence here on earth!
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