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by kerminator

The Fire of God Part 7

** We each should seek the Will of God in our life... Most of it is outlined in the New Testament Gospel.. What we need to understand or know is that people will often be placed upon your pathway of life - you decision is to either recognize them and react as a good neighbor or else fail to... Much rides upon you reactions... **

Date:   8/31/2014 12:53:33 PM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1443 times

Is Christianity complicated?

We know it is wrong to murder, steal, and cheat; but are there a million laws we should be trying to keep, or how do we know if we are doing the right thing? Is Christianity that complicated? Of course not! God's ways are often too simple for us to grasp! As a matter of fact, the whole law can be summed up into two commandments.

Two simple commandments!

Matthew 22:37-40,
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

It is as simple as that! If everybody loved the Lord and each other, like Christ loved us, there would be no sin in the world! There would be no murder, no hate, no bitterness, no adultery, no stealing nor any other kind of sin, if we only loved the Lord with all our heart and our neighbor as our own self!

Do onto others...

Matthew 7:12, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

That's right! Whatever you do to others, ask yourself, "Would I like them to do this to me?" Is that such a hard rule to live by? :)

Love CANNOT get you into heaven

Don't get me wrong; even though true love is the core of how we should treat others, it is NOT what gets a person into heaven. How can love take away our past sins? It can't, only Jesus can do that, and our only way to receive forgiveness is to believe upon Him.

The core of our salvation depends on our belief in Jesus, as He is the Son of God and died on the cross for our sins.

John 3:18, "He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Love is important, but love alone will not get a person into heaven! If you would like to know more about why we need Jesus, please check out " The Fire of God " part 10 n titled, "Why we need Jesus."

Love: the Supreme Love of God is what allows us (you) to learn how to love others... It is only through the pure love of Christ in our lives that we can grow in the Spirit and come to be the true person that God intended!


This is not a political question or religious question or an attempt to make you do anything except to use your free God given right to choose the truth!

Freedom of choice is a free gift from Almighty God and the evil of this world wants to limit or stop you from using it correctly!

If you can not accept the Absolute Truth then you way is very limited...

But once you believe and have absolute faith in the Word of God in your life the Holy Spirit can come and work in your life!!



This evening God placed a man upon my pathway...

He was originally from the Congo in Africa; and was canvasing our neighborhood, I offered him to come into our house and get a drink...
Since we had just finished supper offered him some of our fresh cooked ribs,with his cup of White Cranberry juice and we spoke...

I explained that there were two opposing views in the world:

1) Free Choice and Liberty given by Almighty God to each person!

2) Control and domination brought by evil from the Devil!


We spoke on the basic principles of the Gospel of Christ and how it effected us in this earthly existence! I shared the importance of learning the difference between man's laws and the principles of Almighty God. Explained that there were literally thousands of systems in the world which captured and bound people in useless pursuits which are used by evil...

I explained that most of these pursuits in and of themselves were not the problem; rather it was the falling into and then being held captive by them was...
Ex. sports, games, entertainment, health practices, or even religious systems were - like so many things in life each has a limited place but none should become the total dominating purpose of our life!


He said that I had answered a couple of questions about life that he had sought for years, as he was raised in a Christian church...

I discussed how God exist in the trinity form Father, Son and Holy Spirit; just as we humans exist in a trinity form of body, mind (heart) or soul and Spirit!

We discussed that there is a great difference between religion ( the system of some form of worship to a higher being } and the true Relationship with Christ in True Christianity!

Because Laws do not change people or make things better any more that a clock controls time... A friend some years ago have explained to me that there have been laws for thousands of years against many things; like Murder, Rape, Lies, and Stealing; but if you have noticed this has not stopped the crimes or sins from happening!
Laws do not change people; it is only when you change people's hearts and minds - like coming to accept Jesus as your ( only way ) Savior that you can be-changed through HIM...
Much like a clock does not change or control Time; at best it can only keep up or tell the true movement of Time!

** So with that I shared a thumb drive with almost a hundred hours of True Gospel teaching for my visitor to read and pray to enlighten him...
Then he thanked me and disappeared into the night!

Have you been aware of the people whom God has placed upon your pathway of life? If not then perhaps now would be the time to start looking out for them...

Love for Others Hebrews 13:2
1 Let love of the brethren continue.

2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.
{I have met some of God's messengers}

3 Remember the prisoners, in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body of humans.

Ask yourself:
" Where will you spend Eternity? "

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Comments (25 of 127):
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