Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

Transformations Of The Conditioned Mind Are Now Required To Retain Real Foods That Nourish Us!

Thoughts on real food by Chef Jem

Date:   8/24/2010 11:58:20 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1782 times

I am changing my mind!
I believe it is one of the very best things I can do - not only for myself for a lot more than just myself.
I'm changing my mind and in particular my mental conditioning.
It is a looooooong process -
and it is worth it!

I've been working at this for a number of years and today I can see that I am really thinking differently on a number of things that I had been previously conditioned into accepting was the only reality of. One thing I think we can all relate to is food.

I was conditioned into accepting whatever the food manufacturers produced [no matter how it was manufactured, processed, synthesized, imitated, colored, shaped, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated, carbonated, enriched and fortified (to "build bodies 12 ways") then packaged under whatever name it was given] as "food".

I was totally ignorant of where all the ingredients actually came from (beyond what the advertisements said i.e. this milk comes "from contented cows"). A most significant part of my conditioning was that for the first eighteen years of my life my mother bought these items, prepared them at home and served it hot for our family to eat it together as our dinner. (And if we did not behave as obedient children then there was a possibility that we could miss dinner.)

Repetitive "programming" conditioned my mind on both the value of the products and the goodness of eating it together as a family. Some of the programming came in the form of advertisements that supported the family television shows most popular in the 50's and 60's. (I stopped watching TV after 1970 for the most part but I am sure that this kind of programming has continued on television over the last forty years.)

Programming is the way of commerce. Commerce is about making a profit from what it "manufactures". The profit is primarily "good" only for the business and it's share holders. Knowing other ways of getting real food to people helped me change my mind that I was dependent only on commerce for my food. And most recently I have begun to question what understanding Congress may have regarding what commerce is. The "Foods of Commerce" is one thing I have changed my mind about with regards to what food is to me.

I was conditioned to calling a lot of prepared items "food" that I no longer consider to be real food for me. For something to be considered as real food (in my de-conditioned way of thinking) it must be wholly nourishing. Most processed food items have substances in them that I do not find nourishing. (I will spare you the list for now.) However, even unprocessed foods can have anti-nutrient substances and /or come from depleted soils that then result in items that are not really that nourishing!

Take milk for example. Whether you are conditioned into thinking that pasteurized milk beverages are real food or whether you have been de-conditioned about that or better yet raised on an old-fashioned family farm that only knew raw milk - the fact that there is nourishing factors in milk is undisputed. It is also just as true that the animal's diet is the main determinant factor in the health of the animal and therefor in the animal's milk . According to Dr. Bernard Jensen every farmer knows that if he feeds pasteurized milk to his animals the animals will develop illnesses. That was published in 1976. Have the farmers lost this knowledge in the last thirty three years?

To be continued!

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