Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 469 of 731

What we need to do to get GE Foods Labeled   13 y  
How come GE Foods are not labeled? This is one in a series of Plant Your Dream Blogs setting the record straight on the allegations made in the documentary Organic Spies Find Lies. Enough said, get the job done to label GE, and not waste our energies missing the target for the work that needs to be done. All together now. If you want to play Good Guys Bad Guys find some real bad guys. If you want to see progress, help create a Tipping Point now through working together.
NEW PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG What we need to do to get GE Foods Labeled COMMENTS ON INTERNET RE: ORGANIC SPIES This Plant Your Dream Blog is dedicated to the future of 3 year old Savannah, a sixth generation member of the Rodriguez local organic farming family of San Diego. I took Savannah on tour a few weeks ago at the Hillcrest Farmers Market. She pointed on foods she liked and did not like. By the time she is five, I would like to have the labeling of GE foods be a non issue because ...   read more

Organic Spies FInd Lies? Facts don't add up!   13 y  
Organic Spies FInd Lies? The Facts don't add up! Let's have an open Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food. Let's support the Non-Profits who are clearly working for the public good. We need a thorough investigation of the facts that are being put out in this video called Organic Spies Find Lies. I point out a few things I know for sure in this blog, including my personal experience that Kelly Shea, one of the OTA board members being defamed, is an advocate of the Non GMO Project and a very committed supporter of the organic agenda. Se is a major asset to our Organic movement. Slow down, here. Something is not right here. PS. I was blocked from posting my point of view on the Organic Spies Facebook site as of last Sunday.
COMMENT WITH VIDEO I AM POSTING ON FACEBOOK JUNE 6, 2011 Kelly Shea, VP for Government and Industry Relations and Organic Stewardship for White Wave, is clearly a fervent supporter of the Non GMO as well as Organic Agenda as expressed in the footage recorded at the Jeffrey Smith Session at the Natural Product Expo West March 11, 2011. Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception, is one of our frontline and most successful heroes in the fight to have GE Foods labeled. Kelly Shea is one of his advocates. In this video she is asking others in the room of organic stakeholders to help ...   read more

Julia Butterfly Hill Uses EcoUsable Filter Bottle   13 y  
Julia Butterfly Hill Uses EcoUsable Filter Bottle
FUN TO SEE THIS!!!! Julia Butterfly Hill, one of my favorite inspirations in the world of put your actions where you passions passions are, was using the EcoUsable Filter Bottle on the day I saw her speak at SDSU GreenFest during Earth Day week. The inspiring day was filled with some of many heart touched moments from Julia and Daryl Hannah. THE VIDEO OF THEIR TALK IS ONLINE AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED UPDATE ECOUSABLE SPONSORS VENICE ECO FEST PLANT YOUR DREAM WEB GALLERIES and EVENT WRAP UP. Unexpected rain fell July 10,2010 http://curezo ...   read more

The Trading Post with Windwalker Dorn   13 y  
The Trading Post with Windwalker Dorn
THE TRADING POST Windwalker teaching... tonight second half of workshop... 5:30-9:30 pm Monday June 6, 2011 lakeside Tee Pee   visit the page

My Call for Dialogue that We Might Co-create a Tipping Point   13 y  
My Call for Dialogue that We Might Co-create a Tipping Point, My message to the Organic Spies and the other good hearted and frustrated folks who want to get GE foods labeled.
KELLY SHEA EXPRESSES HER UNABASHED ENTHUSIASM FOR JEFFREY SMITH, ONE OF THE TOP GE LABELING ADVOCATES IN THIS FOOTAGE SHOT AT THE NATURAL PRODUCT EXPO WEST DURING HIS SESSION Jeffrey Smith’s talk: Benefit from the New Non-GMO Network: Already 1000 Volunteers, 60 groups, and 350 trained speakers. Presented by: Institute for Responsible Technology Speaker(s): Jeffery Smith, Author - Seeds of Deception QUOTES I APPRECIATE THAT I FOUND THIS MORNING ...   read more

Horizon Organic Comments at OFRF Luncheon   13 y  
Philippe Cousteau’s Inspiration Speech To The Organic Farmers Research Foundation At The Natural Products Expo March 10, 2011
MY TAKE JUNE 6, 2011 !000 years from now, we will look back at events today and see a major transformation. It is through the contributions of organic advocates such as Kelly Shea, VP of Government Relations for White Wave and Organic Stewardship, that these transformations are taking place. The transformation I speak about is as fluid as milk, and organic milk. What does OTA President Christine Bushway mean in her response to the Tree Hugger piece by when she says in the last line of this article: ”For now I’ll give the last word to Stephens, ”United, we ...   read more

Make GMO Labeling Mandatory   13 y  
Make GMO Labeling Mandatory. By all means, it is time to get this done! Found this Facebook page
Make GMO Labeling Mandatory Found this. Make GMO Labeling Mandatory More about the Organic Trade Association scandal (OTA). A majority of the ”board” has sold out to the GMO pushers and some are pushers themselves. No wonder the USA is one of the few countries in the educated world that does not label GMOs. Rats are in the silo and we need to run them out! This is key to getting GMOs labeled. The OTA board need refurbished. Charges of Corruption Taint Organic Trade Association Charges of Corrupt ...   read more

Googling Julia Sabin's Name..Found this Mp3 for NPE East   13 y  
Googling Julia Sabin's Name..Found this Mp3 for NPE East 2010 on the Organic Market 2010. I was napping while listening, but heard part of this. No mention of GE foods. I am surprised it not come up.
Googling Julia Sabin’s Name..Found this Mp3 for NPE East 7:19 pm June 5, 2011 This must-attend session will present the most current data available on the organic market in the U.S., Canada, and - new for 2010 - the rest of the world. Highlighting the key findings and trends of the Organic Trade Association’s 2010 Organic Industry Survey, speakers will elaborate on the new enhanced subcategory on inventory levels and sales, and the expansion of private label. This presentation, combined with market data from Canada and abroad, will provide the deep and broad context you need ...   read more

5:28 pm 6/5/11 in The History of Peace on Earth   13 y  
5:28 pm 6/5/11 in The History of Peace on Earth; prepared and served #5 Summer Nash a desert in a BioSmart bowl, one of my favorite sizes. She ate the desert on the kitchen porch, that was the site of the Hole in the Porch Gathering of May 8. The Hole in the Porch is now fixed, although there is a still unfinished bit in one corner intended for an art installation by Anna and Angelene.
5:28 pm June 5, 2011 World Environment Day Enchanted Garden Intentional Community CULINARY DELIGHTS I am overdue for a Sunday nap, but took time to receive the delight of Summer Nash eating a specially prepared desert I prepared or her. The ingredients included: One red raw organically grown walnut Some raw organic sage light colored drizzle of Max’s honey; Max who wants me to help get him into the Hillcrest Farmers’ Market; Haas perfectly ripe avocado, about one tablespoon at most from Karen Archepley of Archi’s Acres; a gift today; and some spr ...   read more

more irradiation of foods in Europe?    13 y  
more irradiation of foods in Europe?
more irradiation of foods in Europe? With the recent false declarations of E. coli contamination in fruits and vegetables the member nations of The Codex Alimentarius Commission have been ordered to pasteurize or irradiate all fruit and vegetables. Why? Pasteurization and irradiation destroys all of the nutritional value of our food. These processes don’t eliminate the microorganism they claim they are killing in our food. It kills the organisms and everything else including the vitamin, mineral and enzyme content of our food. Furthermore pasteurization and irradiation doesn’t cle ...   read more

Christine Bushway OTA Responds on Tree Hugger   13 y  
Christine Bushway OTA Responds on Tree Hugger
REPRINTING THIS HERE 8:44 am June 5, 2011 Image: USDAgov via Flickr CC The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has responded to levelled against it in a recently released short documentary. I wrote about this film earlier this week along with additional commentary by organic food pioneer and former OTA board member, Arran Stephens. OTA representatives have responded to the charges and Stephens has clarified his position. In a letter sent to OTA members obtained by TreeHugger, Executive Director and CEO, Christine Bushway, responds to the claim that the OTA doesn’t ...   read more

Are "Organic Spies" Dividing Us?   13 y  
This is my early morning response to the entities on the internet now calling themselves "Organic Spies," I am in many ways a simple Enchanted Gardener and feel more at home with garden bug life, bees, and flowers that interacting with unnamed Entities and Invisible Planetary Forces that prefer to hide behind the guise of keeping secret who they are or their names. The Organic Spies (OS) Entity appears to be in our lives now to correct some wrongs in our thriving organic industry, however, the Entity --OS--makes me wonder what kind of Operating System and Rules of Natural Law they are playing with here. As a person who bleeds green as well as works dedicately to come from a Heartspace, I generally draw to me others who have a similar Heartspace and are out for the Public Good. In my decade long experience giving service to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), one of our leading Lobbyist groups in Washington, I have met many of the leaders of the Organic Movements and its elders. Two of the most dedication and kind hearted are Julia Sabin and Kelly Shea...Read on, dear Friends and Allies! ...
& FULL ABSTRACT This is my early morning response to the entities on the internet now calling themselves ”Organic Spies,” I am in many ways a simple Enchanted Gardener and feel more at home with garden bug life, bees, and flowers that interacting with unnamed Entities and Invisible Cosmic Forces that prefer to hide behind the guise of not revealing who they are or their names. The Organic Spies Entity appears to be in our lives now to correct some wrongs in our triving organic industry, however, the Entity know has OS--makes me wonder what kind of Operating Syste ...   read more

Esteemed Advocates of the Organic Agenda   13 y  
Esteemed Advocates of the Organic Agenda Julia Sabin and Kelly Shea get a good looking over by the masked and unnamed Organic Spies!!!! Who will be next, prey tell?
4:35 pm June 4, 2011 In all honesty I have to confess that this ”Quote Unquote” docufantasy by an masked one himself/herself Organic Spies has gotten under my skin and sent me on a journey to defend two on my favorite organic Stewards: Julia Sabin and Kelly Shea. THE WHOLE STORY STARTED WITH THIS LITTLE DOCUMENTARY NOW GATHERING UP STEAM ON THE INTERNET I was dragged kicking and screaming into a whole day of attentiveness June to this story that began yesterday afternoon with an innocent viewing on the Stonyfield FB site and chicking on this li ...   read more

Help the Homeless Event First Saturday draws my attention   13 y  
Help the Homeless Event First Saturday draws my attention
11:34 am June 4, 2011 Help the Homeless Event First Saturday draws my attention I would like to involve some Natural Food Sponsors in this event in the months to come. I wanted to check it out this month. Leslie   visit the page

Future Enchanted Garden Gathering Dates   13 y  
Future Enchanted Garden Gathering Dates
MORE PHOTOS ON FACEBOOK OF MAY 29 GARDEN GATHERING LET US KNOW YOU ARE COMING JUNE 26 2011 NEXT GATHERING IS JUNE 26, 2011 Sunday, 3-8 pm FUTURE ENCHANTED GARDEN GATHERING DATES June 26, 2011 3 pm- 7 pm July 31, 2011 3 pm- 8 pm August 31, 2011 3pm-8 pm September 18, 2011 3 pm- 8 pm (Note: Third Sunday of the Month due to Whole Being Weekend, September 23-25, and Oc ...   read more

Internet Comments: Organic Spies   13 y  
Comments on Youtube for Organic Spies Organic Spies on Facebook.
COMMENTS ON MY WRITINGS ABOUT ORGANIC SPIES RE: Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps Great post! ”Thanks for spearheading the fight to label GM (GE) foods... we need everyone on board for this big push!” 23 minutes ago · Like June 8, 2011 9:39 am MY LATEST PLANT YOUR DREAM POSTS ON THIS ORGANIC SPIES ISSUE ARE ”ORGANIC SPIES” RALLYING TO DIVIDE THE ORGANIC MOVEMENT? Posted on June 5, 2011 8:55 am here World Environment Day OTHER POSTS ON OTHER SITES OF INTEREST REL ...   read more

Transcript of December 20 Meeting on GE Alfalfa   13 y  
Transcript of December 20 Meeting on GE Alfalfa December 20, 2010 Washington D.C.
10:15 pm June 3, 2011 Andrea McNally (301) 734-0602 R. Andre Bell (301) 734-3853 USDA Holds Stakeholder Meeting on Genetically Engineered Alfalfa and Coexistence On the heels of issuing the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Roundup Ready Alfalfa, Secretary Vilsack invited stakeholders to a meeting at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Monday December 20, 2010. The meeting began a dialogue with a diverse group, representing different interests and viewpoints in ...   read more

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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