Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 249 of 731

This Lady has got Something.....   16 y  
JD Thompson, this lady has been coming up a lot for me today. She writes on Curezone. Here is one graph that strikes home.
7:56 PM November 14, 08 I have been out in Cyberspace looking at informaton on THE ORIGINS OF LIFE. It brought be back home to Curezone. Twice today, I have quoted from one of our members: Here she goes again. This resonates with me. I don’t sell anything. I do unpaid research to get information and pass it on to others, as well as what I find for myself. When I find things that work for me or others I know, I spread the word. I didn’t check to see which product you were complaining about, but if it was the seawate ...   read more

Elixir in Glass: Began Regimen Quinton Marine Plasma 11/14/08   16 y  
Quinton Plasma is 110 or more years old. I just took my first dose. It is said to influence Energy, Endurance, Focus, Recovery, Flexibility, Relaxation/sleep,Digestive support, immune support, Adrenal support--these are all attributed to a very special BALANCE in Primal seawater that is said to restore homestatis in the cell.
Rene Quinton Robert Slovak to be honored at Beet Keeper First Annual Awards November 6, 2010 at Enchanted Garden Installation at Pacific Symposium 2010. added 4:35 pm October 17, 2010 This is a photo of my first Ampule of Quinton Isotonic Marine Plasma. You break the glass on both ends. I was making a ritual of adding this.. this what? Can I call it a Elixir to my Regimen. It is more than a Product. It is an infusion of seawater, specially prepared, that wakes up the cells to Remember. That is m ...   read more

Down the Rabbit Hole of Truth   16 y  
Truth's :Landscape + What is True for me now.
November 14, 08 9:46 AM Must have had some extra energy last night. I got up and wrote. I went to Chef Jem’s site. I woke up this morning with Blogs I wanted to write that relate to my Focus of Completions from the Pacific Symposium 08. Then, I went down a rabbit hole after I read Chef Jem’s Blog on the Conspiracy Theories around Obama’s Birth. Time will tell. It is a fascinating story. I resonate with this comment I found following Chef Jem’s links: Where was Obama Born, the Rabbit Hole I went down: Look be about one hour or more on this. I wonder, was ...   read more

Where was Obama Born?   16 y  
Obama Born in the USA?
8:06 AM November 14, 08 I went to visit The Son of Truth Website last night. My housemate Chef Jem, one of the heroes in my life, had written a blog on The Great Earth Cleanup now in progress here at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community in San DIego. I also spent time following the links Re: Where was Obama Born. I am sure more will come out on this in the coming weeks. Here is one Web Site I would like to recommend. It has numbers of Blogs I saw that point out where some of Obama’s calculations are off regarding how much his programs will cost. It also Fa ...   read more

Facinating Astrology for These Next Two Weeks. Yup!   16 y  
facinating Astrology for next two weeks! From one of my favorite astrologers, Robert Wilkening of Aquarian Papers
4:16 AM November 14, 08 This is a time to extricate ourselves from old bogged down energies. This lunation is the first ”capturing” in a solid form of what was promised between January and June 2008. We now stand at the front edge of the very real turning points we’ll experience as Mercury, the Sun, and Mars all conjunct Pluto in the near future, activating the Grand Irrationality’s ”forks in the road” across multiple areas of our reality, whether personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal. Powerful, larger-than-life forces are now in dynamic harmonization across all areas of l ...   read more

Saturday Events November 15 2008   16 y  
two events this Saturday are of interest to me.
Br These two events are very interesting to me: I may go to some of both. #1: heir own hands to solve needs. DIY Day Workshop Schedule 9:30-9:50am Radical Juice Making (Market Fresh Flavors) 10-10:20am Guerrilla Gardening: Seedball making (SD Food Not Lawns) 10:30-10:50am Incense Making (Yo’Lite Co.) 11-11:20am Make your own Healthy Home Cleaning Products (Gathering Grounds) 11:30-11:50am Intro to Bike Repair (Bikes del Pueblo) 12-12:20pm Knotty Knitting (Knitters Anonymous) Come for a workshop and also enjoy breakfast or lunch at one of ou ...   read more

Birthday Celebrations at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community   16 y  
Upcoming Birthday Celebrations at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
3:21 AM November 14, 08 H. and I are both having birthdays. H. has her birthday I believe today, or yesterday. I celebrate Enchanted Gardener Birthday Month, for myself and all the other Enchanted Gardeners in the World. H. suggested we combine and have a Pizza nite. I was just thinking, we can have two events. The first would be as H. would like. I would like to see Angelene make here homemade Enchanted Garden Pizza with homemade crust according to an Ancient Recepe she is evolving. We have a No drinking, no smoking, no drug policy here at the Enchant ...   read more

Obama Book: The Audacity of Hope   16 y  
The Audacity of Hope
November 13, 08 7:18 PM This is the book by Barack Obama. I would like a copy of this. I see it is a New York TImes Bestseller:   read more

In the Grass   16 y  
in the grass. Robert and Ron of Original Quinton recognize Essene practices growing at the Pacific Symposium 08. We were destined to connect. Near 70 people planted Seed Dreams at this year's Seeding Our Dreams Enchanted Garden Installation. I am often astounded by the reports that Seed Dreams planted here come true through participating in this very powerful Ritual.
November 13, 08 6:57 PM Robert Slovak of Original Quinton was familar with the principles behind the Grass Growing when he saw three pots at the Enchanted Garden Installation at the 2008 Pacific Symposium 08. Photo: Robert L with Ron Petruccione, his associate at Original Quinton At the Seeding Our Dreams Altar here, near 70 people did the Plant Your Dream work. This involves pulling your deepest Seed Dream out of a Silver Box. The Box, as I told everyone was symbolic of the ”Famous Silver Box” that represents the New BMW each year, the Younger new Wife ...   read more

Flying Toward Good Health!! What a Journey!   16 y  
Flying into Good Health Soon? Things look very interesting. Here is a little Enchanted Garden Woo Woo to report from the Recent Pacific Symposium 08.
Robert Slovak, Ralph Ray, and Michelle Ray check out the Growing Grass at the Recent Pacific Symposium 08. The Grass Growing and KEEP the BEET nearby were inspired by Essene Renaissance Pioneer Edmond Bordeuax Szekely (-1979), who suggested growing food and grass in pots. Ray and Slovak have Essene roots. They recognized the work I was doing as an extention of the Szekely Project. Ray is about to sell the land once called Mille Meditation, where Professor Szekely envisoned shrines to 8000 years of Nature Wisdom carved on a mountain trail over two miles. I firs ...   read more

Quinton Plasma: On the Trail of René Quinton   16 y  
Looking for Information on René Quinton....very interesting Journey here!!!!
≤br LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATION LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATION 9:08 am July 25, 2011 10:56 AM Video on Quinton Plasma; Video here: This Champion Skateboarder calls Original Quinton™ a once in a lifetime Find: 3:10 PM November 13, 08 Found this Podcast and Info: Roy Dittman on KPFK, 90.7 FM, Pacifica Radio, The Aware Show Feb 2007 Roy Dittman appeared on KPFK, 90.7 FM, Pa ...   read more

Who Wants to be on the 2008-2009 PCOM Plaque?   16 y  
Followups for Pacific Symposium 08 are in order. What I did, and did this morning so far.
November 13, 08 8:20 AM I left the Pacific Symposium 08 with the feeling there was more than $1000.00 more minimum in the archetype of this event that I did not gather in. It does not leave me with a good feeling to work on a project for more than a month, putting in all my focus and life energy, and come away with a gross of around $700.00. I am needing to count up the funds raised. I have a number of Enchanted Garden Projects in the wings that need funds. I had Major Successes bringing out new products at Pacific Symposium 08 and lots of satisfying exper ...   read more

The Secret of Our Origins   16 y  
Bowel Balance through using Original Quinton Ocean Plasma.
November 13, 08 7:44 AM Got this from Ron who works with Robert Slovak at Original Quinton Company. I could not open the attachments in the original email. Rene Quinton is a Scientist of the late 19th and early 20th Century who helped thousands of lives with Ocean Sea Water. He was a very popular man in Europe. His product was ”Cleansed” out of public awareness by Big Pharma in the 1970’s. I met Robert Slovak at Pacific Symposium 08. That is a Magical Story of our Connection and how it relates to the Essenes. I will be tellng it. RIght now, I am looki ...   read more

Got to get to Dan. I need more Amino Activ.   16 y  
I was starting to get numbing in my left left yesterday. This does not happen when I am taking Amino Activ the ATP accelerator.
November 13, 08 7:07 AM I got to get to Dan from Amino Activ. That little Blue Capsule really has a positive effect on my energy and ability to drive the EG Mobile. I was starting to get numbing in my left leg yesterday. I am down to a few more of the capsules. Amino Activ is an ATP accelerator. It seems to influence my Arthritis. I do not have too many side effects. One side effect is that it does release my energy. It allowed me to go when I need to tell my body to say go. I find after going when I part of me needs to go slow, I need to take time to slow d ...   read more

Punched in the Stomach?   16 y  
We had a Co-Manager's Meeting yesterday. I came out feeling like I had been hit in the stomach energetically. It was distracting and in my energy field all day.
9:43 AM November 14, 08 I appreciated Chef Jem expressing himself here on A HISTORY OF PEACE ON EARTH: 6:33 AM November 13, 08 I felt like I got punched in the stomach yesterday. We are on a journey here to do a massive Clearing on this property, The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community. The Process has been on-going for months. I worked on my Stuff that had been in the Basement for at least six weeks. This was a horendous, debilitating Process. I have decades of Stuff, literally Decades. I can not say ...   read more

The History of Peace on Earth: Round ONE   16 y  
The History of Peace on Earth: Peace Making in the laundry area. Taking care of a box of towels that have been sitting out there through two rains. Scottie was very Upset.
”Through my eyes I am recording the History of Peace on Earth, the history of the Earth and its human flowering. Our Renewed Earth is the Enchanted Garden, and You and I, its Gardeners.” Your EG [Your Enchanted Gardener is a name for an Archetype...the Gardener...We all have an Enchanted Gardener Archetype.... just as we have a Mechanic Archetype.] November 12, 2008 11:53 AM Well this certainly is the beginning of Enchanted Gardener Birthday Month. Without Delay, Let us Start Today! We had a meeting with the Management Team here at the Enchanted ...   read more

Yikes! Erased what I had in mind....Dear Obama....   16 y  
Dear Obama.... This is the piece that I erased by mistake and just recovered and republished!
Yikes I erased the work I had in mind... but recovered it! Here is the piece Dear Obama I wrote during the night. I did a go back and was able to recover the writing!!!   visit the page

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A History of Peace on Earth from Leslie Goldman & his Higher Self Your Enchanted Gardener. Super Ripe Photos and Enchanted Garden Current Events. more...

Last Activity: 68 d ago
12434 Messages   Last message 27 mon ago
1650 Comments   Last comment 68 d ago

viewed 54,880,180 times
Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
All Comments (1650)

Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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