Dignity 5 y
All-inclusive perspectives on dignity for all of mankind
April 22, 2024 - Ability to Commit -
The ”ability to commit ultimately and knowingly is relatively rare in the present era, as most people are never allowed to engage - or never allow themselves to engage - in the painful process of self-discovery.”[15]*
January 26, 2023 - Dignity with Social Security -
”Social Security is a govt run INSURANCE Policy. IF you paid into the policy for 10 years minimum, you are ’vested into the fund.’ You paid for the policy, they have to pay you the ’Program Payment’ resulting from your participation. It’s Not a BENEFIT CHECK as they call i ... read more
The Potential Power of A Human Design 5 y
The mutating impact upon the collective.
November 10, 2023 - The Unalienable Right to ”Pure Awareness” -
“The mechanics of Human Design are really extraordinary. The moment you begin to operate correctly within the form is the moment you open up the door to something that’s even more incredible. You open up the door to the possibility of the transformation of awareness. ...
Everyone has a right to be able to operate correctly in this life. Everyone has a right to be able to attain what I (Ra Uru Hu) refer to as ‘passenger consciousness.’ That is, pure awareness. And the pure awareness that is demonstrated through outer aut ... read more
"Fifty Billion Dollar Reward Offered" 5 y
Send this little blurb to "your" Governor and tell him that if he wants the Big Money Reward, all he has to do is prove that: (1) a distinct "Covid 19 Virus" exists, has been identified, and is in evidence in the general population; and (2) the aforementioned "Covid 19 Virus" causes a definable and unique disease apart from the Common Cold caused by other corona virus strains.
August 9, 2023 - Another FOI Revelation! -
”President Joe Biden’s administration concedes that there is no scientific evidence to support an apparent recommendation to receive as many as six COVID-19 booster shots in a year.
After Health Secretary Xavier Becerra, a Biden appointee, wrote in a social media post on Nov. 29, 2022, that people should get vaccinated “if it’s been over 2 months since your last dose,” the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents supporting the statements.
The watchdog organization then sued after the a ... read more
"Giving Up Their Sovereignty" 5 y
"County government organizations - ceased to function as actual counties and could no longer function as legitimate units of the land and soil jurisdiction government. Why? Because they accepted charters issued by a foreign government."
April 19, 2022 - Comment -
This underscores the need to clarify terms and most especially: ”in the United States”.
No one can make assumptions as to what the Lawful definitions are here.
Therefore virtually every American must get clear about what is being said. Otherwise the fear button is likely being pushed to the extreme![2]
Back in the mid-sixties, after the Kennedy murder, a system of Federal Government corporate kickbacks was instituted under the guise of ”Federal Block Grants”.
In order to receive these grants, your town or county had to incorporate itself.
In ... read more
Viral (and Other Microbial) Mania 5 y
Fear is the most deadly contagious virus!
May 10, 2024 -
”... The premise of virology as being capable of causing pandemics is a total fraud. And that means vaccines are a fraud, too.”[25]*
August 4; 2023 - ”Some great evil that has neutralized human intelligence.”
About a comment posted.[24]
This blog-writer made special note of: ”there must be some great evil that has neutralized human intelligence.”[24] Reading that line gave him something extra to think about and having done that he offered an additional perspective.
It seems that what is being referred to concerning: ”human intelligence” includes a c ... read more
The Truth About American Law 5 y
The "Organic Law" and the proprietary jurisdiction of "The United States of America" (unincorporated) as distinct from corporations under similar names.
December 1, 2024 -
“Sovereign people” in: “Bouvier Law Dictionary” -
“A sovereign people describes the role of the polity as a whole as the superior over the state … (a) government of the people, by the people, and for the people” which makes perfect sense when we realize that the whole and sole purpose of government is to protect the people and their property. Does this describe your government now? …
If not - what would you like to do about ghost? …
May 3, 2024 - ”Possession by Pirates Does Not Change Ownership.”[14]*
November 8, 2023 - Authority -
Mention ... read more
A Critical Commentary Re: The "Rights Sphere" of R. Steiner 6 y
The (Non-existing) Threefold Social Order
April 25, 2024 - Our Present Need For A Healthy Social Sphere -
The following is this writer’s perception of what Rudolf Steiner had presented regarding: ”The Three-fold Social Order.” Here is a concept that deserves to be worked with as reality is appearing to correspond with it! This concept needs to be seen as a kind of outline that this writer suggests not in a diminishing way but rather to underscore the need to shape the concept to our present time needs that are unique in every way, locally, nationally and from the many perspectives regarding globally.
For those who have not ... read more
Higher Life is About "Swimming Upstream"! 6 y
The necessity of certain contrasts in order to see.
May 17, 2022 - Higher Idealism -
”The quickening of cosmical soul vibration is attained through intense and selfless listening on life - the beauty of nature, the splendor and majesty of creation, fine music, inspired literature - and total surrender to divine love, higher idealism and the eternal and mighty powers that rule the solar system.”[5]*
January 18, 2022 - Right Here On Earth! -
”... it is on earth -
that we must acquire the capacity of grasping all the Christ-Impulses,
no matter how high they may lead us!
Not in vain has man been placed in the physical world; ... read more
Person = Persona = Mask = Walking Dead! 6 y
"Personhood" appears to be condemned in the Bible however where is this presented in any of the churches? .........
May 1, 2022 - Creating a Legal Fiction (British) Person via Identity Theft -
”They impersonate you to gain access to your assets and credit.”[13]
October 18, 2021 - Actors Wear Masks -
We are all actors who are wearing masks. Our personality is our mask. (”A ’Person’ = ’Persona’ = a ’Mask’”) We are actors in the theater called Cosmos. Actors ware masks, however actors are aware that they are wearing masks. Our task is to recognize our masks so that we can see through them (versus identifying with them). I can begin to show you your mask. I can encourage you to see through ... read more
American Assemblies 6 y
"Proof positive, our American States Assemblies are on solid ground."
May 20, 2022 - Where’s The Money? -
Yesterday, this Blog=writer received the following reply from:
United States Mint
Customer Service Center:
”From US Mint Support on 2022-05-19 05:45
RE: New American Asset-backed Coinage? [ET-7282106067743434302]
Dear Chef ...
Thank you for your recent inquiry to the United States Mint concerning the Federal Reserve System.
We regret that we are unable to assist you with your request. Although the United States Mint produces coinage for the Nation to conduct its commerce and trade, the Federal Reserve System bears the responsibili ... read more
Thresholds 6 y
The intention required to perceive beyond conditioned limitations requires courage to cross a threshold of fear/s that under-lies conditioning.
May 17, 2019 -
The above headlined subject has become more pronounced in this writer’s awareness over the most recent days and the following quote from Omraam is intended to be the start of more references to this topic.
The ”... rarely understood and appreciated virtue: humility – the awareness that there exists a superior world and the will to be in harmony with the entities that inhabit it: the angels, archangels, and so on, up to God ... is why it can be said that humility is a form of intelligence. By casting their gaze upwards, a humble person discovers the infinity of heaven ... read more
The Truth of Karma 6 y
What is Karma?
June 13, 2022 -
”True happiness is founded on correct understanding.”[4]*
June 8, 2020 -
”... A Course in Miracles states that ’its goal for you is happiness and peace.’ (Text, p. 241) (T-13.II.7:1) The Text also explains the basis for fear and guilt, and how they can be overcome through miracles, which are defined as maximal ’expressions of love.’ The miracle is defined as the shift in perception from fear to love.”[3]
Inspired to quote the above especially regarding: ”maximal ’expressions of love.’” This Blog-writer calls these expressions: Agape-Phil ... read more
5G - the "Stupidest Idea in the History of the World"! 6 y
"This is like a biological EMP. It's a electrical resonance frequency that interferes with the electrical signal that prompts your heart to beat and your nerve synapses to function. So, boom, your heart stops functioning and you drop down dead. Like all those flocks of birds falling out of the sky for no reason."
July 16, 2024 -
”On July 1, 2024, Californians won their fight to keep their landline telephones.”[41]*
June 26, 2024 - Please Get Rid Of Your Cell Phones Now -
”The most important, and most ignored, medical study in the world was published in 2004 by Olle Johansson, a scientist at the Karolinska Institute, the institution that awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Its other author was Örjan Hallberg and its title was ’1997 – A curious year in Sweden.’ In the autumn of 1997, in every one of the 21 counties in that country, the number of sick people stopped declining and abru ... read more
The Source of Self-Government In All Matters Great and Small 6 y
"(The) unifying and (self-) governing force" which naturally repels the external force, applicable in all situations including all those "external forces" operating under color of law.
May 3, 2024 - Self-Government - ”Just the States of the Union” and ”all under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence!”[19]*
October 5, 2023 - ”We must understand unity internally” -
”It is said that there is strength in unity, but more often than not, this unity is understood externally, in the social, political and military domains: people unite to build or unite to destroy, but it is always an external unity. From now on, we must understand unity internally; we must be united by our ideal, we must be united by a divine idea, united by our brotherly love, united in the w ... read more
We Can Inject Life Into "Frozen Realities"! 6 y
Becoming aware within the dream to choose another dream of your own making.
March 1, 2022 - The Realm of The Living v. The Realm of The Dead -
”...we cannot argue legalities when it is the Law and Flesh and Blood that is offended.”[3]
January 1, 2019 -
After many years of solitarily holding a dream - that in more recent years evolved into of a formidable vision - this blog-writer finally have a High Ideal companion with whom he shares such a great depth of affinity that he finds common ground for their ideas to coexist harmoniously! We share an understanding of the energetic demise of the present world system and the need for resourcing our ener ... read more
Thank You Leonard Cohen! 7 y
The miracle of real music - that goes so far beyond merely the words - and yet the words are still there! "... an identity card is not a man, a credit rating is not a country."
Leonard Cohen said he would live on in his music. I feel it’s true now and that it must have been true ever since he crossed the threshold.
I just listened to the following four pieces in this order - it’s a sequence I recommend!
Elegy For Janis Joplin - Chelsea Hotel #1:
Anthem (w/lyrics) London 2008:
dance me to the end of love:
Continuing with:
”How I Got My So ... read more
Solomon's Temple 7 y
The Temple was seen as a metaphysical representation of God’s cosmos
May 10, 2022 -
There was gold in Solomon’s Temple!
”According to the Bible (I Kings, chaps. 4 through 10) 1,086 talents, or about 34 tons of gold were brought to Jerusalem from Ophir by Solomon’s workers.”
”...We still do not know how much power there is in a gram of gold!”[5]*
August 4, 2018 - Metaphysical Architecture -
(The) Newtonian god exercises dominion, but his system gives us no warrant for believing that men can know him ethically through written revelation. We can only know him metaphysically and indirectly through his creation. We know him only through hi ... read more
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