Human Design For Jesus? 11 y
Musings based on a description of Jesus according to Wallace Wattles.
For the most part - I like this excerpt from ”A New Jesus” -
by Wallace D. Wattles
”To be like the Christ of the four Gospels, one must be learned, well dressed, well supplied with money, and of noble and commanding appearance, speaking with authority, and having tremendous magnetic power.”[1]
I like to think of this from a Human Design perspective. I think the characterizations that Wallace Wattles made could be seen in terms of ”definition” providing certain consistency and reliability that an individual then could manifest when they live their authentic self according to their ow ... read more
Are You As Awake As A Buddha? 11 y
Cycles of life are constantly part of our individual lives (whether or not we are aware of it). However we can consciously choose a new cycle that liberates us from cycles of suffering.
One full seven-year cycle may be just long enough to allow for a genuine personal transformation at the cellular level. Would dedicating yourself toward this degree of personal transformation be worth it?
Consider this:
”When you are able to live your own (human) design, to love being yourself no matter what the cost or how mundane your experience (then) you are as awake as the Buddha.”
Lynda Bunnell - The Definitive Book of Human Design
Can you imagine being fully awake to your own true nature and thereby living yo ... read more
Your World As An Onion 11 y
The onion as an exercise in "food for thought".
I like referring to food metaphorically to create a mental picture in analogies that extend certain concepts. I especially like using the onion this one in regards to the world and it’s system.
Imagine a yellow onion with its outer brown skin. Imagine that the
outer skin has become so dry that it is falling off of the onion. Originally it was a skin that was fully attached to the whole of the onion. If the
onion is fresh picked out of the ground then the outer skin could
possibly be included in some of the food preparation (like making stock). More commonly we find previously picked ... read more
Lucid Realizations Regarding Psychopathy 11 y
The need to identify and name the psychopathic-inducing source so that we can begin to communicate about this.
From: ”Brasscheck TV”
Date: January 28, 2014 6:17:12 AM PST
Subject: How to recognize psychopaths in daily life
”The art and science of identifying psychopaths in daily life.
One researcher’s view of the quest.”[1]
Just got to viewing the above video this evening.
The topic has been shared with me in at least one other
video (last year or so) and has engaged my interest.
The span of problems and implications of this subject matter
have been simmering in the back of my mind ever since!
My first thought (immediately after viewing this
Brasscheck video) is that there ar ... read more
Got Lucidity? 11 y
More regarding one man's devotion to sharing consciousness-raising co-creative communications. A New Intensive and a thought re: Enlightenment Intensives plus some possible new dyads to consider.
May 24, 2020 - About Reality -
One of a virtual countless array of dyads is: ”Tell me what reality is.” This blog-writer’s reply now is: reality is a multi-dimensional hologram with a magnificently wide and expansive spectrum that most certainly includes the visible - however it is not limited to just the visible spectrum. Think about the seeds of reality that precede the visible as well as the enormous array of ”fruits” that proceed after what had visibly appeared. These non-visible parts of the spectrum are no less real than the visible!
January 30, 2014 -
I’m presenting ... read more
Life, Connection and Love - All Stronger Than Death 11 y
The acceptance of individualized consciousness when it has crossed over
to the "other side".
Dr. Gaylek shared a most remarkable personal report on her human experience as well as her soul consciousness in light of experiencing a number of people close to her crossing the Threshold over the recent few months.:
I wrote the following comment.:
Thank You Dr. Gayek!
I hand copied this (report) so I could share it with a friend I met with this evening. I would like to share it with most everyone that I feel would be receptive.
I had profound experience in October when my sister crossed exactly one
month after my birthday. (N ... read more
The Next Day - My Beloved "Papa John" Crossed The Threshold! 11 y
"... 2014 ... a year like no other for embodied Humanity."
Regarding Comet ISON:
On November 28, 2013, the day when the United States of America was celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing on everything we were grateful for, the mission of the Comet ISON was brought to fruition. As ISON completed the final phase of its 4,500,000,000 billion year journey, it was pulled into our Sun. In an awesome explosion of Light, Comet ISON exponentially expanded the activation codes for the Divine Potential pulsating within the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life associated with our entire Solar System.
On Earth, the activ ... read more
Got Freedom? 11 y
The nature and source of freedom plus the absence thereof.
July 15, 2024 - We are thinking beings endowed with free will! -
”Humans are the only beings who possess an individual consciousness, and that is why we are thinking beings endowed with free will.”[74]*
January 20, 2024 -
”There is only one way to be in full possession of our freedom ...”[73]
January 8, 2024 - The most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities -
”Derek Sivers adaptation of David Foster Wallace’s Speech -
In the words of David Foster Wallace ... the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hardest to see ... read more
Sabian Symbols Oracle Reading – January 2, 2014 – New Moon 11 y
The Knowledge which keeps burning the fires of the collective psyche "as it contributes to the all-round unfolding of the whole nature of man" in freedom!
My deepest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Christopher Lowthert (DC), in Virginia, for his transcription of our conference call that was devoted to this reading!
Venus Retrograde until the end of January. A most excellent opportunity
now for your:
Reconsideration of all contracts signed or unsigned. All agreements with others. Time for all your ”course corrections”. They are necessary disruptions to allow for healthier relationships and more satisfying and holistic life directions. This could be the beginning of a major turning point. It certainly feels that way to me!
T ... read more
Happy 1st Full-Moon, 2014! 11 y
The beginning of a year. A year that I see promising much deeper meaning
in many, many ways and especially regarding one's unique individuality and the authentic living of it!
While we were approaching the very first full moon of the year 2014,
we had a certain growing light of ”wisdom” that we could live under and (even better) possibly live into! I found this particular full moon to be deeply meaningful and offered the following for anyone who had taken notice of the new moon that began this particular cycle. That previous new moon came to us right on the very first day
of this new year! That fact gave the impression that we, (with our calendar) might be in some sync with the cosmos (at least that was and still continues to be the hope of some of us now).
... read more
My Way, My Truth And My Life! 11 y
My intention this year is to embody the "shift of the ages".
We in the Western World (the limits of which may appear to be undefinable at times) have a relatively strong orientation to the ”story” of ”science” and technology. It is a story that has only partly been publicized and that is because it is much more a story of power then probably anything else that people may initially think.
I have drafted a longer sketch that continues on this train of thought that I could share with interested individuals. However now (to make a longer ”story” short here on this ”Truth of Self” blog) the veritable ”Heart Center” of my message is that each and every ... read more
A Trinity of "Languages" 12 y
The most significant convergence in my entire life!
I have just emerged through a first (in my life-time) multi-dimensional
convergence (synthesis) that had been building within me since long before my very first post here on Curezone.
The only way that I really want to communicate about this is through a new ”language” that I am learning now. I’m already thinking and functioning within this new language. Actually it is a synthesis of at least three ”languages of light” (that includes ”languages of the stars”, ”languages of wisdom & love” and ”communion with nature”. These languages are the way that I want to communicate with others fr ... read more
Inquiring Minds Just Want To Know! 12 y
The individuation process in light of alchemy and anthroposophy.
”Jung and the Alchemical Imagination” by Jeffery Raff introduced me to the ”psychoid”. i have just started to research this archetypal phenomena to gain more understanding of it.:
Quoted from:
In later years Jung revised and broadened the concept of archetypes even further, conceiving of them as psycho-physical patterns existing in the universe, given specific expression by human consciousness and culture. Jung proposed that the archetype had a dual nature: it exists both in the psyche and in the world at large. He called this non-ps ... read more
Is It Possible To Disenchant Our Gardens? 12 y
Garden musings.
Each of us live in our own individual garden. Each garden is most unique. There are no two gardens that are exactly the same. In fact there is a wide spectrum of variations and varieties of gardens!
There also is an enormity within each garden. Often the enormity may not appear so obvious. There are hidden gardens, lost gardens as well as enchanted gardens, all of which may contain unknown elements not visible to the naked eye.
With the enormity of garden terrains it can take some time to see, let alone appreciate, all of the garden. Therefor, before entering a garden you’ll need to ... read more
My Gift Of Love! 12 y
Love that is stronger than death!
My beloved sister, Linda Marie, crossed the threshold on October 24th of this year most suddenly. Fortunately, from what I have heard, she had passed in her sleep while in her own bed at home. She was the elder of two sisters and I am the eldest of four siblings total. Linda, our younger brother Stephen and I had lost our sister Diane Patricia about fourteen years ago when she had crossed the threshold (I think at age of 42). That was a couple years after she had lost her little daughter who was born with an enlarged heart and had a shunt that apparently had to be replaced and which failed ... read more
From Two Sun Activations to Michelangelo! 12 y
One may never know what treasures they will find when searching!
How about this for creating a ”threshold”:
”The sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti had laboured for fifty years to create the bronze doors of the Baptistry, which Michelangelo was to describe as ’The Gates of Paradise’.”:
I found this factoid on this interesting page in search of a most memorable event that happened in the year 1546 as a way for me to remember my Human Design Gates 15 and 46 where I have Sun activations in my G/Ji/Self Center [1]. I think I’m off to a good start on my objective here!
Also in the same piece on Michelangelo: ... read more
Hey Hey I'm The Monkey! 12 y
13-Day Mayan Calendar Cycle Staring With 1 Eagle
I’ve been including the Mayan Calendar Day Signs along with my Gregorian Calendar days for several years now and I have a real connection with the Mayan system! I realized this connection some months ago with the discovery that I am a Monkey!!! I can’t tell you how validating that knowledge is for me to have. It has supported healing in my life! I love my Monkey nature!
Here’s the start of a new 13-day cycle that I am feeling deeply connected with now. This cycle begins with 1 Eagle:
”According to Maya legend, the sun was an Eagle and one of the most powerful day signs.”:
http://www. ... read more
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