Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM
Page 15 of 43

A Hero of Nature   12 y  
"The Man Who Made a Forest"
One of my all-time favorite animated films is ”The Man Who Planted Trees”. Here is a real life story of a man who planted and raised a forest. ”It all started way back in 1979 when floods washed a large number of snakes ashore on the sandbar. One day, after the waters had receded, Payeng, only 16 then, found the place dotted with the dead reptiles. That was the turning point of his life.”:   visit the page

A Design For Enjoyment!   12 y  
Enjoying the Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Enjoying your life as a transformational journey into greater emotional awareness!
I live in the order of my ”being, doing and having” and have been for most of my life. I have resisted the conventional approach that reverses this order to ”having, doing and being” or even ”doing, having, being”. Today I was inspired with my own realization that ”enjoying” is a major part of the order of my life and at the heart of the truth of who and what I am! At first, I thought the place of ”enjoyment” was at the end of the ”be, do, have” set but after reading the following article I realize that my own order best begins with ”enjoying”! One thing I can say is that I am very well ...   read more

"Where" Did We Come From? Who Are Our True Ancestors?   12 y  
Biblical Genesis has been validated and now the gaps (that can be pointed out) between certain verses can begin to be filled and questions answered while maintaining the integrity of "The Word of God" (and "the gods").
The Mayan Elders are speaking about our origins and what they are saying matches the accounts that have been presented in India, Africa and other cultures.: Also reading ”Breaking The Godspell” by Neil Freer who gives additional references on accounts of our origin.: Update-May 21, 2012 - At Google Books: Pa ...   read more

Conception Day 2012 & Beyond   12 y  
"This is an opportunity to come together, envision and co-create a world that is healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous for all."
Greetings, I’m writing to invite you to Conception Day 2012 on March 22nd - a free live webcast event where thousands of us will gather worldwide to make a commitment to birth a new era! The event features Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Jean Houston, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Lynne McTaggart and other top leaders sharing their insights about this all-important year and giving you tools that empower you to create a new story for humanity. Registration is free. Sign up here: This is an opportunity to come together, envision and ...   read more

Matter—born From Light   12 y  
"The Natural Law of Yin and Yang - The Masculine and Feminine as a Mirror of the Cosmos and Ourselves" plus "Water & Salt The Essence of Life", carlos rubbia+nobel prize
”According to esoteric teachings there exists only vibration and consciousness: matter and spirit, the material having been created from the immaterial. Matter—born from light. Quantum physicists have known this for a long time. They have mathematically calculated a fundamental constant with which the ratio between mass particles (matter) and the controlling energy units can be calculated. It is one to one billion. In other words, one billion ’light quanta’ are needed in order to make one particle of physical matter! The Swiss atomic physicist Dr. Carlos Rubbia won the Nobel Prize in 1984 ...   read more

"Kony 2012"   12 y  
What The Power of The People's Voice (with The Power of the Love Of Humanity) Will Do!
”April 20th people are going to change history...”   visit the page

Miracles Are Happening   12 y  
"... the Earth is receiving greatly amplified waves of Solar Light that are allowing our I AM Presences to activate our pineal glands and open our Crown Chakras of Enlightenment to new breadths." by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
February 14, 2012 Miracles are happening as we embrace this Day of Love, which is celebrated in the outer-world as Valentine’s Day. The Beings of Light who are assisting us from On High have stated that the magnitude of what is occurring within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity is glorious beyond our comprehension. After the life-transforming events of 2011, Humanity entered the auspicious year of 2012 on a wave of unity consciousness beyond anything we had ever experienced. Now the Earth is receiving greatly amplified waves of Solar Light that a ...   read more

Got "Liberty Of Speech" In California?   12 y  
The Constitution of the State of California says: "Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects ...". Right? Then what could possibly be the Lawful basis for the State to accuse someone like Brian Davis who wrote a letter asserting an unconventional view of "this State"?
”My Student, Brian Davis, is being deprived of rights to which he is entitled as a free inhabitant, pursuant to Article IV of the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 and the State of California Constitution. Brian Davis stands accused of writing a letter to the Physical Therapy Board of California manifesting symptoms of a mental illness. The Accusation filed against Davis by Rebecca Marco alleges no other evidence of mental illness. The sole use my Student’s writing to claim he has a diseased mind is a despicable act and a violation of Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitut ...   read more

God Is The "I AM" Within Each Of Us!   12 y  
Three videos with excerpts from "The Christ Mind".
This message, from ”The Christ Mind” by Robert A. Clark, is on Youtube: Video #1 Video #2 Video #3 Update May 26, 2012 - When I initially began to lift up my own spiritual awareness I did not know myself as the ”I AM” that ”I AM”. I did not know who and / what I am, nor what life is nor what another is. How did I ever get to that state of utter darkness? There were three main deeply conditioning contribu ...   read more

The Weasel Within   13 y  
Bat called and "Weasel" is responding!
The deck of Medicine Cards includes Weasel. I had a reading on November 3, 1994 by my dearest lady friend (who is the birth mother to my one and only son) and the last card that was drawn for me was card # 33 - Weasel. When I was in grade school (aka grammar school or elementary school) I was given the nickname of Weasel. What prompted me to post this was that earlier this evening after sunset my friend pointed out to me the call of a bat. I did hear the sound but I did not acknowledge that it was a bat. Then when my friend told me what the sound was I thought that I could look up the ...   read more

Sheriff Power: "To Serve The People & Protect Their Rights"   13 y  
"Constitutional Duties of a Sheriff", "Local sheriffs are last defense", "The Sheriff - More Power than the President", "Sheriff Brad Rogers: Uses Constitution To Protect Local Farmer" & "the most important pages of law in the federal government" plus Continental Marshal Powers.
”Mack said the Constitution gives the federal government the authority to police exactly four areas: treason, piracy, treaty violations and counterfeiting. ’The other 5,000 they’ve stolen and usurped from state and local authorities,’ he said. ’The very people who have promised us they will protect and defend the Constitution are the ones who are destroying it.’” ”Richard Mack describes this article as ’The best article that has ever been written about what I am really trying to accomplish.’”[1] - *** June 28, 2019 - Continental Marshals & County Sheriffs - ”... Continental M ...   read more

Go Dutchsinse!   13 y  
The Dutchsinse Channel & "Flash Gprdon" / Dutchsinse Tribute
One Year Anniversary of Dutchsinse channel: Update - May 22, 2012 - ”Flash Gordon / Dutchsinse tribute”: An online archive of ”Ocean currents, Weather modification, Earthquakes, Space anomalies, rogue satellites, Volcanoes, SEVERE weather, animal deaths, solar storms, and even some conspiracy” He has been an exceptional chronologist and at a time that has served our collective awareness of the accelerated changes right here on good ol’ planet earth!   read more

Cheeta - Higher Consciousness Community Designed For Healing   13 y  
A working draft of this evolving vision.
“The best way to predict the future is to design it” - Richard Buckminster Fuller Before designing, understand that ”... our cultural mind-set conditions our perceptions”. Therefore (just like the Beatles said): ”you better free your mind”[4] ”What most (intentional) communities have in common is idealism ...” - in ”Creating a Life Together” Here is a ”seed vision” for new intentional communities that are devoted to the deepest healing (within the individual & in all our relations - including our relationship with the earth) via transformational processes that are designed for ou ...   read more

"The Five Agreements" - Awakening to Authentic Self-Hood!   13 y  
My Art, Artistry and transformations has been "The Hero's Journey"!
I made mention of ”The Four Agreements” and ”The Fifth Agreement” in my last blog entry. I recently finished ”The Fifth Agreement”. It’s time for me to start a new blog on this. I began connecting some memories while reading on page 134: ”...we don’t rebel”. That was true for me through about my second year of high school; till about the Summer of 1967. I was fifteen years old and as of that Summer things began to change for me in terms of my behavior. Up till then I was extremely obedient! ”... we try to recover our personal freedom”. I was attending an all-boy high school and as I ...   read more

The Need For Self-Empathy Plus Radical Honesty!   13 y  
Identifying needs and feelings. Loving the Truth of Self all the more! The need to know your Human Design! The need to communicate the radical truth of feelings.
November 12, 2011 - First - Here’s a list of forty-three needs (from/inspired by a larger list that are recognized as real needs by NVC & the compassionate communication communities) that I identify with today in my relation to a certain ”community” and especially in relation to it’s acting house manager. I have assembled this list with the primary intention of giving myself all the self-empathy that I need! Doing this has actually supported my own self-empathy process! About half (or twenty-seven) of these needs are emphasized with this character: *. I have needs for: *Connection ...   read more

An Overlay Between Biodynamics and Human Design   13 y  
The astrological underpinnings of Biodynamic Agriculture appear to be the same as for Human Design.
”Rudolf Steiner ... suggested our planet is encompassed by a sea of forces, streaming from the fixed stars (formative forces) and mediated by the planets and our atmosphere. These formative forces go on to be influenced and mediated by the various minerals, crystals and elements of our planet. Thus impacting upon the formation and development of all life forms here. He suggested it is the working of these forces that sustains life.” Human Design says we live in a nutrino stream or ocean of nutrinos: ...   read more

What Does "Healing" Consist Of? What is the "New Medicine"?   13 y  
Healing as a result of resolving emotional trauma once the original shock conflict is identified; The 12 Stages of Healing -
January 21, 2021 - Happy Rave New Year! (As of Today!) - In a Newsletter From Dr. Andy Kaufman - Homesteading - Hello Medicamentum Authentica community, Now that the holidays are past it’s time to consider our future for 2021. As far as I can see the governments of the world will continue to impose their tyranny upon us. As the masses continue to submit to testing and are lining up to get genetically modified (the vaccine), we must prepare. We should be thinking about becoming more self-sufficient and relying less and less on the system that is falling apart. -- Comment: ...   read more

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Some accounting of the process of awakening to the vital necessity for truth-telling (especially in ”self-talk”). more...

Last Activity: 24 d ago
728 Messages   Last message 5 mon ago
99 Comments   Last comment 24 d ago

viewed 4,530,041 times
Created: 19 y   Aug 07 2005


Comments (10 of 99):
Re: The Truth of L… appea… 24 d
Re: The Life of An… Chef-… 18 mon
Re: Ruling - Govt.… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Ruling - Govt.… snoop… 5 y
Re: The Anointing #223194 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Power & Ne… TimHo… 7 y
Re: Free DVD to Th… Chef … 7 y
Re: Proper Names W… Chef … 7 y
Re: The Organic La… Chef … 7 y
All Comments (99)

Blogs by Chef JeM (10):
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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