Get your brain trained... 19 y
A trained brain will always serve you for the rest of your life, other wise you are more or less a lost soul...
What many people have in life is a failure to communicate... Either with themselves, their family, their friends, or almost any one in general.... This is BAD, GOT IT!!
So lets get cracking on putting your brain in proper order... First you need to look at your life.... Remember this was a homework assignment.... Put down an overview of your life... A simple outline form will do... Most likely on one page... Don’t tell me you can’t do it..... I did and I passed the half century mark, so you can do it too... On this one page get the main things down, then looking ahead as we ... read more
What you see is not always what you get.... DUH!! 19 y
In order to see the forest you must get beyond the trees...
The lesson(s) in life are both simple and difficult; depending on your point of view....
The brain is you decision maker, so you need to keep it trained and up to date... i.e. the Roman army mighty as it was would not stand 10 mins against even against the Panama National Guard... It is because the more modern unit now knows things that the ancients never understood... So plan to keep your brain up to speed, read!!
Most things in life are, learned by OJT... On the job training, this is how most things were passed down over the centuries... Now some were not lost becaus ... read more
What is written will never change your thinking, only you will. 19 y
Thoughts will lead to the action(s) that should direct the rest of your life...
Friends: Each day we exist is another opportunity to develop and improve your brain / thinking process.... Lets don’t waste it...
I some times look back on all the opportunities in my life wasted and want to cry... But life begins with the next moments, not yesterday... So we must press forward as we are, deciding what is the best course of action... Remember some action is far better that no action at all...
My challenge to you is to get your self, thoughts, and thus brain into charting your future... Only y ... read more
There is a time to reap and a time to sow.... 19 y
Rest is the secrete to a longer life and peace of mind.. So give your brain a break.... Rest, meditate and pray....
This is a short blog today we will consider the opposites in this world...
There are opposite people, places, and things with which we contact on our lives pathway.... many we recognize, and most we do not... The book of Ecclesiastes, Third Chapter; was put to music some years ago, by the Birds..... in a song called "Turn Turn" it has most of what we need to guide us in every day life... The key is to be able to recognize what and where we are....
Homework review this chapter in the Bible and see the blue print, plan or outline ... read more
Decisions will forever lead indecisions... Where are you?? 19 y
What you do for yourself will benefit more that what most others do for you... Except for the GRACE of GOD!!
Back to boot camp for the Brain.... This blog goes along with the" DUH... the other side of pay attention.." The whole idea is to better equip your brain so you can learn, to think things through, and come to a decision that you can live with....
We will cover some of the things that distract or cause people to make the wrong decisions.... The first is fear of the unknown.... i took a sociology course in college, and the main theme was most of peoples lives are governed by boundries... Physical, s ... read more
Each soul is the battleground for a struggle between good and evil 19 y
We need to arm ourselves with love and laughter for the joy of life...
What we must decide is how to use our brain not only to benefit ourselves; but others we come in contact with on our life’s pathway... Most of this requires us to be better stewards of what GOD has given us.... [look up steward if you do not understand or reply and we will help you]..
The total essence of life, can be summed thru pain & pleasure, sorrow & joy, love & laughter..... The greatest of these is love; which is elusive but necessary... Laughter is the key to unlock the miseries of the world, and offer the best relief....
Laughter is good medici ... read more
Progress in thought is power; faith is stepping onto the bridge... 19 y
GOD provides truth, we must learn to accept it or not....
Ready or not we are back again... We will discuss some more opportunities to train your brain!!! Got it!!
To live and grow at all, joy and pain will be your rewards... The only option is to not live fully... or not to grow at all... These are true words... We may not always like the truth, but never the less it is so.... What you must decide in this life is whether you will live the truth or a lie.... Most of the world is basically good, but some people corrupt what is good...[Ex. The Garden of Eden] So ... read more
Brain news... or what you need to succeed.. 19 y
if it was that easy you would have done it by now......
Here we are again.... ready for brain power exam??
How do we come to clear decision or idea??? It always starts as a thought, something, you conceive.... This can be either materialistic or purely psychic!!
The physical or material things are usually associated with items in your day to day life... Such as desires for substance, or some physical things that you either want or need... These are the ideas that lead to inventions or improvements in the physical world around you... This is where all the great inventions ... read more
Brain buster day.... not what i wanted!! 19 y
Follow your heart, until you hit the hard wall of life....
It was one of those brain buster days, the one you really don’t want!!
Have been attempting to get some things together in my life, and as so often happens... the results were not what you expected... Well our lives are a constant balance between who we think we are and who we actually are... i know that this is rather heavy, but we do the truth here; and this is it, like it or not....
Have always been a rather go it alone type person; guess because that left fewer disappointments, since i did not have to make anybody else happy, so to speak... ... read more
Brain food... 19 y
The brain is only as good as what you put into it...
There is a lot of connection that a better trained brain needs to be properly fed... This is both food and filler... You must get the right stuff in there if you are going to get any results...
There are several blogs, and forums to check out ...
Your homework is to seek out the most important, sites review and respond to our next meeting, on brain power..... There are about a dozen sites in the cure-zone alone... So there is no excuse for not having the material when we meet next... Got it!!
Remember an excuse is ano ... read more
Think... It is not dangerious, in fact just the opposit... 19 y
What we do in this life will forever shape our future....
Friends; we must plan to plan???
What we should be doing is looking for the correct [psychic /spirital] answers in our lives... This can be an elusive quest.... Because first we must have some idea of what we seek... { Psychic meaning soul} We are made of three (3) parts: Spirit,Soul,and the physical Body...
The Spirit is the seat of our intelligence; with which we reason and understand.
The Soul is the seat of our emotions and affections, giving us the capiablity of love or hate, ect...
The Body is the seat of our five ... read more
It is time for effort(s)... 19 y
Ideas are only good if they lead to progress in your life..
Lets get busy... They say!
The brain is the organ which connects us with GOD thru thoughts... It is the source of original ideas... Things that change and have changed the world, started in someones brain... This is the ability that has given mankind the opportunity to build all the man made things in this world....
But it is effort(s) that make it happen.. We can have dreams, discussions, and plans but effort or works make it real.... Why fight progress, lets get busy with our ideas...
Your assignment if you elect to accept it is: to l ... read more
Thought requires some effort on your part... 19 y
A sound body is necessary for a sound mind.....
What you think is the real you....
If your just think of selfish oneway ideas, things to make you feel good all the time, then you have a very limited world in deed.... The real bases for true relationships require an independent thought process.... This means that you have developed a good self esteem....
What we want to do here is to prepare our minds to reason.... Lets be precise, you can start self improvement programs, such as yoga see blogs Yoga Path & Breathworks for s ... read more
Igmos; Bad for the brain or what you don't want to be...... 19 y
Learn to work smarter not harder...
Well here we are back once more, are you ready??? Correct answer is Yes sir...
Now we are back on the reason for the brain, besides the obvious providing the auto motor control for the heart, lungs, and organs in the body.... The brain is the command center, it give orders to the body, it is capiable of thought.... Thought is just another thing that the EVOs have not explained, in their theory{ refer to my other blogs, where we are discussing evolution and sex....} ; thought requires original ideas, and constructive mind activity... &n ... read more
Brain storming.... Not a storm brain folks.... 19 y
What does brainstorming have for you???
Just got of line with a friend and we were discussing ”brain storming”
What is brain storming, well it is a term that was used during WWII, when the war was not going our way so to speak.... A lot a engineers, scientests, and others were placed in closed rooms, to brain storm... This ment that except for trips to the necessary room, they were there for the duration.... To come up with a fix, new plan, original product(s) that could be used to help win the war.... Ther were a lot of different stuff done those brain storming sessions, some of which would knock your socks off.... Sc ... read more
If you think education is expensive, try otherwise.. 19 y
What we do is always a product of our thinking or brain...
Why do we do anything?? Well the best answer is because it was a consience deceision... We are not discussing the auto response system of the body, i.e. breathing, heart beat, digestion ect.... But what you do or should do, based on certain conditions... If you have expanded you mental capacities, when you come upon this supprising turn of events, you will have a much better chance of avoiding the ”bullet” and making a good to excellent decesion....
As we move on thru this Bootcamp for the brain, you will see there are some puzzles, games, and other mind blowing events... Some yo ... read more
What we have here is the failure to communicate.This will stop 19 y
Bootcamp for the Brain! Great ideas come from improved brains...
This will be a bootcamp for the brain.... What we will descuss is how to get your thoughts in order to keep your self going down the road to freedom, which leads to success... Not money and happeniss that will follow once you gat your brain and thinking right... Got it!!
What most people are lazy and seem to want someone else to do their thinking for them.... Bad idea... In fact this is the worst idea we ever heard... Got It!!
By the way the government doesn”t think it just takes your time, efforts, and money and uses them, somewhere else.... The people in charge {mainly office w ... read more