destiny cards this 52 days + 18 y
This year destiny cards...for me and Twin Soul/best Friend
This 5=2 Day of the Year for me
according to the abbreviated
Destiny cards online by Robert Camp
Free Online Readings:
The Basic Meaning of the Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts is a card with many significant meanings. On one hand it represents ’the devoted mother’, and thus can indicate a time when a woman conceives or gives birth to a child. It also can be the indicator of marriage for a man or woman, especially as the Venus, Long Range or Result Card.
It is also the card of sexua| enjoyment and romanti ... read more
Love Card reading
Queen of Diamonds to Ace of Clubs 18 y
This is the extensive
Love cards that go with
the Queen of Diamond and the Ace of clubs.
Twin Soul/Best Friend is the Queen of Diamonds.
I am the Ace of Clubs.
11:12 AM
July 15, 07
The Basic Meaning of the Eight of Spades
The Eight of Spades is the most powerful card of physical and will power. When this card is present, you will find yourself experiencing more power over your health and work matters. Success is indicated by this card, along with the ability to overcome any obstacles that may appear in your way. Power comes from a focusing of our will, a narrowing down of the areas of our interest. Because of this, we often lose focus in less important areas while we gather force in one.
Text Copyright 1996 by Rob ... read more
this is GOOD!!!! 18 y
Relationship Insights.
Powerful Maturation and Self Healing
recorded here!!!
Thank You, God!
2:16 PM
July 5, 2007
Made some monumental
personal growth work today
thanks to my beloved Twin Soul/Bsst Friend.
We were together June 30-July 3.
Today is July 5. This Mercury Retrograde is about
Relationship inner work.
I am very pleased and grateful for the relationship
personal growth work I did today.
Thank you Twin Soul/Best Friend.
Thank you, Leslie, for taking the time
to do this Very Important Work!!!
Now Reread this...
Later...made a new writing
that goes with Love Cure #2,
”Because She is a Woman”
that will be a Ritual of Transiton.
Use some ... read more
Love Mechanics 18 y
old contact I wanted to find...
2:56 PM
July 2, 07
Going through some old digitals
and found this link...
Met this woman at a Mark Victor Hansen
There is a story tht goes with this,
but will save it for another time.
Renee Piane:
visit the page
8 Clubs to Ace Clubs 18 y
8 Club to Ace of Club
Robert Camp's Love Cards
11:08 AM
June 28, 07
From Robert Camps
”Love Cards ” book
Attraction: 7
Intensity: 6
Compatability: -1
8 of Club w/ Ace of Club:
KARMA p 321
NERS 307
PLFS 309
PLF 310
A of CLub with
8 Club
CRS Cosmid Reward Card P.314
MARS 287 visit the page
Triggers 18 y
Relationship brings up Triggers.
Spiritual practice is a Remedy for Triggers.
6;28 AM
June 20, 07
When my world becomes small,
and my focus on mainly one person
and that person in being themselves triggers me,
the answer for balance is to do my Spiiritual practices.
Spiritual practices are the things that hold the worlds
together for me.
When I am about my Soul’s Purpose,
I am touching the deeper healing energies within me
and the Universe.
When I touch Soul energies, I am not triggered
as readily as when I am fragmented.
”Being about my Father;s business,”
satisfies me, and gives me strength to
allow the triggers to wash over me
like water ... read more
Robert Augustus Masters 18 y
A powerful teacher.
I am reminded of his work.
12:26 PM
May 4, 07
”Roaming in Dreamland Hungry for Home”
Robert Augustus Masters
Xanthyros Alliance
”Truth cannot be Rehearsed”
Stunning, Truth Telling Books
from a Powerful Teacher.
I went in the basement to find a book
by this man.
Twin Soul/Best Friend was needing
this now.
Robert Augustus Masters’ Ayahuasca Journey:
Woman’s Anger
The disempowerment of women has, among other things, me ... read more
Remember Me 18 y
Powerful healing feelings
are happening between Twin Soul/Best Friend
now. We have spent the week together
and it was been profounding pleasurable
and growth producing.
9:14 AM
May 4, 2007
Putting these here today.
It is a good poem to share with
Twin Soul/Best Friend
who is still sleeping in my bed.
And So My Friend,
Remember Me
And so my friend,
I’m reaching out for your hand
with a silent compassion
and awakening overwhelming me.
As I remember you in my universe,
that’s one more aspect of my own self where I am free to be me.
I can no longer deny you, and the gift you have brought to my life,
the opportunity to know myself a little deeper through accepting you.
No fear, no shadow of confusion can keep this force in ... read more
"Carry Beauty With US..." 18 y
This is the song
written by old friends
Lynn and Morris Walker.
It was going around my head
when I spoke to Twin Soul/Best Friend
and asked her to come down.
9:04 AM
May 4, 2007
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,
”Thought we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must first carry it with us, or we will find it not.”
I see beauty in all I behold,
everyday as I get older I feel I’m told,
my life lies and yours like a dove a driftin’
in the skyway high on love.
And I feel that I must tell you
that I plan on moving on
Even though you make me want to stay,
I’ve never meant to hurt you and I wouldn’t even now,
I love you far too much in every way.
I feel joy in the traveling of the land
and I feel warmth in t ... read more
Tribute: Twin Soul/Best Friend 18 y
Sending Healing Thoughts
to Twin Soul/Best Friend.
This is my friend Marina Lighthouse
reading "Because She is a Woman."
9:09 PM
April 25, 07
”Heart’s Desire”
Blog #9
I am taking Space now.
I wanted to honor Twin Soul/Best Friend,
a very dear Soul with this
poem that I found in my cleanup.
I want to send Healing Throught
her way, during this time that
may not be comfortable for her.
This Mp3 is my friend Marina Lighthouse
reading ”Because She is a Woman,”
#2 of The Seven Love Cures (Charms).
Listen here only.
© 2004, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted gardener
Launch in external player or download.
New Blogs:
What fun!
... read more
Purpose of Love 18 y
A Powerful Jewish Woman is teaching
me some deep things about myself.
6:30 PM
April 25, 07
Heart’s Desire
Blog # 8
It is one month after what would have been
Dr. Bernard Jensen’s 99th Birthday.
It that possible thatI have done so much
in just one month?
I feel I have lived Lifetimes,
so many precious adventures,
insights, and special gifts.
One of the Most Precious Gifts
has been interacting with a Powerful Jewish Woman
in the last ten days or so.
It has all been via email.
She lives in a different part of the country.
I just got up from a nap
with deep insights.
It is somewhere in the late 70’s.
I am a ”New Age” sta ... read more
Healthy Relationship? 18 y
What is a Healthy Relationship
and how do you remember
how to have one?
5:40 AM
April 19, 07
What is a healthy relationship?
Where does it begin?
I realize I may not have a clue.
I mainly have prophet motives.
Prophets are by nature imbalanced.
Look at this history of social change.
From my point of view, most of it as come out
of pain.
Dr. Bernard Jensen said,
”A naked woman spins.”
In other words, when it is cold outside,
and you have no warm clothes, you do two things.
You either die, or figure out how to get some warm clothes.
I am sure some of you reading this, may have some other
ideas of what she does to get warm.
Some ... read more
Romantic Partners Profile 18 y
Romantic Partners...
Counting the days since
I last got my Walking Papers
from Twin Soul/Best Friend.
Counting the Days of new
Romantic Possibility showing up.
4:03 PM
April 17, 2007
Let’s see now, it’s been 19 days since
Twin Soul/Best Friend gave me my Official
Walking Papers.
They coincided with leaving Egypt,
the restricted place and heading out
for the Promised Land.
On the second night of Passover,
we had a lovely sensual ”Don’t Eat the Matzah” seder.
We started our march out of Eqypt
the place of addiction by lighting
Memorial Candles.
I read a poem from ”Prayers to Mend the Heart”
to Twin Soul/Best Friend,
acknowledging the shift in the veils.
It has been an incredible journey of near
seven years with Twin Sou ... read more
Soul Mate Want Ad 18 y
Soul Mate Want ad.
My most compatible Soul Mate
is heading this way.
Here is some info for her
to read about me.
3:18 PM
April 16, 07
I am putting my Soul Mate Want Ad
things here:
This is about me:
visit the page
"Heart's Desire" Music Upload 18 y
This is "Heart's Desire"
a tract from the CD
By Riki Newell, used
with permission.
I am having a date tonight
with my most perfect compatible
Soul Mate on the inner planes.
April 13, 2007
A bit beyond Sunset
Entering Shabbat
Netzach she b’ Gevurah
”Within this week of limitation
comes the incredible vitality
of the almost realized
--Rabbi Ted Falcon
”Journey of Awakening”
P 60
Traditionally as part of the Prayer
cycle the men welcome the Shabbat Bride.
I entered the garden during the last hour
before Sunset.
I ate fruit from the loquat tree.
The EG Mobile was towed home--again--
never mind. She is just out of the paint shop
and has been experiencing some familar signs of
dying out and wanting to a ... read more
We've Gone Beyond Words Experiment on Garageband 18 y
We"ve Gone Beyond Words experiment
This is a photo that was in my Curezone Gallery of Jinaan Nouri
taken in the 80’s. This story about Jinaan is told in my Harpo Collection
of Blogs.
This poem was recorded with a metronome on.
It is an experiment done down here.
Launch in external player or download.
We went into garageband.
We created a new song.
Then once created, created a new track,
Real Audio Track, Then we made recording
on Real Audio, once recorded go ahead and stop,
and go to share and then go to share to Itunes,
then create an AIF in Itun ... read more
Not Enuf Healed!!! 18 y
Just got a great over the phone
healing treatment from Regina.
5:39 PM
April 4/7/07
Talking to my Passover relationship
we had a difficult time.
I discussed this with Regina Perlmutter. she was so helping
to me, and is one of the most incredible healers
I know.
I was having a hard time with another person
Last year...and blew her out...
I was disrespectful of her process...
she yelled at me...called me all kinds of
I discussed this with my beloved ally, Regina,
who gave me all kinds of insights.
Regina is a wonderful therapist,
and ally. I highly recommend her
very special healing gifts.
visit the page