Blog: Heart's Desire
by YourEnchantedGardener

Love Card reading Queen of Diamonds to Ace of Clubs

This is the extensive
Love cards that go with
the Queen of Diamond and the Ace of clubs.

Twin Soul/Best Friend is the Queen of Diamonds.
I am the Ace of Clubs.

Date:   7/5/2007 4:16:54 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 10277 times

11:12 AM


July 15, 07

The Basic Meaning of the Eight of Spades

The Eight of Spades is the most powerful card of physical and will power. When this card is present, you will find yourself experiencing more power over your health and work matters. Success is indicated by this card, along with the ability to overcome any obstacles that may appear in your way. Power comes from a focusing of our will, a narrowing down of the areas of our interest. Because of this, we often lose focus in less important areas while we gather force in one.

Text Copyright 1996 by Robert Camp - all rights reserved.

You are currently in the Saturn 52-day period of your year.
This period began on 06/15/2007 and will end on 08/6/2007.

on 7/5/07 9:44 PM, Twin Soul/Best Friend wrote:

wow, I read the whole thing on your blogs--
this is so like us, it's unreal,
and you know I don't "believe in" astrology!
luv, Twin Soul/Best Friend


Queen of Diamonds
& Ace of Clubs

Queen of Diamonds,

Queen of Diamonds: The Philanthropist Card

Like some other cards in the deck, the Queen of Diamonds has much indecision about values (Three of Diamonds Karma Card). Although they are in the royal suit of money, they are often worried about money and have some difficulty in managing it. Queen of Diamonds are known to be charming and enjoy the finer things in life. Often they spend beyond their budget and this adds to their financial worries. Their Three of Diamonds Karma Card speaks of indecision about what they want that has them constantly seeking new adventures and sometimes relationships as well. Many of the world's greatest givers are Queen of Diamonds, though personal relationships are usually difficult because of the indecision about what they want and their changeable nature. If they adopt a spiritual path in life and realize that they have a mission, they can achieve the heights of spiritual realization and self-mastery (Queen of Spades in Neptune). This realization will also dispel all of the problems that they have with money and love.

Your Karma Cards are the:

Three of Diamonds - You owe something to this person and they reflect you in some way.

Nine of Diamonds - This person owes you and you are their mirror in some way.

Text Copyright 1996 by Robert Camp - all rights reserved.

Abbreviated from

Ace of Clubs,

online abbreviation:

Ace of Clubs: The Desire for Knowledge Card

The desire for knowledge, accompanied by the desire for love (Two of Hearts Karma Card) are the main ruling influences for this card. Combine these together and you have a person who is a student of love as much as one who would find their ideal mate. This card is known for promiscuity, but this is only true until they find the person of their dreams. They would rather be with anyone than be alone but will not give themselves fully until the right person comes along. Like all Aces, they are impatient and restless. Their curiosity leads them to be avid students with immense libraries. They are very smart and can use their brains and creativity to generate ample funds. They can make money in things associated with the arts or groups of women. Their later years will not be satisfactory unless they turn to spirituality for guidance. They are the divine discontent card and need travel and changes in life and their work to satisfy both their desire for knowledge and their inner restlessness.

Your Karma Cards are the:

Two of Hearts - Because this is one of the semi-fixed cards, the first Karma Card is the most significant. The others are related but not as strongly. Also, we have no way of knowing which card owes who in these relationships, only that they are karmic in nature.

Seven of Diamonds, Nine of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Eight of Clubs, King of Spades - You are also kamically connected to these cards, but not as strongly as with the Two of Hearts.

Who Queen of Diamonds
is with Ace of Clubs:

"You are Jupiter to each other in the Spiritual Spread
Page 293

"You are Jupiter to each other in the Life Spread."

Twin Soul/Best Friend and I are Jupiter to each other in the Life Spread

1 -3 5

page 293

This connection is a strong bond that ads many blessings to your relationship, whether it is marriage, friendship, or business.

Though it is not strong on the attraction level,
it will contribute a lot to your overall compaibility
and joy in being together.

You both enjoy giving to each other and you share many of the same
philosophical beliefs and ideas.

You tend to have the same opionion about what is important in life,
especially on the spiritual level, or on the level of integrity
and honesty.

You are both there for each other
when you are needed and you have good advise
and othe things of value to offer when needed.

If you both keep your heart and mind open
to giving and receiving the many gifts you share, you both
benefit greatly.
This connection springs from a past life
in which the two of you shared some experience
in which you both developed some deep understanding about what is true
and untrue in life.

This could have been as fellow members of some religious
order or in some other kind of institution where philosophy
was one of the major focuses.

Now in this life, you tend to see things the same way
in the areas of right and wrong.

This is one of the most beneficial o the spiritual connections
that two partners can have.

It is a past life earned connection.

The connection runs deeper and have more meaning
than the same connection in the life spread.

it is a Juperterian connection,
one of the most important of the spiritual planets.
The Guru planet, the Lord of Wisdom and abundance.
Connection guarantees some sort of deep bond on the level of
your beliefs and philosophies.

If you access this and openly discuss your relationship
in light of this, you could find that there is much more meaning
for your being together than you first thought.
This presupposes that these things,
like life purpose and spirituality are important to you.


"You are Saturn to Them in the Spiritual Spread."

I am Saturn to Twin Soul/Best Friend in the Spiritual Spread.

Page 297

For whatever reason, you have been selected
to play the role of a teacher to your partner,
and they may or may not like it nor appreciate
the lessons that you have to share with them.

Even if you don't realize it, you are somewhat
hard on them, probably pointing out their weakness and showing
them how they can do 'better' or how they can become more
mature or responsible.

This can cuase them to see you as a problem and someone
to be avoided because few people enjoy criticism.

It is quite likely that the two of you have been together
before and that one of your roles in this lifetime is to return
to them something that they have given to you in a former existence.
however, the thing that is given is not always well received.
In this case, especially, your suggetions for their improvement
may not always be appreciated.

However, if your partner is able or willing to look at and accept
their own shortcomings, you can be a blessing in their life,
one that helps them to realizse their highest dreams and ambitions.

Affirmation for this connection"
I am my partner's teacher and guide and I use
this power with love and understanding.

-2 5 -4


You are Jupiter to them in the Life Spread

Page 291

You really like your partner and enjoy sharing abundance with them.

You either like to give them financial assistance, or
well intentioned guidance and advise.

This is a beneficial connection for marriage or business or both and promotes a relationship based on higher values and spiritual truths or philosophy.
connection works best if partner appreciates the things you are giving to them.
This connection works best if your partner appreciates the things you are given
to them.

Affirmation for this connection:

I am a blessing in the life
of my partner and i love to sharte my abundance
with them and give to her freely.

0 0 8


"They are Mars to you in the Spiritual Spread."
I am Mars to Twin Soul/Best Friend in the Spiritual Spread.

Page 285

The two of you were probably,brothers, lovers or competitors in a past life, thus there is therefore there is a lot of passionate mars energy between you.

This manifests as either a lot of lust, anger, or both.

Do things together to channel this powerful physical energy and you will have less of the anger and competition part.

This Connection can produce either a powerful physical or sexua| attraction or powerful competitive and hostile feelings.

In some cases, you will have both.

Know that these feelings are the result of being together before in a similar role and that now you can channel the enormous energy stirred up by this relationship into positive channels for greater success and happiness.


In astrology there are aspects such as Mars in the 11th house, that indicate
people who were considered enemies in a former lifetime thatg we are drawn to be
with again to work out our differences.

Spiritual Spread mars relationships can act in the same way.

Anyone with whom you share this connection bould be an enemy from a past
life with whom you have unfinished business.

However, when two lovers come together with this connection,
there is usually some poast life attraction that never had the opportunity
to be fully expressed.

When two lovers come together with this connection, there is usually some
past life attraction thqt never had the opportunity to be fully expressed.
this can create a powerful attraction between two people along with the unconscious
desire to fulfill some desires tht were left imcomplete in a former life.

in these cases, the relationship represents a fulfillment of passionate energies
that can be quite enjoyable.

There are cases, though, where two lovers are drawn together who were also enemies
befroe. Thought the passion is very much present, there can also be considerable
resentment and competitive feelings that surface later in the relationship
as the real reason for their being together become realized and manifested.


My partner excites me and stimulates me.
I can use the energy constructively and passionately to better my life.

Attraction: 9

Intensity: 8



They are Pluto to you in the Life Spread.

I am Pluto to Twin Soul/Best Friend in the life spread.

Page 309

8 9 -5

There is something very challenging for you about your partner.
He causes you to make changes in your life and helps you to expand beyond present
capabilities or self imposed limits.

It is likely that the two of you have'battles of the wil'l at times.

The two of you may be vying for controlin the relationship
and this can get intense at times.

However, if handled with awareness,
this could be can be one of the most valuable relationships of your life.

It will transform you and help you reach
your highest potential while encouraging you to let go of emotional attachments
or negative habits that are holding you back.

To get the most out of this connection,
resiste the temptation to try and change or control your partner
and use this energy to change yourself.

That is what the relationship is meant to be for you-- a stimulus for change.

While not an easy relationship by most standards, its value to you could be enormous.

This connection is usually associated with strong sexua| attraction.


this Pluto Connection is related to Mars, but it is Mars
taken to a higher octive.

Instead of the lust and anger of mars,
we get the control and power complexes of Pluto.

As in the Mars connection, Pluto has a high level
of attraction and intensity.

ultimately, how this relationship is for you will depend
on your relationship with yourself.

The Pluto person reminds us of some qualities in ourselves what we have "contracted' to change in this lifetime.

If you are aware of your own faults and are able to accept them, the relationship will not seem too intense and challenging.

On a spiritual and personal development level, this can be one of the most important and valuabel relationships of your life.

This connection has a negative 5 in compatability because few people can live with this kind of intensity for long periods of time.

Of course, other more harmonious connections can help to offset this intensity and help the two coexist in agreement.

Affirmations for this Connection:

My partner's presence reminds me of those things
that I most desire, and things that i want to change about myself.

Attraction; 8
intensity: 9
Compatibility: -5




"You are Jupiter to each other in the Life Spread."

Twin Soul/Best Friend and I are Jupiter to each other in the Life Spread

1 -3 5

page 293

This connection is a strong bond that ads many blessings to your relationship, whether it is marriage, friendship, or business.

Though it is not strong on the attraction level,
it will contribute a lot to your overall compaibility
and joy in being together.

You both enjoy giving to each other and you share many of the same
philosophical beliefs and ideas.

You tend to have the same opionion about what is important in life,
especially on the spiritual level, or on the level of integrity
and honesty.

You are both there for each other
when you are needed and you have good advise
and othe things of value to offer when needed.

If you both keep your heart and mind open
to giving and receiving the many gifts you share, you both
benefit greatly.
This connection springs from a past life
in which the two of you shared some experience
in which you both developed some deep understanding about what is true
and untrue in life.

This could have been as fellow members of some religious
order or in some other kind of institution where philosophy
was one of the major focuses.

Now in this life, you tend to see things the same way
in the areas of right and wrong.

This is one of the most beneficial o the spiritual connections
that two partners can have.

It is a past life earned connection.

The connection runs deeper and have more meaning
than the same connection in the life spread.

it is a juperterian connection,
one of the most important of the spiritual planets.
The Guru planet, the Lord of Wisdom and abundance.
Connection guarantees some sort of deep bond on the level of
your beliefs and philosophies.

If you access this and openly discuss your relationship
in light of this, you could find that there is much more meaning
for your being together than you first thought.
This presupposes that these things,
like life purpose and spirituality are important to you.


Twin Soul/Best Friend is Jupiter to me in the Life Spread.

"They are Jupiter to you in the Life Spread."

Page 290
Your partner usually has a desire to give things to you
and basically is encouraged to help and protect you.

Great connection for marriage or friendship
as it promotes giving and receiving between the two of you.
Allow yourself to receive to get the highest
and most rewards from this relationship.

Also remember to appreciate what you are receiving
if you are to have this relationship continue to be a blessing in your life.


This connection adds a lot to the ability
of two people to co-exist in a harmonious
fashion and thus, a high rating in the compatibility area.
does nothing to attract
two people together. if connections are predominantly Jupeterian,
you probably
won't have much of a desire to be together.

0 0 8

This connection is a blessing to any relationship
and will help counteract other connections thaqt may take away from
the overall compatibility or harmony.


"You are Mars to them in the Spiritual Spread."

I am Mars to Twin Soul/Best Friend in the Spiritual Spread.

P 287

Your partner either has a strong sexua| attraction for you
or is highly irritated by you.

You stimulate them in a strong way which can help them start things
and engage in physical activities.

This connection is great for sex, for exercise or
for working together but if the two of you just sit around the house
you will likely get into disagreements and arguments.

Keep moving and find positive expressions
for the powerful energy that you stir up in each other
and you will be making the most of this important connection.

This is also a good connection for being
in business as a partnership. This connection is a carry over from a past life
relationship in which the two of you were either lovers, borthers, competitors
or enemies.

Mars relationships neither add to nor subtract from the Compatibility of a relationship since the way it affects the relationship is so stongly dependent
on how the energies are used. If used onstructively, this connection could actually
add to the Compatibiltiy. If used negatively and allowed
to channel into anger and agression,
this connection could be the biggest problem the exists between
the two partners.

Affirmation for this Connection:

i excite and sometimes aggravate my partner.
We enjoy doing things together and use our intesne energy

8 8 0


Read the Notes under the "MAFS" connection to get more insight
into this connection.

much of what was written there applies except that the roles are reversed,
in this case you are the one who is either a stimulation or irritation
to your partner. However, all that is said about the past life connections
applies here.

from MAFS, Notes, Page 286:

When two lovers come together with this connection, there is usually some
past life attraction thqt never had the opportunity to be fully expressed.
this can create a powerful attraction between two people along with the unconscious
desire to fulfill some desires tht were left imcomplete in a former life.

in these cases, the relationship represents a fulfillment of passionate energies
that can be quite enjoyable.


My partner excites me and stimulates me.
I can use this energy constructively and passionately to better my life.


'They are Saturn to You in the Spiritual Spread."

Twin Soul/Best Friend is Saturn to me in the Spiritual spread.

Page 296

your partner is in your life to settle a past life debt with you.

In settling this debt, they may do or say things
that seem harsh, or critical, and unloving.

You may or may not resent this.

In truth, she is a teacher for you with many valuable things
to share to help you become more mature, responsible, and successful.

However, this kind of relationship is very challenging,
takes utmost in patience and self honesty to handle in a positive way.

For you, this may seem too difficult to accomplish adn you may find
that you can succomb to seeing it as troublesome
instead of the blessing that it has the potential to be.

This is one of the one of the most potent of the Karmic relationships,
this means that it is likely major impact
on your life. that its importance cannot be underestimated
in terms of how much of an ultimate blessing it can be for you.

However, as in all Saturn relationships, a constructive attitude,
open to seeing your faults is a requirement to access the blessing.


When someone is sature to us, they can say "You should do this."
or "You Should do that."

This is much the samed as a father instructs
his son or daughter.

Indeed, Saturn is known as the great father,
however, the recipient isn't generally receptive
to them.

AFFIRMATION for this Connection:

I chose my partner to help me grow and become
more mature and responsible. I accept them as my teacher and guide.

-5 9 -9


I am Pluto to my Twin Soul/Best Friend

"You are pluto to them in the Life Spread.'

page 310

You represent a major challenge for your partner.

You are someone who both challenges and transforms her.

you have a powerful effect on your partner causing intense inner
feelings to come up.

This may be the cause of the battle of wills
or power struggle that you experience at times in this relationship.

You represent on deep level, qualities or things that your partner
wants for themselves.

To acquire these things, he or she must make large scale changes within themselves.

For this reason, they may not always enjoy your presence in their
life though they may feel compelled to contront the issues that you bring
up in them.

There is an important reason for you to be in your partner's life.

They have either consiciously or unconsciously chosen you to help them grow as a person.

For this reason, You may be the most important relationship of their life.

However, this depends entirely on their level of
of self acceptance and how aware they are for the reasons of the intense feelings
and experiences that you bring up in their life.


My partner chose me to help develop
important aspects of their personality.

i understand the powerful effect i have on them.

4 5 -3

Queen of Diamonds:

Chart of Cards:

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Comments (9 of 10):
Re: destiny cards … Adrie… 13 y
so true Leslie ren 17 y
Re: heart's desire… ren 17 y
Re: heart's desire… #3791… 17 y
Re: heart's desire… Reb32 17 y
Anger Thankyou for… lilpo… 17 y
oh my ren 17 y
Awwww Les ren 17 y
okay!… bluep… 17 y
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