600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Can We Know Now?
by rainy.5 11 y
To not smoke is just a personal preference of mine. I don’t think the Lord will hold it against me if I do not smoke even if He does smoke. :) If it makes anyone feel holier to smoke, by all means, I say let them smoke. If you feel God wants you to smoke, Trapper, then smoke. :) I don’t share in that calling and for me I feel that it is not necessary.
1,346 hits
Forum: Christianity Debate
**Yes! Secondhand Smoke Does Kill!**
by ACOG 16 y
One of the most dangerous toxins that many of us take into our body's every day is secondhand smoke.
Between 70% and 90% of non-smokers in the American population, children and adults, are regu...
4,587 hits
Blog: Natural Cleanse
Re: Not a smoker
by younghoodini 16 y
Any kind of additcion is bad, whether alcohol, smoking, gambling, etc...However, my main concern against smoking is that if you choose to smoke that’s fine, but why in the hell should I standing next to you breathe all that smoke as well? It’s so digusting! I have friends who are heavy smokers, and they have to stop outside every minute to smoke, but when they return I can still smell the nasty nicotine smell on them..Nonetheless, I feel smoking tops the list of bad habits one has to change..
3,283 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
newbie needing help/advice
by Scatterbrained 17 y
View Entire Thread 11
Hi everyone. I just began a water fast yesterday to help me quit smoking and have already failed. I still haven’t eaten anything but have started smoking again. I would love to hear from anyone else who has fasted to quit smoking. Did you quit smoking when you began the fast or did you smoke during the fast until desire to smoke went away? I’m concerned about the effects of smoking while fasting as a feel putting anything into your body other than water while fasting defeats the whole point of fasting and may be potentially dangerous? Not sure if I should continue on with the fast an ...
3,263 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Secondhand Smoke May Be Biggest Health Concern
R Educational by Dr.Jeff 13 y
View Entire Thread 2
With over one third of American adults and children being exposed to secondhand smoke and the 50+ cancer causing agents it contains, is there a bigger health concern than this -
”Cigarette smoke is well recognized as a cause of lung cancer and is associated with many other forms of cancer in adults. Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 components, many of which are linked to the development and progression of lung cancer. Evidence has shown secondhand smoke to be as dangerous as primary smoke due to its impact on the cells of ...
1,862 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Re: Question about second-hand cigarette smoke
by spudlydoo 16 y
lol, V that was some good writing. I lost any belief I had with the medical profession when I was told to put anyone who smoked, in the last 2 years of their life, as a smoking related death, on the reams of paperwork required when I did a post mortem. I said that I was not comfortable with this as it was lying, if the person met a violent end, was killed in a car accident or work accident, drowned etc, this was not a smoking related death. I was basically told to just do what I was told to do or lose my job. So whether a person smoked regularly, or smoked one cig in the last 2 years of th ...
7,379 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
MH - "restore your smoke destroyed lungs with 3 tablespoo...
by deepdish 20 y
Isn’t there Cayenne Pepper in the LBB formula and we take that every day.
Is that too acid forming?
Plus, you said ”restore your smoke destroyed lungs with 3 tablespoons of cayenne sauce” - my father in law has lung cancer from smoking. My mother in law still smokes. They are lost when it comes to any kind of natural healing. But if they were, maybe your cayenne sauce could help their smoke damaged lungs.
If they ever express an interest in natural healings, could I bug you then for your cayenne sauce to help restore smoke damaged lungs?
Plus would this cayenne sauce be ...
4,957 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot quits your smoking addiction
by Aida 20 y
NosmoQ looks exactly like conventional filtered cigarette.
Similar to regular cigarettes in terms of lighting and smoking.
Not a replacement for tobacco smoking, but a smoking cessation aid.
Invented to be a perfect replacement of “BEHAVIORAL SMOKING ADDICTION”.
Email: p_payat@yahoo ...
1,581 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Quit Smoking
Re: P.S. Yes they add chemicals
by alisaun 20 y
Yes, I do believe that they add a ton of stuff to make the cigarettes more addictive. When I moved up to Canada I started smoking a Canadian brand that was all natural. I only smoked a few cigarettes a day, maybe 10 or so. My cravings were not bad.
Then, I went back to the States and tried my old brand. Oh my gosh I couldn’t even smoke them anymore they were so foul and chemically tasting compared to the Canadian ones. It was literally unbearable to smoke them. And these were ones I’d smoked for over a decade.
When I smoked the US brand I noticed that I smoked well over a pack a ...
3,065 hits
Forum: Quit Smoking
Re: Dumb Question: Can you smoke while on this cleanse/diet?
by RowanMorrison 21 y
You’re not supposed to smoke on the MC, but I did during sporadically during my first two MC’s and once during my third. On my third MC, I didn’t smoke until near the end, and then I only smoked two cigarettes, but I felt so sick the next day that I swore off smoking forever --one day at a time. I haven’t had a cigarette in about six weeks and I feel great. Whenever I get the urge I think about how sick I felt after smoking and the urge goes away.
Anyway, my point is that it’s better not to smoke on the MC, but you can still do the MC and smoke - you just won’t be getting the maximum ...
10,439 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Pot!
by julieuma 17 y
Very interesting--fascinating, in fact. I’ve never smoked but my
mother smoked with me in utero. It was the late 1940s (OK I’ve given
my age away! LOL) and ”everyone” smoked then, even while preggers.
We’ve come a long way from those days, in some regards. Could be
some pre-natal memories, or just memories of all the second-smoke
I’ve inhaled throughout the years, before it became virtually
illegal to smoke in most places in the past several years.
7,896 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: the verdict is in - IF you smoke
by High on Water 16 y
Heck, I’m just amazed at my two friends who smoke these cigarettes. They don’t ”need” nor ”crave” to smoke near as much as they used to (with the chemical-laden kind) and, I might add, they don’t reek like people I know who smoke cigarettes with additives.
Organic cigarettes may not be called ”healthy” - but if one is going to smoke, they are sure a healthier brand of cigarette to smoke!
end of rant
I feel better, anyway!
5,915 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Carrots and Cheese
by Matt6767 20 y
Well, I’ve decided I’m gonna quit the fast and just cut back on my smoking because this no food this is just god damn rediculus. People need food and I need to eat and smoke. Maybe I’ll try in some other time like during the winter when I won’t want to go outside. Hey, that is a good idea during winter. because I only smoke outside I never smoke inside and when it’s cold out I never want to go outside and smoke.
1,565 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
seborrheic ezcema mine has started flaring again after a ...
by natalia88 18 y
View Entire Thread 8
its back im depressed i stopped smoking nearly 4 weeks ago and its been flaring since i must admit i have been stressed and tearful since ditching the smokes anyway i have candida i suffer from bad reactions to food and wind pms and constipation i stopped smoking baecause i do want to get better pls can anyone give me any advice rubbing moisturer seems to aggravate it what do you guys use to help it cream wise and what treatment do you think will help it and why has it flared since i stopped smoking??so down but i know the smokes make the candida worse the chemicals in them made me feel il ...
4,724 hits
Forum: Eczema/Excema
Re: Marijuana's effects on sex drive
by ZrJones1995 11 y
I know exactly how you feel David i used to smoke a couple times a week and it was great, my sexual libido actually increased when i was high, lately on the other hand ive been smoking twice to 3 times a day and for the past month or so i have lost all interest in sex and my relationship has been suffering for it, ive been online trying to find the source of this and i think this is it, im 19 and have little to no sex drive because of marijuana, i decided to stop smoking yesterday and im glad i did, once everything normalizes ill probably still smoke but ill make sure not to smoke too mu ...
18,131 hits
Forum: Sex
This is about astrology
by srirupa 9 y
Astrology helps you to quit smoking
Smoking and Astrology
Smoking is a negative behavior pattern which is hard to stop. However, not very numerous individuals realize that Astrology offers them an exit from their smoking propensity. We should discover how…
Smoking, a Habit to Quit
Numerous individuals need to stop smoking. Smoking is the single most noteworthy avoidable danger variable for disease. Around the world, tobacco utilization has brought on an expected 100 million passings in the most recent century, and if current patterns proceed with, it will slaughter 1,000 million i ...
558 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Astrology
Re: Smoking After TB
by Sweet Tweets 13 y
The association between smoking and TB disease is supported by substantial body of epidemiological evidence gathered over the past 50 years, which shows that smoking is a risk factor for TB infection and for the development of pulmonary TB.
Smoking increases the risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, the risk of progression from infection to disease, and the risk of death among TB patients.
Nearly 61% of TB deaths are attributable to smoking. Among children living with a patient with active pulmonary TB, passive smoking accelerates the development of active TB.
The risk ...
4,594 hits
Forum: Tuberculosis
Addiction: Tobacco
Second Hand Smoke and Children from
by #73810 17 y
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P
.ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage
Limiting Exposure to Secondhand Smoke - QUESTION
We l...
2,271 hits
Blog: Health Matters to Me
Babies 'smoke' when parents do
by thall72315 18 y
Babies ’smoke’ when parents do, study confirms By Anne Harding
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Babies with at least one parent who smokes have five times as much cotinine, a nicotine byproduct, in their urine than infants whose parents are non-smokers, UK researchers report.
”Our findings clearly show that by accumulating cotinine, babies become heavy passive smokers secondary to the active smoking of parents,” Dr. Mike Wailoo of the University of Leicester and colleagues write in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
”This is the first time we’ve got direct information on the effect ...
1,248 hits
Forum: News
Baby Nutrition
Water Therapy & Nicotine
by David26 19 y
The good news is that it is helping fresh quitters during the initial weeks. Smokers who have been smoking cigarettes for a long time get used to nicotine, a strong drug. As the body is used of having nicotine on an every day basis, the body craves for nicotine when people stop smoking or is in the gradual process of quitting.
Featured Advertisers:
Water effectively helps in flushing out of the toxins, which include nicotine from our body. The more the water consumption, the more is the elimination of toxins. On an average, a person who has that urge to smoke should double his intake o ...
2,766 hits
Blog: quit smoking blog
Re: MC and Smoking?
by mpunkchaos5 19 y
I am a smoker to. And i know the cleanse would do me much more good if i canceled out the smoking. I mean look at the toxins they contain. Tomorrow will be day 4 for me, and i have been smoking through out the cleanse so far, and it hasnt affected me one bit. I have though cut back in the amount i smoke. This is my first cleanse and i might be messing it up but continuing to put toxins from smokes into my body, but i feel great. and who knows i might not smoke at all tomorrow. or if i do the cleanse again, i will really aim not to smoke.
I dont know if that has helped you. but i ...
1,293 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: herbs for smoking?
by finallyfaith 19 y
i have smoked all kinds of herbs. mullein and chamomile cig makes a great pre-bed ritual and is very relaxing. i used to smoke ephedra, when it was available, as a natural alternative to coffee. this was all in a ”former” life and i have forgotten all the wonderful things i smoked. i don’t think one herbal cig a day is bad. too many will inundate the lungs with smoke and particulate matter that is not good, but herbal cigs are not smoked compulsively like tobacco cigs are anyway.
gingko and go tu cola can be smoked if you need your brain reved up. i have done no research on this, ...
1,788 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
38 year habit
by daisy22824 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
I also am working on trying to quit smoking. It is funny though when I am talking about it I want one.
I started smoking to be accepted at school. I was not allowed to have any friends as a teenager. My father was a chain smoker, and my family was not a very loving family. When I first started smoking I found they made me sick. I would get to go home and be just with my mother. That was the only time that I can remember that I felt loved by my mother. So about once a week I would smoke and get to go home from school and be with my mom. After a while of course the cigs didn’t make me ...
2,247 hits
Forum: Quit Smoking
Re: smoking addiction and to improve my lungs strength
by grizz 9 y
Get an ultrasonic nebulizer and inhale Colloidal Silver 20ppm for 15 min 3 times a day.
This has been a miracle for my own asthma and lung problems. This has worked so well that I don’t need my asthma inhalers anymore.
It goes without saying that you MUST quit smoking if you have not already done so. A good book to quit smoking is by Allen Carr, How to stop smoking.
More about colloidal silver: ...
1,713 hits
Forum: Addiction: Tobacco
Addiction: Coffee
Re: Marijuana and body odor
R Educational by Foofy 11 y
You are the first person I’ve found with the exact same problem as me. It’s the marijuana sadly. I’ve smoked for 2 years and this summer has been my first encounter with emitting a shit like smell. (I’ve probably smoked 75% of the summer, first summer smoking almost everyday) It’s unbearable to see someone notice your smell, I’ve only had this problem for a month and I couldn’t be more stressed out. This smell only occurs after I smoke. My close friends that I smoke with have noticed this horrible issue and it’s insanely embarrassing. When I’m sober the smell doesn’t come so it must be the ...
23,280 hits
Forum: Body Odor
5 Health Benefits of Smoking
by trapper/kcmo 14 y
Who says smoking cigarettes is so bad ... well, aside from the World Health Organization, Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and every medical board and association on the face of the Earth?
But should smokers be fortunate enough to dodge all that cancer, heart disease, emphysema and the like, they will be uniquely protected — for reasons unexplained by science — against a handful of diseases and afflictions.
Call it a silver lining in their otherwise blackened lung ...
912 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
"Third-hand smoke"
by Sumner 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
A New Cigarette Hazard: ‘Third-Hand Smoke’
Published: January 2, 2009
Parents who smoke often open a window or turn on a fan to clear the air for their children, but experts now have identified a related threat to children’s health that isn’t as easy to get rid of: third-hand smoke.
That’s the term being used to describe the invisible yet toxic brew of gases and particles clinging to smokers’ hair and clothing, not to mention cushions and carpeting, th ...
1,529 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Question about second-hand cigarette smoke
by summerhaunt 16 y
I do have to very respectfully disagree with you on the second-hand smoke. This is the rare occasion I don’t agree with you. If it weren’t bad, then why do I get so violently ill around it? It’s not a psychological reaction. Yes, automobile exhausts are bad, and I get sick from them also, but the cigarette smoke makes me even more ill, or at least it’s an immediate violent illness, and it lasts several days after exposure for me.
I think there is a big difference between what you are smoking, which is totally natural and I doubt would make me sick, and that which my father and most of t ...
7,649 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Does anyone here SMOKE??
by trapper/kcmo 18 y
as a 36 year smoker, i would have to say that staring smoking is a really dumb idea on the surface of it. if you are smoking commercial cigs, its insane. i recommend:
1. dont smoke
2. if you just have to smoke, smoke only organic tobacco from natural american cigs. it is the stuff in the maroon packs and they specifically say organic. no, i dont work for the company.
if you have only been smoking for 6 months, i say bail out on that and do something different. at some point it wont be a matter of choice alone.
gee, i dont know how people start smoking these days. there is ...
16,692 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: you may get very sick
by #194543 10 y
I have done 2 separate 10 day water fast while smoking. I am currently on day 11 of my 3rd water fast and have not giving up my bad habit. I came across this thread while searching for more information on the effects of smoking while fasting. I have been smoking for 25 years, but for the last 15 years I smoke no more than 5 a day and they are organic. I am determined to quit, but I had other pressing issues that took priority, and I could not wait another day to start my fast. Today is the first day where my throat is actually sore, and yesterday was the first day that anything was cou ...
2,328 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Re: The New Method to Quit Smoking
by JeanCarter 11 y
View Entire Thread 2
Congratulations that you haven’t had a hard time of quitting to smoke. I hope every smoker who wanted to stop is as determined and disciplined as you.
But there are also other smokers who have a hard time in trying to quit smoking. They may try some alternatives just what you have mentioned above. But I am also suggesting this pain-free method to reduce their cravings for smoking if they really wanted to leave their smoking habit totally.
1,349 hits
Forum: Market Place
Re: Obamacare to penalize smokers
by fivetoedsloth 12 y
”so many are still alive even after decades of polluted smoke material forced on them that one has to wonder about the REAL benefits of smoking..”
It promotes activity in the corpus colosum (the thick link between the two sides of the brain).
IMO this probably makes more likely creative thinking - the last thing any gov’t would want.
It’s odd that smoking was harmless until the anti-smoking campaign started - no cancer, heart disease, etc. for hundreds or thousands of years.
2,052 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: CB2 Receptor
by jcismulti 12 y
Idk about the smoke I wouldn’t really experiment with smoke since I’m preety sure CO2 is bad for you. But when i smoke i tend to try to avoid the smoke and I’ve seen good effects on my lips.
I read the article and I might try experimenting by eating more ”Foods that are particularly high in the compound include black pepper, oregano, basil, lime, cinnamon, carrots, and celery. ”. Thanks for the info!
1,059 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Re: Unknown odor
by utmonu 9 y
Its all ur confusion,in this world many man smoke
and i am not smoking.and did not smoke in my whole life,not even drunk a drop of alcohal,but still i am s suffering from this bad diesease,if u are smoking leave it first.and make ur digestive system strong,i was suffering from this diesease after a long term antibiotic course,before it smell was not nasty
1,681 hits
Forum: Body Odor
Re: Smoker's Digest
by zest 15 y
Go buy yourself Allen Carr’s book ”The easy way to stop smoking” before you start the MC fast. It might just be too much to stop smoking & do the MC at the same time for you.
You really want to not cheat on the MC.
Allen Carr’s book is what I used to stop smoking. No patches, gum, nothing just a book about why we smoke and why we think we can’t stop...check out the reviews on amazon.
Good Luck
1,615 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Looking for Herbal Vaporizer and smoking accessories?????
by ondeck240 15 y
Herbal Vaporizer saves the user from inhaling toxic or carcinogenic elements and also reduces irritation commonly associated with smoking the products.A vaporizer is a great way for these patients to get the benefits from the herbs without the concerns about smoking. We are an authorized dealer of the following manufacturers:
Herbal Vaporizer
Rolling papers
Herb grinders
Zippo lighters
Zig zag papers
Blunt Wraps
Detox Drinks
Cigarette Cases
Incense Sticks
smoking accessories
and more!
If you are looking for vaporizers and smoking accessories,so you can vi ...
1,415 hits
Forum: Best Products
Re: Aching lungs
by pago 14 y
Smoking doesn’t fit because:
-it happens when I didn’t smoke the whole day
-it only happens outside
-it never happens when I stay inside, no matter if I smoke or not
I’m conscious of the fact that smoking is not a great habit though. On the other hand, the food I eat, the water I drink and the air I breath is just as bad...
You don’t have to believe in chemtrails by the way, just go outside and look in the sky.
1,268 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Rife
Quit Smoking Counter
by vidal 18 y
I stopped on my birthday 31 october and I’ve made a personal homepage for it that anyone can use and maybe it will help you too.
Quit Smoking Counter - No books, No plaster, No pills, No gum, only stats!
Maybe QuitSmoking Counter will help you!
The online quit smoking counter measures smoking cessation and the length of time the person has stopped smoking, money you saved and extra live gained!
3,319 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Re: Oil Pulling and Receeding Gums
by Sumner 17 y
Smoking reduces blood circulation dramatically, and the heat from the cigarettes as well the thousands of harmful chemicals in them both burn and deteriorate the fragile gum tissue. All you have to go is Google up ”smoking” and ”gums” to see the harmful effects.
Smoking while oil pulling is completely counter intuitive. Any chance you have of getting that receded tissue to regenerate is nullified by your smoking.
4,718 hits
Forum: Oil Pulling
Re: Something very scary just happened me please
by been there done that 21 y
In the winter, our breath smokes because of the cold, so why shouldn’t the toilet’s cold water? If you smoke, it’s possible that the smoke is not ALL coming out the way it went in. I used to eat a meal 5 minutes after I had a cigarette and smoke would come out when I burp. It’s gotta be something reasonable (of course, don’t bring a cigarette into the bathroom, the stools give off methane, COOKING GAS). That’s what caused the Chicago Fire...joke.
1,881 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support