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Bloating-Ovarian Cancer
by hopeful94 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
I know many of us on this board complain of severe bloating. While looking up bloating online I came across numerous articles stating that severe bloating, digestive disorders, ect.. can be a sign of Ovarian Cancer. See below:
abdominal swelling or abdominal pain
bloating, gas, indigestion or cramps
pelvic pain
loss of appetite
feeling full after a small meal, or feeling full very easily
changes in bowel or bladder habits
weight loss or weight gain
Not trying to be scary just thought there might be someone here who needs to read this.
4,136 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
upper abdomen bloating.
by overhaul 21 y
View Entire Thread 3
Is bloating in the upper abdomen also related to backed up intestinal waste?
On me, the part of my ab above my belt line is far more bloated and stiff than the lower.
Is bloating in the upper adbmonen also related to backed up intestinal waste?
On me, the part of my ab above my belt line is far more bloated and stiff than the lower.
4,903 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Reducing bloating means you're reducung parasites
by betta 19 y
If abdomenal bloating is one of the symptoms that you have caused by parasites, then you would want to look for a diet that doesn’t cause bloating. When I was vegan, macrobiotic, raw vegan, low carb and not vegan, I experienced bloating. The closer I get to eating 0 carbs, the less bloating I have and the more expelling of parasites I have. Has anyone else tried cutting out carbs. I feel better and am getting stronger every day.
2,484 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
First dose of Humaworm and...
by Lauren228 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
I am having major bloating. My stomach is huge. For the past few years, I would bloat up really bad any time I eat food. I havent eaten yet today and cant believe how all of the sudden I got really bloated after taking HW, why would the humaworm have that effect? I am not complaining at all about it, I know I am doing a good thing for my body, I am just really curious as to why I have such bloating now?
3,864 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: bitters
by Hveragerthi 16 y
I have noticed some weight loss though, so maybe need to give it more time. I’m still uncertain weather i have yeast problems, if i have the only symptom is the bloating.
I had a bowl of mixed fruits yesterday evening, and i was really bloated. If i have milk that really bloats me out (could be the lactose).
Bloating, especially after eating sugar, is an indication of yeast overgrowth. The yeast ferments the sugars producing the gas.
4,314 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
by #144708 13 y
View Entire Thread 3
First, I finished my first liver flush MH’s way and no vomiting! What a relief after experiencing vomiting with the coke flush and a protocol I got from the Hulda Clark forum. It went pretty smooth and will be doing a follow-up flush in about 5 days. I noticed a difference in my skin today.
I’m back to eating only fruit after the flush and am experiencing some bloating, so my question is about bloating. I notice that I experience a lot of bloating when I eat fresh fruit, more so when I have a fruit smoothie than just eating fruit. I notice that when I used to eat a nice big steak ...
2,317 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Looks like a goodtesting place.
by jameskep37 14 y
A good indication of yeast/Candida overgrowth is the reactions one gets from taking anti-fungals(die-off reactions)/eating foods that cause excessive bloating/fermentation. Candida causes excessive bloating... I dont need a test to confirm that. Similiar affect when sugar is added to wine/alcohol it causes carbon dioxide/alcohol to be released from yeast fermentation. Or when yeast dies it causes bread to rise( in the gut= bloating). When antifungals kill some yeast it can cause mild bloating, but should not cause excessive bloating. Fermentation lasts longer than yeast die-off---Therefo ...
4,627 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Toxic Mold
Potassium causing bloating?
by lolwow 10 y
View Entire Thread 5
I noticed when I eat a lot of baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, or french fries my face gets bloated (puffy).
So I researched potassium and bloating online and everything I found said that potassium is supposed to reduce bloating.
Then I read posts about how potassium / iodine go together and I saw a few people recommending it with the iodine protocol.
So I decided to buy some Potassium Chloride Powder and test it out to see if it would ”reduce” bloating, even though it always caused bloating for me.
I took it 3 days in a row. Each time, within 5-10 minutes, my face was bloated ...
2,114 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Explain my fasting experiences.
by problemS 12 y
Thanks for the answer Chris,
I am not sure about the gas theory as I do not really have any gas pain, I just tend to bloat up massively on consuming anything...
Also I tried giving myself 2 enemas a day for 2 weeks a while a go and this did nothing for the bloating so I don’t think it would be old stool causing it either.
I did find drinking hot water was more comfortable but still produced rather large bloating.
Maybe it will help if I explain what happens when I drink water on a fast:
I feel thirsty in my mouth so I drink some water, very soon after drinking the water my sto ...
4,831 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: Has anyone had these issues improve with NB?
by Marie64 12 y
Hi Paullete,
I was only able to handle 2 mosts some times 3 of the GB3..
I do believe I did clear my candida what ever I had , not thinking it was to much. But felt it really did improve my digestion, plus I do not have a gall bladder so I do believe it helped me .
I stayed on it for the year and also if I felt bloated I would take 1-2 in a day after I stopped taking it.. I still have a few left incase I have any bloat.. All my bloat is gone...I do believe a lot of my bloat was related to the Paramin ARl had me on.. I was not able to really tell what was causing my bloat unti ...
1,179 hits
Forum: Nutritional Balancing AF
Is the issue overgrowth or indigestion ?
by misscallie 14 y
View Entire Thread 10
I have a lot of bloating and burping, I’ve been doing the anticandida diet, antifungals for several months now and the bloating is just not budging.
I’m starting to wonder if this is not a case of an overgrwoth, but rather the normal amount of flora that resides in teh small intestine digesting the undigested food.
Is anyone else thinking along these lines ? I’ve seen others with bloating who have gone down the same path and found something else causing the bloating. Sans2006 is an example. A ”castor oil flush” resolved her bloating quickly after anticandida efforts and liver flu ...
9,144 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: fish oils antifungals?
by #128231 15 y
thanks ...
I bloat on ice creams sweetened with maltodextrin and that have sugar alcohols in them. i though i did not bloat on the ice creams sweetened with only sugar alcohols. I thought, in the bloating ice creams, it was the gums and fillers making me bloat, but are you saying the -ols are doing it? I thought i bloated on guar gum but not on sugar alcohols exactly and that maltodextrin was more likely to feed candida. Sorry the morbid curiosity about artificial sweeteners.
6,818 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Telman advice needed
by whitebeach 16 y
View Entire Thread 10
Hi Telman, advice please!
I have pain and bloating under my right ribs especially after eating, salads seem to be worse, feel a bit nausea and my stomach blows up (I am not overweight). Could this be lack of bile and if so how do I get more bile?!
I have been doing CE’s (getting bile sludge) and taking liver herbs and chanca piedra for 6 weeks. I tried one liver flush without Epsom Salts (I am worried they will make my CFS worse), I didn’t get any stones or anything much. Today I had a salad with olive oil dressing and my stomach bloated and I got cramping under right ribs, stayed bloate ...
2,899 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
need help!
by whitebeach 16 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have pain and bloating under my right ribs especially after eating, salads seem to be worse, feel nausea and my stomach blows up (I am not overweight). Could this be lack of bile and if so how do I get more bile?!
I have been doing CE’s and taking liver herbs and chanca piedra for 6 weeks. I tried one liver flush without epsom salts (I am worried they will make my CFS worse), I didn’t get any stones or anything much. Today I had a salad with olive oil dressing and my stomach bloated and I got cramping under right ribs, stayed bloated until dinner, had potatoes and steamed veg and got mo ...
2,377 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: I wasnt clear I guess
by shelleycat 21 y
Ah! gotcha. bloating. blech.
ES draws fluids into tummy and relaxes bile ducts, yepperz.
Is the bloating the kind where you feel fluid in your stomach/intestines? Best not to do anything at that point except fast and go for a walk.
It all depends on why the bloat - some people get bloated due to SWF’s because they don’t use enough salt. Don’t have enough data to go on here - all I know is you’ve been doing some enemas? Which should be okay, shouldn’t cause bloat unless you used wayyyyy too much salt. Didn’t you just have a great enema? could be something is loosening up. Patien ...
1,616 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley 1[A]
Bloating On A Cleanse - Please Help!
by life_succulent 21 y
I am going to start the Holistic Horizons (Robert Gray) Cleansing program and I have concerns about the bulk formula and bloating.
I have to do something next weekend I just can’t be bloated for!! But I really want to start...
Does anyone have any idea how long the bloating lasts? Would a castor oil pack help with that kind of bloating? Is there any way to take a reprieve so the bloating goes away?
Any and all tips/advice/experience is *SO* much appreciated on this!! Thank you!! :)
1,099 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: severe bloating w/Colosan
by mother 21 y
I started on Colosan about two weeks ago when I had horrible
gallbladder pain and severe bloating and distention. For the
first week or so on Colosan I had no B.M. on my own and even
more discomfort and bloating. However, through Curezone I realized that I had become short on Magnesium through cleansing
and my body was holding on to the magnesium in the Colosan! I added more Magnesium and started having soft easy B.M.’s and much less bloating. I do still have some by evening, but the discomfort is much less with the Colosan than without it. I have read that Colosan kills Candida, ...
3,950 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: Must read article...
by moseleymand 19 y
Thanks that message was great..
Just wondered what PO is..??? I am so down due to this constant bloat Ive had it for over a year never goes what so ever
My worst sypmto is bloating I ve started adding HCL but not sure how much to use?
Also How long does it take to work ..I am half expecting for the bloat to just vanish when I take it...(I wish)..and it hasnt..
I was being treated for candida and leaky gut my homeopath but she reckons candida is gone and to increase sugar and yeast now as all food intolerances have gone..but if its gone why am I bloated?? I do feel an ...
7,723 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: Castor Oil orally has CURED my bloating...
by #68417 18 y
Dear San2006,
I am really glad that you finally took my CO advise. By the way it was me months ago how started talking about CO against bloating here in curezone.
Although I absolutely hate the CO concoction I force myself doing this cure about once a month. Bloating by the way was my problem not for 1.5 years as in your case but for 30 years!!!!!!! Now I am more or less never bloated and also my chemical sensitivity has faded a lot.
However, there is one thing I really want to stress:
Bloating is a sign that toxic substances are released by the liver into the bile and ...
43,491 hits
Forum: Castor Oil
Facial bloating
by BloatedFace 9 y
Hi guys, I really need help! I’m trying to make this as short as possible.
I suffered from anorexia for a few years and overtime... I started to get REALLY awful facial bloating... To the point where my entire face would look SO distorted, bloated and fat... I had this very skinny body and this huge face, even under my jaw was filled with water where it almost looked like I had a double chin! The more weight I lost, the WORST the bloating got. Some days I woke up and my face looked normal and thin, and then other days it would look so fat and bloated, even my eyes would get puffy.
So ...
819 hits
Forum: Anorexia, Bulimia
Re: Low acid question
by Hveragerthi 16 y
Thanks HVE. I do notice undigested food sometimes in BMs so not enough acid would make sence. I don’t have acid reflux though.
Liver problems are associated with bloating, why is that?
One thing that needs to be differentiated is bloating from gas and bloating from fluid retention. You have noticed that if people are too vague about their symptoms I will ask about if the bloating is constant of after eating. A constant feeling of bloating could be fluid accumulation (ascites) from liver damage, or severe constipation. Bloating after eating is going to be from ferme ...
4,601 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Does being bloated constantly hinder the plan?
by bubbasis 14 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hi Dr Jeff,
I am on week four of your plan. For at least the past two years, I have been pretty much bloated constantly. I’ll start out the day with a somewhat flat stomach and as the day goes on, each time I eat, my stomach bloats out further until by the end of the day after dinner I look pregnant. (I am 5’ 3” at 98 pounds so this is definitely an abnormal stomach) I have eliminated lots of foods and basically no matter what I eat, I am bloated.
I have seen you say that if people are having a reaction to foods that it protects the candida therefor hindering the plan.
Basically, ...
2,100 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Re: Do Dying Parasites Cause Bloating?
by david1o1 13 y
I feel bloated when i don’t kill the big adult worms regularly.
But even if i sometimes feel bloated my stomach looks flat with not much fat (a little i admit)
Maybe the cause of the bloating is not only parasites, maybe you should try to do one or several enemas with warm water in order to evacuate hardened feces ? Shaking the body is also a good technique i use in order to eliminate old deposits.
28,224 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: Day 7 on Humaworm, Constipated
by nanaysdaughter 13 y
thanks Loricalady for the encouragement. Today I woke up with another gassy bloated stomach, evenn my legs and arms seems to be bloated.. like am going to implode anytime. Made myself lemon/orange juice in warm distilled water (half a quart).. am downing it now, waiting for my first morning BM.
the painful anus is gone and not much of a concern now. its just that gassy bloated feeling and the constant worry of worms crawling everywhere...
5,372 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
What could cause bloating from drinking water?
by problemS 13 y
View Entire Thread 23
Another post from me on bloating.
What could possibly cause bloating from drinking water?
Been fasting all day, the first thing to enter my mouth was a litre of room temperature salted water and this caused me to bloat massively??
It shouldn’t irritate the stomach lining, it shouldn’t produce gas.
Maybe it causes the previous contents of the small intestine to move around/digest further and produce gas?
Once again any help much appreciated.
43,611 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Fasting: General
Leaky Gut
Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic bloating after Rofaximin
by BradC88 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hello- i have had chronic bloat for the past 2 months. i did a 1 week course of rifaximin 2 yrs ago and had success, so i repeated it for 5 days and after i did not experience the same results and ever since i have had on and off bloating. i can be perfectly fine one day, then the next day after a BM i will bloat up and have a distended stomach and then be fine again the next day. Any idea what this could be?
2,353 hits
Forum: IBS
Re: So many options, so little time. How to wrap my mind ...
by Bojamijams 15 y
I would just like to add, if anyone has any experience with the symptoms of bloating (where the stomach inflates a LOT) after 10-15 minutes of eating, please post any suggestions here. I have dramatically improved my diet and lowered my fat intake (and take in almost no meats with very little fish) but the bloating is still present. And when I’m severely bloated (gas) that also makes my UC worse. I’m wondering if certain bacteria can cause these types of symptoms or some other underlining issue which has never been diagnosed in me but could be the cause of my UC
3,630 hits
Forum: Ulcerative Colit.
MMS Support
Re: Will a liver flush help pancreatitis even without a g...
by Telman 15 y
The lifestyle dietary guidelines for people with constipation are as follows:
A. Constipation without gas or bloating - fibre is recommended.
B. Constipation with gas and bloating - low fibre diet with the addition of a bulking agent such as linseed.
C. Alternating constipation and diarrhoea - may respond to 1 or 2 above depending whether bloating is present but may also be caused by food intolerance which is treated by an exclusion diet.
9,370 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: AHG, did all that correct when you got them out? TX n/m
by AHarleyGyrl 18 y
Every time I would eat, I had to unbutton my pants. I never saw a muscle on my body until the mercury was out, because of the bloating. Heavy metals cause bloating. If you were poisoned by arsenic (a heavy metal), you would have bloating, too. Many of the symptoms of arsenic are the same as mercury.
2,940 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Cleansing - Colonix or Psyllium
by celticgirl 21 y
Hi Jhan,
Thanks so much for that.
I noticed you said that I should take the Psyllium an hour either way of food, yet it says on my tub to take it with meals, I did this last night and felt very bloated, and still feel a bit bloated today and my stomach hurts, I’ll try it as you say tonight, hopefully this will help my stomach. Its bloated at the best of times with this candida, it looks really distended now!
thanks again
2,796 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Bloating with raw food. Help!
by natalieucla 19 y
View Entire Thread 11
Would anyone help me with this problem: I try to eat 85 - 90 % raw food, raw veggies but I have very painful super-bloating all the time. If I switch to cooked vegan for a day or two the bloating disappears. I feel excellent otherwise on raw, I’m taking vitamis and minerals, etc. and I am really hoping to make the 85 - 90 % raw my regular diet. But first I need to take care of the bloating.
8,915 hits
Forum: Raw Vegetarian
Re: Candida and CCK Hida Scan, scared, please help!
by Ape 9 y
Yeah biggest symptoms at first were bloating and digestion problems with constipation. I had weird nighttime bloating and lower abdominal pain related to my gallbladder. I’ve been able to eat and digest better and the bloating and nausea seems to have gone away now. I am positive that it is because I now have the bile flow that I didn’t have.
1,608 hits
Forum: Candida
Unexplained Bloating/Distension
by #198648 10 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hello Everyone,
I have been having unexplained bloating for the last 10+ years and was hoping to get some suggestions as to what the cause could be. Thanks in advance for any help.
I am a young adult and have been constantly bloated since I was about 12 years old. I also have several other symptoms. My bloating never goes down; I wake up bloated and go to bed every night even more bloated. My bloated is always worse at night. I also have been experiencing a sour/acid stomach feeling, especially after eating. I also experience weird hunger pain at night, and shortly after my stomach s ...
2,618 hits
Forum: Digestion
Leaky Gut
Acid Reflux
Explain my fasting experiences.
by problemS 12 y
View Entire Thread 25
30 days) ?
Thanks for reading the above essay, Sean.
4,845 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Re: Constant bloating that im going through....
by jameskep37 14 y
Try bile salts, HCl Caps, or bitters(black radish extract) for bloating. Dont drink to much liquids with meals=dilutes HCL production.
Do your greens/alkalizers on a empty stomach. Combining to much greens/alkalizers with your meal can buffer acid production causing some bloating. Keep a log of what foods/ingredients cause bloating. Diets that are too alkaline can cause bloating. Candida ”fungus” seems to prefer a more alkaline environment--Dr. Jeff states this as well.
Bloating is usually caused by lack of beneficial digestive acids. Mild bloating can be caused by yeast die-off. Simil ...
20,125 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: To San2006 regarding bloating
by San2006 19 y
Thanks for your responses. Please keep me posted about bloating issue. I must say my bloating started before LF. So, I am not gonna blame flushes for anything. I think they are a great helper.
Someone suggested taking lecithin supplement helps with bloating. I have to try that. Also in my list to try is ”castor Oil cleanse”.
Activated Charcoal has helped me with bloating, but the releif is not permanant.
Bloating may be caused by toxins in small intestines. Colonics and enema target only large intestine (colon) and hence may not be able to solve the problem. I am gonna do another fl ...
1,922 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: P/B shakes and bloating
by megan 20 y
Hi Dahlimamma,
P&B bloats me too. Are you taking any other herbs as well right now, or using it as part of a cleanse? I think I only tried P&B on it’s own for a week or so, and was bloated the whole time. I don’t know if it would have lessened if I continued, but I felt not so well while taking it, so I stopped.
I have used P&B as part of the arise and shine cleanse, and felt better on that with less bloating. It’s an expensive though. Right now I’m doing Dr Schulze’s formulas which I like even better, and they are less expensive. The intestinal formula contains psyll ...
1,730 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Re: MSM & Vit C
by San2006 18 y
I am not so sure, but I try to get my Calcium from food and not from supplements. Thats what I understand as excess Calcium can be a problem in itself.
Weight Gain Reader Question
12/13/2006: KB from Bridgeport, CT writes, "I ran across your request for vitamin C allergies. I experience bloating and weight when I take it and I don’t know why. I’ve tried chewable forms, ascorbic acid, and calcium ascorbate. I also have similar reactions with other vitamins I’ve tried. I thought it might be a hidden filler or preservati ...
5,642 hits
Forum: MSM
Vitamin C Support
Anybody here is allergic to milk, and whey-protein powders?
by dietwalker 18 y
View Entire Thread 2
Anybody here is allergic to milk, and whey-protein powders? Hello all, i would like to know if anybody here has water-retention problems, like bloating, puffiness, facial edema, headaches and adverse reactions from drinking milk and whey-protein which is made from milk? I ask this because even though i am not totally allergic to it, i think i have developed over the years a sort of intolerance to milk. I mean i still drink milk, but if i drink more than 16 oz. of milk a day, i would get a bloating feeling, facial-edema and my face would get swolloen, u know the swollen-face trait.
I ...
2,889 hits
Forum: Allergies & Intolerance
Re: Remi, how are you doing with FLORASTOR?
(and anyone ...
by remi96 18 y
sure would take it
What I might tell you though is that I also went through periods of being bloated and bloating is a sign of die off as is reoccurance of symptoms. I have gone through my phases with it. But some of the most disturbing symptoms I ahv e had went away when I stasrted taking it, even though I becamse bloated. Now I am not bloated at all, but it took a few months of off and on to go away. Also, what may not work at one point in your healing might work at a later time.
13,726 hits
Forum: Candida Support