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Home > Knowledge Base > Skin Disorders > Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey
Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey Results
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5  Remedies and medications that FAILED to provide ANY RELIEF WHATSOEVER, short term or long term lasting relief. Please select or list all remedies and all medications and all therapies you personally tried that have not provided absolutely any relief.  

The emphases of this question is FAILED to provide ANY RELIEF. Please list all remedies that were total waste of time, energy and money.
You can select more than one option:
1 11.4% ( 4 of 35 )

No. None. All remedies I tried provided some relief.
2 54.3% ( 19 of 35 )

Yes. Some remedies were a total waste of my time. I will select all that apply.   ...explanations [1]
3 25.7% ( 9 of 35 )

Topical steroids, topical corticosteroids, hydrocortisone cream   ...explanations [2]
4 11.4% ( 4 of 35 )

Topical antibiotics
5 22.9% ( 8 of 35 )

Topical antifungals   ...explanations [1]
6 31.4% ( 11 of 35 )

Honey Topically   ...explanations [1]
7 0.0% ( 0 of 35 )
Colostrum Powder
8 2.9% ( 1 of 35 )

Colostrum Encapsulated
9 8.6% ( 3 of 35 )

New Skin Liquid Bandage
10 8.6% ( 3 of 35 )

Cucumber slices on your lips   ...explanations [1]
11 51.4% ( 18 of 35 )

12 25.7% ( 9 of 35 )

13 11.4% ( 4 of 35 )

14 37.1% ( 13 of 35 )

15 20.0% ( 7 of 35 )

16 11.4% ( 4 of 35 )

17 17.1% ( 6 of 35 )

Peeling lips (removing dead skin)
18 20.0% ( 7 of 35 )

Sugar exfoliation (using sugar to remove dead skin)
19 5.7% ( 2 of 35 )

Hydrating lips with water only
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Number of participants who started this survey:69  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:7%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:35 51%

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