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Home > Knowledge Base > Skin Disorders > Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey
Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey Results
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12  Medical History. Your personal use of medications, herbs, cannabis, tobacco, medical procedures or dental procedures prior to developing Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis. 

You can select more than one option:
1 21.2% ( 7 of 33 )

I have never used Antibiotics prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis
2 15.2% ( 5 of 33 )

I have never used any medications prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis
3 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was never vaccinated prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis
4 12.1% ( 4 of 33 )

I have never had any dental work done prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis
5 54.5% ( 18 of 33 )

I have used Antibiotics prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.   ...explanations [1]
6 9.1% ( 3 of 33 )

I have used Antibiotics just a few days or a few weeks prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
7 15.2% ( 5 of 33 )

I have used Steroidal Medications prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.   ...explanations [1]
8 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I have used Steroidal Medications just a few days or a few weeks prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
9 0.0% ( 0 of 33 )
I have used Anabolic Steroids prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
10 12.1% ( 4 of 33 )

I was on hormonal birth control prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
11 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was on Accutane / Roaccutane / Isotretinoin prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
12 12.1% ( 4 of 33 )

I was smoking Pot/Marijuana/Cannabis prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
13 12.1% ( 4 of 33 )

I was smoking Tobacco / Cigarettes prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
14 0.0% ( 0 of 33 )
I was having root canal done on my tooth prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
15 9.1% ( 3 of 33 )

I was having dental filling done on my tooth prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
16 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was having wisdom teeth extraction prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
17 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was having oral surgery prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
18 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was having other kind of surgery prior to developing Peeling Lips / Exfoliative Cheilitis.
19 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

I was having amalgam fillings removed prior to developing Peeling Lips/ Exfoliative Cheilitis
20 6.1% ( 2 of 33 )

I had metal braces put on my teeth prior to developing Peeling Lips/ Exfoliative Cheilitis
21 12.1% ( 4 of 33 )

Retainers   ...explanations [1]
22 3.0% ( 1 of 33 )

Minocycle against acne (something like Roaccutane but supposed to be less strong)
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Number of participants who started this survey:69  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:7%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:33 48%

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