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Chronic Peeling Lips / Chronic Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey Results
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13  Medical History of your Ancestors. Your maternal grandmother and your mother use of medications. This may be relevant to your present health. Please select all that apply. 

New research shows that certain medications used by grandmothers and mothers may significantly increase a risk of developing allergies, food intolerance, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, asthma, autism and possibly also peeling lips in children and grandchildren. Antibiotics, hormonal birth control and steroid based medications are on top of the list. More info:
You can select more than one option:
1 93.8% ( 30 of 32 )

I do not know any of those facts about my ancestors at this point in time. I my come later and finish this question.
2 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have used antibiotics PRIOR to being pregnant with my mother.
3 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have used antibiotics WHILE being pregnant with my mother.
4 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have used hormonal birth control PRIOR to being pregnant with my mother. If you know what kind of birth control, add it to the explanation.
5 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have received all vaccines PRIOR to being pregnant with my mother.
6 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have used steroidal medications PRIOR to being pregnant with my mother.
7 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My maternal grandmother have used steroidal medications WHILE being pregnant with my mother.
8 3.1% ( 1 of 32 )

My mother have used antibiotics PRIOR to being pregnant with me.
9 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My mother have used antibiotics WHILE being pregnant with me.
10 3.1% ( 1 of 32 )

My mother have used hormonal birth control PRIOR to being pregnant with me.
11 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My mother have used steroidal medications PRIOR to being pregnant with me.
12 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My mother have used steroidal medications WHILE being pregnant with me.
13 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My mother have used other medications PRIOR to being pregnant with me. I will list those medications in my comment.
14 3.1% ( 1 of 32 )

My mother have used other medications WHILE being pregnant with me. I will list those medications in my comment.   ...explanations [1]
15 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My grandfather have used anabolic steroids prior to conception of my father.
16 0.0% ( 0 of 32 )
My father have used anabolic steroids prior to my conception.
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Number of participants who started this survey:69  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:7%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:32 46%

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