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Hyperthyroidism - Prevention & Curing Protocol

This  Hyperthyroidism Prevention and/or Curing Protocol is for people who are ready to take the full responsibility for their own health.

"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."
Chinese Proverb.

The protocol incorporates lifestyle change, and implements healthy diet, body cleansing, exercises and different traditional and natural therapies. Protocol contains links to other pages that give detail explanation for each part of this program. Please, follow the links, to fully understand all the words. Remember: There is always something that can be done! The first thing to do is to change your mood. If you are depressed, if you are unhappy, you can not be healthy. Advice: start with the Laughing cure!

Laughing provides us with the natural inner massage, and through change of mood it can account for up to 30% of cure!


The Hyperthyroidism Cause

To understand The Hyperthyroidism Prevention and Curing Protocol, you should first get familiar with The Hyperthyroidism Cause

Now, I assume that you know something about what is causing Hyperthyroidism, so we can continue with the Hyperthyroidism program.

Hyperthyroidism Diet

Let's start with most simple part of this program: Hyperthyroidism diet. When it comes to diet, it is very important to avoid eating  Toxins  and   Foods that Kill. Please follow those links and learn what are The Toxins I am talking about and what are those  " Foods that Kill". Now, important part of your diet should also be  Water Cure.  Please, become familiar with  Water Cure. Your Diet should contain: Foods That Heal, Vegetable juicesFats that HealUnrefined Sea Salt. Also, try to understand food tolerance. You can not find the right Hyperthyroidism diet, unless you fully understand and learn about food tolerance.

Take some time to implement and learn all what you have read here, and then continue reading further.

Body Cleansing (Hyperthyroidism)

Now, let's start with body cleansing. Body cleansing is extremely important part of every prevention and curing program. You are guessing: "Dietary changes you made are also a form of cleansing." But, most people need more then this, especially when it comes to liver health. Body Cleansing is even important for children. Our internal organs can hold a lot toxins, and sometimes, it is impossible to get those toxins out, without doing cleansing. Our liver can contain hundreds of intrahepatic stones. Those stones will block bile flow, and affect the bases of your health, your digestion. Another problem are parasites. You must learn as much as possible about parasites. And, don't forget also dental toxins.

Let start with cleansing program. You are suppose to do cleansing in this order:

  1. Bowel cleanse with parasite cleanse
  2. Dental cleanup (if you can afford it)
  3. Kidney Cleanse and
  4. Liver cleanse.

Body Cleansing for Adults:

  1. Bowel cleanse and Parasite cleanse !
  2. Dental cleanup - dental work may be one cofactor of your disease: amalgam, root canal, nickel crowns, cavitations (pocket inside jaw bone left after extraction of the wisdom and molar teeth )
  3. Kidney cleanse
  4. Liver cleanse and Gallbladder cleanse -liver flush!

Make sure you visit those pages and get more info. Dental cleanup can take many years. If you have a lot of dental metal, do not rush to replace it all at once.
Bowel cleanse should be done at least once a year.
Liver cleanse is a procedure that, for best results, should be repeated at least 6 - 10 times, every 2 or 3 weeks.
Kidney cleanse is simple and cheap, many herbs can be used to cleanse kidneys. If you have no kidney stones, even Water Cure could be enough!

Body Cleansing for kids:

  1. Parasites cleanse

  2. Dental cleanup .. Kids older then 8 may need dental cleanup (amalgam) and liver cleanse:

  3. Liver Cleanse - flush

Physical Activity (Hyperthyroidism)

Physical Activity helps cleansing, it brings balance and relieves stress.
Psycho-physical activities will help you balance your body and will help you relief accumulated stress.  You will have to find a form of  exercise that suit you. I will just give you a few examples:

Mini Trampoline jumping - rebounding!
Walk or jog in the nature : Forest, Mountain , river /   sea / lake side, beach ... fishing, photo-safari, rowing, riding, golf, ...

Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Meditation ...
Yoga - Hatha, Meditation, Chinese Yoga ... 
Martial Arts: Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Teakwood, Budokai, Uechi, Aikido ... 
Dancing, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Stretching ...
Swimming in non-chlorinated water !  ( Best in minerals rich water - Ocean ! )
Weight lifting,  ....

Do not exhaust yourself !

Do not exercise with full stomach !  (You may take a walk!)

Do not hurt yourself !

Sweating (Hyperthyroidism)

Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins.
- exercise with a lot of clothes
- Sauna
- drink warm tea in a hot room ...
- eat CAYENNE pepper! ...

It is known that some modern industrial toxins and pesticides can leave your body only through sweat glands!

Psychotherapy and Spiritual Therapy

Human body is not just this what we can se. There is more to it. To treat other level of us, to treat soul and to treat mind and unconscious parts of us, I suggest you Hellinger's therapy.

Get in Touch

If you have questions, or if you would like to get in touch with people who are dealing with same problems, then you should visit Public Discussion Board.

There, you can read messages, ask questions and give answers.

Support Groups (e-mail)

If you have questions, or if you would like to get in touch with people who are dealing with same problems, then you should become a member of e-mail support group: Group is called: hyperthyroidism2

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