Hi, I just had to post this.
This story changed my life. If you look up my nickname on this forum, you will see that I have this exact condition. I posted pictures as well. Doctors were telling me I was going to die. I ain't dying.
I realized a lot of what I was going through was brought on in my mind. I looked at my life. I was rejecting myself.
So I am making changes. I have always wanted a home by the water. I also have wanted to finish by degree and get a masters degree.
So, I am in school, and I graduate in August with my bachelors degree. I am putting my house on the market and I am selling it. And I'm moving to Florida. I found a 2bed/2ba house right by the ocean [it has a large deck that you could put a bed on. I love decks]. You can feel the breeze from the ocean. I can go swimming each morning before I go to work in the ocean! And I start LAW SCHOOL.
My grown children are very happy for me. I'm leaving the past behind, and starting over. I'm going to have a yard sale and get rid of crap. Moving from will help me emotionally and physically.
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