Raw Odyssey
by drpr
Page 2 of 19

Calling All Raw Foodists: I'm Looking for a good UNCOOK BOOK!   18 y  
Looking for a good Raw Vegetarian/Vegan Uncook book!
<b>THE UNCOOK BOOK SEARCH</b> If anybody out there has a preference for a particular uncook book, I’d love to know about it and why you like it. What are your favorite recipes from it?  Why did you buy that particular one?  If I get enough responses I’d like to compile your comments into a post reviewing your preferred books. I will credit you with your review using the name or nickname you provide with your comment.   (This blog is located at two different sites, but all comments will be compiled and the resulting post mirrored at both locations).   read more

Jan 21, Day 21! They Say it Takes 21 days to Establish a New Habit!   18 y  
I'm so proud of myself- I added sushi into my menu!
I just ate my first homemade sushi since starting my new raw life! I’ve made it before, but with rice, of course. This time I decided to try it with the items I’ve been using in my mostly-raw diet. I soaked bulgar and used that for rice. I used untoasted Nori sheets (probably not raw but I couldn’t find any labeled "raw"). I added scallions, some portobello mushroom, avocado and carrot, along with a few cilantro sprigs. I didn’t have any equipment so I just rolled it up the best I could and sliced it with a wet, serrated knife. I made three rolls altogether. Then I realized I’d j ...   read more

Raw Odyssey BLOG INFORMATION   18 y  
Raw Odyssey is also at http://rawodyssey.blogspot.com/
1) I’m mirroring this blog at Raw Odyssey at blogspot because I find it much simpler to edit content, do quick corrections and updates, to upload photographs and to provide a growing list of helpful links to all of you. Although I really like Curezone and will continue the blog here for the time being, the other location will probably have increasingly extra information over time simply due to the easier format. I urge you all to check out the new location and to post comments to me there letting me know what you think -that’ll help me to know how well the comments link works, too! ...   read more

January 20, Day 20 on Raw Foods   18 y  
Today's raw diet menu
I went grocery shopping with a little extra money.  I decided to buy more hummus and taboule (can’t help it!) but I did buy spinach greens instead of lettuce, and I stocked up on bananas, mangos and oranges.  My real shopping trip isn’t until next week. I still haven’t decided what I’ll buy. BREAKFAST Avocados, California (Haas), 0.2  Green Giant Spring Mix Salad, 1 cup Baba Roasted Garlic Hummus, 8 tbsp Taboule Salad, 4 tbsp    LUNCH Avocados, California (Haas), 0.25 fruit without skin and seeds Green Giant Spring Mix Salad, 1 cup Baba Roasted Garlic Hummus, 8 t ...   read more

Raw Cacao, anyone?   18 y  
Controversy over Raw Cacao (updated 1/22/06)
I’ve been reading about the amazing, beneficial properties of raw cacao, so I decided to check out this "superfood" myself.  According to people who eat raw cacao, they feel more alert, have more energy, and in general feel happy.  Promoters of raw cacao (such as David Wolfe, a nutritionist well known and respected by raw foodists, and Nature’s First Law, which sells raw foods) claim that raw cacao is amazingly healthy because it is high in magnesium, has chemicals which promote a feeling of happiness, and reduces appetite.  It is the "raw" aspect th ...   read more

Jan 19, Day 19 Raw   18 y  
Time for a new menu, so I'm looking for new veggies to add to my reportoire
Looks like I might be able to do a little grocery shopping tomorrow. It is certainly time to add variety to my diet. I’ve been stretching the hummus/taboule thing for DAYS. This cannot be healthy! I’ve been doing a little internet searching for new foods to add to my repertoire. This is Dr. Mercola’s list for the best vegetables to eat on a raw food diet: Asparagus Avocado Beet greens Bok Choy Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cauliflower Celery Chicory Chinese cabbage Chives Collard greens Dandelion greens Endive Escarole Fennel Green and red cabbage Kale Kohlrabi L ...   read more

Raw Food Website Overview: Raw Food Talk   18 y  
Information about Raw Food Talk, plus some helpful links
There are a number of raw food discussion boards out there. My favorite is Raw Food talk because of its easy-to-comprehend interface.  The discussions there have been friendly, although there are certainly many issues upon which members do not agree.  I have always felt comfortable reading and posting to this forum.   Below are some of the boards available at this site: Welcome area (meet and greet) Raw and Living Food Discussion (chat with others about the Raw and Living Food Diet) Raw Recipes and Raw Food Preparation Exercise and Fitness While Raw Juicing, Sprouting, and Organi ...   read more

Jan. 18, day 18   18 y  
Twenty pounds down in 18 days- wow!
Running out of food makes you very creative, which can be a good thing. Yesterday I had tried to make a raw Waldorf salad using tahini for the dressing. Although It wasn’t too bad, it still had the taste of a desperation meal. I tried again today by making a fruit salad for lunch using apple, mango (the smaller kind I don’t like), grapes and some tangerine juice. I grated cinnamon over it. Today’s fruit juice "dressing" was much better than yesterday’s tahini-based one, but my brain still rebelled because my favorite fruit salads have berries, grapes, watermelon and large, jui ...   read more

Jan. 17- “How I Stayed Raw at School Today”   18 y  
School's gonna be harder than I thought. :-(
Ha- I didn’t have TIME to eat! That’s how I stayed raw. So the problem has not been solved. Class let out early, so I was able to get home before I died of hunger. I can see that for a day like today I may not be able to eat someting messy like trail mix or loud like an apple. I have very little time to get from one class to another A banana might work best. TODAY’S FOODS BREAKFAST Banana, fresh, 1 large Centrum with Lycopene, 1 serving Nature Made Calcium Citrate, 1 serving Cantaloupe, 1/4 melon, medium     LUNCH Cantaloupe, 0.25 melon, ...   read more

Jan. 17- How will I stay raw at school today?   18 y  
Preparing for my first raw day at the university
I start back at the university today. I’ll be out all afternoon into the mid-evening and I’m a bit nervous. I have no money to buy food at school today, so I’ve decided eat “strategically”. I had fruit for breakfast (cantaloupe and banana with grated cinnamon). About 40 minutes before I leave I’ll have a hummus and taboule sandwich with a bit of extra hummus and avocado to fill me up. I’ll take a homemade trailmix of sprouted nuts, goji berries and raisins, plus an apple and a banana with me to keep me until 8pm. That should be fine, right? Wish me ...   read more

Jan. 16 Day 16   18 y  
I read some interesting advice for raw vegans today.
Wow- I’m really eating less than I thought I would!  I’m feeling satisfied these past couple of days at a calorie range closer to 1200, which is the magic number I always kept in mind when trying to lose weight in the past.   As I write this it is 9:15 pm and I’m having a snack of a 1/4 cantaloupe. It is SOOO good- this  must be what food tastes like when you’re really, truly hungry.  I’m used to eating whenever I feel like it, but I never really tasted my food.  In fact, I often didn’t want to taste it after a while because it would simply be acknowledgement ...   read more

Raw Food Podcast, Anyone?   18 y  
Let me know if you're interested in a raw food podcast!
I notice that a lot of people drop by this blog. I’ve been interested in doing a podcast* about a raw food lifestyle and am wondering if those of you who stop by and read my blog would also be interested in such a podcast. My purpose is to both motivate myself and to provide helpful information to others in an enjoyable format.  However, I don’t want to pursue this if there isn’t much need for it, so if any of you would listen to a raw food podcast please leave me a comment.  Also let me know what topics you’d like to have covered.  I plan to continue the blog regardless of ...   read more

Jan 15, day 15   18 y  
A good start to week three
At the moment I’m basking in the lingering aroma and flavor of the garlic I grated into my hummus/taboule sandwich. MMMMMMMM. Its amazing how a meal that was getting boring can be renewed with garlic. Today I decided that since I’m satsified at 1340 calories, I’ll just stop eating. I’m not going to try to eat more, even though my calorie range for a weight loss of 2 lbs per week is, according to Sparkpeople, around 1450 to 1750. I’ll just take things one day at a time. I’m sure some days I’ll want to eat more, and others I’ll be sat ...   read more

Weekly Summary for Week Two   18 y  
I've lost two more pounds, started taking vitamins, and seen some more changes.
WEEKLY SUMMARY NOTE : I started taking Centrum and Calcium Citrate this week, but I don’t remember to do it daily. I’ve also decided to track nutrients that raw vegans/vegetarians are said to be low in: B12, calcium and Iron. I notice that I am very low in these nutrients unless I take a vitamin.(I was probably low in these things while eating the Standard American Diet, too). NUTRIENTS Fat ranges from............ 57 to 73 grams Protein...........................49 to 63 gms Calcium........................17% to 836% RDA (due to vitamins) Magnesium............ ...   read more

Jan 14 day 14   18 y  
A strange but good day
Today was another strange day for me because it is now a quarter to 11 pm and I’ve not made my minimum number of calories for the day. I’m hungry now, so I’m going to eat a very late meal. Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I’m gonna do it anyway. I’ve found that 1/4 cup each of hummus and taboule fill me just fine rather than the 1/2 cup each I was having before, so that contributes to the lower number of calories I’ve been eating. Maybe (gasp) I’m actually getting used to eating LESS food! Still, I’m concerned with the amount of calories I eat because I don’t yet trust my body t ...   read more

Jan. 13, day 13   18 y  
Tried an all-fruit breakfast. Not a good choice!!
I ate fruit for breakfast with the 80/10/10 plan in mind. This turned out to be very unfulfilling. Before I would have normally become hungry I felt I was starving (I’m talking the growlies AND a headache!). I ate a hummus sandwich for an early lunch and was satisfied enough to not even think of snacking. (I was also engaged in a game of Monopoly for a few hours, which might havea distracted me from eating). I ate dinner around 5pm. At that point I noticed that my calorie intake for the day was pretty low (barely over 1000) because I didn’t snack. Unfortunately, I had developed a sto ...   read more

Jan. 12- Informational Websites   18 y  
I found a couple of websites I really liked, and I'm thinking of transitioning to an 80-10-10 plan.
My Nutrition Lesson for Today Today was quite a day of learning for me. First, I’ve decided to not buy any more raw cheese because I believe it keeps me wanting to eat even when I’m not really hungry (of course I’m using this as an excuse to eat up all the remaining cheese quickly!) Secondly, I’ve been doing more reading about nutrients and, despite my skepticism about the raw food information out there, some of the things I’m reading really appeal to me. Since I’m no expert, there’s no guarantee that the information that appeals to me is any better than the information that doesn’t! ...   read more

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This blog describes my odyssey to health and fitness as I lose 200 lbs and experiment with a whole food/raw food diet. more...

Last Activity: 13 mon ago
322 Messages   Last message 16 y ago
401 Comments   Last comment 13 mon ago

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Created: 18 y   Jan 05 2006


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Comments (10 of 401):
Re: Raw Food Websi… johnn… 6 y
Re: Delicious! Abo… warri… 9 y
Re: Delicious! (Bl… warri… 9 y
Re: hair study drpr 17 y
Re: hair study ren 17 y
Re: hair study drpr 17 y
Re: hair study ren 17 y
Re: hair study drpr 17 y
Re: ps. forgot the… drpr 17 y
hair study ren 17 y
All Comments (401)

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