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EXPERIENCE: Liver Enzymes, Cholesterol, Blood Lipids, can liver cleanse help?
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Published: 22 y

EXPERIENCE: Liver Enzymes, Cholesterol, Blood Lipids, can liver cleanse help?

Can liver flush/cleanse help for high liver enzymes?

the numbers on my liver enzymes during the routine blood test were as follows:

AST/SGOT was 40 (normal range is 14-36) and ALT/SGPT was 50 (normal range 9-52).

The doctor told me to abstain from alcohol for three weeks and be retested. I did, and the numbers went to ALT/SGOT 148 and ALT/SGPT 158!

Since she can find no reason for this to be happening she wants me to go to a specialist. I know they will want me to have a liver biopsy and I don't want to go through that. I am going to do all the alternative things that I've read about here first. I have no reason not to as I am in excellent health other than that.

Any comments on these numbers?

Thanks, Bless you all!


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