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Re: Why PeePee Blasts Away At Credibility . . . by Zoebess ..... Master Cleanse Debate Forum

Date:   8/10/2007 11:24:19 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Hello Charlie,

I'm just jumping in on the tale end of this quasi-debate
since I missed most of the posts you may have posted on
the support forum but saw enough of your opinion of the
Master Cleanse to discern that you feel it should be banned.
So, certainly, by any reckoning and understanding of the
TOS (terms of service), any moderator, or the Webmaster
would have hidden your posts and warned or banned you
from the *support* forum for standing on the stump where
you stood to cry out, " The Master Cleanse should be banned".

So, if the debate WAS/IS that you should have been given
a voice in which to rant and exclaim this simple statement,
it is not a debate; you can do it in the Master-Cleanse debate forum,
but NOT in the Support Forum.

Certainly, I would side with Pepe on his feelings that
done appropriately, The Master Cleanse has helped thousands
of people transition into healthier habits. I would venture
to say that there are many health centers now which use the
Master Cleanse as a part of their program, especially since,
under the guidance of someone trained, it can be a very
powerful, healing, fasting method. Those who cannot afford
to go this route, can find support and thousands of pages
of archived posts here at the Curezone site where almost
every and any aspect of using The Master Cleanse is covered.

I feel, as is evident in posts past and present, that people
do tend to do little to no research, nor do they step back
and look at their cleansing program in a comprehensive way
(most often), and they do not have a perfect understanding
of the principles of cleansing and rebuilding. However, as
with any efforts to change one's self, often many runs are
needed, whether it be liver cleansing, or strengthening, or
even a simpler concept as keeping well hydrated, it takes
time and awareness to build and maintain habits.

The Master Cleanse is just a part of a bigger health
picture. More often it is like a fence stands between
someone and their personal health and wellness vision. With
each effort, be it diet, exercise, cleansing, rebuilding,
a hole can be knocked in the fence. Still, the picture does
not fully emerge until enough holes are knocked in the fence.
Just doing the Master Cleanse will not knock enough holes in one's
fence to get the job done, but it is a start, and for those
who it has helped, it can be a substantial way to refocus and
give yourself *time* to regain and build perspective relative
to health and wellness, and the habits associated with maintaining
progress. In my opinion, it is safer than water fasting
in these times when most of us are exposed to more contaminants
and often are carrying heavy parasite and fungal loads, along
with stress and habits which do not say YES to us, and other more
serious health issues that certainly complicate healing.

What I appreciate about Pepe, and which is evidenced in his
posting history is that he is someone who constantly and
consistently voices the need for looking at the bigger picture
and not to look to the Master Cleanse as a quick fix or a diet.
His delivery may not be perfect, and perhaps you have not read
enough of his writing to discern or appreciate his sense of
humor, but those of us who have been checking in over long
periods of time have come to appreciate his concern and
effort to keep this awareness in focus.

I have been on my own cleansing journey for 11 years, and
began my journey under the guidance of a naturopath. The
last three years, along with some shorter cleanses, I have
done 3 Master-Cleanse cleanses of 28-30 days. The cleanses are done within
the context of a larger body maintenance program I have laid
out for myself. I feel that using the Master Cleanse has
greatly contributed to my success on my healing path and
that the cleanses have especially given me time to deal with
the emotional issues which contribute to my eating behaviors.

For many it is two steps forward, and one back. I still call
it progress and for the most part, people using Curezone are
seeking progress and ways to take control of their choices.
Each person has their own unique concerns and health needs
which they bring to their healing program and so ideally,
there would be a better gateway where more information could
help them discern and decide which route to go and which cleanse
or rebuilding herbs to use to segue between the cleanses.
Curezone is a growing community and does strive to be part
of the solution, focusing on educating rather than medicating.

However, truth and information, as little or as much as does
surface and to whichever degree a person is willing to ferret
it out, is an important factor. I, personally, am very
grateful and appreciative that there is a public forum where
I can find information and share with others in a way which
has benefited me and which continues to benefit others.
I would ask who are you exactly to determine for me and others
that any and all information on fasting using the Master Cleanse
be banned. For me, this all or nothing attitude raises red
flags and diminishes your credibility as a healer. This is not
to say I do not believe you. I would be interested to hear
where you practiced, received your schooling, and if you truly
have something to offer this online community, that you be
more interested in expanding awareness in a helping way,
and not in a way which is derogatory to others who post and
which tears down and devalues that which has helped others.

Too often, what is helpful to one can be harmful to others and
certainly, in alternative health that is even more prevalent
since one is not simply trying to mask symptoms, but we are
working to heal underlying causes of dis-ease. In the grander
scope of our culture, it has been emphasized that abdication
of one's health concerns be given to degreed and high paid doctors.
So, in a way, we are still in our infancy of reclaiming our
own responsibility for our personal wellness. Hopefully, we
will be able to continue to see progress in this front and
there will be more information and awareness, although, it
is evident that there is a huge effort by major pharmaceutical
companies to hold onto their control and to indoctrinate the
public that they do not have their own best interests in
mind when they make their own decisions for themselves. While
this may be true to some degree and may be a part of the reason
why you would claim that information on Master Cleansing should
be banned, I would stand up and fight for the right to own my
own choice, make my own mistakes and go home to die, if I want
to. In this respect, I am very much pro-choice...

For the sake of debate, I would like to hear more of the stories
and situations where people fail and are hurt by the Master
Cleanse. Please keep in mind that we naturally accept that there
IS a failure rate and that in most cases, it is because people
*fail* the cleanse, and not because the cleanse will not work
when done by the book, or with guidance by someone trained to
look at a person's needs in a comprehensive way and help formulate
a plan for success. My own goals and healing plans have always
been long term. With my healing of cancer, my naturopath was
up front in telling me it would be a 7 year process, at least.
Too many people bring their healing crises and issues to the
table expecting quick fixes, or that an investment of a month
or two should get the job done. Most often, this will not be
the case.

Anyway, if you want to extol the dangers of using the Master Cleanse,
you can do it in the debate forum and hopefully in a way which
also is encouraging use of the cleanse in an appropriate way.
Just like liver flushing, the success rate goes up as folks
become more familiar with the process and also as they adjust
their expectations. Educating is also a process and perhaps
because of your success in your personal past, your own expectations
are that people will take your opinion and run with it. You may
consider the need to gain and deserve some respect if you want
others to give it to you. Calling others names and crying foul
when you violate the TOS (terms of service) and are censored for
it, just as I or anyone else would be, does not command respect.

Pepe is also not Corinthian, but comparing him personally to
anyone else also says something about you which perhaps is not
the message you really want to send.

Spread compassion and understanding and you may find what you
are looking for and actually help people....

be happy, be well,


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