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Re: What's YOUR philosophy? by vtoolsshadow ..... Philosophy Debate Forum

Date:   3/15/2006 12:56:45 AM ( 19 y ago)
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Bkrisp, I eat a chocolate bar every day... good Ole' Colonel Joe's diet, U.S. Cancer cure er. disease, patent pending, assigned serial number...

How about those third world kids in the street??? I got photos of them, and one very interesting political protest just yesterday... all by "coincidence". How about that? I guess in a strange "syncronymous way" we are in sync, at least on discussing the "shadow" of philosophy you point out.

The thing that corporations and governments fear the most is a "thinking mind", and the Russians, when I spent time with a few last year, told me "American's are no longer a thinking people" - an ominous statement coming from the undisputed Chess masters and chess champions of the world - hands down.

All philosophy aside, from my DU riddled brain (I am directly NORTH of Iran & Iraq at the moment, and traveling - researching, taking a LOT OF PHOTOS -) - (I laugh, but sarcasm can be a great tool) -

My philosophy evolves, adapts, and changes, just like one must do to avoid those man eating tigers in this big world of ours. As the tiger learns to hunt and kill its prey (sort of like viruses, but on a microscosmic scale reflecting the macrocosmic), so those hunted or threatened by the tigers must also learn to adapt, or participate in "exercises" for that eventuality. Bkrisp, I am mercury challenged as in retrograde at the moment, and will be not surprised, even yet, if you don't understand the understanding in what I just said - but alas, I jest and play again.

A great philosophy teacher once taught that, to understand your own culture, one must go and LIVE in a 3rd world country for some time.... then, and only then, by living in another culture entirely, can you LEARN and UNDERSTAND your own culture & country better... both the good points, and the bad... some forms of learning cannot and WILL NOT come by books or reading words alone - NO, some types of learning will ONLY come by experience... whether that be in a relationship to the Creator of the Universe, or in experiencing life in other countries, cultures, and adapting to other ways of percieving and thinking.

What's YOUR philosophy? Mine is to adapt in a changing world full of white tigers, and man eating viruses - a game that is easily won, with the right knowledge, and one that given the atmosphere of censorship in the guise of "hate speech protection" is going to get increasily difficult for the neophytes to do, if ever they have the chance to learn - it's CERTAINLY NOT going to happen here... by experience, and those of others, I am "seeing" and "witnessing" that FIRST HAND.

Never get set in your ways of thinking, or philosophy, and for God's Sake, NEVER stop THINKING ;)

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