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Re: How about intact elderly? by probin ..... Circumcision Discussion & Debate

Date:   9/30/2004 12:48:10 AM ( 21 y ago)
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honey, they're really grasping at straws now.

if an old person has bad hygiene, that will be unpleasant for workers in hospitals and old folks' homes. but then, so will be the smelly feet, the smelly anus, the smelly mouth and teeth and smelly armpits. how about cutting off all those all those other smelly parts at birth so they won't offend anyone, ever? LOL

if someone doesn't want to deal with icky old bodies, they should not work with sick old people. violins playing ~ * ~ if someone REALLY REALLY wants to work with old people, but just can't, because they just can't STAND foreskins, then that is really a sad, sad story.

on the other end of the life, it's far easier to care for a baby, when the mother and baby have just gone through childbirth, if they are both intact and not surgically altered. how difficult it is for mother to do what it takes to keep up with the newborn if she has undergone surgery. and if he too has undergone surgery -- he requires special care and instead of being nice and peaceful and sleeping well, he'll be screaming his brains out each time he gets a wet or dirty diaper because the wound is going to be burned by the urine and feces. then, when the diaper is changed, he'll be screaming too, because his wound is being hurt by cloth. when he is laid face down, he'll hurt even more and scream even more. when someone hugs him the wrong way and hurts his penis, he'll scream again.

but the intact foreskin protects the penis as long as there is no premature forced retraction and no caustic chemicals such as detergents, soaps, bubble baths, etc. imagine a circumcision wound in a diaper full of ammonia, urine, feces... not a good combination; that wound can easily be infected. they may claim that circumcision prevents urinary tract infections, but it makes perhaps a difference of one boy in a hundred; little baby girls have many times more UTIs than boys... should we circumcise them? UTIs are usually handled with Antibiotics , not surgery.

they grasp at straws to sell circumcision.

what about the lifetime comfort of having a whole body? for the man, for his spouse, for his peace of mind and sexual ease and function? for their sexual compatibility? for the happy family that is the natural result of parents who are very much in love because they are not sexually altered and incompatible?

why would anyone advocate torturing little babies to prevent a little discomfort for workers when the man is 70 or 80 years old? why should he and his wife be denied a natural sexual bond?

plus, the intact foreskin has antibodies of its own, so if treated right, it takes pretty good care of itself. maybe americans just need to learn how to clean themselves and eat right. how also to treat their babies: with tender loving care and respect, protecting them from anyone who would even DREAM of harming them in any way. if someone uses the 'circumcision' word around YOUR baby -- grab the child and RUN! they are NOT your friend.

remember, medicine is a business.


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